After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 87 – Pissing off Elana

The great hall had separated into factions. For a careful observer, it would have been clear from the beginning. But now it was obvious, with how the crowd had split into various groups, glaring at each other.

And between the said groups were traitors and opportunists. Elana knew because her own ‘faction’ was scattered among everyone else's. After all, they would only support her if they were sure she was not just pretty promises and veiled threats.

Elana still hadn’t stood up, letting the Dukes and the Royals verbally humiliate each other. She much preferred playing with her reluctant friend, playing with Catarina’s nipples beneath the dress, compared to making a fool of herself.

But the fun had to end sometime. Elana regretfully let the squirming creature out of her grasp, preparing herself for a confrontation.

The ice protection took time to form, and she didn’t want to spook anyone too soon. “Scoot,” She slightly pushed the pouting girl. “Or you will freeze.” She started to form ice around her feet and ankles, encasing them in beautiful, translucent armour.

“I know, but,” Catarina grumbled. “Where?” She didn’t want to stand up and become a lightning rod for the pent-up anger all around.

“Next to me, clearly. Right?” Elana looked at the old fart next to her, who gasped, noticing the insult to his position as a marquess. “Or-”

Elana didn't have to finish. The old man received a whisper from behind and then scrambled to make himself clear by hunching over and vanishing in the crowd. She glanced at the stone-faced man who had done her a favour and nodded. He was one of her supporters.

With the spot next to Elana freed, Catarina quickly took it. She straightened her crumpled dress while still gazing at the proceedings with intensity.

“It’s not that interesting,” Elana continued to encase herself in ice, still keeping it unnoticeable. She radiated cold, making it only a question of time.

The King harrumphed as if disagreeing with Elana’s words. “The audacity and shame you bring to our home-”

Veins continued to pop on Arkoly’s forehead. He was well past any reasoning. “YOU SPEAK OF SHAME? IT IS WELL PAST SPEAKING!” His words washed over everyone, filled with magical energies. “ANSWER! WHAT WILL YOU DO?” He demanded.

“YOU CAN’T SPEAK THAT WAY TO A KING!” Duke Noiom met the desperate father’s anger with one of his own. “SIT AND-”

“We cannot reconcile.” Vermont shook his head, his unhurried voice sneaking in between the screams. “One way or another, we will have a new ruler before the day ends.”

“TREASON!” Duke Noiom screamed, and many joined his accusation.

“Only the truth. People deserve that for once,” Vermont sighed, pretending to care.

The King gazed at the rebellious duke. “And you would be the new King?” He questioned, giving another sign, testing which guards were still on his side. His gesture earned some response, signalling a fight could break out at any moment.

“If I must,” Vermont returned the gaze. Behind him, several imposing figures postured, showing their willingness to fight for the Duke. Even Ashton flashed a cocky smile, sowing more chaos in the process as he was an outsider.

Elana sighed. She regretted letting Catarina go. This was even stupider than she had imagined now that she was paying attention. “They suck at setting up the stage.” She complained.

“I think they are doing great,” Catarina disagreed. “Moira seems to agree,” She pointed at the masquerading woman who was whispering something in the Prince’s ear.

“Of course she does,” Elana had a bad feeling. Moira wouldn’t just-

“Enough!” Frederick suddenly jumped to his feet.

Elana furrowed her brows. Her old fiance's voice was…

“I am a man!” The Prince’s high-pitched, almost cute voice didn’t do him favours.

“Did he always sound like that?” Elana found herself asking a pointless question.

“Definitely not,” Catarina looked at the Prince as well, wondering what had happened to him.

“Moira, what the fuck are you doing?” Elana now understood. She didn’t know how or why, but her idiotic woman had-

“I am a man!” Frederick repeated, not convincing anyone. “And I can defend my own honour!” He raised his chin high, daring anyone to challenge his claims.

Catarina gasped. “His neck. How?” She had noticed the lack of Adam’s apple and couldn’t believe it.

“That bitch!” Elana hissed. “I knew it. She is messing with me!”

“How? What? Why?” The smaller girl still stumbled over her words, not able to understand.

Neither could the rest of the hall comprehend the change. They all looked at the Prince, stupified. Even the King dropped his majestic bearing and twisted his neck to look at his son.

“The fucking cow!” Elana spat out. “Her brain has all melted and dripped into her gigantic breasts.”

Frederick didn’t appear bothered. It seemed that Moira’s presence at his side emboldened him. “You all forget Goddess herself selected our lineage.”

His… Her? Their melodic voice was unstoppable.

“Shit, the bitch!” Elana continued to curse under her breath while quickening her armament forming. Her limbs were already encased, making her, at the minimum, battle-ready.

“And only a Goddess can take it away,” Frederick continued. “No one else. And Her-”

Frederick continued to speak, his poetic words becoming almost a song. Elana knew the stupor everyone experienced would not last. The Prince bringing up the Goddess was part of the plan, but his… Her? Frederick’s appearance change was not.

The Dukes and their fighters were putting their hands on their weapons. The mana levels in the room spiked as people kept their spells ready. The few people not in the know looked around in confusion and alarm.

“Fuck!” Elana let out her frustrations again. “She knew I wanted to kill him! That evil sow!” “Kill! Not fuck!”

Catarina simply gapped while Moira laughed next to the newly minted princess.

I am really sick. Spent most of the week sleeping. But I think the chapter came out pretty nice. Thanks for reading.


Dying at an accelerated rate Enkiari

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