After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 45 - 45th

In order to catch up with Su Xingchen, the self-confident Cheng Kumat Kang Yao ’s classmates have worked harder in this period of time. Not only did they study hard at school, they were also very serious when they were facing tutoring at home, as before. Deng’erlang who learns or not learns is completely different. After taking it seriously, the efficiency will naturally be higher.

So the classmates who had been following Cheng Kangyao’s killing of Matt found that their killing of Emperor Matt had recently been poisoned by Su Xingchen. Since they did not skip classes with them, they did not hack with them, but Stay in class all day to brush questions.

Curly hair was very uncomfortable, came over and grabbed Cheng Kangyao’s shoulder, and took off his book: “Read Mao Shuah, read the book, walk around, and open the black.”

Cheng Kangyao directly lifted the hand on his neck and took back his homework: “Go, don’t see me brushing the question, go for it yourself.”

“Don’t you really go?” Curly Boss asked unhappy.

Among the group of killing Matt, Curly Hair and Cheng Kangyao are the two best people to play with. During this time Cheng Kangyao is away, he is not good at playing. A group of people are too skillful and go to death.

“Are you really going to be a good student?” Curly asked incredulously.

Cheng Kangyao complacent: “Do you think I am you? I called Fan Ran to wake up the prodigal son to turn around and understand?”

Curly didn’t understand, and didn’t want to understand, and returned to the seat with a sullen mood.

He is not tall, sitting in the penultimate row of the third group, behind him is about as tall as him, reminding the middle fat, the face is round and fluffy. This is the same as Su Xingchen’s past, and the dark circles that can’t see the expression clearly , A face of powdery, exaggerated hairstyle to kill Matt girl.

Kill the Matt girl to watch him come back, careful questionnaire Mao: “Are you still going?”

Curly didn’t have a good air: “Where should I go? No more!” After finishing, he took the book and turned it irritably in his hand.

The fat-killing Matt girls sitting in the last row of the corner of the third group were also not angry, and opened a sketchbook: “Since I don’t go, then I will paint.”

If Su Xingchen’s score is the countdown in the whole school, then this girl belongs to the top three in the school. The long fat temper is good, and she belongs to what others do, what she does, not refuting, not angry, especially dazed. Playing behind Cheng Kangyao, Curly Hair, Su Xingchen, who like to kill Matt, she likes to be a Matt, because killing Matt can let her be seen.

At this time, Curly’s tone was not good. She was sitting by the window, with one arm on the table, her fat face resting on her arm, and she opened the sketchbook and drew comics.

Unlike her own exaggerated killing Matt, the characters in her sketchbook are very beautiful. Both men and women have flowing hair, eyes like autumn water, and long eyelashes.

Painting and painting, she was immersed in her own world. Everything around her seemed to be far away from her. Even the carelessness of the original head resting on her arm faded with the sound of the brush tip, and her head straightened up unconsciously. , Concentrate on drawing.

Soon, a man with a curly yellow hair, wearing a maroon suit, tall and tall, and a pair of handsome mixed-race men with brighter eyes than the blue sky jumped on the paper, and the boy with curly yellow hair painted on his face expressed narcissism , The background is countless blooming roses, as if glittering.

Because Su Xingchen took the first place this month, many classmates noticed her.

I had seen her brushing questions every day and was very serious, but she didn’t really put her in her eyes and mind.

For example, the fat killer Matt by the window, she often takes what she is doing with a pen seriously, and looks like she is studying hard. Is n’t the school the top three in every exam?

But now it is really different. Not only is she different, even her deskmate Cheng Kangyao seems to be very serious, and the students in the class are very stressed.

In addition, squad leader Zhao Zhurun ​​is also very serious, as well as He Ya and Zheng Yan who came back from the hospital.

When Zheng Yan and Su Xingchen came back from betting, it was as if they were stimulated. She used to do well in her class and did not study hard. Now she seems to be possessed by He Ya. He Ya learned a few things. Click to learn a few points, as long as she sees Su Xingchen still brushing questions, she gritted her teeth and brushing questions.

Even the teachers found that the learning atmosphere of Class 16 was better. If there were not so many people sitting in the back with the sports students and Matt killing, they doubted whether they entered the ordinary class.

When I returned to the office, I sighed with the other teachers: “The group of students in Class 16 is just like a sudden enlightenment. The classroom atmosphere has been cleared recently, and even the group of killing Matts behind have started reading.

Teachers are ordinary people in the end. In public, they pay attention to their image and language. But when they talk in private, they should still say what they say, but with a lower voice.

The teachers who also took the students in Class 16 nodded in sympathy: “Alas, Teacher Chen is really worried about them. If there is no progress, I am sorry that Teacher Chen is very worried about them.”

Sometimes the teacher is worried about the students in private, the students do not feel deeply, just like this time the teacher Chen defended Su Xingchen, Su Xingchen himself did not know.

But the teachers in the same office felt the most clearly.

Most of Class 16 are problem students, the most difficult to manage, what can happen if you do n’t pay attention, but Teacher Chen understands everyone well, and then teaches them to each person ’s personality and appeases them. In private, you need to do a lot of work, you need to put a lot of energy, otherwise you can not find the students’ problems in the first time, and promptly guide their psychological problems.

At the same time, Teacher Ke brought two key classes, a competition class, so busy, and had time to teach mathematics in class 16. He also spent a lot of time and energy, and each test had to be given to class 16. Arranging assignments, test papers, and exercises, which are common to students, requires teachers to adjust their own progress. If it is not for Teacher Chen, who would spend more time? Do teachers want to rest? Do teachers have no time to leave? Teachers also want to take a break after work, do their own thing, and go out to watch movies and eat with their wives.

But they devoted almost all of their extra-curricular time to work and gave it to the students in their class.

Although other teachers can’t do it like Teacher Chen Ke, they also admire their hearts.

However, there were also different opinions. A teacher who came over to receive the water, after hearing them discuss it in private, said: “Alas, Mr. Chen, who loves to worry, in fact, what is the use of her to do this? For example, this time it was a matter , Does that student know that she loves her? It ’s not time to be naughty or naughty, when you do n’t pay for it, you will be mad at it. “

“You can’t say that, but it’s actually useful. Look at the one in their class …” It wasn’t the 16th class teacher who discussed this, so I didn’t know Su Xingchen’s name: “Don’t you take the first test?”

After receiving the water, the teacher walked out and smiled and said, “What can I do even if I take the first test? Such a result can’t reach the second line.” He left while talking.

Such words are privately talked about. I dare not say it at ordinary times. Otherwise, I will be heard by the school leaders. If I am not fined, I may lose my job.

Since the last time Su Xingchen took the first class in the class, Su father paid more attention to Su Xingchen and called her more frequently. If the first generation of Su Xingchen might be touched, but now Su Xingchen Xingchen was either indifferent or concerned about them. They were all a little unhappy. They could not say two words at a time. He was polite, he said, she listened, and the reply was: “Uh, uh, I know, well, then I read the book. “

Every time the call is less than thirty seconds, it hangs up.

This made Su Su extremely frustrated.

Every night when Su Xingyang came back, Father Su came to chat with him: “Is there any news about your second sister recently? How is she at school recently? Didn’t you fight again? That Zhao Moqin …”

Su Xingyang was very annoyed: “If you want to know about her, call her back and ask her yourself, I am not in the same class with her, I don’t know how detailed it is.”

Father Su sighed, “Ah, isn’t your second sister … a rebellious period.”

He attributed all of Su Xingchen’s strange costumes, conflicts with his family, and did not go home, it was attributed to Su Xingchen’s rebellious period, and believed that as long as she grew up and would understand, she would understand them. They are all good for her, she will understand later.

Su Xingyang: …

Without knowing why, he thought that when he sent money to Su Xingchen that day, the green-skinned young boy said: “Xingchen, if you don’t go to dinner, the sweet and sour pork ribs in the cafeteria will be gone!”

He asked Father Su: “Dad, do you know what Second Sister likes to eat?”

“What does your second sister like to eat?” Father Su looked blank, and asked him, “What does your second sister like to eat?”

Su Xingyang sighed, “Does anyone at home know?”

Old Su’s and old ladies’ tastes are more salty, and the Su’s family also follow the salty taste. There is never a tradition of sugar in the dishes, and the sweet and sour dishes are almost never seen in the Su family.

Whether it is braised pork, braised fish, braised pork ribs, it is pure and salty.

They also never cared about what this second sister from the country likes to eat.

It seems that in their usual mind, what the second sister likes to eat is not important, and they have never really put her in her heart, and because of her unfair resistance against the family, the whole family rejects her because she broke Su Consistent harmony in the family.

As a child who was spoiled by her family when she was only eleven or twelve, it was difficult for him to stand in her position and think about things.

To be honest, Su Xingyang also thought that the second sister Su Xingchen was quite embarrassing, especially at school, listening to the pictures of the killing Matts who swept the city and took pictures of the classmates in the campus forum with their mobile phones When talking about them in jokes and silly B’s tone, he all buried his head to do his homework and didn’t want to admit that the killing Matt in the photo was his sister.

Now as he grows older, the more things he knows, the three views gradually take shape, especially after the second sister suddenly seems to have passed the rebellious period and no longer rebellious, he can instead look at her in an objective position His family regards himself.

He said, “Dad, the second sister seems to like sweet and sour pork ribs.”

This is an outsider, a youngster who knew Matt as well as she knew about it, but he, and they as her family, did not know.

As the sky gets colder and closer to the New Year, the footsteps are getting closer and closer.

Now even killing Matts is not going to play, even if it is a temporary embrace of the Buddha’s feet, we must hug a hug to test the past results of the final exam and go back to the New Year.

Su Xingchen has been here for nearly three months. From the beginning of almost forgetting the junior high school curriculum, to the three months of review and tutoring, I finally made up a little bit, although Not very sophisticated yet, but what you should learn is almost the same.

Teacher Zhao called Teacher Ke and said, “That Su Xingchen’s learning ability is really amazing. In less than three months, the mathematics, physics and chemistry will be almost compensated. I will stay here for one month during the winter vacation, and I don’t need to come next semester. You can teach this student well, and you will certainly be a good young man in the future. “

Mr. Zhao’s call was made at night. When Mr. Ke answered the phone, Mr. Chen was there.

Mr. Chen was very happy when he heard it. Even Mr. Ke, with a serious smile on his serious face, thanked Mr. Zhao for giving him time to drink at home.

Teacher Ke treated the students in Class 16 with such care, and it was for the sake of Mr. Chen. Once the class brought by Mr. Chen, which was mainly poor students and sports students, appeared in the top 200 of the grade, it was on the Red List. Students, this is also very helpful for Chen to comment on the titles of senior teachers.

Mr. Chen is 40 years old, Mr. Ke is one year older than Mrs. Chen, and he has been rated as a senior teacher a few years ago, but because of his poor health and lack of physical strength, Mr. Chen has been able to work only one class this time. It was her own request that she wanted to be the class teacher, and the school assigned her the first sixteenth grades to her. She also knew that Teacher Ke would definitely help Teacher Chen. The two people cooperated softly and rigidly.

Because of the number one in the Su Xingchen test last month, students in the class are now paying close attention to her. Seeing that she works so hard every day, she also follows the study. Unconsciously, one month passed and the final exam at the end of the year.

This is the first final exam they experienced in their high school career.

The final exam is much stricter than the monthly exam. It is not divided into examination rooms according to the class, but according to the ranking of each subject in the last monthly examination.

Because the ranking of each subject is different, the location of the examination room, the front and rear positions are different every time, if you want to copy the answer on the table like the monthly test, or someone who has a good relationship with yourself asks for plagiarism, it will not work at all. All around you are the scum of your level.

So they came to the examination room and all discussed in the class, which examination room they were in.

Because Class 16 is basically at the bottom of the whole school, even if it is not in their own class exams, most of the people in the class are still in the same test room. Cheng Kengyao, in addition to English in the first test room, other subjects are also mostly like Class 16. Math scum is in the same test room.

However, there are exceptions, like He Ya, Zheng Yan, and Zhao Zhurun. Because of the serious partial subjects, He Ya ’s liberal arts scores are better than some ordinary class students. The liberal arts exams are basically divided into ordinary class groups. Zhao Zhurun ​​’s science scores are also better than some ordinary ones. The students in the class have good grades. When the science subjects are taken, the examination room is also divided into the general class group.

The students in Class 16 saw the progress of Su Xingchen’s scores, and wanted to be able to sit around Su Xingchen this time, so that she tilted the test paper, and gave them a copy of the multiple-choice questions and the results. Kaisu Xingchen’s examination room, except for English, was not in the same examination room with them.

Cheng Kangyao was also particularly depressed. It didn’t matter how he tested, he wanted to stay in the same exam room with Su Xingchen.

As a result, he perfectly avoided all the examination rooms where Su Xingchen was. QAQ

The author has something to say: 程 · 杀 马特 · Kangyao: The baby is wronged, it is necessary for Xingchen to hug and lift to be good

Seeing that there are so many collections of pre-received articles, even stupid authors have been collected together, happy and moved, hugging my little friends.

Received a lot of mines, crab Crab ⊙ε⊙

You are so cute, I am embarrassed not to change it

Libra threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-0800: 19: 24

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Pineapple1997 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-0801: 30: 09

Love has thrown 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-0801: 45: 46

Love has thrown 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-0801: 46: 40

Rain has thrown 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-0802: 25: 57

Mu Muliang threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-0802: 34: 47

Kirilenko 04 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-0810: 11: 16

1 mine thrown while lost: 2019-01-0810: 12: 20

Slow reading threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-01-0814: 20: 03

Love has thrown 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-0820: 52: 22

Nine Dreams threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-0821: 13: 48

The water threw a mine and threw it.Time: 2019-01-0821: 54: 33

It’s annoying to throw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-0822: 10: 03

Mianmian Meow threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-01-0822: 34: 39

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lelouch threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-0822: 52: 33

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Slow reading threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-0901: 22:00

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