After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 64 - 64th

Su Xingyue frowned: “Did you read it wrong? I said I was not interested in her things.”

But after hanging up the phone, she couldn’t help turning on her phone and went to the White Bear video to search for the program called “National Idol Games”. Before, she seemed to hear that her dad also said that Su Xingchen was on TV, but Su Father’s words, no one in the Su’s family is at heart.

Coincidentally, the father Su and the old man Su like to watch the news of the Z province channel. Both the old lady and the mother Su like to watch ethical dramas.

The old lady likes to watch dramas from the 1980s to the 1990s.

Su Mu also likes to see the struggle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but likes to watch the kind like “New Era of Divorce” and “Better Age of Daughter-in-law”.

The Su family’s men are also strange, and their characters are a little ‘indisputable’. When their wives see what they see, they follow what they see, and if they don’t like it, they go to bed.

This is true for Old Man Su, and so is Father Su.

So when the “National Idol Games” was broadcast, no one knew about the show except Su’s father.

Su Xingyue’s heart kept beating, and she didn’t know what was going on.

When she started the show, she was too lazy to watch the beginning, dragging it directly to three minutes and seventeen seconds, staring at the face above. Although there were only less than two seconds of footage, she could see clearly and carefully.

Because she is suspended, she clearly sees that after she and the girls around her appear, the small white characters appearing below are written with the names of two people: Lu Wei and Su Xingchen.

She threw the phone away and continued to do her homework, but she was so messed up that she couldn’t write anything. She couldn’t help but get very annoyed and picked up her phone to see what the show was all about.

She secretly expected in her heart that this was a show that was cold to the North Pole. It was not red and nobody watched it, but when she saw the red flowers and small fresh meat appearing on the show, she was disappointed.

But for the next two minutes, she did not see Su Xingchen, and she felt a strange emotion in her heart. This was the normal emotion. Even if she was on TV, it was still a trivial supporting role, even without a camera.

But she still couldn’t describe the strange feeling in her heart.

She can only fast-forward all the time, as if to find all the fragments of Su Xingchen.

Finally, let her find out that there are only three of her shots in the whole show.

Although the second shot and the last shot both took a long time, she dropped her phone, as if relieved.

She didn’t even have a few shots, as if she could tell herself that she was just a trivial little person.

She didn’t know why she repelled Su Xingchen so much. From an early age, she knew to fight, to fight, to fight with her younger brother, to fight with her younger brother, to fight with her classmates, to fight with her classmates. This led to her being very strong and strong in her life.

When her aunt sent Su Xingchen to the countryside, her dad let her live in her room instead of Su Xingyang’s room, and when she said she wanted an extra bed in her room, she blurted out at the time: “Why can’t you add it in the Yangyang room?” Bed? Let her sleep well with Yangyang. “

At that time her dad glared fiercely: “Talk nonsense again!” As if she said something she should not have said.

So her room was invaded.

She is very angry! But her anger has no solution at all, and can only direct all the attacks to this foreign invader!

She is like a warrior who protects her territory, sternly repelling her arrival, the table, bed, chair, wardrobe, clothes, all belong to her!

Except for the bed, she was not allowed to touch anything on her. Even if she was allowed to walk around her bed, her radar would scream a warning, making her fight back in anger: “Can you not stand by my window Bian? There are so many bacteria on your pants, you have infected my bed with bacteria! “

“My clothes are expensive. Have you washed your hands?”

“Can you go out while I am doing my homework? You are blocking me from the light!”

She attacked again and again. Although she beat her back and forth, she could only shrink to the corner of the one-meter-wide folding bed, but she was still very dissatisfied because she still lived in her room. Tell her all the time that her territory has been invaded!

So when she went out to take a bath, she deliberately locked up the room insurance so that she would not come in.

Once, twice, three times, just when she thought she would never resist, once in winter, she stood outside the door and kicked her door fiercely, and then kicked! Feet! Three feet! As long as she does not open the door, she will kick! Everyone in the kicking family ran out to see what happened.

Although at that time, most of the family had trained Su Xingchen, but she still took root in her room for four years.

These four years, she is like a thorn stuck in her flesh!

After watching the first episode, Curly they immediately forwarded the circle of friends: Su Xingchen of our class boarded the “National Idol Games”!

After the circle of friends is finished, it is not counted, and I ran to the class group to forward it, and ran to the bottom of the video to brush the barrage and leave a message.

During the live broadcast, there were not many barrages. Everyone was watching while leaving a message. After the first episode was finished, there were already thousands of messages below.

The curl action is fast, the first message, so soon a batch of comments about Su Xingchen are brushed, the style is like this.

Grandpa ㄝ 似 綏 嶞 涐: I’m the best!

Fang Zhan Shi: Roll upstairs! Su Xingchen is mine! ——good friend!

Sakuraaki: The stars are so cool and awesome, come on! We’ll support you forever!

Huai 掰 过 厾 ゛: Looking forward to the next game of the stars, come on!

拈花 ヽ 開 草: Starry fairy, immense mana!

Originally, there were n’t many comments. After a row of such comments appeared, the following comments quickly brushed up, all of which came to watch the brains. After seeing the comment of “Xingsu Old Immortal Mana Boundless”, All are hahahahaha laughs.

Netizens even kindly gave Su Xingchen a nickname: Starry Star.

And the fans who call Su Xingchen are: The stars are stupid!

They gave the curls gas, and they came to the scene one after another, and took the initiative to tear up with other audiences and fans.

Many people didn’t even know who Su Xingchen was, even if they just watched the first episode of the show, everyone’s attention was on the famous flowers and fresh meat. However, in a second or two, the number of people who can be remembered by the audience is really limited.

But dragging the blessings of Matt, let fans quickly remember the person Su Xingchen, and then ran back to watch the video, just want to see what the “Xingsu old fairy” looks like.

Take a look, wipe! Is it her?

In a group of small flowers and fresh meat, Su Xingchen’s shots in the first phase are too many, retaining two long shots with stalks, which shows the editor’s preference for her.

The audience had a very good impression of her.

The first glance is, of course, because she looks good, even in a neutral dress, but she is still long and pink, baby fat face, tall nose bridge, long and narrow Danfeng eyes, cool expression, look carefully A little bit cute.

What’s more, she came to record the show and brought the ghost of “Thesis Composition”? The audience of the high school students instantly jumped in their hearts, as if their class teacher was holding the whip to urge them: “Go and read!”

Then at the end, jump to the high.

Although the unscrupulous program team stuck the ending at the place they most wanted to see, it is obvious that Su Xingchen jumped over, 1.6 meters! Jump over! And in the video of her jumping past, her back surpassed the high jump, at least a dozen centimeters away.

God! Slap face!

Beat the man’s face hard!

The audience felt so cool when they saw this! So they all have a very good impression of this cool young lady.

Of course, they would not think that Su Xingchen was a boy. Although she was dressed in a neutral style, her face was indifferent, that is, her eyes were very cool and imposing, and she was divided into girls!

So she is the kind of male and female fans, men and women who eat all kinds, many audiences have a good impression on her.

As a result, before this goodwill was sustained, a group of fans with strange painting styles suddenly came.

The second episode has not yet aired. Everyone has not seen the group of fan-killing Matt fans in front of the stadium, so I do n’t know yet.

But after seeing them, I suddenly remembered that the green hair on the Internet who had been turned crazy went to kill Matt. At that time, he seemed to hold a light card in his hand. What is it called?

So take a look at that Weibo! Su Xingchen!

The audience laughed crazy again: “I bet a hundred spicy bars! The host of those comments is definitely these killing Matt!”

“But the green-haired boy is so cute and handsome, and my face is bloody, what if I suddenly become a little bit pink?”

“I already remember their names, well, I want to know now, which number is the green-haired boy, I am going to add his friend now!”

“Don’t think about it upstairs! It’s a killer to be handsome anymore, you won’t have a common language!”

“Upstairs is too superficial! Do you think it is his soul that I fancy? I look at his body!”

A group of emmmm downstairs …

Then here comes the fun again:

“I have joined the stars, the stars of the stars, the magic is boundless!”

“I have joined the stars, the stars of the stars, the magic is boundless!”

“I have joined the stars, the stars of the stars, the magic is boundless!”

After a while, there was a long row below, and then all ha ha ha ha ha ha ha laughing.

The angry Cheng Kangyao slapped on the back of Yan Fenghua’s head: “Let you starry old fairy!”

Yan Fenghua was not angry, he was a sports student, his body was flexible, his body avoided the side, and he shouted: “King! Rao life!”

Shouting Cheng Kangyao wanted to beat him even more.

He didn’t really beat him, even this kid was too punished!

After Cheng Kangyao sat back on the bed, Yan Fenghua said with a smile: “Isn’t this good? We are also gang people. From now on, we will be the stars of the stars, and the stars will be the masters of the stars. You will be our brother of stars. Brother! “

The little black chubby with purple and black lipstick painted on his eyes, happily patted the little hands of the meat toot: “Then I am Azi!”

Yan Fenghua: …

He turned his face silently and nodded affirmatively: “Well, Azi.”

Cheng Kangyao lifted his chin and looked down at him with contempt: “It’s not a group yet!”

Curly hair followed him, pointing at the others: “You, you, you! Hello!”

The face is like dog-legged, as in the case of “Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan”.

“Well, how about it? You can do it if you are red. You can see the following, all joined our star group!” Yan Fenghua was sitting on the bed and holding a mobile phone. He was happily fighting with the audience and fans inside, while still fighting. Mocking audiences and fans.

Yes, he is the one with the most normal name on the screen above-拈花 ヽ messenger.

Don’t look at his name to get such a good taste, I am a person who doesn’t seem to have any good money, that is, he is not handsome, but why is it not handsome? Not handsome can’t resist him having a heart to open the harem.

After the first episode was broadcast, the response was beyond the imagination of the program group. It may be due to the winter vacation. The number of clicks on the network in the first episode is very high!

Suddenly reached the top ten of the volume of playback, and the position is still rising.

In addition to the crazy forwarding of the previous video of the green-haired teenager’s face change, the video torn down the battle between killing Matts and fans. After the first episode was broadcast, the small fresh meat and small flowers did not catch fire, and two people quickly caught fire .

One was a sissy boy who was scolded by the audience, and the other was Su Xingchen, who was angry because of the stars of the stars.

The editors are still editing the content of the second issue. Seeing the popularity on the Internet, the program planner made a decisive decision: “Look at the response of tomorrow ’s premium version. If the response is good, the second issue will be cut for Su Xingchen. Some shots. “

The author has something to say: The full attendance I am talking about is nine thousand full attendance.

I have n’t said that I have to fight for six and nine. These days, I have been working hard for nine days and ten thousand days. If you do n’t pay attention, you will lose 9,000 words of attendance, and only 6,000 words will be left. QAQ

I really miss Rijiu! Cry

Thank you Mom Guo, two monks for drinking water, little fish love meat, Xiaobei, sound sleep, Deng Deng, sweet mine, thank you beautiful girl Yun’s grenade ≧ ▽ ≦

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