After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 56 - Xiao Baiyu! It\\\'s him

She had to let him get to this point, **** woman, she had to fix her like this.

He buckled the microphone on the phone and lay back on the bed. After this tossing, his banner had been lowered, waiting for her to burn him again.

Zillog had no other choice, so he got on the bed in humiliation, knelt down on the bed, leaned down and touched his chest with his trembling lips.

Qiao Yushi, you will regret it! She said this to herself repeatedly in her heart to let her hatred give her courage.

The lips were soft and soft, like a light feather tickling him.

As soon as he touched, his body reacted again, singing and growing up little by little.

She tried to remember how he used to treat her, as if that was how she kept kissing and kissing.

In the joy of bone erosion, he felt a sudden cold on his abdomen, as if a drop of water fell on it.

It is probably her tears, opened her eyes, wanting to see her little face. Her face was hidden by the slipped hair and she couldn’t see it, but he could feel her uncomfortable.

“Deserve it! Tears won’t win my sympathy, continue!” He suppressed the feeling of distressing her, and said hoarsely.

Of course she knew that he couldn’t win his sympathy. He was a heartless person. How could he sympathize?

It was just that the humiliation made her unable to hold back all of a sudden, she took a deep breath. .

In this process, she has always been unwilling, so he was inspired by enthusiasm, but she did not.

The inside was very dry, coupled with the tension after pregnancy, she was tensed and couldn’t relax.

Frowning, but biting her lip, she refused to make a painful sound. She should not be looked down upon by him, nor should she be said to have deliberately won his sympathy.

He wants to pierce her, he wants to clear away the traces left by others in her body. If not, she would be too dirty, and it would make him sick and hate when he thinks of it.

The body’s instinct slowly appeared to be lubricated, although there was no water flowing like a jet, it did not hurt as much as it started.

If the body does not hurt, the heart hurts even more, because he is making a fuss about her tenderness.

“Sure enough!” He said lightly, and the fight was more powerful.

With her eyes closed, she finally did not hold back her tears. She knelt there, he was attacking, and she was crying.

At this moment, she vowed that as long as she was given a chance, she must immediately escape from this demon and never see him.

In her endless expectation, he was finally melted by her and gushed out.

Satisfied, he sighed and lay down lazily on her side.

“If it hurts, be honest in the future. Even if you are slept by 11 million men, don’t expect to get away from me. I will only get you back to your side, punish you more severely, don’t challenge me! “

He didn’t speak loudly or harshly, but she smelled a kind of despair.

Just now she was still thinking about escape, is there really no way to escape?

Xiao Baiyu, can he compete with him?

Do not! You shouldn’t expect him to rescue you. You have been like this by him, you are not worthy of him.

Just thinking about it, as if sensing her call, her cell phone jingled.

The ringtone is not Cher’s exclusive ringtone, which relaxes her nervousness.

Qiao Yushi looked like a leopard, squinting at her.

“Whose call?” He asked before she picked it up.

“I don’t know, a strange number,” she said softly.

Because it was an unfamiliar number, he didn’t stop her from answering, but he didn’t plan not to monitor her call.

“Hello, hello!” She tried to make her voice not sound like it was just after being destroyed.

However, the sensitive opponent still heard something strange from her half-husky voice, the other party did not speak, and silence spread between the two mobile phones.

“Hello, hello! Can you hear me? If you can’t hear me, I’ll hang up.” She really didn’t like Qiao Yu’s stone statue staring at the spy, looking at her eyes.

“Little Luoluo!” The other party finally said, with lovesickness and deep pain in his voice.

He even regretted that he shouldn’t call her at this time, he should guess what she might have done.

Xiao Baiyu! It’s him, it’s him, at the same moment she hoped that he could save her, he called.

Zilog’s mood at this time was ecstatic. As if seeing a ray of light in the darkness, and this ray of light was extinguished by her herself, her voice dimmed.

“It’s me, what’s going on at this late?” She said very often, taking a peek at Qiao Yushi, who was unconsciously rolling a strand of her hair with his fingers.

He could see from her suddenly defensive expression that the other party was her suitor. He just didn’t know if it was Xiao Baiyu or Lu Xiufeng, he listened carefully.

“Yes, today I am already working on the acquisition of your father’s factory. Through initial contact, he plans to sell it. Funding will not be a problem, and I will do this properly. Little Lolo, I I promised to return you free.”

“No, thank you, I’m fine!” Zilog didn’t want to. He promised to return her freedom, perhaps to let her go to him.

Even though at this time, she felt that she was full of love for Xiao Baiyu and hatred for Qiao Yushi, she still didn’t want it.

“Fool, are you worried that I will force you to stay with me? I won’t. When you say that you are free, you are free. You can choose freely, choose me, and I will be very happy. If you don’t choose me , I believe you will choose a way to live your life that makes you happy, so I will bless you too.”

“You…” Compared with Qiao Yushi’s selfishness, which would only possess and punish her, she really felt Xiao Baiyu’s deep affection for her.

Perhaps only this kind of love is true love.

How lucky she is to have him loving her like this, and how unfortunate she is to accept such love again.

Tears, dripping in touch, fell on her own white legs, forming a small stream.

She really didn’t intend to cry, but how could she not cry.

“Don’t do this, I can’t afford it. You forget me, and live happily by yourself. I don’t need you to worry, let alone give me any freedom. I’m really fine… what!”

This slightly choked voice made Qiao Yushi mad, and suddenly let go of the strand of hair, grabbed her for a plump, and kneaded it like punishment.

Because of an accident, she yelled out. Looking back, she saw Qiao Yushi’s brows wrinkled tightly and a warning expression on his face.

“What’s the matter?” The question blurted out. Once the question was over, Xiao Baiyu knew what had happened.

He really deserves to die, knowing she is controlled by him, and telling her this when he might be there.

He wanted to save her and wanted to be good to her, but it caused her trouble.

At the same time, he became even more disgusted with Qiao Yushi in his heart, and he was determined to speed up the pace of freeing her.

“It’s okay, let’s do this, and we’ll talk another day!” Zillog finished speaking, and put down the phone hurriedly.

This sentence will be said another day, but it was just a polite sentence, but it was taken as true by Qiao Yushi.

Before she put the phone away, he had already rushed on her like a wolf.

She was firmly pressed down by him and stared closely by him, as if not to let the slightest change in her expression.

“What did he tell you? You have to talk another day, do you want to continue hooking up with him?”

“I didn’t!” She twisted the beginning, not wanting to bother him.

“No? Tsk tsk tsk, really moved, tears are streaming down. Would you like to fly to him now?” He pinched her chin, turned her back, and faced him.

He just insulted her and misunderstood her. Her natural temper was not good, and she had restrained a lot by his side in the past two years.

But now, she couldn’t help but had an attack again.

“Yes, I don’t want to be by his side. Is there anything wrong? You know that I was treated rudely. Why should I be by your side? Besides, I already have your brother’s child. I hope you can have a little conscience. Let me go!”

After shouting like this, her gloomy heart finally got a little relief.

“I told you that your idea of ​​leaving is always an extravagant hope! You will not be allowed to answer his calls in the future, otherwise, don’t blame me for being polite!”

As I was talking, I suddenly heard the door knocking.

Zillog was anxious, and covered his mouth with his hand, for fear that someone would know that he was here.

“Here!” Zillog said, putting on his nightgown hurriedly.

When she came to the door, she asked softly: “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Qiao Yuhuan. Give you a glass of milk. You are pregnant. Drink more milk.”

“Ah, thank you!”

She couldn’t refuse such concern, opened the door a crack, and reached out to collect milk.

This milk was specially given to Qiao Yuhuan by Jiang’s wife, so that he could take the opportunity to find Zillog to show his courtesy.

He not only wanted to be courteous, but the most important thing was that he also wanted to take advantage of these few days to communicate with her more and see if he could change her mind.

Same as last time, Qiao Yuhuan blocked the door with his feet, and then stepped in.

Zillog was panicked and glanced in the bedroom subconsciously. Fortunately, Qiao Yushi didn’t let Qiao Yuhuan see it on purpose.

“Catkins, I still want to talk to you.” Qiao Yuhuan said.

“It’s late, I’ll talk tomorrow!” She said coldly, almost pushing him.

But pushing him is not good, if Qiao Yushi sees it, she wants to say that she deliberately seduced his brother.

“Just a few words.”

“You are in my house. I am actually very sorry that this happened. However, I am actually very grateful to grandma for giving the medicine, otherwise we…” He said here and paused, meaning that otherwise they would continue to do so. There is no chance to get along.

But these words sounded different to Qiao Yushi, and he completely confirmed his guess.

At first, there was still a little luck, whether the two people might be fake, and whether the child might have nothing to do with Qiao Yuhuan.

Now, he had no doubts at all, his hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

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