After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 529

“You can see Wenya that you love this man very much. This is the most precious thing. Since you are already like this, I, an outsider in your eyes, can’t say anything easily. People are very interested.”

Tong Wenya closed her eyes tightly, and carefully sketched out all the sounds and smiles that belonged to Chun Yuchen in her mind. They were so fascinating that they were extremely rare.

“He is no different from ordinary men, but the only difference is that I love him, nothing more.”

Linda looked at Tong Wenya with a happy face, and had to say that Tong Wenya really admires herself. If it is an ordinary woman, she should have given up long ago. But instead of giving up, she has Constantly working hard for the ideas in my heart.

This made Linda give Tong Wenya a thumbs up, almost shouting Tong Wenya, you are so good, as a woman, you should be like this, what you want, the person you want It’s all due to their own efforts, not just complaining about others.

Even so, Linda is still particularly puzzled, just because a man, a man Tong Wenya loves so much, let Tong Wenya cross the ocean alone, is this really like she said? It’s worth it, the reason for this is naturally enough to make people feel intriguing, and even unthinkable.

“Then Wenya, don’t you really feel regretful? You came to the United States alone, so does your family really feel relieved?”

Linda has always been an outspoken person. Naturally, what she wants to say is what she has in her heart. What’s more, the person in front of you is her friend Tong Wenya, so there is no need to hide and tuck them like this. It should be so.

After hearing Linda’s words, Tong Wenya fell into the previous contemplation. To say regret, it was a little regretful, but it was on the father who was killed by Fang Shiqing. Treating his father, Tong Wenya is undoubtedly full of regret. If I hadn’t insisted on this way, would my father not die?

It turned out that everything was because of her attachment, everything was because of her so-called love, but in the final analysis, she still didn’t regret it.

The corners of Tong Wenya’s lips began to rise, and after a brief calm, Tong Wenya with a smile on his face spit out such a sentence to Linda in front of him.

“If love can be regrettable, don’t you think this kind of love is too false? If love can also be measured by value or money, it can only be said that their so-called feelings are nothing more than this , It’s nothing at all.”

Linda is quite unclear about the words of Tong Wenya in front of him. So, in Linda’s opinion, if love can’t be equated with these, what else can there be? Is it really a real love, and the two really want to be together? In Linda’s world, how many such loves can there be? The relationship between men and women is extremely impetuous nowadays. From time to time, they started living together before getting married, which is not too new.

As everyone knows, this is irresponsible to each other. If you accidentally have a child one day later, it is also irresponsible to the child’s life and future. In Linda’s view, although they are open, at least Lin In Da’s heart, he still had his own scale to exist and measure.

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand the so-called love in your mouth, but since you insist on it, as a good friend of yours, I, as a good friend of you, have no reason to persuade you. Just wait until the result you want.”

In fact, Linda is outspoken, but the specific thing is that she doesn’t have too much bad thoughts. She just thinks that she should take the initiative to remind her. She has to think about two different results in everything, lest she will fall into too sad results.

“Well, yes, yes, I know you, it’s a knife mouth, a tofu heart. If I didn’t know you so well, I really thought you were blaming me.”

Linda just threw the washed apple in Tong Wenya’s arms, put the apple in her hand to her mouth and chewed, the mouthful of sweetness permeated her mouth, full of freshness.

“I just don’t want to look at you anymore and be hurt by that man in the future. You know, you are unfamiliar with each other in the United States. When do you plan to return to China?”

It’s not that Tong Wenya hadn’t thought about these words that Linda said, but once a decision was made on some things, there was no decision or retreat to go back.

“I don’t know. Actually, I am also very conflicted. I love him, he loves me, but I don’t know how long we can all wait.”

Waiting for two words seems easy, it’s easier said than done, but it’s definitely not easy to do it. Some things you want to follow your own mind completely, it’s hard for ordinary people to understand why you don’t know how much you have to pay. Content.

Love is originally a torture thing, but there are still so many idiots and women who go through the waters for it. It is worthwhile or not, how can it be so easy to say clearly in a few words.

After a hangover all night, Chunyusi who woke up again felt a terrible headache. This was natural. After all, after drinking so much beer, all the beer bottles on the coffee table and sofa were littered by Chunyusi.

When I walked a little bit like this, I could hear beer bottles rolling down the coffee table and sofa bones, making a very crisp sound.

“I have a terrible headache. I really shouldn’t have had so much wine last night.”

Chunyusi just got up from the ground, rubbed his still aching forehead, walked from the living room to the bathroom, took a hot shower, and felt better.

The Tong Wenya of last night, the beautiful Tong Wenya who smiled to herself in his dream last night, turned out to be just living in a dream.

When I wake up, I still have to face my most true heart, or face the fact that Tong Wenya doesn’t have her own.

If possible, Chunyusi hopes that he can survive the hangover all the time. It is always good not to be sober about it. In fact, there are so many things, and the reason why he can’t get out is all because of the most and deepest emotions.

In the emotional world, whoever pays too much first will be hurt by emotion first. Tong Wenya treats Chun Yuchen like this, and Chun Yusi treats Tong Wenya like this.

“Kevin, I won’t go to the company today. The affairs of the company are left to you.”

Kevin, who had just drove to the company, received a call from Chunyusi exclusively, and he simply followed Chunyusi’s instructions and started to deal with the project on the table. Chunyusi personally handled this project. Yes, of course, Kevin only needs to patiently check it again.

Even Kevin feels admired for the desperateness of Chunyus at work. His boss can be described as a desperate job.

Looking at the company, it is really impossible to find a few people who can be compared with Chunyus to continue to exist. Because of this, the company is now in a steaming attitude.

Because this is the weekend, those who go to work and go to school will take a rest as always. This is also the main content of Chunyusi’s absence from work today. If it is normal, Chunyusi has no habit of asking for leave.

Chunyusi just opened the window and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, breathing in the fresh air outside. In such good weather, he should go outside.

Chunyusi still decided to go to the supermarket. There were many people in the supermarket. Many people were waiting in line to settle the payment. Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and no one was exception.

Mentingruo City is used to describe that there is absolutely nothing wrong in the current supermarket. The pedestrians coming and going around are stopping for it, whether they are holding or pushing the shopping cart in their hands, they are all looking forward to it. Yes, I hope the front team can be faster, and it would be better to come sooner.

“Miss, please check out.”

Chunyusi put all the items on the shopping cart in front of the cashier. The cashier looked at Chunyusi in front of him with only a little obsessive eyes, and the people behind him kept urging them to quickly scan the items. Then he told the price to Chunyusi in front of him. Chunyusi did not hesitate to take out the wallet, then counted out a few red renminbi and handed it to the cashier in front of him.

“Thank you.”

Chunyusi is the kind of polite presence in front of many people. Soon after Chunyusi left, the cashier was still watching Chunyusi’s back, even covering the corners of his lips with his hands, and murmured constantly. “So handsome.”

It is true that Chunyusi’s face is indeed the same, well maintained, not to mention that a man in his thirties will not easily see the difference in age, on the contrary, it adds a touch of charm and maturity.

It was just that moment, when the cashier was still immersed in Chunyusi speaking to himself, the voice of the supervisor of the supermarket rang behind him, a voice mixed with anger and threat.

“Still watching? People are gone, what else are you looking at. Look at deducting your salary again! Do you plan to ask for the year-end bonus for this quarter? Work quickly, and the customers later can’t wait a while. “

The voice dedicated to the supervisor of the supermarket rang in the ears of the cashier, like the roar of a Hedong lion, and straightforwardly made the cashier come back to his senses. Such a handsome and rich man is indeed the same in this life. She has nothing to do with her. It’s better to do the work at hand in a down-to-earth manner. At least you can mix enough food and clothing to keep yourself hungry. This is the most practical thing, and other things can be used to satisfy your eyes.

It’s just that the cashier still looked reluctantly and secretly glanced in Chunyusi’s direction, and then began the job of resignation.

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