After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 51

Chapter 50 – Hooligan

Nine high-definition large pictures emptied the blood tanks of netizens in minutes. The deity and the doll appeared together, and they were murdering the hearts of cat slaves—this is a double cat! Double the cuteness!

Netizens knew that it would be of no use to leave a message under this microblog, but they couldn’t help typing out a string of “ahhhhh” on the keyboard.

If you can’t steal the real cat home, then it’s okay to take the doll! Very good!

What’s more, Maoca officially marked the material and size of the pillow in detail, and even described the feeling of hugging the pillow in the picture, such as “full filling, as solid as the store manager” and “the feeling of fluff is very delicate , feels the same as Yin Zhou’s Mao Mao” “I always feel that there is a milky aroma of sponge cake” “The small face of the Q version is very similar, and it makes me feel good when I look at it”

It’s too much, they can already imagine the feeling of hugging a pillow, hugging it is probably like egg yolk stuffed in their arms, the touch is as soft as a silver boat, and there is also the milky aroma of the sponge cake.

What are you waiting for! Want it now!

On Wednesday, the lucky draw was posted on Weibo, and dozens of comments were posted in the blink of an eye, and people continued to like it in the circle of friends or in the space. If you can’t be the Emperor of Europe, then be the one who gets the hot reviews!

However, there are still some prudent ones who, after carefully reading the lottery requirements, are not in a hurry to grab the building and praise, but go to Maoca with the best camera at home or the mobile phone with the highest resolution.

People have officially said that if you want short articles about cat cafes or comments with pictures, if you can’t write short articles, you can still take photos.

So in the past few days, Maoca seems to have a group of photography enthusiasts, a group of customers with cameras or mobile phones wandering between the two floors. If you follow Maoca’s official account, you are curious what these people are doing. After understanding Immediately picked up the mobile phone and clicked into the camera, and joined the shooting team – of course such a good thing must be participated! What if I can get it?

However, not everyone is interested in participating in the event.

Today is the third day of the cat cafe event, and the cat cafe ushered in a different guest.

The girl in the plaid skirt just found a place to sit silently after entering the door, which was in stark contrast to the itinerary of the guests who were always enjoying taking pictures, and it was also incompatible with the relaxed and lively atmosphere of the cat cafe.

She was wearing a crumpled plaid skirt and her hair was messed up. She just buried her head in her knees when she entered the door without saying a word.

The egg yolk steps that are used to greet guests immediately hesitated: Did something happen to this girl? Then why do you still come to cat cafe? Because you are reluctant to pay for an appointment online? No, the reservation can be refunded.

Egg Yolk shook his head: Hey, it doesn’t matter, since Maoca is a customer of Maoca, he still thinks about how to entertain him.

Egg yolk licked his paw, thinking: I don’t know if Daju’s plump body can comfort the girl’s wounded heart.

Thinking this way, he had already groomed himself from head to toe, and felt that he was a big cat, ready to receive guests, so he walked over with strides.

But there’s something faster than him—

The cat ball with feathers rolled past the egg yolk’s feet, rolled all the way to the plaid skirt, and hit the sofa base, making a dull sound.

The plaid skirt moved, raised his head slightly, and stared blankly at the slightly rolling ball on the ground.

When Egg Yolk sees the ball, she knows who is coming – it must be a fondant ball, and she will come to pick it up soon.

There are so many cats in the cat cafe, each with their own preferences, and the boss allows them to develop their preferences, only the cat cafe can accommodate those odds and ends.

The egg yolk hides a lot of snacks, and often takes them out of every corner for kittens to eat;

Copper coins have collected several catch boards, hiding one here and one here, oh, I also like climbing frames, and always fight with Yinzhou for climbing frames;

Yun Chao has nothing to like, but he likes fondant very much, and he is too spoiled;

Penny likes woolen products, there are several knitted sweaters in the cat litter, and the boss even bought sweater needles;

Yinzhou is fond of the climbing frame, and loves to stay on the climbing frame when he has nothing to do. At other times, he usually scratches with copper coins;

Sponge cake is not interested in playing, but likes the boss and husband the most, and will lean over quietly to act like a baby;

The tortoiseshell brothers are keen on pranks, and their favorite is a box that pops out fists, and a music box that initially sounds like “Fur Alice” and eventually turns into a ghost.

Only Fondant has collected a box of **** in various styles, from plastic to wool, never repeating the same. As long as you see a funny cat ball that you have never seen before in a cat cafe, it must be Fondant.

Sure enough, the dark and light fur-colored hairball came over quickly, followed by Zhou Yan, who was a fart and a fart. As a fondant cook, after getting the boss’s approval to shoot fondant, he really wanted to stick to fondant’s tail superior.

Just as the egg yolk was about to stop Fondant, the big hairy dumpling scraped past him extremely quickly, and then Zhou Yan also walked past him, and licked the cat’s head by the way. Egg Yolk raised one paw to cover his face, and thought, “Is it because I’m too fat that my movements are too slow?”

One by one, the skills are so good! Didn’t you really go to practice some exercises with the boss behind his back?

As soon as Fondant stepped on the teasing cat ball, she felt a gaze falling on her body. She raised her head and happened to meet the gaze of the plaid skirt.

This girl… is she going to cry?

Fondant squatted down, thought for a while, and stretched out a claw to press on the leg of the plaid skirt.

The cool pads touched the skin, and the plaid skirt was dully aware that there was a cat in front of her. There were tears in her eyes, and she was roughly dried by herself when she was about to fall.

Fondant straightened up cautiously, put both front paws on the girl’s knees, slowly leaned her little face towards her, imitating Yun Chao’s way of comforting: “Meow.” The little girl stopped crying.

When a person is wronged, he can bear it alone. If someone comes to comfort him, the strong support will be broken like paper. The plaid skirt couldn’t hold back any longer, and squatted down to hug Fondant, burying her face in the soft fur of Fondant.

So warm and so delicate.

The plaid skirt felt that the tears she had tried so hard to hold back were about to be unbearable again. She wiped her face in a hurry, for fear that her tears would wet the cat’s gorgeous long fur, but she didn’t move in time, and a few tears had rolled into the fur. It’s gone.

Plaid Skirt quickly raised her head, and Fantang spread out her snow-white fur belly in her arms. As soon as Plaid Skirt let go of her arms, Fantang put her front paws on Plaid Skirt’s shoulders, and leaned over to kiss her cheek.


Kiss fondant, don’t cry.

Plaid skirt:”!”

The tears she had suppressed just now were almost provoked again.

Little Fondant, who felt comforted, didn’t rush down, but lay down cross-legged on the lap of the plaid skirt, dozing off in the sunshine by the window.

The plaid skirt couldn’t help smiling, stroking the fondant, and purring inwardly: Fuck his dog man, it’s better to be a cat!

She picked up the fondant, and the big soft and sweet dumpling just changed its position and was next to her. The sea blue eyes were as clear as water, reflecting a different kind of concentration.

No one can resist this kind of gaze. There is a shallow watery light, and the eyes are gathered into a pool, as if they can only fit the person in front of them.

In Fondant’s eyes, the plaid skirt can even feel cherished.

Such a beautiful and cute big baby likes her, so let the cheating dog man go to hell! He is not good enough for my wife.

Plaid skirt buried her head on the fur belly and took a deep breath. She didn’t know whether it was the smell of cats or bath liquid. Plaid skirt always felt that she could smell a particularly reassuring smell.

The plaid skirt hugged fondant, and poured out all the grievances that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time.

Fondant doesn’t understand complex interpersonal relationships, only knows that the plaid skirt was betrayed by her boyfriend, so she immediately meowed and condemned her together.

The plaid skirt said: “I’m really afraid that no one likes me, does Fondanttang like me?”

Fondant put it on her shoulder and yelled very definitely: “Meow!” I like it!

She leaned over and kissed the cheek of the plaid skirt again: You must be liked by many people.

Zhou Yan, who huddled not far away to shoot, kept squatting until his legs were numb. The little cutie was still hugged by the plaid skirt, showing no sign of struggling, and even “chat” with the plaid skirt.

Zhou Yan: “…”

He remembered that there was a relatively popular cat hug experiment on the Internet, which was to see how long a cat can be hugged. Fondant has been hugged for almost 20 minutes, but he didn’t feel impatient at all. Looking at that posture, he was hugged again. Twenty minutes is fine.

Zhou Yan looked at Fantang eagerly through the screen, which was too clingy.

He found a stool and sat down. After more than half an hour, the plaid skirt let go of the fondant, and the fluffy sweetheart walked away pushing the ball with strides.

Zhou Yan, who had never been run over like this before, said sourly: “Finally left.”

The camera in his hand chased Fondant, and saw a snow-white long-haired cat with different pupils squatting next to the squat sofa—it was Yun Chao. She waited quietly on the spot, until Fondant hopped past her, then lowered her head and gently licked Fondant’s ears.

Fondant was right next to Yun Chao, calling softly. The little padded jacket that was soft and soft just now has become a coquettish chatterer.

Zhou Yan looked back at the plaid skirt, the girl had already arranged her appearance with her mobile phone, squatting on the ground to caress the passing tortoiseshell. He couldn’t help smiling—this is the atmosphere that cat cafes should have, let the unhappy fly away with the cats.

Zhou Yan put away the camera and felt that he had captured suitable material.

What Zhou Yan couldn’t understand was that Fondant was repeating to Yun Chao what Plaid Skirt told her just now, and at the end she cried out worriedly: Will she be overwhelmed? Shall we go and stay with her again?

A smile appeared in Yun Chao’s eyes: No, you like her.

It is important to be liked and loved by others, and understand how precious you are, so don’t feel inferior, my little girl.

Yun Chao rubbed fondant.

The pillows that Pei Shiyi ordered were delivered one after another. Because there were too many, they were still delivered to the door by someone. Pei Shiyi put away the pillows that were going to be used for the lottery, and then kept one for each cat, and let them play by themselves.

Seeing that he was busy sorting pillows, Bo Jin stretched out his hand silently to the last box – there were no square pillows of Phoenix in the other boxes, so they were probably all put in this box.

Without raising his eyes, Pei Shiyi slapped Bo Jin’s hand.

“Excuse me, there are twenty-one in total, which is just enough for the children to share. Are you going to grab them?”

Bo Jin said, “Then give me the truth.”

Pei Shiyi almost thought he heard it wrong, “What’s true?”

Bo Jin was afraid that he had heard it wrong, so he slowed down his tone and said, “Really, bird.”

Pei Shiyi raised his eyebrows slowly, suddenly raised Bo Jin’s jaw with one hand, leaned over, and said in a low voice, “I said Bo Ju, are you looking for trouble?”

Although they used to like to scratch each other, and the side who picks things up can change at any time-mainly based on who lost the last time they quarreled. What I didn’t say last time, next time I must “pre-emptively strike” and be the one who makes trouble first. One dragon and one phoenix are like perpetual motion machines, there is no time to stop.

But recently, Bo Jin’s “scratching” has inexplicably changed its taste, flirting with feathers one after another, making Pei Shiyi a little angry. He is a big man, although he is gentle and appropriate by nature, he is not as aggressive as other males, but he is strong in his bones, and when he has accumulated a certain amount of anger, he will definitely let it out.

“Since the day I met me and turned back into a phoenix,” Pei Shiyi forced Bo Jin to look up, “You’ve been circling around me, and your temper has improved. Bureau Bo, if you know it, you’re a heavy fuzz lover, but if you don’t, it’s okay Thought you were teasing me. It’s easy to misunderstand, isn’t it?”

Fenghuang’s body temperature was on the high side, and the hand that pinched his chin was strong.

Bo Jin looked away from Bai Shengsheng’s wrist in front of him, and looked at Pei Shiyi. The dignified director of the Bureau of Non-communication Management was pinched on the chin and put on a pose of being molested, but he didn’t panic and asked instead: “Then what are you doing now?”

Pei Shiyi thought for a while, and said decisively: “Playing hooligans!”

How many times has he been molested by this dragon, this time he has to take advantage of it.

The author has something to say: Find out about Peerless Sweetheart Fondant Tang.

Thin Bureau: A flirtatious flirt.

Pei Shiyi: It doesn’t feel right… anti-molestation.

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