After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 52 –The Gullible Idiot

While waiting for the Prince’s meeting to finish, Moira studied her bracelet while sitting in his room. She ran her finger over the smooth surface while ignoring the heated tone in the next room where the Prince was shouting at the King’s advisor, who had come to discuss the implications of Kurt’s death further.

It was a simple thing. The bronze surface had no engravings nor any other indications of its origins. But there was so much more to the simple ornament.

Moira felt the bond she now shared with Elana. She could vaguely tell where Elana was now. It was a mysterious feeling, filling and soothing. Moira could feel the love flowing from Elana’s side and pushed hers back, hoping her woman would feel it, too.

The doors suddenly sprung open, and the Prince stomped inside - his face full of ill-disguised wrath. But upon noticing Moira, the expression brightened immediately. “Lady Moira!” He took wide steps towards her. “So glad to see you!”

While the Prince expected Moira’s hand to kiss it, she didn’t offer it, not wanting his perverted face near the bracelet. “Your majesty,” She bowed instead.

“No need to be so cold.” The Prince shook his head and plopped down next to Moira. “Just call me-”

“I can’t do that so freely, your Majesty.” Moira didn’t want to and smiled shyly to mask her detest. She had other goals of coming here than just improving the fool’s mood.

It had been a couple of days since Elana and she… Moira couldn’t help but happily wiggle, then cough in her hand. She had to control herself better not to make a damn light show.

Moira repeated the trail of thought. It had been a couple of days since she and Elana had gotten engaged. She still couldn’t believe her luck! Moira had never been so happy before!

But there also were a few revelations during the happiest moment of Moira’s life. Most importantly, her new status as the Saintess. She had to find a way to use it.

Studying in the library had yielded quite a bit. Moira now likely knew more than Elana. Probably. She knew her to-be-wife wasn’t exactly forthcoming with the information when it meant giving herself a disadvantage.

Which didn’t mean Elana lied. Oh, no. Moira knew Elana was doing her best in her own twisted way. Elana simply didn’t care about many small details when a brute-force approach would suffice.

And that led Moira’s thoughts back to today’s visits aim. She ruefully shook her head. “You are being watched. I can’t afford to offend people at your side.”

“You are right…” The Prince sighed. “My status and reputation have taken a plunge. Duke De’Awry is threatening… Well, never mind. I can deal with that.” He ‘accidentally’ bumped against Moira’s shoulder.

All it did was to remind Moira why she wanted this man broken. He had interrupted Moira’s and Elana’s kiss. She glanced at the handsome man, plotting the best ways to inflict maximum emotional damage.

“...If you say so…” Moira wondered what the Duke was up to. From what she had heard from Elana, there seemed to be a coup in the brewing. “You know you can tell me anything.” She fished for more information.

The Prince sadly nodded. “Of course… It is just… The nobles don’t seem to trust my father’s judgement anymore.” He complained, still trying to bump against Moira’s shoulder. “All he did was to defend me… And now…”

Moira smelled a chance. If she and Elana could grab it, the rule over the kingdom could be theirs. “It is always like that. People…” She held her head low. “People are difficult.”

“Not you.”

“Even me…” Moira sighed. “Listen… Maybe, if you told me everything… Maybe I could help somehow. If not, then at least your heart will be lighter.”

The Idiot thoughtfully nodded. “It makes sense.” He began telling about the court intrigues, betrayals, factions and relationships between them.

Moira didn’t see how it made sense at all. These were state secrets he was spewing like nothing. She couldn’t help but feel baffled by the naivety of this boy.

And the more Moira learnt, the more opportunities she saw. Of course, most of them couldn’t be used - if only because Elana would consider them beneath her. Moira didn’t want to make their relationship even more difficult. They were already fighting plenty.

What’s more, a large gathering was approaching. The increasing unrest had moved all powers, and the King had been forced to appease them by calling a conclave of sorts.

If… If Moira could affirm her status before that… She and Elana could make a case against the king and try to grab the power in the confusion. 

Of course, Moira knew it wouldn’t be that simple. But also… The church and the common folk would stand with the Saintess. Elana’s father was also bound to side with them. Kurt’s father would do anything to hurt the royal blood.

Moira hummed. Her plans sounded plausible.

“Thank you.” The Prince was finally done rattling out all the confidential trone maters. “It means a lot to have conversations with you like this.”

Which was strange. Moira didn’t remember having a conversation. It was the Prince alone who had yapped for more than an hour. Or was it two? It certainly felt like four hours.

“Of course,” Moira moved a bit further away from the Prince, who had resumed his pathetic attempts at stealing a brush or two against her. “Anytime.” She pondered how to move the conversation to the next topic.

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

The Idiot did it for Moira. She blinked, then slowly nodded. “There might be something.” She began. “I have been doing some research into the Goddess…”

“Oh?” The Prince tilted his head, then smiled widely. “Oh!” He seemed to come to a conclusion. “The Goddess of Love…” He whispered.

Whatever silly misunderstanding the Prince had come to, Moira didn’t care. “Yes. I heard there is an artefact your family owns that is connected to the Goddess.”

“There is. A little something that allows us to recognise the legitimate Saintess once she comes.”

“Yes, that.” Moira hesitated. “Can I see it?” She licked her lips. “I am very curious about it.”

The prince clapped. “But of course. We just have to find a way to get you to the castle.”

Moira almost laughed. This Idiot was too gullible. She could not wait to break his will.

A close family member of mine passed away late last night.

The update schedule will be a mess for a while.

Stay safe,

Sad Enkiari

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