After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 169 Rick Lee Gets The Role Of Ken Long!

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Chapter 169  Rick Lee Gets The Role Of Ken Long! by Harem-Fan


     Click Flash Click! Currently, Kate, Ana, Logan, Sam, and I are all sitting in 5 chairs in a conference room, with about 50 reporters and journalists for anything to do with Entertainment.

     Well after my amazing birthday with my close family, another week had passed. Both Highschool and University are about to end.

     And with that, the decision according to the agreement of Kate's contract...

     I will be playing the new role of the reincarnation of Kris Long, whose name is Ken Long. Sam however will still be in the film, as one of the important antagonist Vampires along with Logan.

     Logan is playing the Big Final Boss, and some of the action scenes in the new script had been altered or added, due to our level of fighting ability and the fact... Logan and I will do ALL of our own stunts and fighting scenes.

     Was the part given to me smoothly? No, Pam tried a couple of tricks, but between Lucy and Victoria, all of her feeble attempts either failed or slapped her own face. The look of Victoria walking in the meeting and handing Pam her severance package if she kept up her games was funny.

     Vicky even threatened to abandon all of the Sun family from the Long umbrella, allowing even lesser nobles to eat them alive and take the position the Sun had. So in despair, Pam just let it go...

     Click Flash Click! So the meeting had officially started, and with our agents behind us, the first female reporter asked her question to Kate.

     Kate is in the middle as the main star, I am to her left, with Ana to her right. Logan is next to Ana, and fucking Sam is on my left, sigh.

     "Miss Kong, this is your first movie after your music tour, so why do music instead of doing the second film after the other?"

     Kate with her white hair in a ponytail, wearing a flower-print summer dress told the reporter.

     "I felt that it was too soon to make the movie right after the first. The death of Kris Long was still too fresh for fans, and if we made it too soon, it would feel like Kris did not matter. So for my love of entertainment, I thought a bit of music would brighten the next film, fufu."

     Kate in 'idol mode' just winked at them in her cute gesture. I have now spent enough time to know... Kate is not the clueless woman I and everyone thought she was.

     No, she does have airhead moments, but her 'gut-feelings' are almost ALWAYS on the mark. She even told me she thought if reincarnation existed, I would be one of those souls. Yeah, my back shivered at her words. She is very insightful...

     Another female reporter pointed out by Sam's manager stood and asked.

     "Mr Tang, did you get the main male role, due to being the husband of Victoria Long?"

     Yeah, it is petty of Sam, but I just own it...

     "Yup, I totally got the role because I am her husband. I definitely didn't get it because my acting skills are above all others that tried and failed for the part. I also did not get it because I do all my own stunts. I also am not getting it because it was a deal with the Executives of Star Entertainment Group. The only reason I am doing it ... My wife owns everything."

     I like Sam's best friend patting his shoulder and saying.

     "And before you ask Sam Sun, he most definitely also got the role because his mother is the boss! So he and I are the same, and that's why we are best friends."

     Click Flash Click! Sam had no idea I would tie an anchor around both of our necks and sink together. But Sam is a retard, because he thinks I care what the press thinks of me? Fuck no, I am doing this movie because Kate and Victoria are making me, so meh.

     The lady hearing my jab at her question, had no followup because I admitted to it, then slapped her with my credits of talent. She just sat back down with a blush of shame. Then a rare man stood and asked Ana Zi.

     "Miss Zi, how do you feel about your character, Lilith becoming more of an antihero antagonist in this next film?"

     Ana looking sexy in a red sundress told him.

     "I am very glad to see this change in Lilith. I think even villainous characters just want love. They are hated by the good-guy loving crowd, but without the dark, there is no light, right? So the love triangle in this second movie makes me want to see the finished film. Well both Kate and I have good chemistry with Rick, so it will be easy for us to have that show on the silver screen."

     All four of the agents are taking turns picking reporters out of the crowd and Logan's picked a young journalist from some online podcast. Seeing Logan's playful smile, I felt nervous, because not much makes Logan smile. She stood and asked me with stars in her eyes.

     "Mr Tang, I have been a huge fan, and I have followed all of your online antics over the last year. So I have two questions, the first is, please do my show! The real question is, are you the real reason Miss Kong went into acting?"

     This woman looks barely 18 years old, so she must have graduated from Star High to know me so well. I look at this mousy blonde and smile at her for genuinely being my fan.

     "Miss Alice Ling, for the interview just contact my agent Miss Jia here. As for your second question, it is a part of why Kate went into acting. I do not have time to tell you the whole story, so maybe if I do your show, I can fully expose Kate's shame, ha-ha. But in short, it was how Kate and I first met."

     As the podcast girl Alice looked thrilled, Kate playfully swatted my arm in her shy act. Then Jean pointed out another journalist of a newspaper. Yeah, they still exist in my world.

     "Mr Sun, I have recently found out, you had traveled to the China Empire to marry a noble woman to be your wife. My question is, why and how did you fall in love?"

     Sam had been privately coached by his wife on what to say if anyone asked about her, so he smiled and acted like he was in true love...

     But in reality, his new wife has been a control freak, and has figuratively put a leash around his neck. No, he most definitely resisted her at first, but... When she told him she had a dose of the medicine that shriveled his dick and no antidote, he changed his Sun attitude to a Can-Do-Husband!

     Mei told me he even asked her to use the medicine on me, but she flatly refused due to needing it for him. I felt a bit uneasy that a medicine like that was going around the world. I felt a bit of pity for him when I found out the China Empire poisoned him! (The medicine Lucy used came from Mei. Mei still has an antidote, but Rick does not know this.)

     "Well, it was because of the nasty rumors going around about me that I was doing things with actresses. Because it was all fake news, I had been a bit afraid to date women in showbiz, so I met Ling Ling online, and we fell in love. So I had to make her my 1st wife. She is actually pregnant now, so we are waiting to see if she is having a boy or girl."

     As the reporters lapped up his sob story, I saw Ana tighten her knuckles a bit with her smile still on her face. Yeah, she is super bitter.

     The next woman asked Kate more of a personal question.

     "So Miss Kong, it is reported from students who attend your University that you are indeed dating Rick Tang. Is this just for publicity for the film? I ask because you two have not been seen being overly intimate?"

      Kate held my hand and smiled.

     "Rick said, we would stay together forever, and Rick has never broken a promise to me. So, he and I are together regardless of a film. As far as intimacy, don't you worry, fufu. I have a lot of sisters, so I do not want to shame my sisters in public, but..."

     Kate proudly showed her smartphone screen and said confidently.

     "Look, I am one of the 12 maximum harem members on Rick's Harem-Chat account, so do not think we are not a real couple."

     Smack! On national TV, I facepalmed at what Kate had just done, and Kate looked at me confused. Like I said, sometimes she is an airhead. One reporter blurted out one of the names in her Harem-Chat...

     "Kim Smith from the Smith and Wesson family is there too!"

     Kate's smile cracked realizing she made a boo boo! She said.

     "Oops, pretend you guys did not see that, Okay, he-he?"

     Oh well, at the end of summer, everyone would know anyway. So I just smile like a professional. Nothing I can do now, not even Godly hacking skills can undo that blunder.

     Well, not everyone really knows Kim, so it will not be huge news, just mainly at Star University, to all those boys that have been pining for her affections.

     Another young woman from the online news asked me.

     "Mr Tang, why are you daring to do all of your own stunts along with Mr Chen? Are you not afraid of getting hurt and delaying the movie?"

     "I am a fan of movies, and I think you, the movie watchers, want to see us put our necks out, to prove to you, we love our characters. Yes there is risk, but be honest, you want to know if I got whacked or something? Also upon my request, at the end of the movie, we will release a bloopers reel, to let you the fans see what we endured to bring you a realistic movie."

     "Mr Tang, a second question... How do you feel playing a Human surrounded by Vampires? Will you be able to bring this feeling to the big screen?"

     I look at all four of my fellow cast members and then look a bit frightened. I looked at the woman and gulped, I said.

     "I do not think I have enough blood to be sitting here safely!"

     The group laughed at my fake reaction, then I finished.

     "But seriously, I think the idea of a Vampire and Human loving one another is novel. One love is from the afterlife, who needs to live off of her love to stay in this world. I think, if Kate was my Vampire Wife, I would let her drink my blood. That is a weird true form of love. So, I think Luna and Ken are a fated pair, oh, and Lilith too, ha-ha."

     I see Ana was glad I included her Character Lilith in there, so the fans know she is important. But I know that look of longing in her eyes, but it will never happen in this life for sure.

     Kate only gave me a smile that screams... I love you.

     Jean Jia pointed to the reporter from Entertainment Tonight. The woman stood and asked Ana.

     "Miss Zi, if you were Lilith, how would you want the movie to end?"

     Ana with her legs crossed, had a look of thinking, she looked at me and Kate, and said.

     "Lilith gains power in this, so, I would make Luna my servant, and make Ken my lover. Then before he aged too much, I would turn him into a Vampire to live eternity with me. Well this way, Luna would serve my husband, fufu. This is only if I was Lilith though."

     So the reporter was allowed to ask a follow up if it pertains to the first question.

     "So are you saying that Lilith truly loves the new Ken?"

     "Oh? That is not even a spoiler... Lilith would even sell her soul to be with him. So yes, she is a dark love."

     And then the host said to everyone there.

     "That was the last question everyone, now just be ready for the making of The Vampire I fell For 2. The filming will begin in one week, and the final film will be in theaters this Fall."

     And with that, we stood for pictures together for the press. Both Ana and Kate held an arm to show the love triangle cast with the two antagonists on our sides. Then both Logan and Sam took turns doing a fake glaring contest to show the rivals together. But I am sure Sam's glaring was real.

     Kate and Ana also did the same, to show the two's rivalry and friendship. The dark and light of the Vampire.


     After we had wrapped things up, Mei and Hinata had waited to the sides for us. Mei smiled and told me.

     "Master, good job out there. Even I want to see the movie now."

     Hinata only looked at me with her red eyes and nodded to agree with Mei. I just realized, but Kate and Hinata have the same eye color?! And their body types are very close as well. Their main difference is the white vs black hair. Had I not noticed such things before?

     No, it was because of the promise I gave Hinata... Soon, on the anniversary of my first... I would take her first.

     Because of that promise, she has been watching me more than she had in the past. Almost like a pet sitting for a treat. I have this feeling, is she looking forward to my actions?


     Outside by the limo...

     "Master, I said let's go?!"

     I had zoned out in thought, and Mei held the door open for Jean, Hinata, Kate and I to get into the limo.

     Once inside, Jean let out laughter not fitting her age.

     "Hah-aha, Great job Rick! You most definitely caused a gossip stir in there, and I love the whole... I got the part because of Boss Long, hah!"

     "I have learned, to just roll with it, why get upset or defensive? I just own it, plus it is partly true, right?"

     Jean nodded and then told me.

     "Good point. Kate and Rick, we need to be on the set at 5:30 am on June 15th for the start of filming. So just keep studying the script. I will invite Ana over for the early script readings, since the start of the movie is about you and her. Don't look at me like that Kate, Rick is not into her so just chill."

     I pat Kate's hand and said.

     "When anything goes on with her, I will only think of you, how's that?"

     "No, then she will be treated well, think of Jean instead!"

     Jean and I look speechlessly at each other for her childish comments. Then Hinata said to Kate.

     "Miss Kong, that is no good, he can just imagine his student then, so no feelings will be involved. Just duty and work."

     Kate, not knowing what I would do with my student nodded happily.

     "There you go, Rick just imagine Miss Kyusho while you do lines with Ana."

     I just tiredly shrug and nod to these unreasonable women. That is the trick to a happy life, just nod and say...

     "Yes Dear!"


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