After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 12

In the crew of “Jiang Xianghe”, Luo Su didn’t actually think of any crooked mind. He just wanted to act well, practice his skills, and straighten out these moths. He could ignore them.

What is a bag of stomach medicine, a **** note, a pair of dogs and men.

But when Xiao Yang placed the hot search in front of him that day, Luo Su deeply felt that if he wanted this kind of person not to be a demon, he had to let him never walk in front of you.

The content of the hot search is actually quite surprising. Su Jianxin’s crew’s security measures have always been strict. This time, it was shot by Reuters and sent directly to Weibo.

On the photo was the first rival scene of Luo Su and Ji Ran that day. Luo Su stood on the steps with her toes high, and Ji Ran fell on the grass. She even felt awful, and a dynamic picture came out. A scene repeated ng seven Eight times.

I don’t know if Ji Ran has too many potential fans and usually doesn’t bubbling. At this time, Qi Qiyi fills in angrily and divides the three paths.

All over the world, I called my family Ji Ran’s baby to be wronged, and brushed the topic of # 纪 然 被 踹 # into the top five searches. The other way shouted on the Weibo of Shengshi Entertainment, asking the upper level of the company to take charge of Ji Ran, otherwise it would never be good enough. The last way was to go to Luo Su Weibo and scold Luo Su for bullying.

However, this is just the beginning.

Some so-called insiders revealed that Luo Su’s role originally belonged to Ji Ran. Ji Ran contract was signed with the crew, and Luo Su emerged and snatched it.

Ji Ran succumbed to everything, and had to take on an insignificant role as a guard. It was a drama that was stung by Luo Sung seven or eight times.

When Ji Ran’s news came out, it seemed to become a celebrity in the circle. Many marketing accounts have reprinted and expanded the incident to reveal the current status of the entertainment circle in a vocal tone. The red is in power and the unred, kneeling in front of them kick.

Ji Ran got the pity of countless netizens and fans in a pitiful gesture, and Luo Su, as a arrogant and arrogant villain, naturally got countless accusations.

Luo Su watched her fans and those black fans tear down under her Weibo. The comment area was almost invisible, so she called Shen Fang.

“Hey, Director Shen, do you know about it online?”

How can Shen Fang not know that Ji Ran was implicated in the drug abuse incident by Fu Hanzhao before joining the group. Netizens have a zero tolerance attitude towards drug use. Ji Ran, as the primary suspicion, naturally has a huge impact. These days he has been racking his brain and thinking Eliminate this negative impact for Ji Ran.

However, some people broke the news that the ‘unfair treatment’ they had received in the crew gave them a direction.


After all, people sympathize with the weak.

Shen Fang played with the official tone, “Luo Su, this is the case. The company also knows this. You can rest assured that now that the company knows it, it will definitely clarify for you and Ji Ran. Act well, online Do n’t read these inconsistent comments, the company will help you. ”

Luo Su sneered, how could he not understand such words.

He said neither how to deal with it nor the follow-up arrangements, nor even returned his Weibo account to him, indicating that he wanted to make this matter worse, so that he could step on his own footsteps and make the road clear for Ji Ran.

Luo Su didn’t have too much entanglement. “Okay, Director Shen, I understand. I’ll leave it to you.”

Shen Fang’s commitment, while regretful for Luo Su, can not help but sigh Ji Ran’s good life, there is a Lu Beichuan leaning back.

Luo Su hung up the phone and then sent a message to Guan Xiang.

Guan Xiang was last seen because of Weibo ’s exposure to Fu Hanzhao ’s drug use. Later, Fu Hanzhao ’s drug use was officially confirmed. By the way, Ait broke the news blogger Guan Xiang ’s Weibo and called it an enthusiastic rising crowd. Nearly a million.

Luo Su went straight in with a single knife, the first sentence was: Zheng Li derailed during marriage, domestic violence.

He also sent a photo of the medical records he got from his brother’s relationship in the hospital.

Luo Su: This is the medical record sheet of Zheng Li’s wife I took at the hospital. The trauma is serious. As for the derailed information and recent photos of Zheng Li’s wife, you should find it by yourself.

Soon, Guan Xiang’s message came over.

Guan Xiang: True?

Luo Su sneered, sending four words, love or not.

The message was sent successfully.

Guan Xiang, this person is cautious, he understands, who is Zheng Li after all? Under the spotlight, the three good men, the acting emperor who was as famous as Ji Yunshen on the big screen, known as his wife slave, have publicly said that he has transferred all his belongings to his wife’s name, and even said with a smile that he must get his wife Of permission.

Will such people be derailed? Will domestic violence?

Luo Su couldn’t believe the news of his last life.

But the fact is the fact. When his wife Zheng Li showed the scar on her body in front of the camera, Luo Su really didn’t understand how a man could disguise so thoroughly.

When the message sounded, Luo Su looked back and looked at the text message on the screen.

Guan Xiang: Brother, who is sacred? Do you have a cup?

Luo Su: I’ll give you some news and help me later. Now I need you to spread the news.

Guan Xiang: Yes.

Luo Su withdrew her mobile phone and watched Ji Ran, who was playing in the crew, smiled heavily.

This matter on the Internet is hot, and it concerns the crew of “Jiang Xianghe”. The crew of the team paid special attention to this matter. Su Jianxin contacted Shen Fang the first time, but Shen Fang’s response was similar to that of Luo Su, saying that he Artists don’t need to show up on the crew side.

Ji Yunshen removed his armor and sat on one side to rest, listening to Su Jianxin’s anger and asking, “What’s the matter?”

Assistant Ji Yunshen muttered a few whispers, and heard Ji Yunshen frowning. He took the mobile phone in person and flipped through the comments on the Internet.

“What do you think?”

Assistant Ji Yunshen is well versed in the entertainment industry and whispered in Ji Yunshen’s ears: “Ji Ran is not popular and Luo Su does not have such influence. This matter has expanded to the point where it is now. There must be a push behind it. Someone from Shengshi Entertainment has called. Director Shen of Shengshi Entertainment said that there is no need for the crew to come forward and they can solve it by themselves, but until now, there is no news at all. “

Ji Yun deeply watched the abusive comments under Luo Su Weibo, his brows were sunken, his face was dark, and it took him a long time to say coldly, “He can they also scold?”

The assistant was afraid to speak.

Just when Luo Su came over, smiled Yingying greeted him, “Ji brother worked hard.”

Ji Yun looked at Luo Su deeply, silent for a long time, and looked at Luo Su embarrassed.

“Brother Ji, what’s wrong? You don’t look well. Is it uncomfortable?”

“On the Internet …”

Luo Suruo laughed casually: “It doesn’t matter, I can solve it myself.”

“You?” Ji Yunshen was obviously not convinced.

But Luo Su insisted, “This is only a small matter. I and Ji Ran are in the same combination, and the company will help us clarify.”

Seeing his sharp, knife-like eyes showing firmness, his small waist stick stood upright, Ji Yun nodded deeply, “OK.”

Although this incident is a lot of black and white reversal on the Internet, in the crew, right and wrong are clear.

Throughout the day, Ji Ran felt like a man’s back, and there was always a staff member pointing behind him to gossip.

“Well, have you watched Weibo? Just now we filmed that Reuters on Weibo.”

“I know, isn’t it because of this that Su Da started such a big fire?”

“Oh, what, it ’s not that Su Dao got angry because of Reuters. You did n’t see what the Internet said? Luo Su not only grabbed the corner, but also bullied Ji Ran.”

“Ha? Bullying Ji Ran? Ji Ran doesn’t have a leg with Lu Beichuan? Lu Beichuan is his backer, who can bully him?”

“What bullying is not bullying, it is not whitewashing. Some time ago, Fu Hanzhao took drugs, Ji Ran was not also said to be taking drugs? I am afraid that I want to use this to shift the topic.”

“Well, Luo Su is so pitiful that Ji Ran was so oppressed that day when she joined the team, and she is still stepping on the top. I see, this company didn’t plan to clarify to Luo Su. the company.”

When the two staff members turned around, they saw Tie Qing’s face behind Ji Ran, and his face suddenly flustered.

Ji Ran didn’t care about them and turned around and left.

Of course, by the way, Shen Fang also called and let Shen Fang continue to stir up the matter.

Shen Fang wanted to continue to contribute to the flames, but in the afternoon, the heat of this matter became cold, and it became hotter and more eye-catching, which was the number one on the hot search list.

# 前日 好 男 derailment violent desolation, let ’s see you on Wednesday #

The person who broke the news was the one who broke out Fu Hanzhao’s drug use last time. As soon as the news of Weibo was published, the comment had an explosive growth, and there were speculations about who the derailed domestic violence star was.

However, married male celebrities in the entertainment industry have been guessed over and over again, but those male star fans who have been innocently guessed have started a tear-up X battle. The joining of several fans has made this topic the top search hot list.

People’s attention is limited. In this way, who cares about Luo Su Jiran’s popularity. For a day, the heat disappears.

Outside a high-end community, Guan Xiang, who squatted, was staring, and suddenly slapped himself.

With the news that someone ’s family had been derailed so early, how could he find evidence?

When I think of the mysterious text message, I send messages one after another, how can I not be curious who the person behind is.

It was obviously anxious for the person to let himself spread the news before there was evidence of derailment.

Very anxious?

Guan Xiang, as a media person, has a natural sense of smell.

There is no other reason to release such hot news at this time. Obviously, it is to shift the target.

At this moment, a vehicle slowly drove out of the community he followed, and suddenly stopped at the side of the road again. After a short while, a young and beautiful woman approached, knocked on the window, and handed the wallet to the person in the car. Before closing the window, the woman smiled, put her head into the car, and asked for a kiss.

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