After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 154 Stealth Advanced!

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[Acting: Advanced] [Acrobatics: Master] [Auto-Mechanics: Basic] [Business Management: Advanced] [Cat Burglar: Basic] [Computer Use: Master] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Advanced] [General Education*: Basic] [Gun-Fu: Master] [Firearms: Master] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Advanced] [Thief: Basic] [Virtual Business Management: Advanced]


Chapter 154  Stealth Advanced! by Harem-Fan


     If I still had a system like in many of those novels, I would have facepalmed and fell to the floor getting a notification of a level up, from sneaking out of Lucy's bed!

     Unknown to me, one of the requirements for advancing from Basic Level is being able to sneak away from similar observant people, sigh. Not having a system sure makes life more difficult.

     So Lucy lied to me, and that was not the last time, and now it was 2 am and her body could no longer fight off the exhaustion I put her through. So while she collapsed, I slink out of the sheets, and grabbed my things.

     I almost took my Metallica shirt back, but I felt that was like stepping on a Dragon's treasure horde, and I would suffer. Hell with stealing from a semi-yandere, I would probably advance my Thief Basic as well, but I like living!

     After locking up, I fled the scene of the crime.


     Going down the elevator was kinda awkward, with Benz giving me questioning looks, but he never opened his mouth in fear of losing his job, and he didn't ask if I was going to the 39th floor hours later from being on the 40th, cough.

     As I was getting out I said to him using my acting ability to play innocent.

     "Looking forward to guys night, see you later Benz!"

     "Get some sleep Mr Tang, you look exhausted, he-he, see you on Drinking Night!"

     Ding! With that I got off knowing he knows. Luckily, Lucy let me know my wives already know, or my guilt would feel immeasurable.

     I had noticed, until I got into my car, I felt like I made not a single sound, and it was like I was moving like a ghost. So maybe my skill has improved, I will have to test it more.


     Seems, when I came into the mansion, I had not-disturbed the couple of maids still up prepping for breakfast later. I really do feel my movements are getting more fluid.

     If my guess is right, Fighters of Mercy, Mei, and Tina's skill level will no longer be able to easily find me if I actively avoided their perception, this is great. This means only those of Master levels will have a chance to find me hiding.

     Not feeling sleepy yet, and needing to clean my body some, I headed for the indoor pool for a few short laps to relax my muscles.


     While on my 13th lap, I noticed I can even seem to use my Stealth to soften my swimming strokes, to keep the water sound to a minimum, good to know actually.

     Thankfully, my senses are high enough that only a Grandmaster in Stealth can easily sneak up on me, so I noticed the woman who came in to investigate my swimming.

     "Why are you up so late, or early, Hinata?"

     Knowing I noticed her, she stepped out and bowed. She was holding her sheathed sword and was wearing a mid-thigh white-sleeping-Kimono, and she honestly told me.

     "I sensed you sneaking by my room earlier, and was on alert for danger, so I had come to investigate who was trying to be so quiet. If you would have walked by my room normally, I would have overlooked your presence. Then, I had not wanted to disturb your swim, so I only watched to see why you were swimming in such an odd fashion. Master, I promise I meant no disrespect, I was only curious."

     I climbed out of the water and started to dry off, then I explained.

     "No disrespect taken, I was only practicing my art of stealth, and the same was for my strange swimming method you witnessed. I had not felt sleepy, so I came to swim to relax my mind and body."

     This is the most she has spoken to me all week. It seems, she only talks when concerning Honor, Kenjutsu, or Training. She hesitated and asked.

     "Master... When we dueled, you had perfectly mirrored my sword-style, but then changed it to another variant of it, to catch me off guard. When I asked my mother about why you know our style that only she knows, she would not tell me... Are we perhaps related?"

     I could tell based on her facial reaction, whatever face I am making is odd! I do understand her question, and because of what her mother said of learning from spoken teaching, you might guess that as a possibility. And I am almost tempted to prank her now.

     "You and I have zero blood relation, if that was your question?"

     "That was half of my concern, yes, in case you were to lay your hands on me. But not the part of why my mother told me to have you train me in our family style?"

     Well her concern is valid, but why do I feel like I am the bad guy here? This is why I hate life-debt slave stuff, sigh.

     "Hinata, the reason I cannot tell you at this time, it would break your Martial-Heart to learn my truths. One day I will tell you my secrets, but for now, trust that your mother held her tongue for a good reason."

     For the first time, I saw life in her red-eyes, but if I actually knew what was going through her imagination, I would have slapped her face and thrown her into the pool. Lets just say, her gaze on me had changed on this Lovers Day, sigh.

     "Hinata understands your meaning, Master."

     Fuck did she just use her name in 3rd person?! She then bows and asks.

     "Master, if you still need to relax, I am highly skilled in the art of massage, this will improve your blood-flow, letting your body completely heal faster?"

     Just as I was going to refuse, I had just decided to see if she was truthful or bullshitting me, so I nodded.

    So she pointed me to one of the poolside lounge-chairs that I lay face down on. I am only in swim-trunks, so it was not an issue, then she slowly needed my muscles and joints. Seeing my body she asked.

     "Master, it seems you have years of defensive wounds on your body, who trained you so harshly, or was this you picking many fights?"

     I cannot tell her the truth, so I use my acting to create a sad backstory.

     "It was a plot from the vicious Debby Tang, to torment me for being born out of the Tang Clan. She sent her son to beat me regularly to put me in my station. If I fought back, my family and friends would have suffered, so I absorbed the years of beating to protect my family. And then I took my revenge. Now my enemies are dead, or wish they were, and I am now rightfully Tang. I will not let others suppress me any longer, and this feels... Zzz... Zzz..."

     Hinata, noticing my snores, only softened her massage and thought.

     After a while, she thought of my story, the sword her family gave me, her hallucination of sensing a Dragon, and her upbringing of believing in the existence of the Guardian Beasts and Eastern Dragons, had thought my soul must be one of those Legendary creatures. Oddly, she was kinda close to the truth.

     She also remembered the sword representing her family, with the Black Dragon as the family Guardian. My use of the Dragon Tail to defeat her. Also the surety her mother had in my skill...

     "So my Master is the Black Dragon..."

     One must be awake, and able to hear stupid-shit, in order to Facepalm!


     Poke Poke! I was being poked in my face by a smiling Mercy, who was curious why I was sleeping on the lounge-chair covered in a big towel.

     "Morning my Master. I have some good news for you, want to hear it?"

     I remember falling asleep face first in that amazing massage, but now I am on my back covered, my body really does feel rested and comfortable after my last night's activities. I then ask Mercy, but know based on her face, it will be a baby. How do I know? I have seen that same face many times before!

     "University is canceled for Lovers Day, and I love you Mercy, mwah."

     "I love you too Master, but no. It is because my period is late."

     I sat upright and pulled her into my arms and kissed below her belly button area, and talked to her lower abdomen, where the womb is and said seriously.

     "Your mother is going to be strict, so come to me when you feel bullied, and daddy will spoil you secretly!"

     Because no one is around, and her mood is high, she patted my head gently and scolded me.

     "Do not turn our boy into a silk-pants. He must grow strong to lead the Mu Clan and not be spoiled too much."

     I look up into her blue-eyes and question.

     "How are you so certain we are going to have a boy? The test won't reveal those results yet. It has to be a minimum of one month for accurate results?"

     She bent down again to kiss me then said her nonsense reasoning.

     "I have been dreaming of watching you train our little boy for adulthood. Just the three of us in a peaceful forest. I dream about us loving a boy, a lot, so I believe it is meant to be. Just have faith in me, Master, I will not let you down."

     I just smile at this delusional beauty and shrug in my mind. Well she has a 1⁄3 chance to be right.

     "Then, work hard on our dream."


     I had many lovers to greet, so I did my task well and even used the new emojis to send love confessions in Harem-Chat, to make sure no one felt left out. Yes a series of emojis my Earth had not yet created, I had put into Harem-Chat. The women loved it, and Nadia the most of all.

     I sent off most of the maids that had lovers to go and be with their families. Our food could be delivered and the dirty clothes could build up for one day. Even Zoe was sent to my uncle's side.


     At the breakfast table, Vicky pointed out to me, the Star University Public Forum.

     "Look Rick, many of the students with Harem-Chat are raving about the new additions, especially Valentine. It is an overnight success. Even on some morning business sites I glance at, it is on fire."

     Seeing me not look impressed she questioned.

     "Rick, I thought you would be happy about the successful launch?"

     I tell her about the dark-side of letting Valentine loose in the world.

     "This is actually going to start economic and national conflicts. I have already predicted push-back from the other nations in the world, and the many online formats crying for the unfairness of hogging the next generation of AI Search-Engine software. Monopolies in the world cause human greed."

     Victoria, a business genius, nodded and understood my meaning, then asked.

     "So, you knew it would start, but you went forward anyway, so knowing you well, you prepared for this, right?"

     I kiss her for being smart, and slyly tell her.

     "The Valentine we personally use is kind and helpful, but the Valentine on our public-servers is a Trojan-Horse, carrying assassins for my enemies."

     "Dear, what is a Trojan-Horse? I kinda get it, but I have not heard that name before?"

     "It is just a code name for a program that looks sexy, but likes to secretly attack thief's. I am waiting for my enemies in the virtual-world to come and take a bite of my poisoned-apple. Greed will be their downfall, unless you know how to satisfy Valentine."

     In my heart, I secretly call the live Valentine, May Li! She is a loyal virus.


     Before I walked out of the house, Mei told me.

     "Rick, for Lovers Day, I am bringing a catered Big Burger for you and everyone to eat together in your Business Classroom, so stay put, and I love you."

     Yeah, her last Lovers Days were not memorable ones in a good way, and that is why I had bought gifts everyone would want. No I did not use Valentine for those choices, I actually bought everyone a bracelet of gold. I had something inscribed on each for the woman I love. I even made one for Lucy, though she will not openly wear it.

     Handing Mei hers she reads it aloud.

     "[Partner] Rick, you really know how my heart feels."

     "It is my vow to you. See you at lunch dear, mwah."


     In the car to University, I had noticed all the women looking at their bracelets I made, and Linda next to me, just would not stop looking at hers with misty eyes. She mumbled.

     "Rick & Lucy Lee..."

     I patted her leg and said.

     "To let you know you have people looking forward to your happy life, and to remind you why you are naming our daughter, Lucy Lang."

     Linda in a rare moment, put on a small-smile thinking of everything we went through to get her to this moment.

     She then threw out her noble lady image, and just held me tight for the rest of the ride.

     The rest of my wives, also had looked at the engraved bracelets of gold, and understood why she was emotional. They too can feel the thought I put into the small gift.

     Later, I would have to explain my reasoning to each, but for now, I just hold my grey-eyed angel...

     I love holidays!


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