After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 62 – Planning for the Worst Outcome

“Breathtaking, isn’t it?” Catarina conversed as they exited the carriage. “The capital is truly the pearl of our Kingdom.” She continued explaining the importance of the architecture used for the arcs stretching above the nearby river.

Mary didn’t care. The little girl who was improving Elana’s public image had been trying to get into her head the whole road to the capital. Catarina was a great asset, but she was also annoying.

“I don’t care,” Mary growled while searching for Elana. She had repeated this phrase more than she could count during the trip. “Are you done with it?” She still couldn’t see her sister.

The mumbling, walking stash of herbs and potions handed Mary a new mix of drugs, then retreated back into the background, making Catarina shudder and step away for a moment.

For some reason, Catarina really disliked Leina. It was the only thing that had made the trip bearable - the way Catarina had tried to sit as far away from Leina as possible.

Mary ignored the blatant tailing by that annoying man’s men and tried to find where Elana had gone. She drank the potion Leina had given.

It was a simple drink to keep her going. The constant struggles against the hateable red-haired harlot had been exhausting for Mary. No matter how she tried, the damned bodyguard didn’t want to let her see Elana.

And Mary understood why. Elana was preparing for something big. Her sister wanted to claim the throne. Mary wasn’t sure how it was possible - only that the wench sticking to Elana was an important part of the process.

It was irritating. Mary simply wanted to spend time with Elana. She understood these plans played an important part in their future, but she just wanted to hold her sister’s hand.

But when Mary finally found Elana’s carriage, it was already empty. She clenched her fist and spun around, starting Catarina. “Where is my sister?” She decided to ask the smaller girl, knowing she was usually well-informed about Elana’s plans.

Catarina made a hidden gesture and pointed at their tails, indicating she couldn’t speak. “I am not sure.” She shook her head.

“Right,” Mary hid her boiling emotions behind a mask. She wished she was stronger, more capable than she was.

Unfortunately for Mary, her magic had gone wrong. At least her constant irritation had made sure she wasn’t leaking. Having the underwear stay clean for more than an hour wasn’t a sure thing for her.

“Fine. Leina.” Mary gave up. Elana wasn’t here, and she had other things to take care of. “Show me the way.” She waited for the skittish girl to start walking and then followed.

Catarina and the two men serving her ‘guardian’ also joined, much to Mary’s chagrin. There was nothing she could do about that.

At least Mary had managed to have a secret conversation with Leina before leaving the academy. It had gone on for a long time - and had required her to make various reasonable threats, but she had achieved what she wanted.

The end result, however, was satisfying. While Mary trusted her sister, she didn’t trust others. In her mind, there had to be a way they could use to escape the city in case everything went to shit.

And even more so…. Mary needed a path and a place where…

Mary shook her head. She trusted Elana. Her sister was smart and beautiful and had the most entrancing eyes in the whole world.

And Elana tasted of pure, devilish passion. The curves of Elana’s body… The way she spoke and breathed. The way Elana kissed and played with Mary’s body…

It was all so…

Mary felt her panties become moist. She struggled to keep her step steady and ignored the wet feeling travelling down her thigh.

The fantasy of Elana licking up the trail made Mary’s citation even worse. But this wasn’t the first time this had happened. She had struggled with her condition for a few years now - even if Catarina’s sudden sniff made her more conscious of it.

Finally, Leina led them down a street full of various shops. Mary watched the large windows with interest, studying the various dresses on display.

“Here,” Leina suddenly stopped them. She mumbled under her nose a few additional things and then invited Mary and Catarina inside the largest medicine shop in the Kingdom.

Before the two men could follow the trio, they were shut out by two armed guards standing in front of the shop.

Mary simply followed Leina. They passed a bowing row of servants as they arrived at the private quarters of the building. 

“...Only my family is allowed here,” Leina explained.

The rooms were, frankly, gaudy. Various opulent decorations were thrown about the place without rhyme or reason. This place stunk of newly rich people, but Catarina still found a way to complement it.

“Um…” Leina stopped in one of the corners and glanced at the smaller girl, then Mary.

“Just show the place.” Mary sighed. She didn’t have a good way to get rid of Catarina. And even if they did, the girl already had seen too much and was too useful to get rid of for now.

Leina nodded, then opened a hidden latch leading down. “Here. An escape path and a place to hide. No one knows about it. Father never comes here.” She pointed down.

And Mary smiled. It was the perfect place. Leina had told her a lot of things about this path.

For one - there were various tunnels down below, hiding places where Leina’s family smuggled drugs in and out of the city.

And some of them led out of the capital to a shelter where no one would visit. Mary had a map to it. Leina had ‘agreed’ to give her supplies, and Mary already had money saved up.

If the need arose… If Mary was forced… She could take Elana there and escape the world.

Yes. If Mary had to, she would kidnap her sister.

The end is near.

I planned there to be 3 endings. Probably will make a poll to see which one people want to see the most.


Chatting Enkiari

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