After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 69

Chapter 67:

“Someone moved this.” Matsuda Jinhei said to his friend as he opened it.

Hagihara Kenji squinted, he thought it was unbelievable, but his friend’s serious expression could not be fake.

His sensitivity to machinery can’t be fake.

So, how did this thing that only the two of them know was found? ? Still dismantled? ?

“But, Jinping, only the two of us know this.” Hagihara Kenji frowned and reminded.

“Amamiya??” Hagihara Kenji reacted instantly, but Amamiya was already dead.

“Yes, Amamiya, she knows.” He looked at the dismantled bomb/bomb, and at a glance found that a chip was missing inside.

As early as the very beginning, he tried to find someone to crack it, but the encryption was too complicated, so it has been stranded.

That’s what it said.”

“No, it’s her, there is no other explanation except her.” Matsuda Jinping shook his head, stubborn.

Hagihara Kenji hesitated for a while, but chose to burst his friend’s fantasy bubble, “Amamiya is already dead, Jinping.”

“Hagihara, in fact, I have found her, Kurosawa Yuki is Amamiya. She is the only one who has been in and out of our house in recent days. Don’t you think it is strange that she was drunk? A bottle It’s just red wine, can it really make all three of them unconscious?”

“What about the evidence? Even if the red wine is strange, even if Kurosawa opened this, what evidence do you have to prove that she is Amamiya? Instead of being influenced by your strange feeling .” Hagihara Kenji crossed his arms and put forward his own thoughts.

Matsuda Jinhei suddenly laughed, “Hagi, do you remember the candid shooting incident at the police academy?”

Laughing with a bit of nostalgia, he dropped the tool in his hand, propped his forehead and continued: “Do you know how I knew that garbage was holding a candid photo?”

“I asked you, but you didn’t say it.” Hagihara Kenji was still a little impressed by that incident.

“The photo that fell from his hand that day happened to belong to Amamiya. She had a red mole on her thigh. Seriously, if it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t recognize that photo, and I would also I didn’t tell Amamiya, and of course I didn’t show that photo to any of you, I burned it myself.” He chuckled, the inexplicable psychological troubles at the beginning have helped him a lot now.

Hagihara Kenji’s face froze, “Did you see the same mole on Kurosawa’s body?” After speaking, he pinched his chin and continued to think, “The face can be plastic surgery, and no one will recognize it, such as moles. With such a strong randomness, it is indeed difficult to find the same place, but how do you know that she has a mole on her leg??”

He glanced at his friends suspiciously. To be honest, when he was training at the police academy, the weather was hot and everyone wore short sports clothes. I don’t know, after all, it’s still a red mole, which must be impressive.

And according to Amamiya’s meticulous character, it is impossible for her not to notice such an iconic mark on the skin that she often exposes.

That is to say, this red mole must be the place where the short sportswear can’t show, doesn’t it mean that it is near the root of the leg? Isn’t that a very secret place? ?

The question is, how did Xiao Zhenping know…

Looking at his friend’s increasingly strange eyes, Matsuda Jinhei couldn’t help but kicked over, “Stop the unreasonable delusions in your mind, it’s the first time you met Amamiya. Look carefully, didn’t she cut the fabric of the skirt as evidence at that time? That’s when she saw it.”

Hagihara Kenji pouted his lips and his eyes were a little erratic. It turned out that at that time, he joked with Xiaojinping that he was finally interested in girls, that he was enlightened and so on. He was right. Little Zhenping not only saw it, but also kept it in mind for so long.

So, he always thought that Xiao Zhenping was looking for Amamiya’s double, and thought he was going to run wild in the direction of the scumbag, but he didn’t expect that the double that made him tempted, Miss Kurosawa was actually Deity? ?

“So, Xiao Zhenping, what you like is actually a person, right?”

Matsuda Jinping nodded, “Of course, I like her and only her.”

Listening to these sincere words, Kenji Hagihara couldn’t help but want to applaud, but the new question is, why did Amamiya do this?

“So, why did she do it? Reappearing in front of you in a new face, what’s the purpose of it?”

“Probably don’t want me to get too involved in it, she must be in a very troublesome situation now, I have inquired about the police, the job of the newcomer seems to be very troublesome, But for Amamiya, I don’t think paperwork is a problem at all, she is Amamiya, how could that kind of work be difficult for her.”

When it comes to Amamiya Qianxue, his eyes are shimmering that he didn’t even notice, as if there are stars twinkling.

Kenji Hagihara pondered for a while, “So it can be explained that her daily routine is upside down, and she always looks tired. She is indeed embarrassed by work, but it is another Will work be related to the person behind Yuemi?”

“It’s possible, I’m thinking about this right now. By the way, Hagi don’t expose this matter for the time being, I’m afraid to scare her.” Matsuda Jinping restored the bomb/bomb and continued: “This holiday, I want to collect something more evidence and find another time to have a showdown with her.”

Hagihara Kenji pouted, “You can decide this by yourself, but if you need me, you can tell me at any time.”

“Well, I guess it will be deeply involved, and I will definitely trouble you.” Matsuda Jinping said, frowning, and there was some hesitation in his tone.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped on the head by his friend, “Damn, do you still look like Matsuda Jinping?? If there is any trouble, just step on the accelerator, what are you afraid of!”

With the encouragement of friends, the holiday is getting closer and closer.

During the period, Matsuda Jinping also made a phone call to ask Chiyuki Amemiya about her specific matters.

“Okay, I don’t really have any special requirements for those, but I may be late that day. You and Mr. Hagihara can wait for me first.”

The voice on the other end of the phone was soft and soft. Although it was completely different from the previous voice, it made the corners of his mouth rise.

“Aren’t you with us? I can drive,” he explained.

“No, I have to accompany you. It will be late, don’t worry, I will definitely go.”

“Well, we’ll wait for you near the park, in case you’re too embarrassed to arrive alone.”

“Okay, Mr. Matsuda, no, Matsuda thought about it very carefully.” She agreed, her tone calm, but she didn’t seem to be used to changing her words.

“Well, don’t push yourself too hard at work.”

“Okay, then I’ll hang up first.”


The day before the holiday, Matsuda Jinhei, who had been busy with smuggling cases, never thought that he would be free today.

He asked his colleague, “Is this case closed?”

I’ve been busy for almost a month, and the last week can even be described as a wreck. There is no normal off-hours at all, otherwise he wouldn’t have to call Amamiya.

“It seems so, it was taken over by the police, and it seems that no matter what happens next, it has nothing to do with us, shouldn’t you be happy? A few days ago, I told the police department that only this holiday does not want to work overtime. , just, your wish is fulfilled.” The colleague stretched, and the whole person relaxed.

Jinping Matsuda rubbed his temples and nodded, “That’s right, I definitely don’t want to work overtime this holiday.”

But after a month or so of hard work, he always felt empty.

Do you want to stop this?

He’s thinking about it.

If he can start from Amamiya’s side, it will definitely be much better than thinking about it himself.

But can you really know from Amamiya so smoothly?

He was not 100% sure.

But he never thought of giving up everything and leaving it alone.

The person he likes is in trouble, how could he not try his best.

The weather on the holiday day was just right, the sky at dusk, the clouds were dyed with layers of warm colors by the setting sun.

The setting sun swept towards him like a sea tide, the huge sun wheel was about to sink in the horizon, and the last sunset mixed with the evening wind made his face dazed.

Even when his friend tapped him on the shoulder, he didn’t respond.

He was being overwhelmed by a strong emotion, an emotion he had felt before.

“What’s wrong?” Hagihara Kenji asked, he could see that something was wrong with the young tamer.

“Hagi, something is going to happen.” He murmured, staring at the sunken sun as if to himself, “I feel like I’m going to lose her again.”


“She won’t go to any camping, she lied to me again.” He chuckled, the sound like a sigh.

Hagihara Kenji was stunned, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“I just feel like she won’t go. Liar, I promised to accompany me on my birthday before, but I left alone, what do I want for so many birthday gifts, this time I said yes To go camping together, she won’t go to the appointment.”

“I don’t believe it, I think you can call her directly and ask her, it feels unreliable at all.” Hagihara Kenji took out his mobile phone and signaled his friend to call quickly.

However, until the two people called the phone several times, no one answered.

This time, Hagihara Kenji was also stunned.

The remaining rays of the setting sun burned the remaining clouds in the sky like flames, which made Qianxue Amamiya a little fascinated.

“It’s beautiful.”

She whispered to herself, withdrawing her eyes that had been staring at the sky.

Sitting with her was Cointreau.

The long skirt is ankle-length, and the sunglasses cover those golden eyes, “How are the preparations for the evening?”

Amamiya Qianxue raised her face and looked up at the building, “Don’t worry, everything is properly arranged.”

“Have you met with Sutern?” he asked, tapping his fingers on the table.

Amamiya Qianxue pouted, “No, over the phone, to be honest, I don’t understand why he has to be asked to assist in the mission.”

“I don’t know that either.” Cointreau smiled, his tone extremely innocent.

“Really? You really don’t know?” She sneered, her words full of disbelief.

Cointreau shook his head, clutching his chest with a sad expression, “I really didn’t expect that, my credit in your heart is so low, Yuki, I’m really hurt.”

“Oh, hurt? That’s the best.”

“Hey, are you going to dinner? How about BBQ?” He smiled, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

The strength of that slap made Cointreau’s sunglasses smashed.

Then a sharp blade was pressed against the slapped hand, and Cointreau’s face was stern, “Yuki, don’t be arrogant.”

Condensed air permeates the car.

The sharp blade that was pressed has cut through the skin, and a dazzling bright red snaked down.

The depth of the blade deepens gradually, and the blood flowing down is more and more obvious.

“Yuki’s mouth really knows how to speak.”

“It’s none of your business, why? You’re in charge of the sky, you monitor everything about me, do you even care what I say now?”

Amamiya Qianxue never had a good face for this Cointreau who cut off all contact with her.

His surveillance was so comprehensive that she had no chance of finding a connection between Bourbon and Scotland.

It can be said that she is now in an environment where she has nothing to rely on except Cointreau.

“Don’t push your nose on your face.”

Cointreau dropped the sentence and took the blade.

Amamiya Qianxue also withdrew her hand, completely caring about the wound that was rolling with flesh and blood, just took out the hemostatic spray to stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

This week, she has been busy with the layout of tasks.

Sutern is a bait, he will attack the warehouse there in the port tonight, will attract most of the vigilance.

It can be said that the problem of guarding the traps in the Amemiya Qianxue plan has been alleviated very well.

She is the main infiltrator. After cutting off all the power in this area, she infiltrated from the top floor to the floor where the goods were stored.

Blow up directly, and then go back to the top layer to recover all traces of action.

Finally left the building, and Cointreau took her to escape.

If all goes well, she might be able to catch up with the camping, but she will definitely be half a day late.

But if it doesn’t go well, it’s hard to say.

The night was quiet, the moonlight in early summer was clear, and the breeze poured down like mercury.

Time is moving little by little to the point where everyone acts.

Amamiya Qianxue turned on the communicator, and a violent wind could be heard on Sutern’s side. The port was near the sea, and the whistling sea breeze was much louder than the wind on the top floor on her side.

“Sister?” A well-behaved voice sounded in the headphones.

Amamiya Qianxue said after a few seconds of silence: “The time is almost up.”

“Well, I know, sister, you have to be careful. If you are in danger, stay away. I’ll go to you when I’m done here.” Sutern asked thoughtfully.

“Sutern…don’t kill.” After she hesitated, she still said this sentence, but under the condition of blocking Cointreau.

There was a faint laughter from there, “Okay, because of my sister’s order.”

After cutting off the communication, she refocused her eyes on the computer, which is the intranet of the power supply system.

When Suetern starts to act, the Metropolitan Police Department will dispatch a large area, and then she will cut off the power supply in this area, causing a blackout to detect which floor the bombs/bombs are stored on , then act directly.

The bell for action is ringing.

Amamiya Qianxue cut off the communication and concentrated on conquering the firewall. As for why not infiltrate in advance, that is to prevent the grass and the snake.

As expected, two minutes later, the Metropolitan Police Department dispatched a large area.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a power outage in Mihua City.

Twenty minutes later, the traffic in Mihua City was chaotic.

Cointreau’s indifferent voice came from the communicator, “The sixteenth floor is powered by an infrared device passively powered.”


Amamiya Qianxue is wearing a black action suit, which fits the body curve extremely well. It is made of polymer fiber, which is heat-proof, heat-insulating, can slow down the impact, and can also prevent the general degree of sharp blade attack.

She was dexterously like a cat, slowly descending from the top floor of the twentieth floor, the goal was not the sixteenth floor, but the twentieth floor.

She was going to sneak in through the pipe and put anesthetic gas in it to avoid the security and vigilance inside.

However, the ventilation pipes are only maintained to the eighteenth floor, and the remaining two floors still cannot be avoided.

“On the seventeenth floor, the thermal imaging showed that there were five people on patrol, and the other party’s communication has been cut off.” The assistant Cointreau sent a reminder again.

Amamiya Qianxue frowned slightly, she changed a gun on her belt, she specially asked Cointreau to make it, and what shot inside was not a bullet, but an anesthetic needle.

The open gun is easy to hide, but the dark arrow is difficult to defend.

The first person fell silently, she dragged him to the window, but it was the second person.

But the remaining three are not easy to fool.

The sudden disappearance of the companion made all three alert.

The finger tiger with the paralyzing poison on her hand, Amamiya Qianxue chose to fight in close quarters, she wanted to solve these people without hurting anyone.

Although there were occasional twists and turns, it still made her a little scared, and she always felt that it should not be so simple.

It was smooth sailing, as if someone was helping her behind her back.

Dive into the target floor, she first checked the goods, Cointreau in the earphone urged her to blow up the things quickly.

But she still spent time calculating the distribution of these bombs/bombs, in order to prevent those unrelated personnel from being swept in by the explosion.

But no matter how you calculate it, the final seventeenth floor cannot be avoided.

After placing the time bomb/bomb, she chose to move these people to a higher level.

Cointreau sneered in the headphones.

It took her a lot of time, and when she returned to the ropes outside the building, Cointreau in the headset shouted: “Someone has gone up to the top floor!”

Then the sound of his running.

“What are you going to do?” Amamiya Qianxue couldn’t help but ask, she had a bad premonition.

“Sniper.” After the blunt words, no matter how much Amamiya Qianxue asked, there was no reply.

Amemiya Qianxue frowned tightly, she quickly climbed up to the top floor and began to clean up her traces, on the one hand to prevent being tracked back, on the other hand, to catch Cointreau before reaching the nearby building Fix everything so that you can reduce irrelevant casualties.

The sound on the stairs gradually approached, one after another, as if beating Amamiya Qianxue’s heart.

Finally, before she could fully pack up, the voice stepped into the top floor door.

The door was locked by Amamiya Qianxue and could not be opened for a while.


The door was pushed open after a gunshot.

If she had to, she would shoot, in order not to let this person be sniped by Cointreau.

However, the person who came in was someone she never expected.

It is Matsuda Jinhei.

The huge impact made Amamiya Chiyuki unable to maintain her expression, and the hand holding the gun was shaking.

Why him? ?

How did he know? ?

Shouldn’t he be camping? ?

He will die! !

“Don’t come any closer, back down the stairs!”

Words are faster than the confused brain, and the first to speak the warning.

The moon, which had been hidden by the clouds, also appeared at this moment, and the clear moonlight fell on the shoulders of his black suit.

The sky-like eyes were full of disbelief.

“Impossible, Amamiya.”

He looked firm, shook his head, threw the gun under his feet, and walked over step by step in the moonlight.

He will never let go.

“You’re going to die! Go back!” There was excitement and trembling in her voice.

Matsuda Jinhei smiled, with a gentle expression, “You didn’t deny that you are Amamiya.”


“Amamiya, come with me, no matter what happens I will be by your side.” He stood still under the moonlight and stretched out his hand.

Amamiya Qianxue shook her head frantically, impossible, only this is impossible, “You shouldn’t be here, the holiday camping is the place you should go. !”

“What’s the point of camping without you.” His laughter was soft, as if it was about to dissolve in the wind.

Amamiya Chiyuki suddenly tore off her mask.

Smooth purple curls poured down, gleaming in the moonlight.

She turned off the voice changer, “I said, don’t come any closer.”

“You look so bad, you see the person you like right across from you, how can this be possible? I miss you so much, sometimes more, sometimes less , but thinking of you every day.”

He said word by word, still striding forward.

“Don’t push me, you’re really going to die.”

The voice was indifferent, and even the wind stopped.

The gun with the muffler/silencer was pulled, and a bullet flew towards the Matsuda formation.

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