After the Eldest Sister-in-law Died Young, Dai Wen Remarried

Chapter 589 Stay

When Yun Qinghuan saw her expression, he knew that she might have made a lot of money, but he still smiled and said nothing, waiting for her to speak.

Sure enough, when Wang Shufeng saw that she didn't ask, she couldn't help but take the initiative and said, "Qing Huan, do you know how much money we made this time?"

There was unconcealable excitement on his face.

"How much?"

Wang Shufeng stretched out two fingers.

Yun Qinghuan said deliberately, "Two hundred yuan?"

She shook her head, "No, it's two thousand yuan!"

"I've never seen so much money! I'm really glad that I asked my man to come to Kyoto to sell clothes with me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make so much money, two thousand yuan! That's what my man was digging in the fields. You may not be able to earn money by eating in a lifetime!”

Baizhongshan next to him heard this and rubbed his head naively.

Three months ago, Wang Shufeng started selling clothes. Even though she was busy with her studies and didn't sell much, she still made a lot of money because the clothes were easy to sell.

She does have limited energy on her own, but she also wants to make more money because she wants to move her whole family to live in Kyoto. She misses her husband and children.

When she thought about it, she suddenly thought of the man she was eating at home, Baizhongshan. Baizhongshan had time and could keep selling.

If she kept selling it, she couldn't even imagine how much money she would make!

At this thought, Wang Shufeng couldn't help but feel moved. She called and asked Baizhongshan to come quickly, write a letter of introduction, and ask for a longer leave.

Perhaps because of her urgent tone, Baizhongshan thought something had happened to her at school, so he asked the village cadre to help him open a letter of introduction that day. He had a long vacation, and then took a train to Kyoto in a hurry.

Only when he saw the lively Wang Shufeng did he realize that he had misunderstood his wife's intentions.

Wang Shufeng saw him coming, arranged him directly into the house she bought, and then taught him to sell clothes.

Although Baizhongshan is honest, he has experience in speculation, so he quickly got started selling clothes.

A lot of pieces can be sold every day.

During this winter vacation, the couple wanted to make more money, so they did not come back with Yun Qinghuan, but came back near the end of the year.

Yun Qinghuan heard what she said and was happy for her, and then asked, "Then what will you do next? Continue to let your man stay in Kyoto to sell clothes?"

Speaking of this, Wang Shufeng became anxious, "Is it feasible?"

She wanted her man to continue selling clothes in Kyoto.

But selling clothes requires supply. What will they do if Bai Naihan stops buying clothes after the new year?

"It should be possible. I hear Han Hanhan. He should always be in the business of selling clothes, but you should have noticed that many people are reselling clothes like us now. After this year, I'm afraid there will be more people and the business will be limited." It’s not that easy to do, and if the profits are more transparent, I’m afraid the profits for you won’t be that high by then.”

Now it costs 50 cents per piece of clothing, but after the new year it will probably drop to around 30 cents per piece.

But don’t underestimate the price of 30 cents a piece. If you sell more, you will make money.

At least it's better than digging in the ground.

Wang Shufeng's eyes lit up and she said directly, "What's the matter? I understand all this. As long as there are clothes to sell, I will let my man keep doing it!"

Baizhongshan also looked excited.

Wang Shufeng continued, "Since this business has always been there, Qing Huan, I plan to take the children and mother-in-law to Kyoto, so that our family can be taken care of when we are together. What do you think?"

"Of course it's feasible." Yun Qing said with a smile.

If you can make money, it's better for your family to be neat and tidy.

This long separation is not good for both of them.

Children, especially, may be separated from their own mothers later on.

With Yun Qinghuan's approval, Wang Shufeng felt extremely happy, as if she was about to float.

Yun Qinghuan saw it funny.

Seeing that she didn't even leave the package at home, but brought it directly to her, one could imagine Wang Shufeng's anxiety, "Have you not eaten yet? Can I order some noodles for you two?"

When Wang Shufeng heard that there was food, her stomach growled. She was hungry and nodded quickly, "Okay, I've been craving for your cooking skills for a long time."

Next to him, Baizhongshan was a little embarrassed and pulled his wife. Why would he come to someone else's house to beg for food as soon as he got off the car?

Aren't you afraid of annoying others?

Wang Shufeng didn't understand what he meant. She just found him annoying. She put the package in her hand directly on the ground and rolled her eyes at him, "What are you doing? It's so annoying!"

Baizhongshan looked at his hands that were thrown away, and touched his nose helplessly, almost touching his forehead.

Yun Qinghuan noticed the couple's little movements, and the smile on his lips deepened.

Put a poached egg in the noodles, add some green vegetables, and scoop a spoonful of the homemade garlic sauce, it’s so fragrant!

When it was brought over, Wang Shufeng's eyes lit up. She took the bowl and started eating with a snoring sound.

After finishing a bowl of noodles, Wang Shufeng was extremely satisfied, "If I had your cooking skills, I could walk sideways in Kyoto!"

Nowadays, there are many people setting up stalls next to the university town. The food is not as delicious as Yun Qinghuan's, but the business is so good that you have to queue up every time you want to eat.

Therefore, Wang Shufeng envied Yun Qinghuan's cooking skills. Even if he was not in school, he would sell a lot of food at a stall near the school.

Unlike her, she can't do anything.

Yun Qinghuan laughed out loud at her praise.

"If you are interested, I can also teach you. Once you learn it, you can set up a stall when you have time."

Wang Shufeng immediately shook her head after hearing this, "Forget it, I don't have this talent."

Even in her own home, Wang Shufeng rarely cooks because her husband and mother-in-law have banned her from cooking because the food is not delicious and she might break the bowl.

Yun Qinghuan saw the pity on her face and shook her head helplessly. She didn't know what kind of bad luck this girl had, that she really met such a good man and her husband's family.

Even after being married for so many years, she is still the same as when she was a girl.

It can be seen that he is pampered.

Wang Shufeng didn't stay much after dinner, but followed Baizhongshan home.

Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, the couple haven't bought any New Year's goods yet, and they don't know if the mother-in-law and their two children have time to buy anything.

The two of them have been selling clothes for a while, and they are generous with their money. The packages are all new clothes, prepared for the family, one set for each person.

When we got home, Wang Shufeng's mother-in-law came over directly to welcome her, with joy in her eyes.

"I guessed that you would definitely come back two days before this year, so I have bought everything at home and am waiting for you to come back to celebrate the New Year."

The old woman knew that her son was reselling clothes in Kyoto, so she asked him, "Zhongshan, will you return to Kyoto to sell clothes after the New Year?"

The old woman was a little entangled, and there was still reluctance in her eyes.

She knew that her son went to Kyoto to make money and to give the family a better living environment for her and her children.

But the old woman really didn't want her son to be away for so long.

The complicated expectations in his mother's eyes really stunned Baizhongshan, and he subconsciously looked at his wife. (End of chapter)

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