After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 48 – Forever More

There was a lot of dust. Elana stepped around a broken, splintered bench, pulling Moira along. She hoped her hand wasn’t getting too sweaty.


Elana ensured her skin was kept at a comfortable temperature by magic. But her nerves didn’t care about that. She still felt a bit of sweat form on her palm.


Who knew holding hands could be so disastrous? Elana certainly hadn’t. She contemplated dropping her temperature a bit lower but ultimately decided against it. She didn’t want to ruin the whole process by freezing Moira’s fingers.

At least the awkwardness had lessened. It had happened at the cost of any romantic ambience, but they weren’t stepping around each other's toes.


Of course, it was arguable whether butting heads was better. Elana glanced at the majestic features of Moira and inwardly sighed. Her attempt to confess her… love… Had been ruined by Moira suddenly reminding her how Elana had technically lost in their previous life.


The reminder of their past lives prompted Elana to tell Moira about the woman’s status as the Saintess. And that resulted in…




Moira apparently didn’t care enough to ask about any relevant details. Not that Elana minded it. She didn’t have much to give. 


“Careful.” Elana led Moira towards the altar. She knew the artefact was here. This was the only church in the surrounding territory. 


According to the game’s plot, the Heroine and the Prince would find this place while trying to get away from the increasing pressure from the King. His Highness didn’t think highly of the Heroine, and with the border skirmishes, he demanded the princess return to the royal castle.


The building stress and the scrutiny of the people from the Academy had chased them here. And according to the plot…


Elana studied the altar on which sat a depiction of the Goddess in her full glory. The statue's hands were spread wide, and she had an amiable smile on her face.

Despite it being a goddess, Elana found her lacking when compared to herself and Moira. “This is a goddess of love.” She explained when she noticed Moira had a question.


Luckily, Moira didn’t open her trap to yap about inane topics. Elana let go of her love’s hand and walked closer to the statue. “This place used to be where pairs came to make promises to each other - where they agreed to share everything in perpetuity.”


“...A marriage…” 


Elana twitched upon hearing the whisper. She had specifically avoided mentioning that word. “Hm, yes.” She hoped Moira hadn’t noticed her pause. “Here, the youths would swear to cherish each other before the Goddess's feet.”


“But sometimes…” Elana looked at the statue’s wrists. On each hand, there was a barely noticeable, nondescript bracelet. “The world would stand against the love. Be it due to the genre, social status, feuds, infertility, wars or more.”


After a deep breath, Elana continued. “At times like these… If the love was pure and true… The priests and the Goddess would offer their help.” She stepped on the altar and reached for the bracelets. “And sometimes… When the world truly needed it, a Saintess would be born from the forming bond.”


Elana removed the two brass bracelets, feeling them in her hand. They were strangely warm and pleasant to touch. She looked at Moira, who was waiting with her hands held above her heart.


In all honesty, Elana had not wanted this to be the moment she confessed her love. This method was already used in the game. But even more so because she had found it incredibly corny.


However, now standing before her love, Elana found it fitting. She gazed into Moira’s blue eyes, almost losing herself in their clarity.


The following words came unexpectedly easy. “With these, two lovers would find the Godess’s support in standing against all opposed to their love. With these, a Saintess would be born, and her Knight would be chosen. With these, they would be bound and belong to each other.”


Moira gasped. Her luminous brown hair shimmered in the sunbeams breaking through the windowsills. She stepped forward and extended her hand to receive the bracelet from Elana.


“With these, we will make the world bow before our love.” Elana solemnly promised. “With these, we will trample our enemies.” Her heart trembled upon seeing the blooming smile Moira sent her. “We will rule together, and we will be unshakable. Those before us will bow and serve.”


Moira nodded, gently brushing her fingertips against Elana’s, taking one of the bracelets from the blonde’s hands.


“With these shackles, we will be forever bonded. With bracelets, we will support each other.” Elana offered her hand to Moira in preparation for finishing their promise. She opened her mouth, but Moira stopped her.


“...With these gifts, our dreams become one.” Moira was the one to continue. “With these bracelets, we promise to share everything. With these words, we offer our sincerity.”

She slid the bracelet on Elna’s fingers.


“With these words, we become unbreakable.” Elana couldn’t look away from Moira. She forgot to breathe or think. Only her body continued to move on its own, mirroring her love’s movements and sliding the bracelet on Moira’s hand.


“With this gesture, we will protect each other,” Moira whispered.


“With these thoughts, I give myself- 

“-to you.” Moira finished.


They were so close now. Elana could hear Moira’s heartbeat mix with hers. She trembled when the tips of their noses touched. “With this kiss-”

“-We are now a set.”


They both clasped the bracelets around each other’s wrists. The light around them seemed to grow, and the air became otherworldly.


“Damn, you are so beautiful.” Elana leaned in to seal their fate.


“Kiss me, dummy.” 


Moira’s wet lips pressed against Elana’s. They gently pressed against each other and let their heartbeats synchronise.


From that moment on, they would be inseparable.

This definitely wasn't a marriage ceremony.

They are just dumb.

Also. There might not be a chapter tomorrow or the day after. I have a family gathering to attend and it will take most of my time.


Enkiari of Many Words

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