After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 181 Filming Ends!

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(A/N I had mentioned much earlier in the story, but family meals and interactions like this happen with Rick, friends, and family in the background all the time. I am only focusing on these interactions because they are important for the future of the family going forward. Helen and Rick, ever since the BBQ House chapter have always been very close. Even in University, his cousin would always dote on him. Anyway, just enjoy the fun.)

Chapter 181  Filming Ends! by Harem-Fan


     "Here Rick, try this chocolate cake. I actually made this, so be honest with me."

     With Anthony and Kim at the head of the table, it was me and Helen side by side on the right. We had just finished a high quality meal with all of Helen's favorite dishes, and now Helen with a sweet smile is holding her fork full of cake for me to eat.

     The corners of my mouth subtly twitch, because I have a small slice of the chocolate cake on my plate I have yet to try. My eyes drift over to my uncle and aunt but the two are engrossed in a talk about their vacation plans. So, not wanting to upset the birthday girl, I just opened my mouth.

     Like a naughty kitten, she shoved the bite into my mouth with expectation on her face.

     I chew, and can tell she is not too bad of a cook. I would say she is probably at Basic level. But at least it is not poisonous food like in anime... Well, let me confirm that 6 hours later. I warmly smile at her and compliment.

     "I liked it, and knowing you baked it made it better. Though, I think it is the first time I ever heard of anyone making their own birthday-cake?"

     She only smiled at me and did not explain to me the real reason she did it. Well much later down the road, I found it was because she just wanted to show off to me.

     Soon, the maids cleared the table and it was time for me to go. Anthony, seeing his daughters' look of not wanting the night to end, offered.

     "Rick, I am a bit full, so Helen dear, could you walk Rick out to his car?"

     Helen taking my arm said with a smile.

     "Father, leave it to me."


     Leaving the Tang mansion, the wind was gently blowing, making Helen's black dress flutter gracefully on her legs. Her hair was also dancing as she held my arm tight. She noticed no staff around said.

     "Father let me put in a candidate in that folder. So there's someone I hope makes the cut, Rick. But like a proper noble lady, I will not say who it is. I will be the Head of our Tang clan, and I must be proper in public."

     I whisper to her.

     "Just tell me who you want, and I will make it happen."

     She gave me happy eyes, and hugged my arm even tighter, but she only laughed and played with me.

     "Ufufu, Rick, I cannot outright tell you... I am shy and don't want you to tease me for being foolish, just find me a good man."

     As we finally got to my Demon, she asked while holding the pendant box.

     "Rick, please be the one to put this on, could you be a gentleman?"

     After putting the small box in my hands, she turned to show me the back of her neck, by pulling her hair up for me with both of her hands. Her head was tilted so she could see me with her left eye. As I reached around her neck with the gold chain, her lips curled in satisfaction of my gentle hands.

    As I got it on, she turned to hug me, and with her face in my chest, she muttered.

     "Rick, thanks for always being there and here for me. Our two lives have been a bit unfair to us, but... I am happy you are with me. Oh, Nadia told me... Mwah!"

     I was clueless at that moment. When Helen tiptoed and overlapped her lips with mine, I froze. Her words and actions did not match the feelings her lips conveyed to me.

     Just as I was going to say or do something, Helen with a red face told me.

     "That was for Nadia. It was also just me telling you thanks. And... I wanted my first kiss to be with someone in my heart... Now go home Rick, I am sleepy."

     And before words could leave my lips, she dashed off in the dark to her mansion next to my car...

     Yeah, I stood there looking to where she ran for a few minutes with my heart in confusion, sadness, and happiness.

     Confusion, because she is my cousin, and I could tell she likes me.

     Happiness, because she is a beautiful and perfect woman.

     But sadness, because my feelings had not been lustful before, and now, the applicants in my hands felt like 100 pound shackles.

     I just got in my car and sat for a bit...

     "Why do I feel like I don't want any of these men to have her as their wife... I think I am jealous?! Are Dragons just covetous, lustful, and possessive monsters to their very core? Eh, I am just a Human Shaped Dragon, am I not? Sigh..."

    That night, I did not sleep well, or even bother to look at the file... I will just push it off for a while...


     A week later, the whole Crew of the movie is on a small hill on the Studio's land used for many movies.

     We are filming the final scene and the climax is coming to the end. Everyone who was part of the making is here to watch, and join in for the after party to celebrate the upcoming Post Production of the film.

     Ken had just killed the Holy Inquisitor turned vicious Vampire (no Sam for 3rd film), but Ken's wounds were fatal.

     The sun was rising and the remaining Vampires, meaning Logan's character all had to flee and could not finish me off. Only Lilith and Luna, who did not fear the sun, were at my sides.

     Luna, like the last film, held my torso with grief, and Lilith stood next to the two of us. And like in the ending, Lilith had one bloody tear as she saw her love die or dying for the 2nd time. Luna sobbed.

     Then Luna slit her neck and placed it on my mouth, she said.

     "Ken, your blood is in me, take it back, you cannot leave... Please drink?!"

     I licked the syrup that tasted good, and still, it was not enough... Luna held her neck, knowing she would die if I took more. She looked at Lilith and gritted her teeth. With her fangs bared at her rival, she angrily demanded.

     "Lilith you love him, then help me save him! Give him back his feelings!"

     Then with nothing stopping her, with a graceful smile of victory, she too slit her neck to lower it. As I drank the syrup, I heard Ana's voice as she added lines to the scene that are not in the script, shocking Kate that she changed the final cut...

     "Ken my love... Your child is in my belly, so join us as a Vampire, and live for me..."

     I was kinda touched how she wanted this movie moment to be special, and inwardly, I chuckled at the fact, she might indeed have my child in her belly.

    Then both women sat at my side and waited. I already had red contacts put in before we started the footage, and in post production, they will show me with the look of death, and then my current better look as a Vampire will be what the fans see, like a magical transformation.

     The elevated camera high in the air, or the second camera, becomes the new view as it looks down on my face for a close up.

     And I suddenly open my eyes and glare at the camera like a new person was born...


     Yeah, the movie ends just like that, without the reactions of Luna or Lilith, just the awakening of Ken, the Vampire.

     I was the one who recommended not showing more, to make the fans feel anticipation for the 3rd. I learned this Trilogy Trick from my last life, and history will show this made the hype crazy!

     Clap Clap Cheer Clap Woot! As the film finished on a good note, all of the crew and executives who came to see it went nuts. Even some of our families came this morning to be here for the final shot.

     Kate glared at Ana and asked.

     "Why did you add lines at the end? I almost broke character from surprise?"

     The two rivals with fake blood on their necks glared at one another like cats and dogs, and Ana shrugged and said to her.

    "That is how Lilith felt, so I just had her give Ken a reason to come back, and it hints to the fans, their might or might not be Vampire children. If fans ask if Lilith is pregnant, I will tell them... "Lilith is a liar, so who knows?"

    The happy Director Stacy Lee, told us.

     "Loved the added lines, and Kate, your look of shock was the best! I really want to work with you three next year, Ufufu... Academy Awards, here I come..."

    Kate blushed, because her look of shock was genuine and not fake, and when I see Stacy Lee, I think of my last life's Stan Lee.

    "Did I not tell you it was perfect, Kate? You know, I am as good of an actress as you... I am just missing Type E fun-bags!"

     When Ana said that, she actually poked Kate's enormous boob. Kate covered her chest in embarrassment as Ana laughed. Who knew this scene made it to the blooper reel showing Kate getting her doorbell poked by Ana! Oh, and my smiling-face was caught, damn!


     The Velvet Lounge, After-party for the Star Entertainment Groups post production kick off.

     The party started at 3 pm and it is now 5:30 and still going strong.

     All the actors, stunt men, executives, and crew are here in formal wear talking with a few invited Entertainment Reporters. Naturally our closest friends and family have come as well. The place is packed, due to limited space, so even the stage has a couple of small tables for the actors.

     After I was done talking with the woman from Entertainment tonight, I bumped into a group I knew... James, Akeno, Kim, Hana, and Hinata.

     "Brother, now that you are becoming famous, it is even harder to talk with you, ha-ha!"

     "Jumbo, you have no idea! Let me hide with you guys before one of the other reporters finds me, sigh."

     Hana and Kim each take an arm pretending to be bouncers for me. Then Akeno asked.

     "So in just one week, you will marry my Kim, sigh, she has grownup so fast... Are you looking forward to seeing America?"

     I shrug because now I am not, due to the problems I will have to get rid of, but I smile for Kim.

     "I want to make my cheerleader happy, so I will brave the new world, ha-ha."

     Akeno looked at Hinata and then asked me.

     "Hinata said you were going to escort her to Japan when you graduate University, would it be okay for me to bring Jim and our baby along, to meet my family? I will feel safer knowing you are over there with us?"

     I looked at Hinata and she nodded like I should accept the offer, so I said to Akeno.

     "Alright, in 3 years, I will arrange it for us all to go as a group, and I will also bring guards, is that fine? I will have business to perform there when I get my degree. And I have a promise to keep, for my student and Kyusho there."

    "See Monkey, he will protect us. That is why Uncle Tang is the best, fufu."

     Jim has gotten over it finally and he shrugs with pride.

     "Brother Uncle can be called whatever he wants, Ashley said so."

     Jim smirks because he knows I hate being called Brother Uncle, it always makes me feel like a Lolicon...

     "Ah! I finally found you Mr Tang, over here, over here!"

     We all turn to see a child, no, a barely young woman waving frantically to get my attention... Like a crazy stalker!

     Alice Ling, the just turned 18 blonde mousy and young, podcast reporter from the announcement press conference. But, she does not look mousy right now!

     Now she is wearing a midriff dark shirt and skirt, with her hair not done up in twin ponytails like before, but all long and straight, in blonde color. Her grey-blue-green eyes are unique. But it is the same podcast reporter without her glasses on.

     Fuck and that is Logan pointing me out for her! He saw me hiding and sent her to me again! That dick is off my friends list, sigh.

    Kim and Hana laugh and push me to talk with the reporter, so I put on my fake smile while answering her questions.


     "Hello Miss Alice Ling, it is good to see you again."

     Alice stood there in shock and then asked, a bit surprised.

     "Ah! Y-You recognize me? Um, And you remembered my name?!"

     She looks like a frightened rabbit and will bolt if I raise my voice or hand, I kinda laugh in my mind at seeing a true fan now.

     "Actually, I had no idea it was you until I heard you speak. Well you look a bit different from last time we met."

     Her face went red as her head nodded like a jackhammer. She explained.

     "I had just graduated from Star High, and my friends said if I want to be taken seriously in Star University, I need to look the part. Do you like my new look, Mr Tang?"

     "Sure, you will probably be one of the top beauties in the University this coming year. I saw you talking with Logan Chen, did you interview him?"

     I think my compliment melted her brain, because it took her ten seconds to reply...

     "Mr Chen, no, no, no! He is a tenant renting one of my mothers apartments in the midtown area. Um, He and my mother are dating, and other things."

     Alice sees my face, relaxed because my expression is all over trying to picture all of Logan's pranks with her, now I understand why he smirks and hooks her up with interviews, he is rocking her mother!

     "Miss Jean Jia, has allotted me some interview time as the new university year starts, so you will be on my show, fufu."

     I nodded to her and asked.

     "Are you going for a journalism degree?"

     "That is right! I only do the podcast for exposure. What I really want to be is a reporter. I knew it, the day I filmed your fight with the goons in last year's school end. I was inspired to find the story of the man who was like a real Action Hero. I wanted to approach you to find out more, but you seemed to be very serious and determined. Also, dangerous people surrounded you, so I was afraid to talk with you then."

     "And a year later, you have the courage? I wondered who filmed it, you did a good job by the way."

     "No, I was afraid of you till that fight, you were very gloomy back in high-school... So I avoided you in fear of being bullied, sorry. But when I saw you smile while beating the bullies, I understood. we should face our fears and regrets... I too lost my father, so I empathize with you when I was a freshman in your second year. Anyway, I won't bother you anymore Mr Tang, um, wait, can I get a picture with you first?"

     So we had someone use her smartphone to take a few pictures with me holding her-shoulder, like a big brother and little sister. Though, her red face ruined all the pictures.

   This 5 foot 4 inch, young woman will become a well-known anchor for Eurasia National News in the future, fulfilling her dreams. And it all started with filming some random bullied kid fed up with being beaten down...

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