After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 513

Desperate Fang Shiqing walked downstairs, just watching the two servants underneath whispering in a low voice. She wanted to hear what they were talking about. She simply lightened her footsteps. Standing quietly upstairs.

The two servants underneath were wiping the table. Just now, the little Corgi vomited Fang Shiqing’s body all over. Now as the masters have all gone upstairs, these servants will seize every opportunity to clean up.

The two servants who were taking care of the chores in the hall looked around. There was no one, but they couldn’t control their work and found an unobvious corner to sit and chat together. .

To say that this Chunyu’s home is good, the various food and clothing costs are much better than when they were at home. If they weren’t able to stay here as servants, they would never see the decorations and decorations of Chunyu’s home in their entire lives. It should be daily necessities.

“You said, does Miss Fang really treat the young master as her own child? It doesn’t look like it this time.”

One of the servants took the lead in raising the question in his heart. He didn’t have the same attitude as he looked at before, but today he vomited Fang Shiqing’s whole body in front of everyone.

How can a lady like Fang Shiqing, a lady of high society, can bear this. As soon as the servant on this side started, the servant on the other side had already accepted the stubbornness.

It is nothing more than eating grapes and saying grapes are sour. In their view, these people who are born with money do not know how many times their lives are better than those of them. From the moment of birth, they have a golden spoon in their mouths.

It can be said that you can do whatever you want. The stars in the sky can be picked off by people, unlike their children at home who have to go out to work at a young age, so they have to eat frugally and start thinking about what to do. survive.

Take a step back and say that if they had money, they would not stay here now to serve as maids. It’s not because Chunyu’s family treats the servants well, and there will be a lot of money during the holidays. .

So, this man’s fate is really doomed, and what fate you should be in your fate, it’s what fate you can’t force.

“They are not all people in the upper class. How can they treat the young master sincerely? You saw it today, but Miss Fang pushed the young master to the ground. If you change your mother, where? I’m willing to do it. This is because it is not your own person, so you can kill it next time.”

The two servants are here to talk about the excitement, but Fang Shiqing, who is standing there listening, has a green face. She has tried her best to treat Corgi in front of others, but now she is To this point.

It’s just that Fang Shiqing still wants to be patient. This is Chunyu’s family after all, not their Fang’s family. If they are in their Fang’s family, someone would dare to say that she, the eldest lady, would have to fight first before she drives out.

“I saw Ms. Fang treat the young master very well before, but this one is too abnormal. It stands to reason that children are unwell and vomiting is common.”

One of the servants looked unbelievable, and his eyes widened. What did she hear? Fang Shiqing prescribed medicine to the young master and also developed a high fever. Originally, she wanted to say a few words for Fang Shiqing, but now it seems that she doesn’t have to. Prescribe medicine to such a small child, this heart is poisonous enough.

A child with a mother is like a treasure, and a child without a biological mother by his side is useless even if he was born in a wealthy country. What both of them thought in their hearts was that Fang Shiqing had not yet married Chunyu’s family, so he treated the young master like this. If one day they really marry in, the young master will have a way to survive, and she will have to be killed every day. The stepmother was tortured.

“Fortunately, although my family doesn’t make much money, it is still enough to make ends meet. My children are always much happier than the young master.”

Another naturally nodded and said yes. They are just ordinary people. There are not too many high requirements in daily life. As long as they can eat and dress warmly, other material life is not so focused. In fact, Yeah, there are so many people from a wealthy and rival country in life. After all, they are still a minority, not to mention blindly comparing with others is not necessarily a good thing.

The young master is from a good background, but in fact it is now in this situation. What is the use of Chun Yuchen and Chun Yulie distressing the young master, after all, they can’t replace their biological mother.

Standing on the top, Fang Shiqing listened to the words below, becoming more and more awful, but couldn’t help it anymore. She went up to the kitchen and took a plate of cold water and poured it over the heads of the two servants.

The two servants were sitting together and talking, and Fang Shiqing, who could not have expected to appear behind them, when they turned around to look at Fang Shiqing, they felt that they were finished.

It’s not bad. What they said just now seemed to have been heard by Fang Shiqing. Fang Shiqing’s temper had always been unreasonable and unforgiving, and now she was caught by her.

At the moment, two people are busy begging for mercy, hoping that Fang Shiqing can give them another chance. You must know that Fang Shiqing has always been here, and they dare not say anything no matter what.

“Miss Fang, you can give us another chance, we will never dare anymore. Forgive us.”

But no matter how they begged, Fang Shiqing had an expression of indifferent expression. These two lowly people kept talking in front of her slanderously. This was what she had heard with her own ears. If she hadn’t heard it, she would still point out. It’s uncertain how ugly it will be.

The eldest lady of the Fang family, the young lady of the Chunyu family in the future, did not believe that she had no right to dismiss the two maids.

“You throw out both of their things and let them leave as soon as possible. I don’t want to see them again for a moment.”

Fang Shiqing’s words, who dare not listen, if anyone dares not listen, maybe it will be their turn next. Although these servants are also very pitiful to these two maids, but who can help them to see I don’t understand winks, but I just want to say these things on this master.

In any case, the two maids refused to leave, they just kept crying with their own things in their arms. It seemed to their two maids that it was their blessing to be able to work at Chunyu’s house, and none of them wanted to leave. The environment and welfare of Chunyu’s house were first-class and good. After leaving Chunyu’s house, where to find an image A good place like Chunyu’s home.

Fang Shiqing just ignored them. Perhaps there was too much movement in the living room, causing even Chun Yulie and Chun Yuchen in the study to know about it.

Chun Yulie walked out with Xiao Keji in his arms, followed by Chun Yuchen. The two servants saw that someone who could really take charge came, but they felt that there was some hope.

After all, they all worked as maids in Chunyu’s house for half their lives, and they have some affection with Mr. Chunyu, Chunyuchen and Xiao Keji. They believe Mr. Chunyu would not be so cruel and would not give them a bite of food. of.

“It’s noisy, in what manner. What are you all arguing about, I am not dead yet.”

Fang Shiqing might be afraid that they would talk nonsense, so that Chun Yulie had any thoughts about him, but just stepped forward and busy explaining.

The two servants looked at Mr. Chunyu, for fear that their last chance would be deprived, and they would never leave Chunyu’s house anyway.

“Don’t talk nonsense to them, how could Chunyu’s family leave these two broken-mouthed servants? The servants shouldn’t serve them with all their energies, but look at them, there are still some servants who are secretly at work. What’s the matter with such a person staying at Chunyu’s house? Shiqing is also doing well for Chunyu’s house.”

Chun Yuchen looked at Fang Shiqing who wanted to cover up, and there was not a trace of temperature in her eyes. Even Fang Shiqing suspected that if she stared at it for a long time, she would turn into an ice cube.

“Aren’t they right? Did you really do this? Are you afraid of others saying it?”

Chun Yuchen did not intend to leave Fang Shiqing a bit of face in front of these servants. In his eyes, Fang Shiqing is a woman who can do everything to achieve her own goals. Such a woman cannot be a child anyway. The elegance is on par.

Fang Shiqing only pinned the last glimmer of hope on Chun Yulie, hoping that Chun Yulie could obey her instructions and drive the two maids out. After all, I am the future mistress of the Chunyu family. If I don’t even have the qualifications to drive out the two maids, isn’t the rest a joke?

“Shi Qing, you are too foolish.”

What Fang Shiqing didn’t think about was this matter. Chun Yulie didn’t help her to speak, but reprimanded Fang Shiqing. At this moment, Fang Shiqing felt a little unacceptable. He just listened to the laughter in the study outside the study. , Now it was Chun Yuchen who didn’t give himself face in front of the servants, and immediately after Chun Yulie didn’t help him to speak, where is the place where he stayed in Chunyu’s house?

“It’s all because of this sordid species that you all joined together to bully me.”

When Xiao Keji listened to Fang Shiqing’s words, he rubbed Chun Yulie’s arms again. After all, the child’s heart was still fragile. When Chun Yuchen looked at this little Keji, his heart was even more distressed, Xiao Ke Ji has always been held in the palm of his hand by himself and Chun Yulie, but he has never heard of the word “cheap”.

There was such a sentence in Chun Yulie’s ear, and he was also a little dissatisfied. An adult had to say that it was a bit too much to comment on a child.

“You say it again. Fang Shiqing, don’t think you are the eldest lady of the Fang family, you can do whatever you want in Chunyu’s family.”

Fang Shiqing looked at Chun Yuchen’s treatment of her nose and eyes, and the anger surged with a phrase of “bad species”, but the two words of mean species made little Keji wow cry. Chun Yuchen’s head was also a little confused. Up.

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