After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 92

Chapter 91 – Branch

The album “Cat” has two title songs, “My Dear You” and “Long Love”.

The release this time is “My Dear You” with its own MV.

The MV was also posted on the music website along with the audio, and Station J also released the MV accordingly. As long as the name of this title song is said silently in my heart, my heart will first limp and melt into water.

my dear you.

Click on the audio or MV, and the prelude grabs all the attention of the audience in an instant.

The jumping piano sound is like a cat jumping on the keys, an incoherent tune, no one can guess what the next note will be, as elusive as a cat.

But the corners of people’s lips curled up slightly, as if the cat stepping on the piano was walking from the chest to the apex of the heart with its tail up.

Accompanied by the brisk prelude, a man with a suitcase on his back appeared on the empty road, with his head down, dressed like a homeless man, and opened a rental house.

A big orange cat was squatting at the door. As soon as the door was opened, the big cat tilted its head and let out a long cry, as if to say: “Welcome home.”

The short four-minute MV tells a story with clear ins and outs: a person who lives alone has been wandering for a long time and came to a new city. He planned to stay for a while before leaving, but he met a cat. The consolation sent by the heavens filled the vacant position in the hearts of those who lived alone for many years.

The solitary man who never knew what stability meant stayed in this strange city, propping up a piece of sky for his cats.

There are two particularly moving plots in the MV, and the audience burst into tears.

In the first episode, a person living alone plays the guitar in a rental house. The lyrics correspond to the scene, telling the cold eyes and irony that he has endured for so many years.

This piece of lyrics was written by Wei Lan with emotion, and every word and every word is heart-wrenching, and it has aroused the resonance of many people.

However, just as this frustration climbed into my heart, the fluffy squatted in front of the camera.

In those eyes are the clearest trust in the world that is not mixed with other interests, wholehearted dependence and deep love.

The man who lived alone put down his guitar and asked the orange cat: “Do you like it?”

The orange cat puffed up its chest: “Meow!”

The solitary man suddenly slumped his shoulders and leaned over to hug his cats tightly. The beautiful Jin gradually tilted her head and kissed the solitary man on the cheek.

The small window casts warm yellow sunlight, cutting out a piece of bright yellow on the floor.

Poetry-like lyrics sing the same tune:

“Snuggling gives presence,

Kiss has a sustenance…”

The fans in front of the screen almost burst into tears, why do so many people want to keep pets? Because I am wandering in a strange city, I can only contact my parents by phone, and I cannot touch the entity through the network cable.

When did you get used to reporting good news but not bad news? When did you learn to confide your grievances to the pillow? When did more and more stuffed animals fill the bed but not fill the void?

I want to talk, I want to be affirmed and I want to be needed, so I have a companion pet.

The tear-abundant act of the second act is the first time a solitary person gets on a “stage” watched by people—it’s just a small bar singing booth.

Holding the guitar, he was so nervous that he forgot how to pluck the strings.

He turned his head subconsciously, and eight cat heads emerged from the bulging backpack. The man who lived alone showed his face, and mustered up the courage to stand in front of the microphone.

After the performance, amidst thunderous applause, he just turned his head to look at the fluffy ones.

At the end of the MV is the scene on the cover—a single man who has earned a fortune and is about to return to his rental house. He walks into the bright sunshine with a cat and an instrument humming a tune.

The humming in the background music became more and more pronounced, accompanied by soft meowing.

This is the end of the song.

The new album adopts a new style that Wei Lang has never tried before. This kind of warm and healing story and tunes have fascinated a group of people. Even if there are free audio on other websites, they must watch the video over and over again until all the plots are engraved in it. Heart, I looked at the barrage contentedly.

The quiet prelude, the ups and downs of the climax, and the humming of the chorus with the cat at the end are even more magical. People listen to music and can sit quietly in one place, but their thoughts fly away with the music.

The soul seems to become a cat, jumping on the courtyard wall of a certain house, sniffing the flowers on the branches, kissing the wind blowing…

The song “My Dear You” can be said to be Wei Lan’s best work in recent years, so it has the only MV in the entire album, and this song lived up to expectations, and it was maxed out on the day it was released The daily list of registered music software.

Later, the cicada also announced the highlights of shooting the MV:

The music in the prelude, which has no rules but surprisingly catches the ears, is the ensemble of the Tortoiseshell Brothers and Wei Lan. The identical twins were beautifully born. They ran across the keys of the hand-rolled piano, and Wei Lan filled in the notes with a smile.

The background is bright and bright, and the fluffy is lying in the sun and snoozing.

There is also the deliberately suppressed laughter of the owner of the cat cafe.

There are several comments below in the blink of an eye.

Hot review first:

Little Monster: I worked overtime for a week, was so tired that I collapsed, and fell asleep listening to music for several days. The tidbits are real fairy tales, and I teared up watching them. I am too far away from Yuchuan to see the real cats, but I feel very lucky to meet you on the Internet. I hope that one day I can go to Xianchan in person.

In addition, just for this song, I will buy this album!

Because of this title song, the cicada came out of the circle.

From the niche cat cafe, which is more famous in 2.5 Dimensions, to a more well-known word-of-mouth shop.

Along with the release of the songs on the album, the highlights of the recording of the songs were also released. Every song on the album is a masterpiece, maintaining a unified but different style.

And fans also understand why this album is called “Cats” – the songs contained in the entire album are all related to cats, and all of them are involved in cats. Those beautiful elves either play two notes, or have a wonderful voice. music.

As the comments say, these fluffy are treasures sent from heaven, just watching them lazily stepping over the keys with their tails up makes the mood wonderfully happy.

Oh, such a cute cat, not to mention stepping on a hand-rolled piano, even if it bites the data cable and grinds its paws on the sofa, it probably won’t get angry.

The number of followers on Maoca’s J station and Weibo account broke through the 3 million mark within a week, which is only tens of thousands short of 4 million.

And under this kind of heat, Maoca still maintains the original habit. Just when the fans are feeling that Maoca is calm and domineering, Maoca shakes out an explosive news:

Lianchan Maocai: Lianchanmaoca branch (Yingnan Plaza) will officially open on the 16th of next month. For more details, please click @解香猫咖(英南店).

Attached is a picture of a cat cafe.

It was a photo taken standing outside the new store. The large windows make this cat cafe, which has not yet opened, extraordinarily clear, and it makes people feel brighter at a glance.

Looking from the window, the whole cat cafe seems to be decorated in Chinese style, which is different from the plain and clean Xianchanyi store, and the style seems to be more ornate. However, there is only one exterior picture, and fans zoomed in on the picture in order to see more information.

This magnification is suffocating—

There are three big windows, and there are six small furry faces on the windowsill of each window. Collective peasants put their heads on one side and stare at the direction of the camera as if they are curious about the two-legged beast. what are you doing.

The audience in front of the screen felt that they were being stared at by a bunch of fluff. Facing eighteen pairs of curious eyes, the audience choked for a while: Excuse me, we just take a look.


Ice Cream Ice Cream, I’m Durian: This picture is also known as “Secret Observation”, “Maomao Holding Hands”, “What are you doing”, “Can you play with cats and cats?”. Everyone is welcome to add.

Most cats are good at sneak attacks, and like to hide behind walls to observe their owners. This is known to all cat owners. But being observed by so many cats at the same time is so beautiful that it is heavenly.

After counting the cats in a daze, the fans suddenly became excited-wait, you just said that you want to open a branch, right?


Fans were in shock:

Because Xianchan has covered the affairs of the branch from the very beginning, the door of the branch is covered with a rainproof and dustproof cloth cover, so that people passing by know that there is a renovation here, but they don’t know what it is shop.

This is the first time for fans to know that Mao Cafe is going to open a branch.

But it’s almost the same after thinking about it. The old fans have witnessed this little cat cafe from one floor to two floors, from thousands of fans to tens of thousands of fans to hundreds of thousands of millions of fans, from receiving promotions to receiving TV. From public service advertisements to cooperation with Little Heavenly King, there is also an online store with stable supply and excellent quality.

Up to now, their kitten cafe has become a well-known online celebrity shop. Word-of-mouth and traffic are flying together. I joined various Dianping platforms early in the morning and has always been a recommended store with high scores.

There should also be a branch.

However, no matter how natural it is, the excitement of the fans cannot be suppressed. The Chaohua Post Bar was almost exploded. Fans followed the link given by Maoca and clicked in. They found that this was the separate Weibo of the Maoca branch, and the branch also opened a J. Station account.

Although it is a branch, it also has an independent online promotion.

In just one day, the number of followers on the account of the Maoca branch increased by more than 200,000.

Fans are looking forward to the situation of the cat cafe branch, and Pei Shiyi is naturally aware of this. He and Bo Jin went to the cat cafe on Sunday, and accompanied Pei Huang to shoot an introduction video for the cat cafe branch.

Of course, the main thing is to introduce cats.

The cats in the branch are basically picked up by Pei Huang. There are breed cats that were abandoned after getting sick, some rural cats that were adopted, and some demon cats that have nowhere to go like Zuo Bai and Li Mo.

That’s right, Li Mo simply went to work in order to be with Tao Yang every day.

Yu Gao’s nickname is Fish Cake, and he also put up a sign in the branch, and he practiced with Zuo Bai while going to work.

Jianzhou is naturally also in Maoca. He is still a fluffy kid, so he naturally wants to stay by his brother’s side.

In the branch, there are smart cats. Besides these few, there are four other cats. They are – the permanent resident of the temple suddenly realized the short-tailed unicorn cat one day. He is a big brother with yellow raccoon pattern and is the largest in the whole cat cafe. , a circle bigger than Yuanjing who turned into his original form, the big brother of Maoca Buddha. When you come to Maocafé, you bring your own name, which is called Guanzizai.

Because he is the most Buddhist, with a gentle and stable temper, Mao Mao became the store manager of the branch.

The “Water-water Hyacinth Cat” in the folklore has extremely dense fur and is so fat that even the manager of the egg yolk store would be ashamed. It has a round head and short hands, which look like a ball when it is held in its mouth. The vicious image is quite different, with the word “kindness” written on both eyes, and other cats are respectfully called “cats, cats and pigs”.

The third cat is an unlucky little girl. She was originally a cloud cat. One time her practice went wrong, and she was forcibly rescued by tourists who went up the mountain to a protection agency. , intending to live in this city with exceptionally strong aura, so I chose Maocai as my foothold, which is famous for being an actress.

The fourth was the black cat of a witch named Catherine. After the witch died, she continued to pursue the witch’s footsteps, vowing to travel all the lands the witch stepped on, and finally settle in the witch’s favorite place. Miss Catherine finally stayed in Huaguo, and stayed in Maoca, observing the daily life of “Muggles” every day like her witch master.

These smart cats belong to Maoca’s resident cats, which means they will never be adopted, but if they have a strong desire to accompany someone, Maoca will never force them to stay.

The remaining ten cats can be adopted by choice. Maoca has also reached a cooperation with the pet hospital next to Shiliu Street, sharing a contact booklet. The cats are looking for a new family.

One week before the opening of the branch, Pei Shiyi Bojin and Zhou Yan came to the branch together, planning to prepare an introduction video.

Holding the camera in his arms, Tao Yang asked nervously, “Yes, do you have any specific requirements?”

Pei Shiyi and Pei Huang tilted their heads together, “Require? No, just look good.”

Behind them were the eighteen cats of Maoca, all of them tilted their heads and showed puzzled eyes.

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