After the Full-Level Boss is Reborn

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 Walled Village (7)

The blood mist was thicker, and a little mist drifted in the wind.

The people in the village couldn’t help taking a few steps back, for fear of getting infected with such unknown things.

Huaibo was motionless, still smiling, and his eyebrows were like curved feathers, and he looked innocent and harmless. She pointed to the bound women and asked softly, her voice was like a pearl falling on a jade plate.

Seeing that she was so amiable, the village chief let go of his hanging heart for a few minutes and said: “This madness can be contagious, so many people will be recruited without checking.”

When Huaibo heard the words, his face was sorrowful, “It’s really pitiful. It just happens that I’m a little familiar with the ambiguity. Why don’t you let me diagnose and treat them.”

The village head hurriedly waved his hand and refused, “Where are they worthy? Don’t dirty Xianchang’s hands.”

Huaibo smiled, “Jane Yi, take out the things in their mouths for them.”

The head of the village was pale, and the villagers were also panicked.

Zhao Jian walked up to a young woman, “Girl, offended.”

The son of Sui Nong rushed out, “This is my wife, cough cough, what is your big man touching?”

He was named Sui Tiangong, and he was an inhuman tuberculosis. He was covering his lips and coughing intermittently.

Zhao Jian took a few steps back, pinched his nose, glanced at him, raised his eyebrows with a smile instead of smiling, and said, “You tuberculosis ghost can still marry a wife?”

He coughed and died immediately, is there anyone willing to marry him?

“Ahem, what do you mean?”

Zhao Jian paused in his footsteps, and moved behind him in an instant, and kindly patted him on the back, “Don’t cough up your lungs.” He took out the cotton cloth ball from the woman’s mouth.

“Xianchang help me!” The woman was free, and immediately asked for help.

Zhao Jianyi bent over to untie the ropes on her wrists and feet, and said warmly: “But was forced to marry by this man?”

The woman knelt on the ground, weeping, “It’s not just coercion, they kept me locked in the wood shed, refused to feed me, and tried to force me to give in.”

This woman speaks clearly and has clear logic. Where does she seem to be mad?

Huaibai glanced at the village chief with a smile, and walked to the woman, leaned over to lift her up, and said slowly: “Girls don’t need to be afraid, speak slowly.”

When the woman saw her with a smile, her expression was amiable, the tension was loose, she wiped her tears, and said, “I am from Jiangcheng, and my surname is Xiaotang. I met two old people at the lantern party begging me for a bite. , I wanted to give a couple of pieces of silver, but they refused to say that they could not bear it, and then pointed to the small shop in the alley and asked me to go there to buy them some steamed buns. I went, but the people in the shop took me… ”

At this point, Chu Xiaotang’s tears fell, and he was choked up for a while.

The smile on Huaibo’s face gradually cooled.

Chu Xiaotang tremblingly begged: “I have been missing for more than a month, and my parents don’t know how to worry? They are only my daughter, Xianchang, please help me.”

This is probably the cry for help I heard at Suinong’s house, Peiyu calmly looked at the people present.

The villagers were in a panic and were whispering. Zhao Jianyi was full of anger. He took advantage of this moment to untie the other women. The villagers wanted to stop him, but he stared at him severely and backed back in fright.

“Xianchang, listen to me to explain!”

Huaibai smiled and said, “I don’t need to explain.” She glanced at the crying girls. Except for Chu Xiaotang, the other bound women looked very small, no more than thirteen or fourteen, with immature faces. She was so pale that she could only cry in fright.

“Jane Yi, write down their names and places of origin.”

The villagers did not know what they had negotiated, but they united and stopped them, “What are you going to do?”

Zhao Jianyi didn’t have a good face, “What do you do? Naturally, you rescued these people who were taken captive by you. Also, hand you over to the government!”

Peiyu smiled mockingly at the corner of her mouth.

Yancun has been trafficking in people for so many years, how can the government not know this?

Snakes and rats are just a nest.

“She’s my daughter-in-law! Why are you stealing my daughter-in-law!” Zhang Goudan was a tall man, carrying a **** in one hand, and shouting with red eyes.

Sui Tiangong coughed to death, “Cough cough cough, yeah, cough cough, why are you…”

The villagers all agreed, “Yeah, why are you? You come to bully us ordinary people because of your own immortality!”

Zhao Jian smiled angrily, “Why?” He pointed to the group of girls who couldn’t help crying, “Why did you kidnap them here?”

The villagers still refused to give in.

Zhao Jianyi was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with a wave of his long sleeves, the villagers were fascinated and closed their eyes.

Seeing that the woman was pulled away by Zhao Jian, Zhang Goudan threw the **** and sat on the ground to play a rogue, “This is my daughter-in-law! I bought the daughter-in-law who spent most of my life saving! I still count on her to give birth to me. What about the baby!”

And the girl he referred to as his wife was hiding behind Huaibo in horror, sobbing and saying, “I don’t know him, I don’t know him. I want my mother, oh, I want to go home…”

Zhang Goudan’s eyes widened, and his red neck yelled: “How can you do this? It took me thirty taels of silver to buy you back! We all slept before, so why don’t you recognize me? No matter, either refund! Or change! Otherwise you don’t want to leave!”

Zhao Jianyi pointed at him angrily, “Do you think you did it right?”

Zhang Goudan said aggrievedly: “What’s wrong? I don’t steal or **** it. I save thirty taels of silver in my life. I buy good products and ask her to lay an egg for me…”

The villagers clamored, “Yes, we are all good people. We bought this. Why do you take it?”

“Diao Min! It’s lawless!”

Seeing that Zhang Goudan couldn’t stop the boy, he noticed that he hit the woman standing by. This woman looks gentle and amiable, she must be a talkative!

He thought this way, stretched out his hand to grab the skirt of the woman, howled and said: “Xianchang, can’t you be like this?”

A touch of azure azure like the sky passed by, Zhang Goudan’s eyes flashed, and his hand was empty. He blinked, and turned his head to see that the woman was already a few steps away, and the person was still smiling, kindly like a spring sun.

“Master, these unruly people are lawless. Let’s stop talking nonsense with them. We will save them and go out quickly.”

Huaibo nodded with a smile, looked at the silent child, and said softly: “Peiyu, what do you want me to do?”

The child suddenly raised his head, and the water flickered in his round eyes, a look of panic, “I, I don’t know…”

“Then I will rescue only these women, and the others will remain in the blood mist, what do you think?” Huai Bai deliberately slowly teaches Peiyu so that she can learn to treat the wicked without being kind.

The child was silent, squeezing the corners of his clothes tightly, feeling like a cub at a loss.

Zhang Goudan became more and more angry in his heart, and couldn’t help crying.

“Wow, I have lost all the money I saved for a lifetime, and the wife I finally married is also gone. What am I still alive? Forget it when I die!” He said that he was really banging his head.

Peiyu’s thoughts moved, taking advantage of the gloomy sky and everyone did not notice, sent Hong Wu to secretly move a sharp stone and move it under Zhang Goudan.

The ground is soft soil, it doesn’t hurt at all to hit it.

Zhang Goudan was knocking very vigorously, and suddenly heard a crisp sound, his brain was like an egg, and it snapped off cleanly.

A pang of pain ensued. He raised his hand in a daze and saw that his hands were scarlet, yelled “Wow”, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

The villagers suddenly became agitated, “The immortal long is killing! The immortal long is killing!”

Huaibo ignored these **** scenes, but asked softly, “Peiyu, what do you want to do?”

The child lowered his head and looked stubborn, with a pair of nice phoenix eyes drooping slightly, like a pitiful little beast. She clenched her hands and pressed her lips into a straight line, seeming to be making some kind of difficult choice—

Master wants to let this group of people be so simple? but…

The heart is pure and kind, and the white jade is flawless.

Huaibo almost wanted to chop off his hand that made these eight characters. This is where the white jade is flawless, it is clearly the Virgin’s halo to cover the sky and sun!

She took a deep breath, maintained the gentle smile on her face, and asked: “But have you ever thought about it, if you keep these people’s lives, how many women will be persecuted again, and how many families will be broken?”

She pointed to Chu Xiaotang, “Like this elder sister, she helped the elderly out of kindness, but pushed herself and her parents into an unbearable situation. Do you have any regrets if you ask her?”

Chu Xiaotang nodded as if pounding garlic, “I regret it very much.”

Huaibo squatted down and opened the child’s clenched hand. The palm of her hand was bleeding from her nails, revealing bright red flesh and blood. Bai Bai stroked her wound lightly, with pity in her eyes thicker, and said helplessly: “Peiyu, there are good people and evil people in this world. If you are kind to the wicked, you are to the good. Cruel, I know you are a good boy, but…”

But let these wicked people die easily, wouldn’t it be cheaper for them?

Peiyu held Huaibo back, her eyes sparkling, and she seemed to finally make a decision, “Master, you are right, I listen to your teachings.”

Huaibo was startled slightly, seeing the child finally resuscitated, only to feel like a spring breeze, the whole body was comfortable, and then he smiled softly: “Come on, I’ll take you out.”

She took Peiyu’s hand, and Zhao Jianyi led the dozen or so women into the blood mist.

When the villagers saw that they were about to leave, they wanted to stop them, but Huaibo only looked over slightly, pressed by an extremely powerful and irresistible force. They immediately shook in cold sweat, and their bodies froze on the ground like a stone, unable to move at all.

Only the mouth is constantly moving, still taking advantage of the tongue, and crying for mercy for a while.

Sui Hanpa said in a loud voice: “Xianchang, I am a disciple of Shengrenzhuang, if you ignore it, I’m afraid you will cause trouble to Gushan!”

Huaibo let out a soft “Ah” again, as if waking up from a dream, and slowly turned around, “You are right.”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and listened to her continuing to laugh and say: “So I want to erase this memory from you. Even if it is Zhang Ru’s call for souls, I won’t find the clues. Jiangcheng was surrounded by blood mist and collapsed. More than ten Golden Core cultivators lived, but now it’s not unusual to re-emerge and destroy a small village.”

Obviously she was smiling softly at Wen Wen, but the villagers couldn’t help trembling all over, as if they were seeing Asura from the underworld.

How terrible this woman!

But they didn’t feel scared anymore. Just when the figure of Huaibai and his group disappeared in the blood fog, the villagers were clever, you see me and I see you, don’t know what happened.

“Why do you carry a pot behind you?”

“How do I know? What do you do with two chickens in your hand?”

“Where is that little bastard? Why haven’t you come back?”

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