After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 29

Chapter 28 – Hot

The wall of the non-control bureau was painted white and neat. Meng Ji was leaning against the wall, biting his big tail tightly, and his light golden eyes were wide open. Anyone could see his nervousness at the moment.

This Mengji is very beautiful, with a large distance between its ears, and a brain that looks easy to touch. It has strong limbs, wide and thick paw pads, and its tail is almost as long as its body. Black rings are distributed on the silver-gray fur, but there is a piece of soft white from the chest down to the tail. The fine fluff looks very good to the touch.

He was a little younger than Pei Shiyi imagined. Converted to human age, he was about fifteen or sixteen years old, younger than copper coins.

Pei Shiyi felt strange—this little Meng Ji was obviously rescued by the Non-Government Administration Bureau. Logically speaking, he shouldn’t be so wary of the Non-Government Administration Bureau. Or is it that he was wronged at the hands of the thieves, and he will not be able to escape from the vigilant state for a while? Or is it that the environment he lives in is not friendly, so he is always hostile to his surroundings?

It just so happened that a milk cat in the box let out a soft meow. This sound was very normal, but it seemed very abrupt in the silence at this moment.

Meng Ji jumped up suddenly, half a person’s height off the ground, with four paws spread out, revealing a white and soft belly, looking frightened. After landing, Meng Ji also seemed to feel that he reacted too much, and immediately turned around and entered the state of facing the wall.

Pei Shiyi couldn’t hold back a little laugh, and Meng Ji became angry from embarrassment. He turned around and roared at him in a low voice. At first glance, it was quite fierce, and the sharp conical canine teeth were really scary.

However, it is fierce and fierce. Anyway, for Pei Shiyi, this kind of shouting without biting people is collectively referred to as a paper shelf – fake prestige. This startled temperament was quite cute, but when she got nervous, her two round ears trembled.

However, he seemed to have accidentally hurt Little Leopard’s fragile self-esteem.

Pei Shiyi turned his gaze slowly, and continued with the legend of the Egyptian cat that he had just mentioned.

Meng Ji huddled in the corner, keeping an eye on his movements from the corner of his eye, making sure that the other party would not turn around in a short time, and then carefully lay down again in the corner, gnawing his tail on the big meat pad, listening to the conversation behind him with his ears erect.

“If you take all the cats away, is there enough space for cat cafes?”

This voice is the very fierce and capable director of the Bureau of Non-communication Administration.

“That’s enough. I’m going to set up a separate cat area on the second floor, surrounded by glass walls. Customers cannot enter, but kittens can come out. I have also thought about these cats. Not all cats are willing to stay in the cat cafe every day.” Dealing with customers like running water, if someone is willing to adopt, I can entrust it.”

This is the man who laughed at him just now. He has a nice voice and a good temper.

No, it’s obviously annoying.

Meng Ji bit his tail: And go to the cat cafe… Where is the cat cafe? Kitten away? Take him too? He is not a suckling cub.

He was distracted when he caught the sound of cloth rubbing in his ears, and turned his eyes quietly. It turned out that the tall and thin man came over!

Meng Ji immediately turned around and bared his teeth at him, but his body was tightly against the wall, inexplicably weak, even a little timid.

Pei Shiyi reckoned that if he walked a little further, Xiao Mengji’s first reaction was not to jump over and bite someone, but to jump directly to the ceiling of the non-governmental management bureau.

For the sake of the ceiling of the non-control bureau, Pei Shiyi stopped, keeping a safe distance for both birds and cats: “Have you had breakfast yet?”

Meng Ji had never seen this kind of greeting from a human in Huaguo, and he got stuck halfway: “…No.”

Pei Shiyi bent his knees and squatted down to minimize the oppressive feeling brought by his height: “Do you want to eat something? Let Director Bo make it for you? Or… takeaway?”

Bo Jin held the curly-eared cat in his arms, without moving his eyes: “There is no kitchen in the non-control bureau.”

What is the director, the director, it sounds nice, and he is obviously being used as a cook.

Pei Shiyi turned around and said in surprise: “You guys don’t include food? The treatment is so poor, no wonder there are always not enough people.”

Bo Jin said, “If you take care of food and shelter, don’t you still lack cats?”

Pei Shiyi raised his eyebrows: “I won’t be short of cats soon.”

When he turned his head, Meng Ji picked up his tail again at some point, and stared at him closely with his light golden eyes wide open.

Accidentally meeting Pei Shiyi’s eyes, Meng Ji was startled, and subconsciously bared his teeth to pretend to be fierce. The canine teeth had already been exposed, and then silently retracted them.

He is obviously still a child, so guarded, he must have suffered a lot when he was a child. Think about it too, without the support of your parents, how can it not be difficult to maintain your own life? Such a child must be eager to care.

Pei Shiyi said: “Hello, I haven’t introduced myself to you yet. My name is Pei Shiyi and I run a cat cafe.”

Meng Ji grew up so big, except for his dead parents, no other creature has ever been so gentle to him. Meng Ji’s body was covered with unaccustomed hair, he turned his head and said, “Yin Zhou.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted that his tone was too fierce.

“Well, Yinzhou,” Pei Shiyi nodded, “this name suits you very well.”

Yinzhou glanced at him quietly.

“You heard it just now. I run a cat cafe.” Pei Shiyi said: “There are many cats in my cat cafe, and they are all about the same age as you. Would you like to go and have a look? If you like, you can stay there. But Well, there are many customers in the cat cafe, you can ignore them, but you can’t bite or scratch people.”

Pei Shiyi didn’t think that a strange beast with enlightened intelligence could endure loneliness, and Yinzhou also secretly longed to communicate with other creatures. Yinzhou had been listening to Pei Shiyi’s words from the moment he entered the door, but it may be because he grew up in a dangerous environment. , always strong and fierce, clumsily concealing his curiosity.

“Mao Cafe is a coffee shop, do you know a coffee shop? It sells some food and drinks, and my cat is also in the coffee shop. It hangs around when it’s open, and it can sleep or play with customers. Do you like humans? No It doesn’t matter if you like it, you can ignore them, just play with me?”

“Um…do you like me?”

Yinzhou’s eyes burst out with longing that he didn’t realize, and he listened intently.

While talking, Pei Shiyi slowly stretched out his hand, tentatively placing it on top of Yinzhou’s head.

Yinzhou shuddered, subconsciously turned his head and bit Pei Shiyi’s hand.

He had lived alone for so many years, and he had already developed a fighting instinct. Just now, when he heard Pei Shiyi talking and imagining the cat coffee in the other party’s mouth, Pei Shiyi suddenly reached out his hand, and his body reacted faster than his mind.

Yin Zhou blankly held Pei Shiyi’s hand, and suddenly became sad: He messed up again, he obviously didn’t want to bite. He didn’t dare to look at Pei Shiyi, but he could feel that when he bit him, the other party froze completely. Yin Zhou let go of his mouth, turned around silently, and faced the wall again.

He is so bad, it’s no wonder that everyone is afraid that he will hate him. For a child like him, he should be left alone.

When Pei Shiyi was bitten, he didn’t feel anything, and his reason almost broke – the pain is not painful at all. With Pei Shiyi’s cultivation base, he has already cultivated to be invulnerable, not to mention that Yinzhou didn’t use any force at all, but…

Pei Shiyi lowered his eyes, and there were obvious saliva marks on his hands.


Pei Shiyi took a deep breath, unable to take his attention away from his hands at all.

He was born with many problems, although he would not dislike the watermark, but it was obviously impossible for him to be calm.

Pei Shiyi looked like he was dumb. He stared at the back of his hand, as if he had been sealed by someone, and kept one movement for a long time. Bo Jin sighed, walked over and silently wiped the paws of the troubled bird.

Pei Shiyi lifted the seal and patted him: Not bad, not bad, this time is very good.

Bo Jin’s whole body was stiffened by his patting, the temperature of Fenghuang’s palm was too high, and the “hot” part of the skin that was touched was slightly numb.

Pei Shiyi didn’t feel anything unusual at all, and left Bo Jin behind after the compliment, and focused on coaxing the cat.

Meng Ji’s hair is dense and thick, with slightly hard tips, and it looks like a solid plush doll in his arms, with first-class texture. The charm of big cats is unstoppable. They are not so milky or delicate. Their beautiful claws and teeth are sharpened by the years, and they have grown a skeleton and stature that can support life. If they are lazy, they will be fierce Sharp but not exposed, more charming.

However, Yinzhou has not yet grown up, and this charm is a little green.

As soon as Pei Shiyi hugged him, his heart and the skin of his fingers sank into the soft fluff. His tone softened first, and the saliva marks were just saliva marks. After all, they were still kittens.

He squeezed Yin Zhou’s thick and big paw: “Yin Zhou didn’t do it on purpose, did he?”

Yin Zhou moved his ears, nodded after a long while.

Pei Shiyi: “Would Yinzhou want to live with me? Or do you like the Bureau of Non-governmental Affairs? Do you like Director Bo?”

Yinzhou shook his head quickly.

Both big cats and kittens like beings that can bring warmth. Meng Ji, who lives in the snowy area, will also bask in the sun after eating and drinking. Although Director Bo is a warm and living person, his temperament is really unlovable.

Pei Shiyi: “Then I like Yinzhou, I want to take care of Yinzhou, and I also want to see Yinzhou grow into a big Mengji with my own eyes. Can I have this opportunity?”

Yinzhou was silent for a moment, then turned his head and slipped into Pei Shiyi’s arms.

Pei Shiyi hugged the big dumpling, turned his head and raised an eyebrow at Bo Jin: It’s mine.

Bo Jin clasped his hands, his eyes were lowered, and he wandered into the sky, completely ignoring Pei Shiyi.

Pei Shiyi: “…” Pei Shiyi, who showed off his failure, gritted his teeth—what was he thinking?

The egg yolk has been swirling in the cat cafe, making Yunchao dizzy, she is coaxing Fondant and the milk cat, and doesn’t want to care about anything else, but the cat’s instinct prevents her from rolling around without incident.

Fondant is sticky every day when he wakes up, wishing it could grow on Yunchao’s body.

Yun Chao patted his tail and said impatiently: “Can you stop turning? Are you the father-in-law of the land? You can’t get to the Non-profit Management Bureau after turning 200 times. Be normal, and the staff will come over soon.”

There was a milk cat on Yolk’s head, and another on his back, and said, “I’m in a hurry! Also, didn’t the boss say yesterday that he might bring one…”

“Meng Ji,” the copper coin kicked the ball, “that kind of cat is so stupid. Hey, what do you think Meng Ji can change? I am a leopard cat, what is he? Also a leopard cat? Then don’t bump into my settings? No way? it is good.”

He had met Meng Ji before, and had fought with Meng Ji when he was a child, so he knew what the cat looked like, and it was similar to a leopard, with flowers on its body, to be honest, it was very beautiful.

Yun Chao licked his front paws: “Then you are the only fool, who can compare with you?”

Copper money: “I’m not stupid, those girls on the Internet like me.”

Yun Chao thought indifferently: That’s why he likes you stupidly.

The cats chatted for a while, and the egg yolk flicked its ears, hearing the sound of the back door of the cat cafe opening, and rushed out with a whoosh.

The copper coins that were worried about colliding with Meng Ji also ran away.

As soon as Yun Chao stood up, he heard the voice of raising copper coins: “It’s you, you—”

Yun Chao showed doubts, and walked to the back door with Fondant, and saw a big cat with black flowers on a white background, with a strong physique, slightly short limbs, and a long tail.

The new cat is three feet high with one bounce.

Egg Yolk was as confused as Yun Chao, Egg Yolk said: “No, you know Tong Qian?”

Tong Qian stammered, “Didn’t I say that I fought with a Meng Ji when I was a child?”


The copper coin howled out: “It’s him!”

It’s really not that friends don’t get together, and the cat’s life is narrow, it’s too difficult.

The author has something to say:

Halloween Theater:

If Cat Cafe held a Halloween event—

Pei Shiyi: “Halloween? What is that?”

Egg yolk: “It’s a kind of festival for foreigners, that is, children will dress up in various ways, and they can visit other homes to eat.”

Pei Shiyi bowed his head: “Do you want to wear a small skirt with egg yolk?”

Egg yolk: “No!”

Pei Shiyi: “Hahahahaha.”

Egg Yolk said: “Although I don’t wear women’s clothes, I can wear something else.”

Pei Shiyi: “Well… that’s a great idea!”

after an hour

Egg yolk in a pumpkin witch costume, fondant for a princess wearing a crown, cloud tide for an elf queen, sponge cake for a little prince, copper coins for a knight, and little tortoiseshell vampire.

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