After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 8 – The Victor Once, She Will Seek to Prevail Again!

It is plot time, my dear readers of questionable, but relatable taste.

I can already hear you wondering where the smut went.

But I can't have that in EVERY chapter. Stay strong my starving friends. The smut will return. I just need to fulfil the obligations against ToS.

“You are in the way. Move.”


The brat in front of Moira shamelessly tried to bully her into submission. But frankly, she was not impressed. After what she had to go through almost a year of her life previously… This counted as cute.


“Didn’t you hear, commoner?” This lady is giving you an order. The peacock raised her nose even higher.


“Puh!” Moira couldn’t hold her laughter any longer. “Puahahaha-!” She freely laughed, making the duo of ladies in front of her uncomfortable.


Both of the peacocks craned their necks. Seeing the noise gathering unwanted attention, they huffed and stomped away.


Moira stopped laughing immediately after. She frowned. This had been too easy. No challenge at all. She didn’t want to admit it, but she missed that nutjob.


And with this thought, Moira’s mood was ruined. She shook her head and headed for her dorm room. It had been just a week since she had been transmigrated into this world. 


Most of the things were still new to her. Moira was learning of who she had been before and what was expected of her going forward.

What was expected of her was easy. Moira - or the girl who had been the owner of this body before, was talented in mana control. She was expected to learn to use magic and support the kingdom's future.


But Moira’s past… All she had learned was that her parents had been commoners. No one here could tell more. One day, she had been tested in one of the churches and admitted to the Academy.


That was all. It was almost as if Moira had been a blank slate before her new personality had woken up in this body.


Moira stopped in front of a mirror and studied her reflection. She didn’t look bad. If anything, she resembled the woman she had been in her past life.


Black hair, white skin, piercing blue eyes. Moira didn’t look like she had done manual labour for a day in the past. It made it all even more perplexing.


And Moira didn’t need more complications in her life. She had enough on her plate. Her mind was a mess.


After struggling so long against Elana in her past life, Moira had won. She had managed to get rid of that woman for good. It had been an accident, but she had outlived her rival. Not for long… Just a few weeks later, she had died as well.


But it had been enough time to celebrate. To mock all Elana’s attempts at getting to her. The months of abuse and fights were no longer and…


And Moira missed her. She missed her oh so dearly. That last smile Elana had given to her… It was etched into her memory. She wouldn’t forget it - ever.


Despite everything… Despite the hardships Elana had given Moira, she had been the only woman who had been worth facing. Their little spats, arguing, fighting, plotting and exchanging blows against each other…


It had made Moira feel alive. Nothing else ever had.


But Elana was gone… Moira couldn’t even go and drink next to the woman’s grave. Did Elana even have a family? Would she buried? She had never truly spoken to each other on a personal level…


Questions like these kept swirling in Moira’s head. Only now, that Elana was gone and she was thrown into another world, did Moira realise how close to what people described as love the feelings for the other woman was.


Moira had never believed in love, but perhaps…


“There will never be another woman like her, Moira.” She spoke with her reflection. There wasn’t anyone else worth talking to here anyway.


After brushing invisible dust of off her prim, white uniform, Moira resumed walking. Young Ladies and Growing Gentlemen passed her but paid no attention. 


Even if they were wearing the same uniform, they considered Moira beneath them - a ridiculous claim. There was just one other person who could match her!


And that person was gone. Moira frowned. This up-and-down trend of her emotions was not healthy. She needed a distraction.


“Moira!” A low bariton called after her. “I am glad to see you! How lucky to run into you!”


Hiding her displeasure, Moira faced the Crown Prince of the Kingdom. She put on a pleasant smile and slightly bowed, making sure to emphasise her sizable chest.


The handsome fool’s eyes followed the jiggling goods, even when they were hidden beneath the uniform. But the prince quickly realised he was staring and gave an embarrassed smile. “May I accompany you, my Lady?”


“You may,” Moira didn’t deny the request. It suited her needs just fine. Getting Prince to fall for her was the quickest way towards the top. She could get rid of him once she was the queen.


Although… Moira struggled to remember what his name was. Paul? No, no. It was Fart… Definitely not. Henry-something? That didn’t sound right either.


“-Isn’t that right, Moira?” The prince ‘accidentally’ bumped against Moira’s shoulder.


“That’s-” Moira returned the bump. She could not wait to kill this man. “You Highness.” Her mind failed to produce the name in the end.


“Haha, no need for that.” The Prince laughed goodnaturedly. “Just call me-”

A few giggling girls rushed past them. Moira sent a glare at them. Their actions had cost her the fool’s name. She would have to keep using the name fool to refer to him… 


Well, to be fair, Moira would have done that anyway. She listened to the fool’s dry drivel, inserting agreeing hums here and there.


“-But father wouldn’t listen.” The Prince shook his head. “I don’t love her. And all the rumours about that woman…”


Moira didn’t really care about the rumours, but the information about the fool’s fiance was useful. She would have to get rid of that woman one way or another.


Which was why Moira paid attention.


And the Prince noticed it, too. He happily continued to speak, failing to understand Moira even for a moment.


“-I really don’t like that woman. But my father keeps pushing Elana to become my wife.”


Moira froze midstep. Her limbs refused to move properly, making it hard to turn to face the fool. “Could you repeat?”



“The name,” Moira demanded. “What was her name?”


“Well, it was,” The Prince stammered in surprise. “Elana. Her name is Elana.”


Moira blinked. “... Elana?” What was this coincidence? It couldn’t be… Right? She slowly tasted the name. “Elana…” She whispered again…

So? What do you all think? No. Don't tell me. Judging by the comments on all previous chapters, it will be you all asking for sister/sister action.

I am joking of course. I enjoy you people taking the time to leave a comment or two!

Much love!

Trope-Spewing Enkiari

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