After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 70 – Another Annoyance

The head maid’s judging stare annoyed Elana. She knew what was expected of her but didn’t feel like doing it. Still, she had to meet the delegation at least; wearing what her father had given her was the best way to make them underestimate her.

Elana considered banning these frilly messes. A new queen would mean new fashion. But she still had work left before that happened.

Letting Toy dress her, Elana looked at the ceiling. The head maid wasn’t leaving, despite her dismissing the annoying woman. She considered the best way to get rid of her, remembering she had done it before, a little after arriving in this world.

At least Moira had successfully escaped the place. They had been fooling around a little too much these days. The room smelled of sex, and the head maid knew it too. Which meant her father did as well.

Elana had to wonder if the lack of reprimand was due to Moira being a woman. With how her father was, the answer was probably yes.

Noticing Elana was done dressing and applying make-up, the headmaid opened the doors. “The delegation is waiting.” She showed the way.

Without saying anything, Elana followed. She had refreshed her memory of the Palkon kingdom and the most important people.

And one thing had stuck out to her. Elana had forgotten, but there were some hidden routes barely anyone talked about. And even the ‘Bad Ends’ had handsome males lusting after the main character.

Meaning that Elana was about to meet another ‘love’ interest after Moira. Normally, her woman would meet the prince of Palkon on a battlefield, but that path had been derailed completely.

Elana just hoped the nuisance would be tolerable enough for her not to immediately add him to the kill list…

Oh, who was she kidding? Elana had already added him to the kill list, a little below her father and the Prince of Dunces. Although Moira seemed to have plans for the annoyance, she didn’t want to share.

“Arriving - Lady Elana De’Sorthos.”

Elana marched past the announcer and headed for the table covered in refreshments where the Prince was standing. She recognised the man immediately. He simply was the most punchable person in the room and probably counted as ‘hot’ in a ‘bad boy’ way.

But all Elana saw was a douche head's length too tall. “Your Highness,” She didn’t bother to curtsy. 

It was a suboptimal choice, but Elana was still annoyed Mary had managed to gain an upper hand over her. And even before that, she had to endure her father. That day was a sore topic for her.

Catarina would probably chastise Elana if this came to her friend's attention, but she …

Elana spotted the smaller girl, sending her a reproachful look. She gave her friend a rude gesture. Catarina was engaged in speaking with the Prince’s entourage, some of which seemed to hold high titles. She hadn’t expected Catarina to arrive this early. The girl was here to support Elana in case she needed it by her own suggestion.

Meanwhile, the prince didn’t seem to mind the rudeness. “Lady Elana,” He let his eyes wander. “Such a pleasure.” He did, in fact, bow. “Your father warned me, but I am still stunned by your beauty.”

Elana wanted to gag. “Ashton,” She didn’t bother with titles any further. “Whatever my father said, it was understated.” She shamelessly claimed.

This was for the best. Elana could play an arrogant lady who knew no better. Catarina seemed to agree as her friend returned her attention to the man who was giving her creepy looks.

“Indeed, indeed,” The lecherous Prince tried to take her hand… And failed as Elana slipped away towards the large chair. “His words did no justice to your blinding presence,” He didn’t seem to mind, giving a warm smile.

As Elana sat down, she returned to studying the prince. The man’s shaved, chiselled face was that of a warrior. He wore a couple scars above his eyebrows with pride.

And most annoyingly, Ashton wasn’t like the timid local idiot. He advanced boldly, perhaps encouraged by Elana’s father. She was about to freeze his balls when he dared to attempt sitting at the armrest of the chair.

But Ahston was saved by Catarina, who glided towards Elana, falling into her lap before she could make the man infertile. 

“Elana, I missed you!” Catarina played the role of an innocent, foolish girl. It was a stark contrast with how she usually tried to appear. “You never visit me,” She pouted while wrapping her dainty hands around her waist in a hug. “Don’t kill him now.” She whispered in Elana’s ear.

Elana almost laughed. “Of course,” She stopped Catarina from leaving. She served as a good shield against Asthon, who looked lost now that Elana had Catarina in her lap. “I will visit as soon as possible!” She held Catarina tight, enjoying the purple mane tickling her nose.

This was a good distraction. Elana let Catarina squirm while ‘accidentally’ groping her pert ass when Ashon looked away.

Catarina didn’t look amused. “Elana, I have to get back to…” She sounded apologetic, her eyes growing wide when Elana didn’t stop touching her ass. “-don’t.” She silently pleaded.

“You are so cute,” Elana didn’t bother trying to be subtle. She rubbed her cheek against Catarina’s while subtly exploring the girl’s body. “Just look at your eyelashes!” She continued to poke and prod the girl.

Ashton didn’t seem to mind. He simply shrugged, whispering something awfully similar to ‘stupid girls’ under his breath. 

The smile on his face didn’t change. “Elana,” Ashton didn’t leave. “I will just call you Elana,” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. “May I be your companion at the assembly?” He directly stated.

Elana felt Catarina freeze in her hands. Her friend was probably scared of what she would do.

And it was a good question. Elana had received a direct order from her father. What was the best way to deal with this new obstacle?

Hmm... A bit more setup, then the assembly, then the end.

Surely, I wont keep adding more stuff, right?

Assured Enkiari

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