After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 245

Just as the auctioneer was about to bring down the hammer, Ximen Ye spoke up: "One hundred and fifty taels."

If he hadn't guessed wrong, this water should belong to his little cousin. He hadn't gotten to drink the bubble tea, so it wouldn't be too much to have some water, right?

Unable to stop him in time, Qi Huan looked at him as if he were an idiot.

"Why are you being such a sucker? This is just an ordinary bottle of water."

The sucker, Ximen Ye, was currently struggling with the bottle cap. After failing to open it properly, he violently twisted off the cap along with part of the bottle neck.

This skilled technique left much to the imagination.

Ximen Ye remained oblivious, instead feeling distressed about the water that had spilled out.

With that spill, at least ten taels' worth must have been lost, right?

After "twisting" open the cap, he began to drink, but cut his mouth on the broken plastic edge of the bottle.

Bright red drops of blood adorned his pale pink lips, vivid and alluring.

He froze for a moment, then looked at Qi Huan with a pitiful expression.

Qi Huan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

She took the water bottle from his hand, poured the water into a teacup, and handed it to him: "Here, your fifty taels' worth."

The teacup was filled about a third of the way with mineral water, so she said it was fifty taels.

Hearing this, Ximen Ye felt even more heartbroken.

After taking a few sips, he pointed to his lips: "Cousin, I'm injured."

"...There's no visible blood anymore, it'll probably heal soon."

After saying this, Qi Huan added: "You're the most delicate assassin I've ever met."


Having roughly figured out the rules of the auction hall, she yawned and stretched: "Let's go."

On the way back, the bright moon hung high, and a gentle breeze blew.

Suddenly, a wave of murderous intent rushed towards them.

Ximen Ye swiftly shielded Qi Huan, chuckling softly: "Close your eyes."

"Master Ximen, it's an honor to meet you."

A group of seven people surrounded them.

Ximen Ye had always been elusive, disappearing without a trace after killing their master.

Hearing that he occasionally came to the ghost market for curiosities, the seven had been taking turns guarding the place.

In fact, they had never seen Ximen Ye's true face.

However, the information they received said that this man was tall and graceful, with unparalleled bearing.

The man before them, walking through the ghost market, stood out like a crane among chickens.

It was hard not to notice him.

They deliberately greeted him: "Master Ximen."

Ximen Ye didn't deny it, immediately drawing the sword at his waist. His movements were as fast as a ghost, his techniques fierce and merciless.

His eyes gleamed with bloodlust, his sword glinting coldly.

A bunch of foolish idiots, ruining his "date" with his little cousin.

His strikes were quick and precise. Although the seven were skilled in martial arts, they were completely outmatched.

At this moment, the only female among them said: "The woman with him can't fight, kill her!"

Someone Ximen Ye protected so carefully must be his weakness.

Of the once ambitious group of seven siblings, only three remained. The other four were already lying on the ground, a bloody gash across each of their throats, their eyes wide open in death as they went to meet their master.

Seeing their swords pointing towards Qi Huan, Ximen Ye's gaze grew even colder. The corner of his thin lips curved slightly as he uttered softly: "How presumptuous."

As he slit their throats, he also stabbed them in the chest several times.

Finally, he remembered a strategy from "36 Strategies of Pursuit": the Beauty Trap!

Protect her, get injured for her, make her feel guilty and then concerned, make her fall in love with you because you're her hero.

So, just before the last person fell, he deliberately ran into their blade.

Looking at his arm with blood trickling down, Qi Huan asked with a complex expression: "He's already dead, how could he still hurt you?"

Implying, you're so silly.

Ximen Ye suddenly felt like coughing up blood...

Fortunately, Qi Huan finally took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and gave him a simple bandage. After they returned, she also brought him some Yunnan Baiyao.

"Don't get it wet, let it heal properly."

After saying this, Qi Huan changed the subject to business: "Tomorrow I'll prepare the items and have Tao Su bring them to you, you don't need to come in person anymore."

The items in her delivery warehouse, though peculiar, were easily accepted in the ghost market where nothing was too strange.

That's why she dared to bring them out.

Moreover, with Ximen Ye's superior martial arts skills, he could handle any trouble well, which further eased her worries.

She would use most of the silver earned from the auctions to build schools and orphanages.

The moon rose higher, its clear light falling on the two of them. Ximen Ye gazed at her steadily, wracking his brains for an excuse to get close to her next time.

Soon, he had an idea.

"Do you want to learn self-defense?"

"My friend once said I'm hopeless at martial arts."

"It's okay, I'm good at turning trash into treasure."

The moonlight fell on Ximen Ye's delicate features, making him appear somewhat gentle at this moment.

"You don't have internal energy, and your strength isn't enough, but you can use softness to overcome hardness, utilize clever techniques, and attack unexpectedly in close combat."

When Ximen Ye had just learned to walk as a child, the old master had required him to practice martial arts. At that time, young Ximen Ye was like Qi Huan now, with no strength and no internal energy, so he learned the most inconspicuous close combat techniques.

Relying on sheer determination, he still defeated little assassins half a head taller than him.

In the moonlight, he taught Qi Huan two simple moves: "Come find me tomorrow, I'll continue teaching you."

"Why don't you draw the techniques for me, and I'll study on my own?"

Remembering his fondness for silver, Qi Huan smiled charmingly and tempted him: "I can pay tuition!"

Ximen Ye's dark lashes half-lowered, hiding the emotion in his eyes.

"36 Strategies of Pursuit" said not to push the other person too hard.

He agreed: "Alright."

The evening breeze gently ruffled the stray hairs by Qi Huan's temples. He reached out to tuck them behind her ear, but she dodged.

Seeing her wary look, Ximen Ye felt a pang in his heart, but instead patted her head lightly, a faint smile on his lips, seemingly unbothered.

"Once I've drawn them, I'll have Zhu Yan deliver them to you."

"Thank you, cousin."

The next day.

Qi Huan first went to tell Xiu Yuan about the sewing machine and bubble tea shop, then returned to check her space and pick out items suitable for auction.

She took out tissues, shampoo, shower gel, Swiss army knives, lipstick, red wine, mirrors, and other items one by one.

Along with five hundred taels as tuition, she had Tao Su deliver everything to Ximen Ye.

However, the secret manual Tao Su brought back left her speechless.

She couldn't understand it at all; the stick figures in the drawings were doing who-knows-what.

When she came to demand a refund, the parrot in the corridor said: "Bad woman!"

Qi Huan blinked her clear, big eyes and asked: "Are you talking about me? Who taught you that?"

The parrot's beady green eyes turned towards Zhu Yan, who was cleaning in the courtyard, remembering his frequent phrase: "Master!"

At this moment, Ximen Ye walked over and opened the cage, grabbing a handful of the parrot's feathers.

The parrot immediately screamed in terror: "How dare you!"

Ximen Ye's smile deepened: "Cousin, don't you think its feathers are beautiful?"

Sensing the chill emanating from him, the parrot shrank its little head: "Bad woman... I love you."

Ximen Ye: ...

Qi Huan: ...

The air suddenly became awkwardly silent.

Zhu Yan walked over with a grin to feed the parrot.

Ximen Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and with reddening ears, he scolded: "Don't teach it such nonsense when you're free."

Zhu Yan: ?

Ximen Ye took down the birdcage and thrust it, bird and all, into his arms, ordering him to take the bird for a walk.

Then, counting out some banknotes, he said deliberately: "Go ask around, have you ever heard of money in my hands being returned?"

"Either give it to me for free, or keep learning, it's up to you."

Seeing that he wouldn't even give her a glance, Qi Huan felt somewhat relieved: "Then teach me properly."

Ximen Ye let out an "okay" from his throat, suppressing the urge to lift the end of his voice. His gaze remained fixed on the banknotes, but he couldn't help but glance at her radiant face from the corner of his eye.

After she left, Ximen Ye picked up "36 Strategies of Pursuit," which he had bought for a hefty sum on the black market, and began to study it earnestly.

At least his little cousin was no longer as averse to him as before.

It seems these thousand taels were well spent!

Such a good book shouldn't be enjoyed by him alone.

He planned to have Zhu Yan copy several volumes overnight to sell... and make a profit on the side.

Days flew by as Zhu Yan suffered through his book-copying life.

Spring came and summer passed. Just after September, good news arrived from the palace.

Imperial Consort Yao had persuaded the Longshun Emperor to select brides for Prince An, and daughters of officials ranked sixth grade and above were all on the invitation list.

Ximen Ye smiled slowly, tilting his head back to gaze at the geese flying south. He wished he could immediately kick his romantic rival out of the picture.

However, Zhu Yan couldn't help but deliver another piece of bad news.

"Master, the young lady has also received an invitation," he said.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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