After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 205 Adam Lee Making A Move!

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Chapter 205  Adam Lee Making A Move! by Harem-Fan


     As I entered the 39th floor to enter my office, I saw someone waiting to speak to me.

     James in his grey suit was leaning over the secretary desk and chatting up the three women on duty. No he is not trying to pick them up, but he was probably bored waiting for me to arrive. He texted me to ask when I would come, and told me he was waiting.

     He looked at me and asked.

     "Boss, I have been here for a while, why are you so late, did something happen to you?"

     Seeing Hinata behind me, he assumed I had a special lunch with my Japanese lover... Well he knows me well, just guessed the wrong woman, so I said.

     "Cough, I had a Fire Birds meeting that went longer than I anticipated, so sorry for being late, let's go into the office."

     I said to the one blonde secretary who was not at lunch, while the other two had just come back.

     "Let Mrs Shen know I have come back and am with Mr Tong. if she is free I will be here for a short while."

     "Yes Mr Tang, I will do that right away, I will just send her in like normal then?"

     I nodded and told her yes, as Jim and I walked to my office.


     Hinata had left us to go up to the 40th floor, to go and call home to speak to Ryu and make sure he was being a good boy.

     Jim and I both went and got Dr Peppers from the soda fountain and then took our seats on the two opposing couches. I asked him.

     "How are your wives and daughters?"

     Jim sighs and says with a grin.

     "Well, Ashley and Jen are very busy with the Hidden Dragons, so my time with them is limited. Akeno however is doing well as the head nurse. With Hana as the Director, Akeno gets away with murder there. A couple of the new doctors are getting a bit aggressive trying to woo her. So she has been using the Hidden Dragons to settle things out of the Hospital. The girls are great though."

     I nodded thinking of one person on the board of directors who was or is still harboring some imaginations for Hana, but dealing with him was child's play, I grinned and told Jim what I did to that guy.

     "Hana had a pursuer as well, so I had my guys strip him and shave him bald, then drop him off naked in South City to fend for himself. His pictures running through South City trying to hide was hilarious. He stopped trying recently, but you know how stupid guys are. Well a bunch of the orderly working at Star General are my people, and the poor guy has no idea. But I made sure he heard about Chris Honda, he-he."

     "I heard you were threatening to go to the Hospital Ball on July 1st? Yeah, I have to go with Akeno, damn."

     As we were half way done with our soda, Jim grins and hands me a small cheap notebook and says.

     "I found out from Boss Yang what her daughter wants for her birthday, so here are some things you can get. And if you get her clothing, her sizes are there as well. For a rich girl, she actually has simple tastes. I was also invited to come to the party being Boss Yang's subordinate, so will we go together, Rick?"

     As I looked through the things I was surprised. She really was not a greedy girl. I said to Jim.

     "That is perfect, now I won't feel out of place. Who is driving me or you?"

     "Rick, your luck is so bad, let's take your armored sedan! I get nervous going out with you these days, ha-ha."

     I wanted to scold him, but nodded in resignation because times are a bit unstable with the advent of the Lee. Then the door opened and a sexy red tinted dark haired woman with a business lady suit in navy blue, came in grinning at us. Jim said with a smile.

     "Hi Mrs Shen, I am seeing myself out, I will send you the current logs from the Harem-Chat servers at around 5 pm."

     Lucy pulled her eyes off me and said to Jim.

     "Sure no problem. Now I have to deliver my report so see you later, fufu."

     Jim gave me eyes saying, 'he knows what I am doing', and I rolled my eyes because I am actually not doing that... Today anyway.

     Seeing Jim leave, Lucy came over and sat in my lap getting comfy. She first kissed me then spoke.

     "Adam Lee has gotten the Government's permission to use all public surveillance in Star City. This means I cannot actively attack him to boot him out of the system without alerting them to who I am. He is also currently trying to break into all of your computers and devices. With time and assistance, he might be able to do it, so what do you want to do about it?"

     Holding her soft body, I think of my options. Most hackers get excited when they get a challenge, so I get an evil smile. Lucy, seeing my smile, lifted her eyebrow and asked.

     "How are you going to stop him from getting into Velvet Group and our devices?"

     "I am going to give him a present, that is what I am going to do. I think a young and curious 16 year old hacker needs to open up his horizons to new things. I am going to flood his computer with gay hard porn. His whole system will be filled to its max so any device he uses to touch my things, will get filled with asshole sex and male gang bangs. He cannot unsee that shit. This virus will keep attacking till he buys all new computers and networks."

     Lucy smiled at that thought, and poked my forehead.

     "Why not send him close up dick pics of you shooting into the camera on loop! I will film it?!"

     I squint my eyes and accuse her.

     "Somehow, I think that would be for you and not him, so no. I already did a dick sex pick with Scott, and I am ashamed of it, so gay porn for Adam."

     Lucy lost her playful side and told me what she knows from my Grandfather.

     "Father has ghosted me and seems he will no longer get in contact with me. But from what I was told from Mei a half hour ago, he has joined the China Empire Shadows. He now reports directly to the Emperor. And the most amazing thing is... Your Identity is now leaked to the Emperor himself."

     My eyes opened and I panicked slightly, then I asked while calming. If Lucy is calm, I must be fine.

     "If the Chinese Empire knows who I am, won't the parents of Adam know, and then kill me and my family?"

     Lucy pats my chest and assures.

     "No, Grandfather earned loyalty to the Emperor by revealing that you have the Mu Clan, two China Empire, and one Japan Empire lover. He gave the narrative that your loyalties are leaning away from the Central Government. Although China Empire has a Li kill policy (a ruse), it does not extend to the Yellow Emperor. So the Emperor has had his Shadows all been commanded to serve and protect you. They were not told why, but with General Lee at the Emperor's side, they just assumed its family issues. This is why Ling Ling approached you, but she had ulterior motives to do so."

     I think about this... My Grandfather must have had a good reason to do this, and change my identity. But what reason does the Emperor have to protect me, am I not a threat to him? Will this affect my Star Wars plan?

     "Lucy, I do not understand the China Emperor's angle here? Am I not a roadblock to his rule?"

     She looked serious and gave her guess.

     "Knowing Father, it must be a cooperation and probably to impregnate his daughters to fill the Li blood into his bloodline? So he needs to keep you alive, because your blood is stronger than any other Li. The odds of his bloodline getting your next reincarnation would be higher. And if history shows him helping you, your next life might be loyal to China again. But this is only my guess."

     I see her grin and she pouts because I am not going to ask what she wants me too.

     "The Emperor has over 100 daughters, fufu. And he might even make you impregnate all of his concubines as well, ha-ha!"

     "Okay, I will have to kill that guy then, there is no way I am doing that..."

     Lucy felt better after getting a reaction, and after a few minutes of teasing me she also told me.

     "Tomorrow night, Father will go on International television for all Nations to hear about his defection. So once the world knows, more unfavorable scrutiny will be pointed at you and your family. I have no idea what father will say, but I am sure it will shake the global dynamics of Eurasia and its ally's. Even America might turn its back on Eurasia?"

     "I will let the wives all know, so they can be ready for it."

     Ring Ring Ring! We look at my phone and see it is Linda, so I put her on speaker.

     [Rick dear, someone is following our limo, what do you want me to do?]

     Lucy, without asking , opened her laptop to bring up the Cat and Mouse App and all of Linda's information, so I asked her.

     "Linda honey, just calm down and tell me, is it a white plain BMW?"

     [No Rick, it is a white delivery van, but no matter where we go they stay a block away from us, and I am afraid to go home and have them follow.]

     "Okay dear, I see you on my screen, head home and turn down Silver St. I am sending someone to cut him off and let you get away, and if there are more, I will deal with them. They are probably Private Investigators hired by Lee and or Greg, so you are not in danger, okay?"

     Lucy already sent the God Squad members tailing and in the area the description of the tailing van, and to intercept on the street Linda is going. We need to see if there are more, and how they responded to being cut off.

     After a few minutes Linda said,

     [A white BMW just cut off the van and stopped the traffic. The van then drove into oncoming traffic to follow me again...]

     "Okay honey, we anticipated this so now turn left at the light, and Luke will be there. He was close and he is being texted. The fire birds are on it now. So just go home and don't look back, okay."

     [Yes Rick, I will do what you said. Click... do do do...]


     I watch everything unfold on Lucy's laptop and I smile at what I am seeing.

     The Fire Birds just threw spiked strips across the road and are making all the vehicles tires go flat. Then the Van also had its tires go flat. The strips are removed, and the Fire Birds are handing money to every driver but the Van, money for the inconvenience.

     I see Luke casually walk to the van, open the car door and punch the person inside. He drags him out and is going through his wallet.

     Ring Ring Ring! My phone rings, and I answer Luke's call.

     "I am watching Luke, what is the situation?"

     [This guy is what you thought, a private investigator, let me ask him some questions one sec...]

     Lucy and I watch as Luke just up and kicks the guy in the balls and is asking him things. Then Luke pulled out his gun with the man not talking... Then the bird sang really fast. Soon Luke said.

     [It was a set up to get you Boss. I hear the police sirens coming, faster than they should have. This guy was hired by Greg and Lee. But he had no idea he was set up to be killed to get you arrested. So what do you want me to do with him?]

     "I am calling Nadia now so she can head to the station, since they will get you guys. Tell the man if he lies, his friends and family will all be joining the African Army to feed Dire Beast and mosquitoes, that is all."

     [No problem Boss, haven't been in the slammer in a while, ha-ha! This will be fun. Click... do do do...]

     We see the private investigator crying after Luke punched him and warned him.

     With a grin, I call my lovely Defense Attorney, Nadia, the Scumbag Lawyer!

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