After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 37

When Luo Su was a child, he was not like this now. He was a premature baby, and his health was not good. He has never stopped taking medicine since he was a child. Although he is young, he still understands that he is sick, and because of the illness, his family is also very petting. To make Jiao indulge.

“Brother, I can’t see …”

Xiaoyun, who is eight or nine years old, is a very young man. He dreams of the lofty ambition of taking the sword to the end of the world all day long, and because of his nature, he is full of protection for Xiao Luosu’s weak buns that cough and cry .

“Don’t talk nonsense, it’s just a power outage, don’t be afraid, my brother will find you a flashlight.”

Only one flashlight was found. Xiaoyun saw Xiaoluo Su went to bed, hiding in the quilt, and he watched the Dragon Ball comics hidden with interest.

“Brother, I still can’t see … Oh my brother, am I blind?”

At the age of eight or nine, how could it be possible to know what night blindness is all about.

“Don’t talk nonsense, so bright light, and brother is here, not afraid.”

After hearing this from Xiaoyun, Xiao Luosu was even more timid. He was scared. What he saw clearly was a dark mass, but his brother said that there was light. He was sad and sad. He had not seen his brother take him to rivers and lakes. It’s going to be blind.

He quietly moved in the direction of Xiaoyun. A pair of chubby little hands clenched tightly to Xiaoyunjian’s lean waist and kept on, “Brother … I can’t see me La……”

Xiaoyun saw that he was addicted to the Dragon Ball, but he also felt Xiao Luosu’s approach, a warm, soft, and thick milky fragrance on his side. If there was a whine, Xiaoyun saw it. Dragon Ball’s mood is gone!

He tossed the comic aside, reached out and held Xiao Luo Su in his arms, and patted him on the back, coaxing: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, there is an elder brother, he will heal you . “

Xiao Luo Su stuck her face to Xiao Yunjian’s arm, and nodded her cleverly.

“Come, tell your brother, what is this?” Xiaoyun saw the comic book in front of Xiao Luosu and shook it.

The incandescent lamp above his head turned on. The whole room was bright, and under the stimulus of strong light, Xiao Luosu closed his eyes subconsciously and opened it. Xiaoyun Jian’s immature face appeared in front of him, and he giggled, Ruanuonuo’s voice was full of smiles. “Brother, you are so amazing, I can see it!”


“Come, tell me, what is this?”

Breathing heavily above Luo Su, Luo Su looked at Ji Yunjian with a pair of clear eyes. He couldn’t see anything. Everything in front of him was just his guess. “It’s a saber, an instructor, your saber.”

Ji Yun saw him there.

He looked at Luo Su, and the saber in his hand was somewhat unstable.

“Luo Su, you have been late twice or three times because you are night blind.” This was a positive tone.

Ji Yunshen grabbed Ji Yunjian, seized the man, put away the knife, and took the man away without a word.

The night outside the house was very deep, and a thick layer of dark clouds covered the sky, and the light of the moon was invisible.

When Ji Yun saw that he was standing there, with his head down, he was always arrogant and unruly, and now he looked extremely frustrated.

For the Ji family, he had done bone marrow transplantation, night blindness, and was allergic to penicillin.

There are many coincidences, but so many together are not coincidences, but inevitable.

Luo Su hated him, hated him, and it was inevitable.

“You guessed it?” Ji Yunshen said.

“Did you know?” Ji Yun saw his head tilted towards him, his eyes full of anger that couldn’t be turned away, “You knew it early, but you didn’t say it! You can hide it from everyone, you still hide from me He is my brother! “

“So what,” Ji Yun sighed deeply, “I know, don’t you pretend you don’t know?”

“What do you mean.”

“He hates you and hates the Ji family, otherwise he won’t recognize you when he sees you, and he won’t deny it on the phone with Grandpa.”

Ji Yun saw for a moment and did not speak.

Obviously know, but also pretend not to know. The hateful look after tearing his face is not as good as the expression of disguise now in peace.

“He was only three years old and so young. You don’t know what he went through, but I do.”

Ji Yunshen has seen a video in his lifetime.

That was on the occasion of a sensual dog and horse. Four or five tall men pressed Luo Suyu on the table. Some people pressed his legs. Some people pressed his hands. Some people rolled his sleeves rudely. Some people held them. The syringe approached him, and someone stood on the side without watching.

In the video, Luo Su struggled hard. He cried and prayed. He said incoherently: “I admit that I take drugs. It is my drug use. President Lu, I admit everything, don’t give me an injection …”

No one listened to him, he asked, the cold needle tip touched his skin, the pale blue blood vessels on the white arm were looming, and he looked in horror at the needle in the man’s hand, tears hitting the table along the corner of his eyes.

“General Lu, I just like you, I did n’t do anything, I just like you, if you do n’t like me, I will never like you in the future, I beg you, do n’t inject drugs, what am I I can admit that I can do anything for you, I … “

His screaming stopped abruptly.

The tip penetrated into his skin, into his blood vessels, and the white liquid slowly pushed into his body.

Lu Beichuan stood on the side and said, “It is rumored that some members of the BFor took drugs. This incident has been reported to the police station. In two days, the police will take you to check … After this incident, I will make up for you I can give you whatever you want. “

Luo Suwang landed in Beichuan, unbelievable.

Lu Beichuan leaned over Luo Su’s ear. “You should be clear about it. No one will believe you. You have no evidence. Moreover, this is what the Ji family means.”

Luo Suyi looked at him, and there seemed to be unspeakable pain and shock under his eyes.

It was a long time … Luo Su on the table stared at the top of her head, staring blankly, losing all the ability to resist and speak. His lips moved, and it took a long time to murmur two words that nobody heard.

The men who suppressed him left.

Lu Beichuan also left.

Only Luo Su was left in the empty room.

He curled up in a circle on the table, slowly put his arm next to his mouth, held the place where he had just been injected, and bit a piece of meat, but it was not enough, the tip of his teeth was biting on the fuzzy flesh, and the circle was full of bones. Blood dripped down the table, and his face was covered with blood, ticking and ticking.

That video came out six months after Luo Su broke the drug.

All the people who once scolded Luo Su were grieved for him. The police dispatched overnight to arrest those who were present at the scene. The media ran for him and the major stars spoke for him. However, on the night that the news broke, Luo Su was like a madman. The same ragged clothes.

In fact, he has been like a madman for half a year, and the only thing he does every day when he is awake is to bite his arms crazy, he has lost his sense and all his perceptions of the outside world.

In the end, he was able to win the wrong. He stood on the rooftop, accepted everyone’s apology with kindness, and invited everyone in the form of a live broadcast to watch a sunrise.

All he said was, “I haven’t done anything in this life, I just like to be alone.”

He shut down the live broadcast, jumping from the 30-story high-rise building, ending his young and short life.

The bad guy’s heart is as peaceful as the middle of the sun, but the good guy’s life is bumpy like walking on thin ice.

Ji Yunshen did not know whether evil was reported, because he sighed after Luo Su’s death and was born again.

There seemed to be something doomed in the midst, and he deserved to be born again.

Luo Su’s temperament has changed greatly in this life and in previous lives, and he has been aiming at Lu Beichuan and Ji Ran all the time. After the rebirth, how can Ji Yunshen not be able to guess why?

In previous lives, he watched Luo Su float in the entertainment circle, watch him scandalous, and watch the news of his death, but he was indifferent and sighed about the disappearance of a young life.

Now he dare not think about everything that Luo Su experienced in his previous life, let alone what he thinks, how much he hates.

“I advise you, don’t stay too close, he hates you, hates us, it can’t be resolved overnight.”

Ji Yun didn’t know everything. He just thought it was all his fault. “Yes, he should hate me. If it wasn’t me, he wouldn’t be lost, it was my fault!”

Ji Yunjian took a deep breath and looked at the direction of the infirmary. “You can rest assured, I know what to do.”

Luo Su was obviously tired and asleep in the infirmary. Ji Yunjian called out the doctor. “Doctor, is he all right?”

The doctor pulled off his mask. “The body is too weak, and the diet has not kept up. Anemia is good. You have to take a break and not be able to train you with too much intensity. I still recommend that he quit that show.”

Quit the show?

Luo Su would not agree.

In this life, Luo Su Qiangqiang never decided to let go of the things he identified. He would not let go of the opportunity he managed to seize.

When Ji Yunshen turned around, Ji Yunjian was gone again.

He pushed open the door of the infirmary, and Ji Yunjian was sitting in front of Luo Su’s bed, staring at Luo Su for a moment. Luo Su slept soundly, and she looked like a child when she was very young. Recognize him early, with a smile under his eyes, “Little bastard, I’m an older brother. You can do the older brother’s business.”

All the programs are for ratings, and Luo Su fainted in the training ground was broadcast, and successfully won a lot of attention.

At the highest level of Shengshi Entertainment, outside Lu Beichuan’s office, Shen Fang has been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Since the first episode of “The Cutest Man” was broadcast, Lu Beichuan asked himself to check Luo Su thoroughly.

He put all the information of Luo Su on the table of Lu Beichuan in full detail, waiting for the boss’s compliment to be competent and capable, but he had been standing outside the door for an hour, and there was a little movement in the office. No.

Shen Fang thought suddenly, also, who is Luo Su? Maybe it is the rise of President Lu for him to check, it is not a matter of importance.

As he was about to leave, he heard the crazy mess in the office. He opened the door in panic, and saw what he saw, fragmented and incomplete.

Lu Beichuan leaned on the sofa, his face trembling, his trembling hands could hardly hold the information found by Shen Fang.

Luo Su, who was adopted by the Luo family at the age of four, suffers from aplastic anemia. He was cured by a bone marrow transplant from his brother Luo Yi two years ago. He also suffered from night blindness.

The author has something to say: Happy Valentine’s Day ~

Ji Yunjian: Su Su, my elder brother will take you on the river and lake!

Luo Su: Brother, the piggy bank was snatched by Lu Beichuan. QAQ

Ji Yunjian: Don’t be afraid, see your brother can’t kill him! [Sleeve sleeves]

The land dregs that finally appeared: I did n’t, I was n’t, do n’t talk nonsense, you volunteered to me!

Today I was on the thousand-character income list, but I updated the QAQ with the risk of falling in popularity.

The program is in the form of recording and broadcasting. I just wrote it in the form of live broadcast, so Lu Zarza knew that the truth was after the Susu program was recorded, a half month later

And finally, on the blackboard to draw the key points, there is no abuse in this article, at least there is no abuse in this timeline, not including the previous life 🙂

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