After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 219 Skill: Affair Grandmaster Acquired!

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(A/N As I told my long time reader LordPocky, this will not be one of those retarded cultivation stories where I drone on and on about how every stupid meridian and dantian connect and bla bla bla... So everything is simplified for the reader who does not give a fuck, like me! Honestly, nothing pisses me off more than reading the same stupid cultivating practice that goes on for 30 chapters at a time, and then 10 chapters later, you forgot all that trash you were forced to read, sigh... Thanks and enjoy!)

Chapter 219  Skill: Affair Grandmaster Acquired! by Harem-Fan


     "Stop turning green, Rick. In our last life, you ruined my living-room after our first time. Hell, I was not even aware of my masochistic tendency back then, sigh."

     Ling’er (pet name) and I are finally getting the last of the oily grease from our body. Apparently like in those Fan-Fictions and stupid Cultivation Novels, the Chi we made, ran through our body to purge out impurity and sickness, to strengthen our body to its supreme form.

     As we were about to get out, she pressed herself into my torso and held firmly. Ling’er told me with a super serious expression.

     "Rick, no one in this world can know of our cultivation. If the greedy humans find out it truly exists, it would spell doom for us and everyone we know, do you understand the greed of humans?"

     I held her back, because well we already made love, but I clarified her words a bit.

     "Yes, I understand clearly, but why did you refer to everyone else as humans, are we not human?"

     She stood on her tip toes and kissed me, then admitted.

     "First, the last world we first met was not like this, and fantasy creatures truly existed. But that is in the past and irrelevant. That is a pillow talk story I can tell you on cold nights. But no Rick, we are not human like everyone else. Our souls are Immortal already, and now that we have flushed Chi in our body, we are now less human. Don't worry about all of this dear. You and I have a couple of years to understand what you have mostly forgotten. Right now our goal is to deal with the Eurasian Li, and your opponents in the China Empire."

     I let out a breath I did not know I was holding then asked.

     "So what do you have planned then? We are back on the same boat, right?"

     She smirks and admits.

     "She does not know it, but I was the one that pushed Jill into your arms. So how was my gift?"

     I stupidly looked at her and asked.

     "How, why, and what is your angle?"

     "Your enemy, the Li, was trying to make the Fire Birds fight the Feng main family, using Jill's depression and anger to cause chaos in your life. I still had one dose of the poison all spies are given upon coming to Eurasia, so I figured that ass Greg looked thirsty. I disguised myself and told her to reconnect with you, and you know how that turned out, right? Plus I was well aware you had feelings for her, so it did not hurt you."

     She turned off the water and went for towels for us, throwing me one. Then I asked.

     "Sigh, And what about Sam?"

     While drying her hair, she looked at me with an evil grin and asked me.

     "Rick my dear, ask yourself, do you really want to know what will happen to Sam? Or would you rather stay in the dark about his fate?"

     I nod and change the question.

     "Then what about you?"

     She gets her happy grin and takes my hand to go back out, while telling me.

     "Naturally I will continue to cultivate with you, and soon after, have your child. Then... I am collecting all of Sam Sun's crimes to let him be taken away forever, or I might have him be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then the heir to the Sun family will be our child, and that is my plan."

     "Hmm? A child after cultivating? Are you not going to get pregnant from what we just did? I seem to be very potent."

     She handed me my clothing, and shook her head explaining to me.

     "Pregnancy is impossible while Dual Cultivating, because we are both sharing our essence. You are giving Yang, and I give Yin. The only way for me to get pregnant is by not cultivating. But before I do that, I want to cultivate us just a bit more to have strong bodies. If I or you have a child after body refinement, our birthrates tank horribly, understand?"

     "So when I hit Chi Refinement, what is my chance of getting a woman pregnant?"

     "Well, from personal experience with you in our past life, I would say 1⁄1000 times of fucking. So not very high. Knock up whoever you want to knock up now, because your chances have already started to drop after this first time. I would say if you were at 100% before, you are now like 10% now, so if you want that Gretta woman pregnant, don't wait too long, or you will regret it."

     My face must look funny because she is only covering her lips, amused at the fact my potency has fallen so much. Well, it is not like I do not have an ass ton of kids. Oh fuck me?! I need to get working with Mary too, fuck man...


     Soon we were fully clothed and she and I were looking at the destroyed couch on the bathroom side of the room. Ling’er giggled seeing the mess and advised me.

     "That stain and smell will never come out, so it needs to be trashed. Like I said, don't let anyone know what caused it, or they might DNA sample it to learn something unnatural. Well husband, my work here is done, and I will see you later for our next Dual Cultivation session, bye~..."

     She is not even limping after that pounding, as she is swaying her hips just for me to look at, as she leaves my office. She just fucking left me with this mess, sigh...

     I pulled out my smartphone and dialed Luke. Ring Ring Ring!

     [Leader, what do you need?]

     "Luke, bring a 'Cleaning-Crew' and 4 large boxes, and  a chainsaw. I have a mess that needs to be handled at the level of Top Secret, so not even our wives can know, got it?"

     [Sure Leader, I see you are in your 39th floor office, is that the spot? And how many bodies are we talking about?]

     "Cough, No bodies, just my couch, don't ask... Some nasty stuff is on it. A client with a colostomy bag had an accident, and I never want to have anyone know about the sight, so hurry."

     [Say no more boss, I understand! Click... do do do...]

     With dead eyes, I looked at the foul mess and muttered.

     "No Luke, this is the dark side of the Chi force, you can never understand..."


     That night, I had secretly tested my body's improvements in my personal gym. Without going into exaggerated detail, my results are as follows...

  • Weight lifting was doubled.
  • Endurance saw an increase of 50%
  • My skin was now as slash resistant as my black longcoat, but still more tender than before.
  • All 5 of my senses had been improved by at least 20% more effectively.
  • My reaction time, quick-draw, and hand eye coordination has improved to superhuman levels as well.
  • And the real test at the end of the night? Nadia actually begged me to let her go, after Nichole had already passed out from too much bed-rolling. So a good 50% in sexual stamina. Cough, This was the most convincing part for me.
  • Finally the last part seems to be needing less sleep for the same rest. I only slept for 4 hours and felt it was 8 hours.

     Okay, Adultery Grandmaster erases any guilt I had!


     The next day, when I texted Ling’er, and told her my results, she told me I had a boon and have already surpassed her and am halfway done with the Body "Refinement realm. She only got into the 25% mark since I was not a virgin, I had doubled her progress, but she too confirmed she also had huge physical gains, surpassing most others.

     She told me that her Master Level Kung-Fu could be considered Grandmaster in terms of her body now. Lastly she informed me that I am now immune to most toxins, drugs, and poisons. For example, I am now immune to the new drug China Empire is using on men. Even that drug Laura Long used on me is now ineffective. This is hands down the best boon I received, well next to sex with Ling’er.

     Well with Ling’er and her matters settled for now, the real event I have to go to is upon me. My first task is the Hospital Ball on the 1st, my movie cameo with Kate and Ana on the 4th, and finally, at the start of August, I need to travel to the Japan Empire for multiple reasons.

     The primary reason is so Hinata and her mother can get revenge. The second reason is for me to do some business. The third is to strengthen the Fire Birds vs the local Yakuza families. And the last reason... SEG wants to scout sites for movies. This last one is a cover for Ling Ling to do some covert China Empire missions, but the shit part... Pam and Sam are coming.

     I will also have Keven Kyoto, Kameko Kyoto, James, and Akeno joining in the trip. So a lot of us will be on separate missions all at once. Ling’er also told me to possibly expect some agents from the China Empire mixing in the mess, yay...

-       If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     The night before the Hospital Ball, I was in my computer room working late, and I received a call from Jill.

     "What is wrong, Jill? Is everything fine?"

     [Mn, Yes it is fine on my end. I only wanted to hear you before sleep, and to update you on Greg's plans.]

     "I do not mind you calling whenever you want, so what gossip do you have my mistress, ha-ha?"

     [Is calling me a mistress supposed to tease me? Well, I quite like that name, Ufufu. Well, it seems Greg has gotten a Master level bodyguard to come with him and he intends on joining me at the event, even after you warned him. I think Melody wants you to beat the bodyguard who is a Lee member, so they can really stick it to you.]

     "Well, unlike that first Ball I went too, I will not embarrass Hana by starting a fight, well probably won't. I have something else in mind for Greg then, so be ready for it. It is a special laxative I on rare occasions implement, when I cannot hurt someone. His nose and teeth can be knocked out later. So can I count on you to slip him the liquid my dear?"

     [I can be convinced, if you can fit me into your schedule on the 2nd during lunch, for a top off?]

     "Sure, I would do it even without the aid. Alright, I need to get to bed, because I have to take Hana in early as her escort. Sleep well, and love you."

     [Cannot wait, and love you too. Click... do do do...]

     With the call and my work done, I head to my wife Hana's room for her back massage and cuddle.

     Tomorrow should be fun, I think...



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