After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 187 - 187th

There were many people who said these words. He did n’t know that she saw or heard those voices, but whether she heard them or not, she was still willing to lead him to appear in a fair and decent way, and he took his hand in front of people generously Already using action to tell everyone that he is her boyfriend!

Killing the Emperor Matt is a little sweet.

The students of the School of Pharmacy, Yanjing University were also stunned when they saw Su Xingchen appearing in their School of Pharmacy. They asked the students next to them, “Will you not be our master?”

“How is it possible? Even if you don’t go to the Department of Mathematics, it must be Guanghua. How can you come to our School of Pharmacy?”

“Look …” Seeing Su Xingchen’s classmates pointed at the two people who came in hand in hand.

This is obviously a pair of couples. The boys are very tall. As you can see from the bare arms and thighs exposed to the outside, boys should exercise regularly and be lean and tall.

The girls are also tall and slender, but they don’t have the feeling of being weak and slender. Perhaps it’s because of the star’s aura.

“Lying Groove!” The student exclaimed: “It’s really Su Xingchen!”

“Why did she come to our school of pharmacy?”

“Did she send her boyfriend?”

“She really has a boyfriend?”

“Her boyfriend is really tall!”

Cheng Kangyao’s height has now grown to 1.86 meters. Cheng’s father has a height of 1.8 meters. Cheng’s mother is not short. He is probably well nourished since childhood, and his height is blue.

They are all waiting to receive freshmen’s seniors here. Both the airport and the train station also have classmates picking up. It’s just that Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao walked through the passage, and then Li Bin drove all the way to the school.

Originally Li Bin did not agree with Su Xingchen’s exposure of her relationship with Cheng Kangyao at this time, but Su Xingchen didn’t care. He asked him a question: “Isn’t it normal for me to fall in love at this age? It would be strange not to fall in love.” ? “

Li Bin: … he was a little convinced.

But he still felt a little early and wanted to let her release the news slowly. No matter how Su Xingchen got out of the car, he directly took Cheng Kangyao’s hand. This is not a warning to the world. She and Cheng Kangyao are already in love!

Li Bin immediately paid attention to the news on the Internet, and after seeing the Internet saying that Cheng Kangyao was not worthy of her, but the rebound caused by her love was not very great, and finally he was relieved and immediately arranged for the Marines to go Control the field and guide public opinion.

Fortunately, ‘Kill Matt C’ has been fired online for three years. There are a lot of ‘Kill Matt c’ fans. This matter is still under control and has not caused resistance and rebound from fans.

Even after leading the public opinion, some fans said: “If you are in love, it seems that you can only accept to kill Matt.”

Cheng Kangyao is even called: a man who is spoiled by his head.

After seeing it, Li Bin couldn’t help crying and laughing, and quickly cited the topic in this regard. Now Cheng Kangyao has added a new nickname ‘Man killing Matt Queen’ in addition to ‘Emperor Green killing Matt Emperor’ on the Internet. Referred to as ‘the king’s man’.

Although netizens had expected Su Xingchen to be the gold medalist in the college entrance examination and io, the school was definitely very good, but when she really appeared at the entrance of Yanjing University, it still caused a sensation.

They all thought that Su Xingchen’s refusal to send him to Qingda was to go to the film school and accumulate contacts. In the future, he would concentrate on the entertainment circle. As a result, he appeared at the door of Yanjing University?

That day, Su Xingchen and Yanjing University made headlines and searched on Weibo.

She is probably the only traffic star in the entertainment industry who is frequently searched for studies and exams, but she has no works, and the popularity is particularly high.

At this time, netizens did not know that she was studying at the School of Pharmacy, only that she was studying at Yanjing University.

Soon some netizens broke the news that she was studying medicine at Yanjing University.

Netizen: …

Do you think Qingda is worse than Yanjing University? Or is it the wrong professional?

As a star, do not go to the film school, as an io gold medal winner, do not go to the mathematics department to study mathematics, and go to study medicine, this is the future want to study medicine?

Netizens are drunk.

None of them knew what the purpose of Su Xingchen’s choice of this major.

In their view, if she wants to develop in the entertainment industry in the future, the film school is her best choice. Even if you do n’t go to the film school, there are other majors to choose from, such as the mathematics department, which will shine in the future in the field of mathematics. She chose a major that was completely at odds with her work and talent.

Netizens: … It can only be said that good results are just so capricious!

But they still don’t understand why she chose this major.

After the hot search of Su Xingchen and Yanjing University, Su Xingchen’s topic of medical science was on the hot search again.

The topics are all fans and netizens’ discussions about Su Xingchen’s future career planning. I think Su Xingchen’s choice is very unwise.

“I admit that Su Xingchen’s talent is high in IQ, but her talent is obviously in mathematics, but she did not go to the math department but chose medicine. I don’t know the reason for her choice, but it is obvious that either she It ’s a very self-willed person, and it ’s also understandable that smart people are more or less conceited; or, she has only IQ and no EQ, is in a confused stage, and does n’t have a clear plan for her future! “

“This is the typical person I’ve seen who smashes a good hand. Seeing her choice, I want to be a roaring emperor and grab her shoulder to shake her:” Girl! Wake up! Yours The future is in the entertainment world! In the mathematics world! Go back to your own world, do n’t be blind!

“I’m distressed by her talent!”

There are also some fans who blindly support Su Xingchen. Regardless of Su Xingchen’s choice, they respect and support her: “Maybe studying medicine is our long-cherished dream since childhood? What’s wrong with choosing to stick to your dreams? ? “

“Yes! Our head is already a winner in life, she is still young, and I support her in pursuing her dream!”

“The choice of the head has touched me very much. Too many people in life have compromised with reality and life for various reasons. They dare not try it and dare not pursue their dreams because they are” sensible ” Tell them that the current life is the most stable, but the boss dares to rush towards this point. Such a leader is worthy of my follow-up and worthy of my protection! She did what I dare not do! “

“Master, chase your dreams bravely, take our dreams together, just like we are following your dreams together!”

At any time, there cannot be a unified voice on the Internet. Everyone has their own views and opinions. It is impossible to say who is wrong and who is right. Everyone ’s experience, experience, ideas, and angles are different. Opinions are also different.

But I have to say that Su Xingchen is really a hot search physique. The people in the entertainment circle saw that she only signed up at the school. After appearing the following, she continued to search for many days in a row, from ‘killing Matt C’ to ‘Su Xingchen “Yanjing University” and then “Su Xingchen Medicine” and “Su Xingchen Chasing Dreams”, it feels that she has never been down on the hot search.

After a few days, Su Xingchen military training

Su Xingchen is the most beautiful military trainee

Su Xingchenbai’s luminescence and other topics have been on the hot search again.

The reason is that after the military training, someone posted a group photo of the military training on the Internet with a postscript: “Let you feel the gap between celebrities and amateurs.”

The Weibo blogger said in Weibo: “In the past, I always felt that stars are more beautiful on TV, and in reality they remove their makeup, and that’s how it was until I saw her-Su Xingchen. [图] [图] [ Figure] “

Three pictures, a group photo, a group photo of a few girls, and a photo of Su Xingchen standing in the crowd.

In August, when the sun was the hottest, half a month of roasting, even the whitest student before, after half a month, they all became black coal balls, and I still did n’t feel it. After the group photo was taken, all People looking at the picture of the dark black self are shocked.

This is because they already know the importance of sunscreen. After applying sunscreen, some girls have just entered the university, and the nerves for maintenance have not been awakened. They only come down to stand in a military posture and kick the steps every day after applying water emulsion. After half a month, only the teeth and white eyes were shining.

The only exception is Su Xingchen, who stands among them like a white pearl falling into the soil.

Su Xingchen didn’t actually stand in the c position. Because she was tall, she took photos as much as possible to stand in the back and stand in the direction of the back row, but she just stood in the c position and let all the photos look People can see her at a glance.

It’s too obvious!

The only one in the crowd with white skin must be her.

After the military training, a group of girls set off, she glowed in white!

They knew Su Xingchenbai before, but they didn’t expect her to be so white, and the military training was not tanned!

Under the topic, all the previous and current college students are taking their military training photos below. Of course, there are many good-looking and not tanned photos. In addition to saying that Su Xingchenbai, he is also a tanned physique. White, that is to say, he was still a little naive during military training, did not understand the importance of sun protection, and turned into a small black charcoal.

It’s all in the moment, when I recall that year, then the girl Su Xingchen asked what brand of sunscreen she used, it was so good.

Su Xingchen’s new roommate also asked her this question.

After the military training was over, they returned to school and were assigned to a new dormitory.

The dormitory where Su Xingchen is located is on the 29th floor and is located in the center of the entire Yanyuan. Next to the dormitory is Yanjing University ’s prestigious scientific and democratic sculpture.

Four people in the dormitory.

When she learned that her new roommate was actually Su Xingchen, several girls were excited. The first thing she saw when she was Su Xingchen was to come over and take a photo with her, and then! I saw myself in the phone next to Su Xingchen like black and white. ==

Why can’t they think about it, look for Su Xingchen to take a group photo. (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

The director of “Yuba” also saw Su Xingchen’s military training group photo, but he didn’t care too much.

As a star, sun protection is for sure, but no matter how sun protection, in the military training every day at 5:30 in the morning, and the military training that ends at 8 o’clock in the evening, the sun is scorching for half a month, and more or less Darker.

This photo looks very white, but he estimates that Su Xingchen should still wear makeup in addition to sunscreen.

This is the difference between celebrities and amateurs. Wherever celebrities go, they will value their skewed image. In his view, Su Xingchen’s makeup during military training is not at all strange, and it is strange not to wear makeup.

After Su Xingchen settled down in the school, he came to the crew to take makeup photos, and the director of “Yuba” did not know how bad he was.

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