After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 111

Chapter 109:

Although it failed to completely stop the freighter, it also greatly slowed down the speed.

There was more confusion on the freighter for a while.

Cointreau and Gin were a little shocked for a while, police? It’s impossible that Bourbon is dealing with those wild dogs, and it shouldn’t come so quickly.

Vodka said in a deep voice: “Brother, I’m going to lead the team to search, it should be that Spomoney’s mouse is back!”

“I know she will definitely come, but she will definitely not make the movement now.” Gin’s face is cold, he is very clear that Spromoni will definitely come to the door “Let everyone calm down. After withdrawing to the container, don’t move around at will. Anyone who dares to move will be dealt with as a traitor.”

He sneered, “Arrange a few more teams to patrol below deck, not even a single mosquito is allowed in.”

“Yes, brother.”

Cointreau wore a white coat and stood at the entrance of the promenade with a smile, “Is Spromoni back? Remember to leave a breath for me.” The golden pupils shone with excitement.

Gin gave him a sideways look, “No, I’ll just kill her directly.”

“Don’t be like this, aren’t you curious how she escaped death time and time again? This is what the grown-up really wants.”

Gin hesitated for a few seconds, he was also curious about the strange memories in his mind, but his intuition told him that Spromoni would only be troublesome to live.

“No, I can give you the corpse, but not alive.” He shook his head and refused.

Cointreau sighed, “Well, remember to keep a whole body.”

Then Gin began to give orders to the vodka, “Remember, once Spomoney appears, any surveillance video, electronic records, will be transparent to her. Also pay attention to For those who do not speak, she will not change her voice, and even if she can disguise her face, she will not be able to put on a suitable voice.”

Vodka nodded, and then began to lead people to adjust and patrol according to the assignment of the elder brother.

Amamiya Qianxue took off the man’s headset, hid in the dark, and began to listen to the orders and arrangements on the channel. The familiar voice of vodka made her frown. Indeed, this is equivalent to temporarily abandoning Losing the assistance of Shuichi Akai also eliminated the possibility of her fishing in troubled waters.

And it’s a conspiracy that doesn’t matter even if she knows.

Matsuta Jinping hooked the top beam of the mast and swung in a circle, and finally stopped on the platform of the mast.

Due to the turmoil, no one looked at the mast for a while, and his invasion went smoothly.

Condescending, it is easy to scan the deck of the entire cargo ship, and visually eliminate those who cannot move, and there are dozens of people who can move. Of course, this is only on deck, below deck, no one knows.

Although the personnel retreated to the back of the container, the sound of bullets hitting the iron plate never stopped. It seemed to be resounding on the entire freighter with the momentum of breaking through the container and never giving up.

In the rhythmic sound of gunfire, Matsuda Jinhei slowly dived down the escalator on the mast. I don’t know who was helping, but now the priority is to find her quickly.

Cointreau paced in front of the culture jar, the dazzling pale light hit him from top to bottom, and he was thinking about Spomoni while pinching his chin.

It is normal to get away with suspended animation, but after being hit, you can escape in the sea of explosive fire, which is too abnormal.

How did she do it?

The strange thirst for knowledge and curiosity flourished in his heart, he still didn’t want to let her die, he wanted to know what was going on. Or let him ask why he killed him again.

He thought so, and dialed Jinjiu’s communication, “Ginjiu, I have to be present before killing her.”

The other side was silent for a few seconds, “Yes, I promise you.”

“Have you sent someone to investigate that sniper?” As a viper, Cointreau hated such secret opponents and made him think of bad things.

For example, in the sniper a few years ago, he rubbed the scar on his face, and there was a flash of ferocity in his golden eyes.

“Let Kitien and Cohen look for it.”

As soon as the voice fell, the entire freighter swayed violently, as if tons of sea water hit the ship.

Cointreau is a little confused, isn’t this just out of port? How can there be such a big storm? There has been no typhoon recently. What’s going on?

And the initiator of all this, Qianxue Amamiya, obviously did not expect to take off the suppressor and throw it into the sea to cause such a big impact. The waves rolled faintly.

Then quickly approached the freighter, and slapped on the freighter almost within a minute.

Amamiya Qianxue blinked, her face a little stunned, so terrifying…

In such a situation, she is completely a natural disaster in her own form. The waves of this level will definitely cause an undersea earthquake.

Even though Japan is a common occurrence of earthquakes, she is still full of guilt at this moment, and she can only hope that the scope will not be expanded.


It was filled with powdered drugs. While the sparks were flickering, the sky-high dust exploded directly, taking everyone by surprise.

The wind and waves of the explosion warmed the sea breeze, and it seemed that even the nearby air began to distort.

High-density shock-absorbing wetsuit, she felt that she would not be able to recover for a long time.

She struggled to get up, and before she could stand up, she was dragged by her arm and taken to a dark place. Amamiya Qianxue subconsciously wanted to fight back, but when she saw that person’s appearance, her face suddenly changed. Pale white, pupils shrink.

“Found you.”

No anger, no joy, just plain words.

Matsuda Jinhei put the person in his arms, patted her on the back, and rubbed her blood-stained face on her neck, “I said, either you come with me , or I’ll go with you and don’t leave me alone.”

How did he come up?

Why is he here?

Now the situation is so out of control, how will he get back to shore?

One question after another came up in her mind.

What a joke, she lost the suppressor! !

The expression on was extremely shocked.

Maybe this situation is the real doom.

For some reason, this thought popped out of her mind.

Matsuda Jinping shook his head, “Do you think I’ll listen? I came here with the idea of taking you back to the dark room.”

He smiled, and there was a bit of unruly and cheerfulness in his eyebrows

Amamiya Qianxue closed her eyes and finally sighed deeply, “Okay, then I will live with the idea of being taken back to the little black house by you.”

Matsuda Jin’s eyelids jumped, thinking that the other party must not understand what these words mean.

“Fangping, this chaos will only intensify, the suppressor has been thrown into the sea by me, just relying on the hourglass can’t cancel my super power, so please protect yourself. ‘ she instructed him.

“But, in this way, you are the most dangerous one, right?”

“I will be fine until the hourglass runs out.” Amamiya Qianxue explained, then hooked the beam of the container and turned around and stood up directly, “The formation is flat, the time is short. too much.”

Matsuda Jinping nodded and suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, “I’ll cover you.” He picked up the charming hat not far away, and after pressing the brim of the hat, the two were in the With the sound of the waves rolling in, the action on the deck began.

Amamiya Chiyuki’s goal is below the deck, first to find Cointreau and Gin.

Because of the chaos just now, the previous arrangements have long been described as fake, like a ghostly haunted sniper, every time it rings, one person will lose the ability to move.

There are also layers of waves and violent shaking, no one is not panic or nervous, and fear spreads on the entire freighter.

Amamiya Qianxue put on a mask and goggles, glanced at a team of patrolmen still sticking to their posts, took out the smoke bomb on her belt and threw it directly, the rising gas urged/ The tear bomb caused several people to cough violently. She hung from the beam and slid in like a swimming fish, and then put those people down one by one.

Then throw all the scattered guns into the sea to prevent the possibility of being stabbed from behind.

The bad luck continued to spread on this freighter. At this time, in the captain’s room, Gin stared at the chaotic instrument panel and sneered. If it wasn’t still within the scope of the Sea of Japan, he would have thought that he In Bermuda, the instrument panel failed, electronic communications were disrupted, and now even the power lines were affected by the explosion.

Who else is there besides Spromoni? He thought, holding a machine/gun, and walked out of the captain’s room with a cold face.

More serious waves rolled on the vast sea, swaying the freighter, and even the moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, looking like a storm was coming.

Amid the sound of the surging waves, Chiyuki Amamiya finally came to the place where the culture tank was loaded, and Cointreau was working hard to maintain the power supply system.

“Long time no see.” Amamiya Qianxue greeted with a smile.

“You really came.”

“Yes, come out of **** and end it all.”

The sound of bullets being loaded, two people holding guns and staring at each other.

The next second Amamiya Qianxue was knocked down by a figure in work clothes, and she didn’t even have time to pull the trigger.

Cointreau looked slightly relaxed, it seemed that the gin was at least…

Then the pupils contract violently,

His thoughts were interrupted by the severe pain on his body, because the staff member he regarded as sent by Gin raised his hand and shot him in the arm.

The severe pain made him unable to hold the gun, and then the afterimage flashed in front of his eyes, and the fist hit him, making him gag uncontrollably.

In the end, someone stepped on her legs and folded her hands behind her back, and her face was also bruised.

All this was so fast that he couldn’t react, but when he saw the staff member’s face clearly, he spat, “Oh, Gin won’t let you two go.”

“Well, I know, I won’t let him go.” Amamiya Qianxue looked down at him and said softly: “But take care of yourself first? Do you want to watch the free fireworks show? ?”

Amamiya Qianxue smiled and picked up his limp arm after being shot, and then pressed the button in her hand.

The newly installed bomb/bomb exploded near those culture tanks, fragments and water droplets scattered in the sealed space, and the roar was endless.

Cointreau stared at the mess with red eyes, laughed, frantically like a madman, blood could not stop pouring out of his mouth, “Hahahaha, I’ll be waiting for you below. .”

Jinping Matsuda kicked the person away in disgust, “Did you take poison?”

“Yes, let’s go, the chaos above seems to have subsided, it is estimated that the gin went out to calm down.”

Gin should be coming this way.

Dark clouds were accumulating, and the dense black was overwhelming.

Amemiya Chiyuki silently looked at the man in the opposite black coat, the last time she faced off like this was two years ago.

“Yuki, the weather is fine today, just like the day you helped the mouse escape.”

A deep, cello-like sound mixed with the sound of the waves.

Amamiya Qianxue smiled mockingly, “My name is Amamiya Qianxue, I’m not Kurosawa Yuki.”

She needs to delay and buy time for Matsuda Jinhei who is going to release the lifeboat.

“How did you infiltrate the organization? What happened to the memory?” A hint of danger flashed in the green eyes.

He never likes to talk nonsense when dealing with traitors, but he hates people to judge him, especially when he doesn’t know it.

Amamiya Qianxue said slowly after a few seconds of silence: “Are you curious? It’s a long story.”

“Big Brother, Cointreau is dead.” The stalemate was interrupted by a head of vodka sticking out from below the deck.

Gin replaced the Beretta in his hand with a revolver, and removed the five bullets from the cylinder, leaving only one bullet in it, “They all say you are lucky in gambling Goddess bless.”

“No, the gods never favored me.”

“Then pray to the devil, if you survive five chances, I’ll hear your story.”

The loaded revolver pointed directly at the woman in the wetsuit opposite.

“Are you trying to compete with Akai Shuuichi to see who is faster?” Amamiya Qianxue looked at him indifferently.

Although his face was indifferent, the fear of being forced out of the hiding place by the gin still haunts his mind.

I didn’t expect Gin to deal with the chaos on the deck so quickly. Shuichi Akai, who had been keeping him in check, seemed to have stopped, and Qianxue Amamiya, who was cornered, had to go on the deck and face him coldly. confrontation.

“Vodka, take the rest to the lifeboat, there should be her accomplices there.” Gin ignored her topic, but arranged for the vodka who reported the news.

He squinted at the silent Amamiya Qianxue, and sure enough, a crack appeared on that mask-like face.

He guessed right, Cointreau’s injury was not something she could do with her hands.

Sure enough, just like flies like to gather on rotting food.

“Time is running out, how long do you think this freighter can last?”

She placed explosives in the power furnace before, and looking at the current inclination angle of the hull, I can only say that the effect is better than she imagined.

In addition to the coming storm and the rolling waves, she didn’t think Gin could survive, and Bourbon wouldn’t send a helicopter to rescue him.

“Are you worried about me? Why don’t you worry about yourself?”

He raised the revolver/gun, pulled the trigger with a sneer, and Amamiya Qianxue’s body trembled slightly.

Her weapons were completely lost in the chaos, leaving only the last trump card, which must be close enough to the opponent.

Fortunately, the first shot happened without incident.

Amamiya Qianxue silently took a step forward, “Four more shots?”

Gin followed a step, “Sherry was rescued by you?”

“Yeah, child labor or something is too bad.”

The second shot was fired in the rolling waves.

The white waves beat on the two people, and the hull continued to shake violently.

The second shot was fired in a violent shaking, the bullet spun out of the silver-white barrel and hit the opponent’s left arm.

“There should be mice like you in the organization, right?”

“Who knows.” She took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth.

Amamiya Qianxue lowered her arms, and when the next wave hit, she jumped, as if she could not stand still, and was swept by the waves and rushed to the edge of the boat.

At this time, Shuichi Akai’s sniper also came, and directly hit the revolver/gun on the Gin player.

Gin, who reacted very quickly, ignored her numb arm and stepped over in two steps, trying to catch Amamiya Qianxue who escaped. He said that he would kill her again.

Mixing shaking and huge waves, the two fell from the side of the boat face to face, and the overwhelming sea water poured down from above.

Her hands behind her back took out a pocket hand/gun from behind her waist, while Gin ruthlessly clamped the opponent’s neck.

“Oh, go to hell.” He sneered.

The throat was choked, the violent suffocation and pain made Amamiya unable to say a word, only in the extreme darkness of hypoxia, he barely used his intact arm to put on the opponent’s back, The bullet went through the other person’s heart and through the lobe of her own lung.

To **** together.

These were the last words she thought of before she passed out of hypoxia.

In the heavy and falling wind, she vaguely heard someone calling her name, but her eyelids were so heavy, so heavy, she couldn’t lift it at all, so sleepy, so sleepy, let her sleep for a while I will.

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