After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 35 - (one)

[Why are there no handsome guys around me! Because the handsome guys are all gone! !! !! Don’t give us a way to go to work! 】

[This instructor! !! !! This instructor! !! !! Don’t lose the star at all! !! !! Brother Bing! Debut! !! !! I’ll blow you up! !! !! 】

[The star and bar on the instructor’s shoulder … It doesn’t look like an instructor, let me check what level it is. 】

[I have time to resign and sign up to be a soldier? 】

[Do n’t leave when you resign and be a soldier. Men and women are not in a battalion. Wake up! !! !! 】

[I am the one who resigned to be a soldier. Who said I was a woman? 】

[Big Brother 666 is okay, maybe he can get a handsome soldier brother! 】

[See you, Ji Yun? Why is it so similar to my male **** name? ? ? As if smelling the smell of dog blood! 】

Most of the entertainment stars such as Yan Qiu haven’t dealt with such people as Ji Yunjian, or it may be that Ji Yunjian’s talents are very strong in the background. These years have been too smooth and smooth, and they have always been in high positions. Arrogance prevails.

“Hi instructor Ji, I am the squad leader of the recruit squad, Li Yan, may I have any instructions from the instructor?”

Ji Yun saw his head bowed and glanced around. It was a very serious and harsh expression. “I heard the loud noise of your dormitory all the way, the whole building is the loudest in your dormitory! I don’t care who you are, before entering the camp What kind of status, what purpose to enter the barracks, but as long as you have entered the barracks, you are part of the army, you are soldiers! Told me all the previous bad habits and bad habits, soldiers, soldiers should be like soldiers! “

Leader Li couldn’t help but say, “Instructor, they are all recruits.”

Ji Yun glanced at Mr. Li and continued, “Tomorrow, this is your first training. I don’t want to see a class that has dragged us down. I’m done, Mr. Li, this is up to you. . “

“Okay, thank you Comrade Instructor for your guidance!” Leader Li paid a military salute, and Ji Yun strode away from the dormitory after seeing the ceremony.

When Ji Yunjian told the training team later on, the program team added a special effect on the upper body of the “teacher” and called it the strictest “teacher in history”.

However, before Ji Yunjian left the dormitory, he looked at Luo Su and saw Luo Su’s erratic eyes slightly absent-minded, only thinking that this little **** had a guilty conscience and did not dare to look at him.

Luo Su really has a ghost in his heart. He always feels that Ji Yunjian’s eyes always fall on himself, thinking that Ji Yunjian knows something. Occasionally, he looks at Ji Yunjian. Contrary to his four eyes, he felt that Ji Yunjian’s eyes were profound and meaningful, and he had a virtue with Ji Yunshen, as if he had sniffed all the secrets in himself.

Luo Su’s throat was astringent, and he looked away quietly.

Next, what Li’s leader said, Luo Su was so stunned that he didn’t hear it for half a minute, but only heard the last word of Sanhui, everyone was relieved.

Or maybe the instructor gave him a disappointment just now, and everyone was still in a state of enthusiasm for a while, scratching their heads, and silently packing their own gifts.

Ji Yun’s hands and feet are sloppy, and his style of work is neat and clear. Even when everyone was dragging, he had already organized things properly.

“Do you need my help?”

Ji Yunshen’s voice was almost against Luo Su’s ear, and Luo Su trembled slightly, and her extremely sensitive ear tip became red and hot.

“No need, I can clean up myself, thank you Ji Ji.”

The camera turned around and turned to SpongeBob’s picture **** in Luo Su’s suitcase.

Luo Su was busy covering her underwear with her clothes, her face was red, her ears were red, she threw a pile of clothes with her underwear, and threw it into the cabinet.

Beyond the accident, Luo Su even heard Ji Yunshen’s laughter, and even the cameraman’s camera that shot with him kept shaking.

In his whole life, he was almost thirty years old, and he was seen to be ashamed!

If this is broadcast, he’s afraid his face will be lost.

Luo Su thought, after the end of this program, you have to discuss with the program group, you must let the program group slap the paragraph just now! Never broadcast it!

“It’s so big, I still like Spongebob.”

Ji Yunshen’s voice was low. When he was talking, whether he closed his eyes or opened his eyes, it was a unique treat, and everyone’s ears were crisp.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha mom **** me ha ha ha ha ha ha break for a while ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no way ha ha ha ha ha

[What are you doing? All laugh at me! 】

[Ha ha ha ha my Su baby, even SpongeBob underwear ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]

[Su Su, you wake up! You are already twenty! 】

[What do you mean, hahaha? Should my Su Su deserve to be laughed at by you? I ’m Su Su, just a child who has graduated from kindergarten for more than ten years. Why ca n’t I wear it? !! Su Su, you boldly show it to your elder sister, the elder sister definitely does not laugh at you [色]]

The lens is a bit far away, and the sound is a bit low. The subtitle of the sentence that was taken as a matter of course by Ji Yunshen on the video screen is written as ‘it ’s so big. I like Spongebob. ’

But Ji Yunshen said it plainly, ‘I still like SpongeBob. ’


The word difference, meaning cloud and mud, is enough to shock Luo Su.

As a kid, SpongeBob was the company that accompanied him most. He liked everything with SpongeBob. This habit has not changed much until now.

Luo Su’s palms were all sweaty. It was unsure whether Ji Yunshen’s words were intentional or unintentional. He lowered his head and tried to cover up his panic. “This is not what I bought, my brother bought it for me.”

Ji Yun looked deep into his eyes with a smile, gentle like warm light, like spring breeze. The most horrible is a person like Ji Yunshen, who can switch between gentleness and coldness.

The show crew didn’t hesitate for this scene for a second, half-sensationally unrendered, and presented it to the audience in the most intuitive way.

[23333 The male **** definitely thinks that there are still such cute people who do n’t pretend to be dumpers [cute]]

[There is rape! Absolutely adultery! !! !! When did the male **** look at people like this, he also asked Su Su if he wanted to help him. Is it the feeling that emmmm cultivated before in “He Xiangxiang”? 】

[The sailor who mentioned “Personal Reconciliation”, please go to the Chaoyang TV program group to pay the promotion fee. Thank you for your cooperation! 】

[Male god: the eyes of petting.jpg]

[Male God: This little fresh meat is not ordinary, you successfully caught my attention, laugh. Jpg]

The little news here didn’t make other people aware. Yan Qiu was organizing things and talking to Luo Su while having a ride. “Luo, did you bring your mobile phone? My mobile phone was taken away. You will lend my mobile phone later. Make a phone call. “

Luo Su shook her head. “The phone was accepted by the program as soon as it got on the car.”

Ji Yunshen reminded: “Here it is, let alone a mobile phone, during normal training time, it is strictly forbidden to call.”

Mo Guoqing’s temper broke out and he blurted out, “What! It’s strictly forbidden to call? Then how can I contact the outside world?”

Even the resignation frowned, “I have to report peace to the family.”

“Ask the instructor later,” Ji Yun thought for a while, “the recruits seem to have the right to call home to report safety.”

Yan Qiu didn’t take it seriously, “Just now the instructor’s official business official, who was eloquent, had a star and a bar on his shoulder. At first glance, he is not a good person, not like a soldier, but an official. This matter … Difficult to see. “

Mo Guoqing also took it seriously, “The instructor really doesn’t look like a good person, but there is no way to talk to him well.”

“It’s a big deal to find the monitor. I think the monitor is young and he is a hard-spoken person.”

“However, Brother Ji, why are you so clear about this?”

Ji Yun is so good as to flow: “There are people in the family who serve in the army, so I have heard about these things.”

Yan Qiu suddenly realized, “That’s it! I said, I feel that Ji Ge’s behavior is similar to that of Ji instructor just now … wait, Ji Yun deep Ji Yun see … Ji brother, that Ji instructor …”

“It’s my brother.”

The eyes of the dormitory swept over and gathered on Ji Yunshen.

The atmosphere was stagnant for an instant. At this almost stationary moment, the show crew was accompanied by a row of crows whizzing over the screen.

Yan Qiu grunted a few smirks from his throat, which was awkward.

【I knew it! !! !! Instructor Ji must have something to do with the male god, but he didn’t expect to be a younger brother! !! !! 】

[Ji Yun sees Ji Yunshen 23333 at a glance and knows that they are two brothers. However, although the instructor Ji is also handsome, it seems that he is not the same as the male god. 】

[It is estimated that one is like a father and one is like a mother. 】

[Wow, two such handsome male gods, which one is better … tangled …]

[Tangle a p! Sleep for two! 】

The door of the dormitory was pushed open. Leader Li and Ji Yun saw that they entered from outside the house. Several people quickly stood up in a row.

During the time of Li’s entire team, Ji Yunjian looked around the dormitory. It was clean and tidy, and the items were not littered. He was satisfied. Then he opened the cabinet and looked at them.

“Who’s wardrobe is this!”

Luo Su hesitated for a moment and took a step forward, “Mine.”

Ji Yun came to see him, expressing eloquently, “Don’t understand the report!”

Luo Suang raised her chest and shouted, “Instructor of the report, this wardrobe is mine!”

“Remember, this closet is not yours, it’s your mess in the closet!” After that, pointing to the closet, “Remember, the dormitory is not yours. Since you have arrived at the military camp, you must learn how to be Soldier, in the future, I don’t want to see such an untidy wardrobe in the dormitory! “


Luo Su stepped forward, preparing to clean up the closet, and Ji Yunjian rebuked, “Did I move you now?”

Luo Su stiffened, and she took back her stepped feet, her expression utterly distressed.

Ji Yun’s brows frowned slightly, and his expression was not very satisfied.

Ji Yun’s eyes were stern, “I will say it again at last. I am a soldier in the barracks. From now on, you must learn how to become a qualified soldier. Now you are all unqualified!”

The atmosphere in the entire dormitory was stagnant. Most of the participating stars were arrogant. After hearing this, they were convinced.

“I don’t care who you were before. When you get here, you have to teach me how to be a qualified soldier. Now everyone moves the stools in a circle.”

[Why is this discipline instructor so fierce! Look scared me Su Su, her face is all white …]

[I still feel that the male **** sleeps well, the instructor is fierce, and he is obviously two brothers. Why is there such a big difference in personality? 】

[Although it was Su Su’s fault that he did not pack his clothes, but when he saw Su Su being trained, his sister’s heart broke. QAQ]

[Oh cub, you have to be a little bit good. You always feel that the instructor is following you. He is so fierce to you. He is not a good person. You must not be caught by him. Otherwise, you will suffer! 】

There is a way that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Because Luo Su was given a dismount, others were afraid to act arbitrarily for the time being, obeying the orders and moving the stools into a circle.

When Ji Yun saw Li’s head a look, Li’s head took notice and took a dial-up phone.

“Today is your first day in the barracks. As a rule, you can call your family for five minutes, one by one.”

Ji Yunjian handed the phone to the nearest concubine.

The speech quickly dialed the phone, and soon the call was connected.

“Hey, mom, it’s me, resignation, are you and dad okay, dad are better, haven’t you gone fishing recently, you should also keep him in mind on such a cold day, don’t let him go out, it’s cold outside , It’s slippery on the snow, in case something happens … I don’t say you, Mom, sometimes you are too used to Dad, Dad’s body is accumulated for so many years, you usually let him drink at home Drink tea and watch the chess game. I’ll be back in a week, and you … “

“What are you talking about? Who are you? Are you wrong to set your hair?”

A spit of pure plastic Mandarin came out of the phone, holding his breath for three seconds, and quickly said, “I’m sorry I made a mistake.”

Pop-hung up the phone quickly.

Hindered by emotion, everyone in the room couldn’t help laughing and pretending to be indifferent.

“嗤 ——” I didn’t know who was out of breath. When I heard this can’t help but laugh, they couldn’t help it anymore. Everyone laughed in front of the camera without any image. The laughter filled the entire dormitory. Even the unsmiling instructor Ji didn’t hold back a laugh.

Yan Qiu was the youngest and had the least worries. She smiled and patted her thigh. “Ha ha ha ha ha brother, you made the wrong hair.”

Learned to be the same, Luo Su laughed and leaned forward and backwards, the flowers were trembling, her face smiled, she smiled, she wanted to laugh, holding her stomach, her body was crooked, and she almost fell off the stool. Helped him.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I fucked, I was really talented ha ha ha ha ha]

[His face is chuckling, and the laser gun seems to keep talking, stubbornly, stubbornly, you made a mistake! Hahaha so cute ~]

[Fixed hair, hahaha plastic Mandarin full score! 】

[Smile cracked a mask of me Hahahaha I thought it was a **** show, I did not expect to engage in a hahahaha than an entertainment show]

The speech was embarrassing, and in retrospect it was funny, “Instructor, this call should not be considered.”

Ji Yun saw the time and held back a smile, “Fortunately, you speak fast, otherwise, these five minutes will pass, and there are three and a half minutes, you will play again.”

I uttered one number and one number dialed the phone. After the call was connected, I gave a careful and careful beep. After confirming the voice on the other end of the phone, a long list of greetings and concerns came out.

“Well, I know. Don’t worry, I won’t let your dad go out. By the way, you’re at the barracks. How do you feel? It’s cold, not tired.”

“Mom, don’t worry, just arrive, don’t be cold or tired, don’t be tired … Mom, my time is up, I won’t talk to you more, wait for the week to end, I will go back to see you and dad.”

“Well, you can record the show with peace of mind. Don’t worry about your family at all. I will take care of your father.”

“Well, okay, then I’ll hang up, mom, bye.”

He resigned, hung up the phone, no more and no less, and did not give the unfriendly disciplinary instructor a chance to catch the handle.

The call came to both brothers of Mo Eleven. The answer came from the voice of a young woman. Mo Guoqing heard Li Chong’s call and shouted, “Sister, it’s me. Eleven and I have arrived at the barracks.”

“Ah, it’s eleven. It’s fine when it arrives. What’s the matter, training is not exhausting.”

“Oh, we just arrived. What training, I am a recruit. I can call home to report peace, but then it will be difficult to call.”

“It’s okay, doesn’t it mean that the training time is seven days? After seven days, you and Eleven come to see your sister, right, what about Eleven?”

Eleven shouted coldly on one side: “Sister, I am eleven.”

“Eleven, you have to take good care of National Day at the military camp.”

“Well, I will.”

Mo Guoqing was a little dissatisfied on the side, “Sister, I’m my brother!”

“Okay, I don’t know your temperament yet, brother, it would be nice not to trouble Eleven.”

Mo Guoqing looked around and felt that he had lost face. “Okay, I won’t tell you, time is up, sister, take good care of yourself. After the show is recorded, I and 11 will see you. Goodbye, sister. “

“OK, bye.”

Mo Guoqing handed the phone to Yan Qiu, and Mo Shi was still sitting beside him without talking, and the two people were of opposite temperaments, so it was hard to go unnoticed.

[Eleven turned out to be a brother! !! !! The domineering attack is the younger brother! !! !! God, it refreshed my perception! 】

[Little brother, National Day, admit it, you look like eleven brother 23333]

[National Day is so stingy, why is Eleven so cold, his character is not like a brother at all. 】

Yan Qiu took the call and dialed the phone to his agent.

“Hey Lin, it’s me, Yan Qiu, I’ve arrived at the barracks.”

Yan Qiu’s agent whispered, “Qiu Qiu, it’s good to be here, I’ll tell you, don’t talk nonsense when recording a program, think about it before you talk, how much trouble you have caused because of talking before, and ah Luo Su also participated in this program? He had been clamoring to be on the same stage with him, but is he satisfied now? “

Yan Qiu was embarrassed and embarrassed. He smiled twice at Luo Sugan, leaned closer to the telephone microphone, and whispered, “Lin Brother, I can hear the sound.”

“Amplification … Amplification, you child, why didn’t you say it earlier, that’s all, just hang up first, I’ll let your parents know.”

“Okay, goodbye Lin.”

[I know that Xiao Qiu is cute and has no intention! !! !! He even hit Susu! 】

[I thought that Qiu Qiu worshipped and wanted to perform on the same stage most is Ji Nan, but he didn’t expect it to be Luo Su! 】

【Wow! Wondering what happened in the past, I smelled the taste of the base ~

[The two or three things that little cute and little cute had to count in August 2018 ~ welcome to watch, the front row sells melon seeds peanut mineral water ~]

Yan Qiu hung up the phone, looked at Luo Su, her eyes narrowed, and smiled: “Luo Brother, I really adore you, you are my idol.”

Luo Su asked himself that he had very little friendship with Yan Qiu. The five-fingered fingers that he had shown together could be counted. When did he become an idol of Yan Qiu?

But Ji Yunjian didn’t give him a chance to ask questions, and passed him the phone.

Luo Su took the call and dialed the phone at home.

The phone rang several times before it was connected. In my ear was an old but smiling voice. “Hello, I’m Luo Guomin, who do you want?”

“Grandpa, it’s me, Luo Su.”

Father Luo’s tone changed in vain, and he smiled, “It’s Su Su, didn’t you say that you would participate in the recording today? How can I have time to call Grandpa?”

“I just arrived at the barracks, and I’ll give you peace.”

“Okay, grandpa knows, you have to do well in the barracks, don’t be lazy.”

“Well, I know! By the way, grandpa, don’t tell me this.”

“Afraid of being scolded? You, you just like to sing with your brother, you want to do what he doesn’t let you do. OK, you can take it for yourself. Grandpa doesn’t interfere with you.”

“Thank you Grandpa! Grandpa, wait for me …” Luo Su hadn’t finished speaking yet, and there was a calm, slightly angry voice on the other side of the phone. “Grandpa, just get used to him!”

Luo Su timidly asked, “Brother? Why are you back so early today?”

Ji Yun stared deeply into the phone on his hand.

Luo Yi’s voice came clearly from far and near, “Luo Su, do you know your physical condition? This is not an ordinary program, it’s going to the army! You only had a bone marrow transplant operation two years ago, and this medicine was broken. How often did you go to the hospital for a review? Did the hospital give you advice on strenuous exercise? “

“Brother, I did it, and the doctor said it was okay.”

“No problem? I am also your attending physician. Have you asked my opinion?”

Luo Su whispered: “Brother, it’s okay. Director Zhao told me personally. It’s okay. I also encourage me to exercise more. I won’t talk to you about this recorded program. Hang up first, grandpa, brother. Goodbye.”

Luo Su hung up and hung up the phone.

“Brother Luo …”

“It’s okay, my brother likes to make a fuss, Brother Ji, call you.”

Ji Yunshen answered the phone and didn’t dial it. He just said aloud, “I think your brother makes sense. If you are not well, you should talk to the show team. If you withdraw because of physical reasons, no one will blame you.”

“It’s okay, I have a sense.”

With that said, Ji Yunshen couldn’t say more. He took the phone and thought about it, and dialed the phone at home.

“Hello, Ji Mansion.”

“Xiao Li, it’s me, Ji Yunshen, is grandpa here?”

“The old gentleman is here, please wait a moment.”

Ji Yun waited quietly and looked at Luo Su.

As he expected, Luo Su’s face was tangled, his lips moved back and forth, his eyes fluttered, and the hands grasped on both sides of the stool could hardly be grasped, almost to the point of sitting upset.

This temptation is just the first step.

About a minute later, there was an old voice on the phone, “Hey, Yunshen.”

Ji Yunshen sat upright, with the word respect in his whole body, “Grandpa, it’s me. I just arrived in the army today and I’ll call you and tell you that I’m safe.”

“Just when I get here, I seem to have heard Yun Jian was arrested recently …”

When Ji Yun saw these words, he knew that he was afraid that it was bad, and he hurriedly rushed to talk. “Grandpa, I’m Yun Jian. Your health is okay. Don’t go blind and walk without any problems. The weather is cold and it’s not good for your body. OK, read the newspaper at home, lest I always worry about you in the army. “

“Yunjian? Why are you there?”

“Grandpa, I’m a soldier, and this time I’m Ji Yunshen’s instructor.”

“Instructor? Okay, let Yunshen go through it. You have collected the bad water in your stomach, and you will train honestly, you know?”

“Yes, yes, I know. Ji Yunshen still wants to talk to you. Tell him.”

Ji Yunshen answered the phone and said, “Grandpa, don’t worry, I will have a good experience in the military.”

“Okay, then grandpa is relieved.”

“By the way, I have a few comrades here. Would you like to talk to them?”

Mr. Ji Lao suddenly realized that Ji Yunshen would not say this, but he also understood that there was a cause. With such a cautious temper, Ji Yunshen would not do things for no reason.

Ji Yun raised his eyebrow and looked at him, and then looked at Luo Su, his eyebrows were full of confusion.


Ji Yunshen handed the phone to Luo Su.

Luo Su’s throat was itchy, and she looked at the phone incredibly. “Here, give me?”

Ji Yun nodded deeply and still insisted to hand him the phone.

With all eyes in sight, Luo Su had no choice but to answer the phone, cramped, and seemed to be thinking about how to speak this first sentence.

He beat the drum straight on his chest, not knowing how to deal with this grandfather who was extremely fond of him.

“Hi Mr. Ji and Ji Lao, my name is Luo Su. I am a comrade in Mr. Ji.”

Mr. Ji Lao and the amiable laughter came over, “Xiao Luo, are you still used to it in the army?”

“OK, okay, how are you, your health?”

“I’m in good health. Thank you for your concern. Young people, exercise more, stay up late, and enter the camp. It is a good choice and work hard.”

Su Su Luo Panpan said: “Well, yes, I will.”

“The army is no better than home. It can’t be comfortable at all. New recruits can’t adapt to the barracks. It will be just a few days. How old are you this year.

“Old gentleman, I am twenty this year.”

“Twenty …” Mr. Ji Lao said in a faint tone, and a short pause made Luo Su’s heart tremble.

“Hey, people are old, and they always like to miss, comrades, exercise well at the barracks.”

“Well, ok, I will work hard.”

Luo Su returned the phone to Ji Yunshen, bowed his head, and did not speak for a long time.

“Grandpa, we have limited phone time, so I won’t talk to you more. Take care of yourself. I’ll hang up first. Goodbye, grandpa.”


Ji Yunshen hung up the phone and gave it to Ji Yunjian.

Ji Yunjian got up on the phone. “Get here today, rest early, and get together on time at six tomorrow morning. I don’t want to see anyone late.”


Ji Yunjian and Captain Li left together, and several cameramen in the room also left one after another. There were surveillance cameras in each room of the room. There were no dead ends under the tight line.

After the call was over, everyone seemed to forget the previous boring mood. The cheerful and talkative feast Qiu and Mo Guoqing talked and laughed. Luo Su was somewhat abnormal. After finishing the phone call, he had been unhappy to clean up the wardrobe and not speak.

Everyone also felt that he was scolded when he was on the phone with his family, and they all comforted him.

“Luo Su, it’s okay. Let’s practice in the army for the next few days to let your brother know that you’re not paperless.”

“Yes, Brother Luo, before we joined the show to dance and sing together, the amount of activity was also so big. It was all right. If it didn’t work, talk to the show team.”

Luo Su nodded reluctantly, and smiled stiffly.

It was darker in winter, and the party was taken by Captain Li to have dinner and returned to the dormitory for washing. At 9:30, the dormitory turned off the lights on time.

The army’s night was extraordinarily quiet, as if they could hear the chilling wind outside.

Luo Su was lying on a stiff floor bed, looking at the dark sky through the window, listening to the sound of soothing breathing, but he was completely sleepless.

Early the next morning, the sky was dark outside, only some fish white was brought to the sky, and the sound of the horns spreading throughout the barracks.

Luo Su slept late last night. The dormitory lights were shining. She raised her eyelids and glanced hard. She couldn’t hold her back again, and turned over inward. She fell asleep while holding the quilt. And several others were similar to Luo Su, stupidly raised his head, looked out the window, and fell down again.

[Ah, ah, ah, there is no spring! !! !! Watching the male gods sleep, rounding is equivalent to sleeping! !! !! 】

[Mrs. Su, the little eyes she understands, is so cute, she wants to sleep! 】

[Want to sleep 1]

[Wow, the male **** is not a male god, he starts talking [kneeling]]

[Why did some other people come to this show?

[Oh, stand up and talk without backache. Is the keyboard fun? Keyboard Man? 】

[Hey, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a winter now, the male gods are wrapped tightly, what can you see! The show crew should let them participate in June, and not give the air conditioner! 】

“Everyone get up and get together at six.” Ji Yunshen got dressed and got out of bed, shouting one by one.

Leader Li knew that they were afraid that they could not get up, and he woke up early to call them. As soon as he entered the door, it was assured that Ji Yunshen got up, and the others were motionless.

“There are only the last ten minutes left for you to gather. Are you lazy and lazy, still like a soldier!”

The squad leader Li roared, and immediately drowsed and yelled at the duvet’s reluctantness. As soon as he was excited, he immediately got out of the duvet.

“After ten minutes, the playground meets!” After finishing speaking, Li’s leader hated Iron and Steel for a glance and left aggressively.

Bringing a recruit squad really broke my heart.

Ji Yun was already well-groomed at this moment. Looking at Luo Su who was clasping clasps on one side, she came forward helplessly, “I’m coming.”

Luo Su stuttered and resisted, “Ji, no, no need.”

“Want to be late? Or do you want to be punished?”

Luo Su bowed her head and shut up silently.

The place where Luo Su is standing is exactly the best monitoring point of a camera. Ji Yun is standing high, his knuckle fingers flexibly and lightly fasten the button for Luo Su, and he straightens his collar and fastens the belt around his waist. I changed my look when I just woke up, and now I am full of energy and handsome.

[Sure enough, is it a man? It’s so handsome! !! !! 】

[Oh my God, I finally understand why some people like uniforms and temptations. Where is this **** temptation? It ’s terrible! 】

[I still do n’t watch it, this show is too unfriendly for a single woman! !! !! 】

[Everyone please let me lick it first! 】

Dressed in good military uniforms, there was not much time left. Luo Su followed behind the crowd and stumbled out.

The sky outside was unclear, and his vision was dim. He couldn’t see clearly, and he was not familiar with the surrounding environment.

“Grasp my clothes, I’ll take you.”

A low voice came, and a hand stretched out and held his hand. Luo Su was startled, and subconsciously drew his hand, gradually slowing down.

“Ji brother?”

“Take my corner, don’t be afraid.”

Luo Su’s heartbeat thundered.

If he was still hesitating before, but now he can almost conclude that Ji Yunshen must know his identity!

Otherwise, he will not help himself this way, will not intentionally let himself talk to Mr. Ji Lao, and will not take care of him extra.

“Don’t see clearly, don’t be stubborn, hold me.”

It is also strange that Luo Su had an inexplicable dependence on Ji Yunshen since he was a child. No matter what Ji Yunshen said, he was always willing to believe unconditionally.

The rough cloth was held in the palm of his hand by his imagination. He followed behind Ji Yun and tightened the corner of his clothes as he said.

What’s even stranger is that he can’t see everything around him, but he can see Ji Yun’s deep and powerful back, which is a very secure sense of security.

It was only for a moment that he did not understand, how could he become so sensitive and weak in front of Ji Yunshen, he was clearly and clearly not such a person.

At that time, Luo Su didn’t understand the principle that when he was strong, he was strong, and when he was weak, he did not understand. He hoped for so many years, and he only asked for one that he could move forward with his eyes closed Peace of mind.

Hurrying up and finally arrived at the playground, Ji Yunjian has been waiting there for a long time, holding a stopwatch watching Luo Su and Ji Yunshen, reached out and stopped them.

“Twenty-three seconds late, two hundred and thirty push-ups.”

Ji Yun frowned deeply, and made no complaints about Ji Yunjian. He just took the penalty, “I’ll do it for him.”

Ji Yunjian also saw the meaning of the dissatisfaction of Ji Yun’s deep eyes, and he was really curious. How could he be such a brother who never liked anyone?

Take care of everything in every possible way without saying, now even the principles are gone.

“Okay, you do it for him, double it.”

Luo Su Ningmei stood up and did not want Ji Yunshen to suffer for herself. “I was late. I don’t need anyone to do it for me, I can!”

Ji Yun saw Chao Jiyun raise her eyebrows deeply, and it seemed that the joke was unbearable.

Ji Yunshen didn’t think it was wrong for him to do push-ups for Luo Su, but he also didn’t think it was wrong for Luo Su to refuse himself. He was willing to do it, but Luo Su had done wrong and assumed responsibility.

Before Ji Yun saw what to say, Luo Su consciously fell down.

He is not cowardly and can’t do anything. Before entering the entertainment circle, he practiced dancing in the dance studio every day, usually for several hours. Sometimes he felt uncomfortable, and he didn’t dare to let Luo Yi know. pharynx.

Now that he’s in good health, he doesn’t need to take medicine. This exercise is a piece of cake for him.

Ji Yunshen didn’t insist, lying on the side of Luo Su, it seemed effortless to finish 230 push-ups.

Ji Yunshen knows what Ji Yunshen knows, let alone 230 push-ups, even if you add another zero, Ji Yunshen is not in his eyes, but to his surprise, Luo Su actually did it. Still this effortless look.

After they were done, the breath was slightly uneven.

“Okay, come back!”

Ji Yun pulled Luo Su’s arm deep into the team and stood straight.

There was a steady stream of voices from all around. Li, the leader of the team stood in front of the team, and Ji Yun looked at it with a smile on the side, and did not interfere.

They are all recruits. They are treated the same as ordinary recruits and have the same training, but they are definitely different. The other classes are already undergoing physical training. The recruits are not even standing upright. Where can they do any physical training? Leader Li asked everyone to run around the playground. After a few laps, the drowsy people had no sleepiness.

The recruits ran to breakfast time, all of them sweating, dissipating the chill, holding their knees and panting quickly.

“stand at attention!”

Several people were busy standing up for the whole team.

“There is a late phenomenon today. I hope this phenomenon is the last one. After dissolving in the morning exercise, I will return to the dormitory to organize my housework. I will teach you how to fold the quilt. I hope you can learn by heart and dissolve now!”

When they were disbanded, the people who had collapsed in a straight line suddenly deflated the ball and scratched their heads and walked towards the dormitory building.

Ji Yun walked behind, stopping Ji Yunjian while others were not paying attention.


Ji Yunjian seemed to have expected that, raising his eyebrows, “OK

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