After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 428

"Let me in! I want to see my wife! Let me in! “At this time, there was a noise outside the door, and Tong Wenya frowned and glanced outside. This person should be the husband of the deceased.

"You cannot go in, this is the scene of the crime. " Xiaorou explained softly.

"Why can’t you enter? I don’t believe my wife will commit suicide, it is absolutely impossible! "The husband of the deceased was very emotional and was about to rush in.

“Keep here first, I’ll talk to him. "

Tong Wenya walked to the husband of the deceased and spoke calmly: “I can understand your mood, and we will not easily assume that she committed suicide.” But I hope to get your cooperation so that she can be fair. "

"You must check, my wife definitely did not commit suicide! Absolutely not! I love her so much, she has no reason to commit suicide! “The man’s eyes were red with blood, and his voice was trembling. Xiaorou looked at him so affectionately, and his eyes were moist.

"I promise, we will check it out, please calm down, I want to get some information from you. "

The man looked inside the office again, his eyelids flushed, and he choked up for a long time and said, “I’m calm, I can ask.” "

Tong Wenya and Xiao Rou took him to a quieter place and began questioning. After understanding, the deceased was named Lin Xiaoping. He and her husband Ren Sixian had been married for ten years. The two had a daughter, who was ten years old this year, and was in elementary school.

"Is there anything wrong with Lin Xiaoping recently? For example, do you often go into a daze or say something to commit suicide? "

“There is a daze. I never said suicide. I love her, and the child is smart and sensible. She doesn’t even think about it. "

"When was the last time you saw the dead? "

" Before she went to work yesterday. "

" Was there anything abnormal in her then? "

"No, she kissed me before leaving, saying she loved me. "

"She hasn’t contacted you since then? "

"Yes, she called me before leaving get off work last night and told me to work overtime. She often works overtime recently, and I didn’t think much about it. "

"She never went home afterwards. Didn’t you find anything wrong? "

“I had an appointment with my buddy Zheng Li last night. I wanted her to cook some good dishes for us. She didn’t go back, so I cooked and drank at our house with Zheng Li. When I drank too much, it was bright when I woke up. Then I remembered that my wife didn’t come back, and thought it was too late, she went back to her natal house. I just got your call and I knew…” At this point, Ren Sixian choked again.

After he calmed down for a while, Tong Wenya asked about Lin Xiaoping’s interpersonal relationship, if she had heard her talk about grievances with others.

“No, my wife is very nice and has many friends. The day before yesterday for her birthday, I hosted a birthday party for her, and there were more than 20 people. You say she is so popular! "

Tong Wenya nodded, "If you want to determine the specific cause of her death, you need your consent to autopsy her. "

"As long as the murderer can be found, I agree. "

Tong Wenya handed Ren Sixian to Xiaorou, and went to find out the situation with the first witness.

The first person to discover Lin Xiaoping’s death was the building cleaner. She was terrified and her face was still pale.

"She was lying there when I saw her, so I called the police quickly. "

Lin Xiaoping’s footprints were indeed extracted from the crime office, and only hers, not even Lin Xiaoping’s own.

Asking the relevant personnel again, Robbe, a female colleague who has a good relationship with Lin Xiaoping, provided a valuable clue.

“She usually looks very good, nothing unusual, but she received an express delivery yesterday afternoon, and her expression was a bit wrong. I asked her what happened, and she said nothing. When I got off work, I used to go with her. She said yesterday that there was still a watch that hadn’t been finished, and let me go first. "

Tong Wenya searched the scene but did not find the express delivery that Robbe said.

Who entered the scene during the incident was the key to solving the case. Unfortunately, the camera at the entrance of Jinyuan Building was destroyed.

" Is there someone on duty in the building? "Tong Wenya asked the staff of the building.

"Yes, Ah Qiang was on duty last night. "

"Where is he now? "

"I don’t know, I can’t get in touch anymore, call him and turn off his cell phone. "

"Ah, could it be him? It must be him! "Another female staff member of the building exclaimed.

“Why do you say that?” Tong Wenya asked.

“I see that Aqiang is very attentive every time I see Lin Xiaoping, and once quietly told Adong that she is beautiful, her husband is blessed, and the two of them are still laughing so badly. Anyway, his eyes are not serious. It makes people uncomfortable.”

Tong Wenya recorded these things, inquired about Aqiang’s contact details, and found Adong to understand the situation.

“I have made such jokes. It is common for men to make such jokes. We are not just saying that Lin Xiaoping is pretty alone.” A Dong said that A Qiang is so timid and should not dare to do bad things.

At the end of the on-site investigation, the body was taken back to the police station and handed over to the forensic doctor Xiao Li for further analysis to find evidence.

Judging from the dissolved substance in the stomach, it was confirmed that the direct cause of death was a large amount of Humian Ling, and there was no trauma on the whole body.

“Did the deceased have **** before he died?” Tong Wenya asked Xiao Li.

“Yes, judging from the integrity of the body fluids and skin present in the deceased’s body, it is succumb.”

“Are there sperm or sperm spots?”

“No, only a trace of lubricant left by the condom.”

“Look carefully for any remaining hair or dander.”

“Found a hair!” Forensic doctor Xiao Li carefully clipped the hair and put it in the container.

“Xiao Rou, you inform Ren Sixian to go to the police station immediately, extract his DNA and compare it with this hair.”


Tong Wenya contacted Yuan Siming, who was sent out by her to guard, “Did you find Aqiang?”

“Boss, he retired the house early this morning and said he was back to his hometown.”

“You go to his hometown to investigate, be sure to bring him back!”

“Yes, boss.”

Next, she organized a meeting of the police involved in the case to discuss the case and plan the next step.

“Xiaotong, I think this woman committed suicide because she was sorry for her husband. There are drugs and suicide notes. There is nothing suspenseful.” Da Lang said. Several other police officers also agreed. Only Xiao Rong Tong Wenya was different. Thoughts.

“The suicide note left by the deceased Lin Xiaoping was identified by her own handwriting, and the tears on the suicide note were also left by her. From a psychological point of view, if a mother feels sorry for her child, she should be more inclined to make up for it through practical actions The child, rather than choosing suicide, will leave a shadow on the child’s mind. Even so, we cannot arbitrarily conclude that it was homicide. There are many doubts to be investigated. The first is the express delivery mentioned by her colleague, and the second is the hibernation Origin, third, continue to increase efforts to investigate people who are related to her, looking for the basis for financial killing, vendetta, or love killing.” Tong Wenya analyzed clearly.

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