After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 187 That’s Mayonnaise From A Sandwich Where You’re sitting, I Think?!

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Chapter 187  That's Mayonnaise From A Sandwich Where You're sitting, I Think?! by Harem-Fan


     When I went to bed, Lan was laying on my side of the bed. She looked into my eyes with a challenge and said.

     "I only sleep well on this side of the bed. Take the left. AHHH!"

     She forgot I was a Grandmaster, and before she realized it, not only was she now on the left, but I had her pinned into me like a spooned hug-pillow. I said while holding her firmly.

     "Well, I have the same problem, so keep watch if you cannot sleep. Or, you can sleep on the couch, if I am making you feel uncomfortable?"

     Lan wanted to tease me a bit, but she realized I was a bit harder to play with than she is used to. Her body had gone a bit stiff with her cheeks blushing. She asked.

     "Are you really going to hold me while sleeping?"

     My lips curl in satisfaction of this proud woman becoming nervous, and I admit.

     "Yeah, you feel really nice to hold, with you being so much shorter, and beautiful. But, I will let you go if you want, and I can just roll over and ignore you?"

     Her arm lay on mine, and she said more softly.

     "No, you holding me is fine, I just had not expected you to be so forward with me. It feels strange to be held by a man 10 years younger than me, but... Mentally you are older, right?"

     I smell her hair and feel like I have known her longer than I should.

     "Sometimes, I am not sure... I just know, my-person wants to embrace you... for a very long time. Is that strange?"

     Lan turned in my embrace and stared into my eyes. She said her belief.

     "Perhaps, in your past lives you have spent so many lives in China, you have a preference for women like me, Mei, and Hinata?"

     "Lan, do you think you and I knew each other in a past life?"

     Her blue eyes thought and she shrugged.

     "If we have, I have no notion of it. But, let me try something, to see if I feel anything?"

     With our noses already touching, it did not take her long to press her lips on mine.

     It could have been 1 or 5 minutes, but for a short while, Lan and I kissed in the dark. Some time in, we even exchanged our tongues.

     I had pulled her on top of me, with her arms under mine, and mine rubbing her back. All I knew was, kissing this China Empire woman was very peaceful and sensual. Before my hands became dishonest, we slowly stopped while she caught her breath. She said,

     "Rick, I don't know if we had any past, but... I felt my heart skip a beat there."

     I said nothing, and gently pulled her ear to my chest, and she listened to my heartbeat. As she heard it, her left hand caressed my right chest, like she was hearing both hearts beat at the same pace. She then picked up her head to look down into my eyes.

     With only the moonlight showing my face to her, she saw my reassuring smile directed at her. Her long white hair was covering my face and neck.

     Then, I could see her smile grow, as she leaned in to kiss me again...


     Before we knew it, the two of us had removed what little clothing was on us, and I had pinned her under me. As I kissed her neck, and her hands roamed my bare back, she said.

     "My Emperor, I may be impure, but I will be your concubine, if I please you?"

     I kiss her lips and look into her eyes, as I slowly insert myself into her. She could see my answer was a resounding, yes.

     Like a submissive wife, her legs and arms entangled me, to encourage me to fully claim her. I wanted to take her heart along with her body, so I sucked on her ear, and told her.

     "Lan, I want you to be mine in this life, and my next."

     I was not even close to finishing, but hearing my words, Lan's body shuddered and tightened while her climax hit her suddenly. This surprised me, but also filled me with pride.

     While she was twitching, I nibbled on her C-cup nipples, and her skin was soft to the touch and taste. For a master, this showed how much she maintained her flesh.

     As her climax ended, her hold had loosened only a bit, as she realized I had not finished. She then felt self conscious like perhaps, she was not very good at love making. I know what she is thinking so I kiss her and tell her while still gently and slowly thrusting.

     "You are perfect, I am only taking my time to not rush with you. This feeling is one I don't want to forget, silly woman."


     Soon, I was feeling the urge to cum... And like every-time, I don't say anything, and only look into her eyes. And with one final deep thrust, I stop to let her belly accept my everything. Lan, who had experienced sex before, had never had her partner finish inside of her, so she was both surprised, and happy.

     "Don't leave me, my Lan. I am sure of you."

     "My bed is your bed, and My Temple is your home. You are serious about me, aren't you, fufu. Can I become a mother? Suddenly, my mothers smile towards my father makes more sense to me."

     "Having my children will make life hard in the future, so sorry about that. How about, one more time before resting? I really want to express my feelings..."

     "Children? You mean, I can have more than one?"

     I rolled her onto her belly, and inserted from a low doggy-style, and touched the entrance to her womb in one go. With my arms holding her chest and stomach to me, I begin to move, saying in her ear.

     "As many as you want..."

     With her blue eyes looking back into mine, she gripped the sheets, with moans telling me, she was satisfied with my words...


     Early the next morning, I felt a weight on my chest, and a woman softly humming some old China Empire song.

     As Lan realized I was waking, her smug smile looked down into my bewildered face. When my eyes asked why she was so happy, she pointed to the bed and said.

     "Rick, I ended up sleeping on the right-side, with you, fufu. I win?!"

     She is very competitive, right? But, if sleeping with me is the price for victory, I can concede to her pride, just a little. So I did what an Emperor would do...

     Smack! I lifted my hand a bit, and left a nice faint five finger slap on her exposed butt cheek. She let out a yelp of surprise!

     "AHH! Rick what was that for?!"

     I grin and tease.

     "Your surprised face was so damn cute. Good morning my concubine, ha-ha."

     Knock Knock! Just as she was blushing due to hearing the word Cute, the door was knocked and a maid said.

     [A detective wants to talk with Master Tang?]

     Lan squinted her eyes knowing it was one of the brothers tipping them, then she removed our connection from me to get up. As the two of us put on robes, I said to the maid.

     "Sure I am ready."

     I opened the door and saw one of the maids, and Mr Smith not looking in a good mood at the man next to him. The man next to him was a detective in a button-down with no jacket, and a badge and gun on his belt. The man introduced himself.

     "Hello Mr Tang, I am detective Ray Reynolds, and I would like to ask some questions. A few houses down, a young man was murdered and I have to look at the case from all angles."

     I wave to the couch for him to enter, while Lan sits on the bed, putting on a submissive servant act. Big Rick comes in so the Cop can't try anything underhanded with a foreign guest.

     "Come on in detective. Sure, sorry, I just woke up so excuse the lack of clothing."

     Yeah, the scent of a night of sex smacked the men in the face... It almost seemed like Lan did this for an alibi for me, but I caught it.

     "Sorry dad, didn't want you to see me like this in the morning, but..."

     Actually when Big Rick saw the disheveled Lan, he gave me a thumbs up and said.

     "I knocked up 5 blood sisters in one night, I won't judge you my boy, you love Kimmy and that is all that matters, ha-ha."

     Yeah, he has my twins beat! Big Rick is a legend in my book. So the detective, uncomfortable with our harem chat, coughed and asked.

     "Cough, Mr Tang, it is reported that you and Mr Ralph Colt are not on good terms in University. Last night, he was found dead in his room. Well, you just happened to show up confidently at the same time, so do you know anything?"

     My acting kicks in and I say in shock.

     "Murdered?! No way, he and I were on the same team together, and he is a strong fighter, no way he was murdered!"

     The detective is trying to get me to slip up and talk about the way he died or the crime scene. It is also obvious one of the two brothers called the police after finding his body.

     "Well, we got a tip that said you hated him, so where were you last night?"

     I pointed to the bed reeking of sex, and said honestly.

     "After dinner with the whole family, I tucked in my fiance Kim to bed, then came here to make love to my student. And sorry about the smell,  and don't worry, that is mayonnaise from a sandwich where you are sitting, I think?"

     The detective seeing a dried unknown stain where he sat, stood in disgust, like he walked into a whore house.

     Yeah, I had dad sit in a place we did not 'have sex' on, cough. But the reason why I did this was to throw off the detective's mojo. My sister was a detective for years, I know all about interrogation, and this guy is out played.

     "Well, if you want more questions, I can hire a team of lawyers to prove my innocence and then file charges of harassing a member of the Tang Clan over someone telling you baseless lies, just because they don't like me... I am very rich, and hiring 20 of America's best lawyers, like Johnny Cochran, is no problem for me?"

     The detective, knowing the tip came from the two brothers of the Smith house was probably just that, a personal vendetta, and if one of them was the killer, and sending the police to the Tang brat, they would surely sink in legal actions.

     Wanting to clean his pants, the detective said.

     "No need for all of that Mr Tang, I was just wanting to be thorough in investigating the possible murder, I will get in touch with you if things change, good day..."

     Big Rick, trying to hide his smile, that things were so easily settled, offered to Detective Reynolds.

     "Detective, let me walk you out then."

     Lan standing at my side saw them leave, then she looked at the couch and said.

     "That was Ranch dressing from my salad I snacked on... We only had sex in bed?"

     I shrugged and said.

     "Yup, and your bad eating habit let me get off easy, good job Lan."

     "Rick, why do you act like a child sometimes?"

     I hold her waist and say with a bad boy grin.

     "You know I am only 19 right? What, are you feeling like a cradle-robber, ha-ha! No seriously... I feel young at heart. I think life is too short to act like a fossil. Lan, will you let me act immature for a few years? I am not looking forward to my future where I need to always be gloomy?"

     Lan, realizing my immaturity is the calm before the storm, understands my wanting to have fun. She lowered my hand on her waist and put it on her firm butt. She grins and says,

     "Fine... for the next few years, act like a kid, but when the children get older, be serious. In the meantime, I will act a bit immature with you, how is that?"

    She had put my hand where I spanked her, so I rubbed it gently, and then nodded.

     "With your changed mindset, I promise, in 5 or less years, you will be a Grandmaster, Lan. Thanks for understanding me."

    Locking the door, she then took my hand and pulled me to the shower, she said.

     "Rick, hurry up, we smell of Mayonnaise, let's clean up..."

     And that was the story of how Lan, my final lover came into my life.

     No, I was wrong, seems my Helen is waiting for me...

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