After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 5

In the office of the director of Shengshi Entertainment, Shen Brow hasn’t let go of his eyebrows since the call of “Xiang He”.

“Is Ji Ran connected?”

“Ji Ge has been contacted and is coming to the company.”

Shen Fang’s desk took a straight shot, “What company are you here? Let him go to the crew!” Jiangxianghe “crew!”

The assistant looked at Shen Fang in embarrassment. “Director, Ji Ge, he doesn’t listen to me …”

Shen Fang also understood Ji Ran’s temperament, and waved helplessly to the young assistant, “Go out and wait for Ji Ran to arrive, and let him immediately come to my office.”

“Good director.”

The little assistant left in a hurry.

The drama “Pianxianghe” was told by Lu Beichuan that Ji Ran had to be given to Ji Ran. Originally, he had signed a contract and nailed it. I did not expect the crew to call and ask for a different role.

Su Jian seeing the phone in a thunderous tone, I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle.

Just when he was so anxious, the door suddenly opened, and Ji Ran walked in from outside.

At the first sight, Shen Fang Ji Ran came back. Where can I take care of the others, and said quickly: “Now I will go to the crew with you, right away!”

Under the shelter of Lu Beichuan, Ji Ran always wanted to do whatever he wanted, “immediately? I just recorded a day’s program.”

“Ancestral, you are so tired for a day. Su Jianxin Su Dao is because you have delayed joining the group, saying you want to change people.”

“Substitution? I’ve taken time off with him.”

“Su Jianxin is famous for being punctual in the industry. What is the use of leave! Blame me, thinking that this matter was nailed down and did not ask you. Su Jianxin and I just called by phone and said that it was Luo Su.

“Luo Su? He? But I have signed a contract with the crew. Su Jianxin is in breach of contract!”

“What is a breach of contract! A small supporting role, who can’t afford the compensation for the breach of contract, Su Jianxin said, he can call us for the compensation immediately.”

Generally speaking, if the other party agrees to even compensate for the loss, then there is basically no possibility of communication.

Ji Ran was silent for a moment, and the coldness in the corner of his eyes flashed.

Luo Su’s popularity is already over his head now. If he sees Su Jianxin’s drama again, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not skyrocket.

Even if he cannot get this role, Luo Su can never get it!

“No, I don’t want Su Da’s compensation. Director Shen, I will definitely get this role.”

Su Jianxin is not a good director, it is the youngest gold director with a long-standing reputation in the entertainment industry. When the director of the School of Film and Television was studying, she was already preparing for film production, and Virgo was filmed one year after graduation. .

Su Jianxin became famous in one fell swoop.

Only 30 years old, there are countless large and small movies, and the box office is very expensive. Nowadays, shooting TV series, the response can be imagined.

This person is not easy to deal with, but this role must be won.

Shen Fang hesitated, Ji Ran devised a plan and said, “Isn’t Luo Su also going to the interview that day? Since he likes acting so much, he might as well give him a script and let him perform.”

Shen Fangning eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t the company recently picked up a few idol dramas? Pick a male second character for him. Since Su Jianxin is not easy to deal with, Luo Su is not easy to deal with?”

Shen Fang suddenly realized, “I see. I’ll contact Luo Su now.”

However, the call was not answered, and an assistant knocked on the door. “Director Shen, Brother Luo is here.”

Ji Ran and Shen Fang looked at each other in tacit agreement, and Shen Fang cleared his throat. “I know, you can let him in. In addition, you can bring some film and television scripts that our company talked about a few days ago.”

The little assistant nodded, closed the door and left, returned to the front desk, and said to Luo Su, “Luo, Director Shen will let you in.”

Luo Su’s eyes narrowed into a crescent, revealing a small white fangs, and gracious thank you, there is no star frame at all, born with a good impression of intimacy, the little assistant’s cheeks turned red.

Two hours ago, Luo Su received a call from Su Jianxin and his director Su invited him to perform “Jiang Xianghe”, and then received a call from Shen Fang asking him to go to the company. He didn’t say anything, but he knew what to do. I want to make myself more interesting, don’t grab the role with Ji Ran.

If it was any other drama, Luo Su would not waste time robbing him, but in the drama of “Xiangxianghe”, Lu Beichuan had brought it under his name in his last life. This time, he would only own his own things. Take it back.

Luo Su enters the door, and only one person sits in the office so that he can sit on the sofa with all his spare time and act as the head of the entertainment director. “Luo Su, this time I came to you to discuss things with you.”

Luo Su laughed, “You can tell me something.”

“It’s like this, because the last Weibo repost event had a bad impact on the company. I’ll tell you the truth, the company was planning to hide you …” Speaking of this, Shen Fang glanced at Luo Su .

Luo Su changed her face and said urgently, “Director Shen, I explained that last time. I really didn’t mean it, I …”

Shen Fang was very satisfied with Luo Su’s attitude. “Well, you listen to me. I was going to hide from you, but I think you are the first batch of signing artists in the company, and have contributed to the company in recent years. Yes, that’s okay. Be cautious in the future, remember? “

Luo Su pretends to be well-behaved, “Director Shen, rest assured, I remember.”

Shen Fang nodded his head, “Remember it. I heard that a few days ago you participated in the interview with” Jiang Xianghe “. Want to act?”

Luo Su stunned and said shyly, “I want to try.”

“These are the scripts that the company has recently received. Look at which one is of interest. Pick one.”

There are many scripts stacked on the coffee table in front of Shen Fang. There are about seven or eight copies.

At this time, because Ji Ran decided to transform and develop on the TV screen, Shengshi Entertainment began to accept the script and contacted the director’s producer. However, the film and television area has just started, and all the rough-made idol dog blood dramas were received. It was Lu Beichuan’s connections, and the trustee only invested in it.

Unfortunately, Lu Beichuan was thinking wrong, and Su Jianxin was not someone who bowed his head for investors.

In the last life, Shen Fang was not so generous. He threw seven or eight scripts in front of himself and chose for himself. Luo Su thought about it a little and knew what Shen Fang’s ultimate goal was.

“But … today, Su Da contacted me and said that I was in the group …” Luo Su was in a dilemma.

Shen Fang thought that Su Jianxin had only contacted them, but he did not expect to have contact with Luo Su alone. “Su Dao contacted you? Let you enter the group? Act?”



“Act … Gu Changping.”

“Funny!” Shen Fang suddenly stood up, sternly: “Do you know that Gu Changping’s role, Ji Ran has signed a contract with the crew.”

Luo Su’s face was even more dazed, and her acting value rose sharply. “I don’t know.”

“I don’t care what Su Jianxin said to you, but since this role has been signed with Ji Ran, you should avoid it! You and Ji Ran are now in the rising period. In case of passing, members of the BFor group cannot compete for the same role. Do you know how big the impact is! “

Luo Su was silent for a moment and nodded, “I see.”

Shen Fang also knows that he has a bad tone, and has eased a little bit. “Afterwards, if you want to guide you again, you should know how to refuse, not to mention that this is just a small role, two episodes of the story, what is good, the company script It must be, you want to act, just choose! “

What kind of scripts did the company receive? “Let me choose?”

Shen Fang has been watching people for many years, and naturally understands Luo Su’s indecisiveness. He took a dose of relief, “Of course! You are a veteran artist of the company, and you don’t take care of who you take care of? These scripts are available for both male and male. Much better than your little supporting role in a one or two episode. “

The supporting role of the two episodes? Luo Su laughed inwardly, still not speaking.

Shen Fang’s eyes narrowed, and he continued to say, “Xiao Luo, you also know that Mr. Lu likes obedient artists.”

For Luo Su, the sentence of his last life was a killer. No matter what, Shen Fang would only surrender such a sentence, he would always surrender unconditionally.

But now, Lu Beichuan was worse in his heart than these crudely made scripts. Hearing these words again seemed to be disgusting as if eating a fly.

Luo Su took a deep breath, “Okay! Then I … pick one here?”

Shen Fang was generous and generous, “just pick!”

Luo Su kept her lips on her face and smiled, sitting on the sofa, pretending to open the scripts.

“Xiao Luo, all are good scripts, and there are several major IP productions. The performance will be red. You are my artist, will I still pit you?”

“Of course not, I know Brother Shen has always been very kind to me.” Luo Su laughed coldly and opened one of the scripts with a deeper smile.

Although these seven or eight plays are crude works, pearls are occasionally hidden in the gravel.

And the script in his hand is the pearl left over by the sinking.

In fact, the script is not small, the team behind the script is called the conscience team in the industry, from lighting photography clothing to post-production, full of sincerity, and the director of this script has gone through hundreds of battles and won many awards.

The reason why it was missed by Shen is because this script is an anti-Japanese war movie.

The audience ’s impression of the Anti-Japanese War movie still lingers on the “Hand Rip Ghost” and is very resistant to such subjects, so that few well-known directors have been involved in this piece.

However, Luo Su remembers clearly that the TV series on his hand coincides with the 70th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan and has been promoted and promoted by the media and the Internet. The collision between the actor and the old actress with superb acting skills demonstrated the **** struggle and heroic righteousness of that era.

Because of this drama, the pursuit and upsurge of the nationwide war against Japan has since begun.

“Director Shen, I’ve chosen it, this is it,” Fighting. “

He’s all in “Fighting” and “Personal Harmony”!

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