After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 138 - 138th

Winter vacation is coming, Su Xingchen does not have to face the embarrassment of having nowhere to go this year, because despite the winter vacation, the third grade is still in normal classes. It was already February, and it was only a few months before the college entrance examination.

Su Xingchen also took the TOEFL and lived in the dormitory of the school. During the day, he followed teacher Ke in class in the third grade.

When Su Xingchen just entered the first grade of senior three, Zhang Runtao was shocked.

His inner activity at that time was actually chasing our class

Because for the entire third grade, only Zhao Moqin went to the winter camp and was not there, so Su Xingchen just sat in Zhao Moqin’s position, and Zhang Runtao was at her desk.

He looked like an alien, watched her walk in, and then Mr. Ke pointed to Zhao Moqin’s position and said, “Sit there first, don’t talk in class, try to listen, try not to understand and ask me after class.”

Teacher Li used to tutor Su Xingchen for three years of high school. Naturally, it was impossible for them to understand, and the high school class was over in the morning. Now they are in the review stage.

Then Zhang Runtao stared at her in the seat of Zhao Moqin.

He was so shocked that he put his book up to cover his face and whispered to Su Xingchen, “Are you skipping the rank?”


“So why did you come to our class?” He also sat in Zhao Moqin’s seat.

Is this another kind of fit?

“In class.”

What Zhang Runtao wanted to ask was that Mr. Ke was hit by a chalk head on the cover of the book. He immediately put the book down and sat on the front of the book. In fact, his mind was all on Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen is not squinting at the lecture.

After the class, Zhang Runtao couldn’t help but secretly took out the mobile phone under the schoolbag. After mute, he sent Zhao Moqin WeChat below “Guess who I saw in our class”

“Su Xingchen shocked face”

“She is sitting in your place now”

“Sit in your place”

Zhao Moqin did not return, he was taking the winter camp exam.

Of the 200 people in the winter camp, only 30 people can stay in the training team. Those who can enter the training team are basically the 30 strongest people in the country. Whether they can stay or not depends on the test results.

At the end of the exam, I returned to the dormitory at night and only saw the news on my mobile phone. I dumbly watched for a while, tossed my mobile phone aside, and looked at the ceiling. Get up and brush questions.

Not only Zhang Runtao was surprised, but others in the third grade class were also quite surprised.

They naturally knew that Su Xingchen liked Zhao Moqin. In fact, after seeing sitting in Zhao Moqin’s position, it was difficult for them to not be as crooked as Zhang Runtao. They actually thought that Su Xingchen was chasing Zhao Moqin.

Su Xingchen only took mathematics classes with them. After finishing the mathematics class, she followed Teacher Ke out and went to Teacher Ke’s office. Teacher Ke gave her the second test contest questions.

When other teachers saw it, they just lamented that Teacher Ke was really serious, and asked Teacher Ke whether he had paid for the tuition. Teacher Ke gave him a glare.

Teacher Ke really didn’t make up for the tuition.

As soon as Su Xingchen left, the third grade of high school exploded. “You said, what does Su Xingchen like is Zhao Moqin in our class or killing Matt Green”

Many of them do not know the name of Cheng Kangyao, they use green hair instead, just like Tang Cancan’s nickname curl, many people in foreign language schools refer to Cheng Kangyao as green hair.

Although many people on the Internet ate Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao ’s dog food, the first class people still firmly believed that the relationship between the three of them was that Su Xingchen liked Zhao Moqin, Cheng Kangyao liked Su Xingchen, and firmly believed that , They are the truth.

The world is drunk, I wake up alone

The winter vacation class lasted until the twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month. Su Su called her to go home for the Chinese New Year.

“You didn’t go home for the Chinese New Year last year, and you always have to go home this year, even if you have a quarrel, and you don’t feel so angry for a long time, otherwise I won’t say you, you have to go home for the New Year” .

Su Xingchen was only silent.

She inexplicably thought of the year she graduated from high school, so did Su’s father, because she didn’t go back to the Chinese New Year, and she didn’t say anything about the tuition fees for the university. She worked part-time, plus part-time job during the winter vacation, tripled her salary during the Chinese New Year, and applied for a student loan. Otherwise, she would n’t have any tuition fees for the new year.

Father Su did n’t understand Su Xingchen, and he called her uncle and asked them to persuade her “too bad character, it ’s so good, that is, when the teeth are still biting the tongue, how can the family live together without stumbling? At that time, my mother and I often quarreled, and the quarrel was quarreled, then we could n’t run away from home. If we abused her and beat her, it ’s not our fault either, but we did n’t. She was fighting with people, but she was so angry that she slapped her, and she did n’t fight anymore in the back. I could n’t figure out how to stay angry for so long. “

The aunt asked him, “Are you scolding her again?”

“She doesn’t even go home. Where do we scold her for going? Now we dare not say her, who dare to say her”

Don’t you dare, don’t your mom dare

The aunt is kind, in the end, he did n’t say that, just said, “You better not scold her.”

After talking to my aunt for a long time, my aunt finally said, “Okay, I advise her, you usually treat her better, even if it is not raised by you, it is always your own.”

“Everybody is good to her, who is not good to her.” Su Su has completely forgotten the balcony at this time, and what can be remembered at this time is all good to her.

The aunt said, “If she is nice to her, she won’t go home.”

Father Su had nothing to say, he could only say, “Oh, only you can persuade her to move her. If she doesn’t change her temper, she will have a big loss if she enters the society in the future.”

The second cousin, He Qicheng, saw his mother hung up the phone and said, “Don’t persuade you, what is the Xingchen family’s New Year.”

My grandmother came over and hit her second cousin lightly. “She said something silly. She is now home. She also came here for the Chinese New Year. What do her family think?”

“Her family wants to be hers, and she doesn’t want to go back. You keep telling her to go back.”

My grandmother sighed, “I don’t want to do this if you don’t want to do things in this world. I don’t want to wash the car in the winter, can you?”

The second cousin immediately smiled and took the water gun “I’ll wash”

The grandmother laughed and scolded him, “You wash these days in the New Year, usually.”

The second cousin said nothing.

Grandma sighed when she walked to her aunt.

They still think of the older generation. They feel that if they can bear it, the tolerance will pass, and they still have to go home in the New Year.

Call her aunt to “call and persuade her, and her dad is right, this is a quarrel with the family, she can not go back to the Chinese New Year for two years, if she gets married in the future”

In their traditional conception, after a woman marries a woman, she must take charge of various household chores outside the home and home, so she will suffer a loss in the future.

The aunt called Su Xingchen and told her to go home for the New Year, saying, “If you want to have a New Year over there, just have a New Year at home. I originally wanted you to kiss you over there, and I will treat you well in the future Now that you are capable, you do n’t want to think about things in his family. It ’s okay to come back for the Chinese New Year.

Speaking of which, the aunt took the rough palm again, holding it in the position of the eyebrows, lowering her head.

Another year later, her ten fingers are still like carrots, and the roots are red and cracked. The hands of women in their forties are rough like old bark.

Last year, Su Xingchen came back for the New Year, and it was also the first day of the year.

In their minds, the New Year ’s Eve dinner together is the real New Year ’s Eve.

The Su family, or Su Su, Su Xingyang and Su Old Man, are waiting for Su Xingchen to return to the Chinese New Year.

Father Su hung up the phone, and Old Man looked up at Father Su “how to say”

“I asked her aunt to persuade her.” Su father said.

Old Su did not say anything.

He had the same thoughts as Su Su in his heart. This granddaughter was so stubborn that old Su, who had always had a good temper, frowned.

Su Xingyang said, “Dad, let me pick up my second sister.”

“Do you know where she lives? You pick her up.” Mrs. Su gave her father and son a white look. “They didn’t even tell you where they lived. They went to pick her up. She didn’t have long legs.”

“Dad knows where the second sister lives, Dad, you tell me the address, I will pick it up myself” Su Xingyang stood up.

Father Su also got up and said, “I will go with you.”

Father Su really knew that when he accompanied Su Xingchen to go through the transfer procedures, there was an address on it.

The house is also in the west of the city. At the beginning, the house was bought by Tian Tian and Tian Mu because her daughter came to school here. At Z Provincial University, they originally meant to buy it here. Later, her daughter was in Z. Near the school, it is convenient to live here in the future.

Although it is also the west of the city, it takes nearly fifty minutes to drive.

At the end of the year, there were no cars on the road, and the road was empty. Su Su and they didn’t have traffic jams along the way. Except for the traffic lights, they were smooth all the way and arrived earlier than usual.

At the end of Su Xingchen’s school, the dormitory was unable to live. Cheng Kangyao accompanied her when she moved to a new house that night.

Cheng Kangyao was very reluctant to live here. It had not been long since she was renovated. Even if she uses environmentally friendly paint, the materials used are the best. She cannot live for a month.

Su Xingchen smiled and asked him, “Where do I live if I don’t live here?”

Cheng Kangyao wanted her to go to his house for the Chinese New Year.

His family has a special family relationship. His parents are husband and wife, and he is actually a business partner. Usually, his parents have another golden house, and there are not many times to go back. The house is cold and cold, and sometimes he does n’t even live by himself. Like home, but where she is, he only feels a bit apart.

Just like at this moment, staying with her in this newly renovated house only a month later, I don’t want to go back at all.

He was silent for a while, looking at her “You can live in Nanshan Villa, there is empty.”

Su Xingchen turned on the floor warm, did not wear shoes, stepped directly on the floor in socks, and smiled back, “It feels like you are hidden in your golden house.”

Cheng Kangyao blushed and followed her with slippers. “The floor warmer just opened, you put on your shoes.”

Su Xingchen hugged the pillow, leaned her head slightly on the sofa, and consciously stretched her feet on the sofa. Cheng Kangyao stepped forward and put the shoes on her feet.

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