After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 47

Chapter 45:

The streets of Tokyo in November have been covered with a layer of late autumn tulle, the autumn wind blows with the breath of morning dew, and also rolls up the yellowed leaves on the branches.

“By the way, why did you find me?” Hagihara Kenji put one hand in his pocket and asked with raised eyebrows.

I didn’t expect to ask him out alone.

Hagihara Kenji felt a little weird for some reason.

There is even a strange feeling of guilty conscience, what will happen if Xiao Zhenping finds out? ?

Thinking of this made him shudder.

Shibuya on weekends is extraordinarily noisy, noisy, people come and go, and there is a lot of traffic.

Amamiya Qianxue was wearing a long dark green windbreaker, her hair was slightly longer than when she was in the police academy, and it hung down near her neck. After being swept by the wind, it was a little itchy.

She smiled and explained: “Isn’t Matsuda’s birthday coming up soon, I want to ask you, young tamer, what he likes and what he wants.”

“Eh?? Hagihara, are you nervous when you come out with a girl?”

“No, it’s not for this reason, you don’t have to think too much. Are you going to a cafe? Just order a cup of coffee and talk slowly.” Hagihara Kenji pointed to a cafe not far away talking.

Amamiya Qianxue nodded, “Yes.”

In the quiet and elegant cafe, the afternoon sun shines through the clean and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a lightly swaying halo.

“Are you busy over there?” Hagihara Kenji asked softly, holding the steaming coffee cup.

Amamiya Chiyuki added sugar to the coffee and replied, “It’s a little bit, there are quite a lot of cases, I don’t know if it’s because of me.”

Pure white sugar cubes fell into the brown coffee, making a ripple.

“Your reason?” Hagihara Kenji didn’t understand what this sentence meant.

“I just thought I was too unlucky to bring this unfortunate there too.”

“Why do you think this way? I seem to have heard you say that before.” Hagihara Kenji was a little strange.

Amamiya Qianxue smiled helplessly, “It’s nothing, it’s not important.”

Looking at the girl opposite who added too much sugar cubes, Hagihara Kenji pouted, “Although you always say that you are not picky eaters, Amamiya, you really like sweets.”

“Almost, because the brain needs nutrients.” She gently stirred the sweetened coffee, creating a shallow swirl.

The familiar name made Chiyuki Amamiya’s hand stirring the coffee stagnant, making her a little helpless, but she still smiled and said, “Hagihara, you are really good at talking, it feels like even with me Talking with this kind of person can also make the atmosphere not awkward.”

“Wow, it feels like it’s the first time you praised me Amamiya.”


Hagihara Kenji took a sip of coffee, blinked and said, “Just kidding. Okay, let’s get down to business, what are your plans for your birthday present.”

Amamiya Qianxue rubbed her tears and began to think, and after a while she said, “No, I feel like I want to buy everything.”

Amamiya Chiyuki, who doesn’t pick things very much, is the first time she has given a gift so seriously, so she has no experience at all.

Not even a general direction.

“If you like it, you should know Amamiya, but what you want, I haven’t heard him mention it very much. How about starting with hobbies?” Hagihara Kenji didn’t plan to directly propose what to give. , after all, it has to make people feel a little involved~~

Amamiya Qianxue tapped on the table, “Hobby? Would you like to send me some repair tools? He has always liked machinery.”

own opinion.

“You’re right, the hottest product in the mechanical magazine??”

“This is good, but it’s only a week before Xiao Zhenping’s birthday. Is it time to order now?”

“Indeed, I have to go to Osaka on a business trip in two days, so I don’t have much time. What about clothes and shoes?”

“Do you know the size of the small array??”

“That’s why I’m looking for you!” Amamiya Qianxue said very confidently, although it’s not impossible for her to find out, but this is a relatively private matter, so I’d better ask my friends for many years. more convenient and accurate.

The corner of Hagihara Kenji’s mouth twitched, okay, the tool man must be conscious of the tool man, he told the friend’s size to the girl opposite.

Drinking another sip of coffee, seeing the other party’s still hesitant expression, “What are you thinking about?”

Amamiya Qianxue held the cup and frowned slightly, “I’m wondering if these are not enough.”

“Is one set of clothes not enough?? How much do you want to buy in Amamiya?” Hagihara Kenji was completely shocked.

Amamiya Qianxue put down the cup, held her cheeks, and saw the sunglasses on the other person’s face, she suddenly thought, “How about the sunglasses? I saw him last time wearing it, it doesn’t look annoying. ”

Hagihara Kenji snapped his fingers, “Okay, he really doesn’t hate him, he likes sunglasses.”

“I’ll think about what else I can buy! After all, I’m not familiar with Osaka, so it’s probably going to be troublesome. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the clothes in time.”


So why are these two not together yet!

He didn’t understand why he wasn’t together at this level. No, as a brother, a qualified wingman, he decided to match these two people at this birthday party, and he absolutely wanted them to be together, betting on his reputation as Hagihara Kenji! !

The two had another cup of coffee during the conversation, and finally settled on Matsuda Jinpei’s birthday present.

As parting approached, Hagihara Kenji asked, “Amamiya, you are also at the Metropolitan Police Department, have you heard the news of Xiaozhufu recently??”

Amamiya Qianxue shook her head, “No, I haven’t heard much about Yugu since graduating, and I haven’t been contacted, but the monitor has called and read his girlfriend’s. Photos are a very gentle and intellectual person.”

“That’s it, Xiaojinping and I couldn’t get in touch with them. I guess I’m too busy with work, or I’ve participated in some training camp and don’t bring mobile phones.” Hagihara Kenji Explain to yourself.

Hagihara Kenji raised his eyebrows and said, “It’s impossible for you to not know about things on our side, Amamiya, I don’t believe Xiaojinping won’t tell you~~”

“It’s almost there, but I’m worried about both of you.” She put down the coffee cup in her hand and looked serious.

“Well, it’s enough for you to worry about Xiao Zhenping. It’s getting late. If you stay here, I’m miserable. I’ll go back first, see you on Xiao Zhenping’s birthday. ”

He waved his hand and said goodbye, casual and free.

Amamiya Qianxue smiled and nodded, “It’s been hard work today, thank you for chatting with me for so long.”

“It’s okay, do you want me to take you back??” Hagihara Kenji asked with a smile.

The sun is warm and bright, the halo scattered by the leaves blurs his outline, the light reflects on the sunglasses, the cool autumn wind brushes the broken hair on his forehead, revealing the delicate ‘s eyebrows.

Amamiya Qianxue smiled, “No, my place is not far from here.”

“Okay, be careful on the road and pay attention to safety.” Hagihara Kenji nodded.

“Mmmm, see you on Matsuda’s birthday.”

Amamiya Chiyuki waved at him, and then the two came out of the cafe and left in different directions.

It’s just that neither of them thought that this would be their last meeting.

In the dead of night, the ink is surging around the sky. The dim yellow street lights flickered on and off, making the autumn night even cooler.

The phone rang in the quiet night, Matsuda Jinping, who was falling asleep, rolled over, his gray-blue eyes still a little hazy.

Life in the mobile team is always like this, the phone may ring at any time.

The body is faster than consciousness, and the habit he developed made him connect the phone immediately.

“Hey, Matsuda, back to the team, found an explosion/explosive/object in Kamiya Town.”


Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he found a subtle inhalation sound, as if he was hesitating.

“What’s wrong? Is the explosion/explosive/thing difficult to handle?”

In order not to waste time, Matsuda Jinping turned on his mobile phone hands-free, and quickly changed into his prepared clothes.

“…not only Kamiya Town, but also found explosions/explosions/objects in the square of Asai Villa District.”

“Hagihara was informed then??” Matsuda Jinhei asked while getting dressed.

“Hagihara is going over there, but the one over there has exploded.”

Masuda Jinping, who was all dressed up, looked stunned, “What about the members of the mobile team?? How is Hagihara, is he injured? Are the residents evacuated??”

The team members notified took a deep breath, “No one in the mobile team was injured, and the personal safety of the residents was intact. Let’s talk about the rest when you come over to Matsuda, and deal with the Kamiya town first.”

“Okay.” Listening to the other party’s words, his frown slightly relaxed.

At three o’clock in the morning, the crescent moon hung obliquely on the bare branches, covered with a thin layer of mist, and then the clouds blown by the wind blocked most of the moonlight, the already meager moonlight more sparse.

The pale moonlight hit Jinping Matsuda, making the figure extra slender.

He rubbed the slightly raised eyebrows, always feeling uneasy in his heart. The chaotic heartbeat made him a little irritable.

Still on the road, he couldn’t wait to call Hagihara Kenji.

Hagihara Kenji, who was the first to arrive at the Asai villa area, was stunned. He received the call earlier than Matsuda Jinpei and arrived at the accident scene earlier.

Why? ?

“Hagihara, Hagihara?? Your phone keeps ringing!”

The loud shouts of the team members around him finally made Hagihara Kenji come back to his senses.

He turned his back, no longer looking at the tragic state of the place, and took out his mobile phone with his shaking hands, which was the caller ID of his friend.

There have been several missed calls.

Why is this happening…

After a while of silence, the phone was still ringing tirelessly, and he slowly connected the call.

“Hey! Hagihara, why did you take so long to answer the phone?? I’m almost at Kamiya Town! Where are you now??”

Kenji Hagihara’s throat tightened, he didn’t know how to speak.

“What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you speak??”

“…Zhenping, how long does it take to defuse the bomb on your side?” He had never felt his voice so bitter.

Matsuda Jinping squinted, feeling that something was wrong with the other party, “I’ll wear protective clothing in a while. If it’s not complicated, it can be solved in three or five minutes.”

“Then I’ll tell you something specific when you’re done.”

“Tsk, okay.” Matsuda Jinhei smacked his lips and agreed with his friend’s proposal.

After hanging up, Hagihara Kenji licked his lower lip and let out a breath.

He rubbed his temples, and the long wind blew the surrounding trees, and the thick clouds covering the moon were also blown away.

In the pale moonlight, what he was holding became clearer and brighter. It was a half police officer card that had been scorched, with charred black curls on the edges.

The girl with short purple-gray hair has an indifferent expression, and her apricot eyes are also clear.

Her name is under the scorched photo: Amamiya Qianxue.

Why is this happening…

Hagihara Kenji still had a faint hope in his heart, but as more and more evidence was collected, the last bit of luck in his heart disappeared.

The nearby residents have begun to evacuate. He came to the 20th floor of the building alone. The only place in the whole building where there are traces of fighting and glass shards is the first scene of the accident.

Hunting Changfeng passed through the broken glass on the top floor of the apartment, bringing up a “wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeship” sound, which seemed to be a little shrill.

What I can see is the glass shards on the ground, which are also mixed with blood.


It is a greeting card.

The greeting card that fell to the ground was spread out, and it said: Matsuda Jinping, happy birthday.

It was a handwriting he was familiar with.

Hagihara Kenji squeezed out a sigh in his throat, his outstretched hand trembled slightly.

How should he talk to Xiao Zhenping?

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