After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 72 - 72

“Ah !!!” There were a lot of screams at the scene, and the people behind were also surprised with wide-eyed eyes, as if they had seen the miserable situation that the table hit the people in front of the auditorium, and all were shocked.

Someone was screaming when the table crashed to the ground, but some people had already put down their arms in front of their faces and looked at the table that had landed steadily, covering their mouths one by one, dumbfounded.

Su Xingchen was still sitting in his chair, his hands still maintaining the “half left, half” posture. At this time, when he saw everyone lowering his arms, his face was all surprised, and then he lowered his arms and said with a smile: “Tai Chi!”

The audience below all applauded, different from the previous expressions with contempt and liveliness. This time it was really amazed by the ‘Hua Kung Fu’ and applause.

The host’s expression is more surprised and exaggerated than the audience below.

As a well-known host, he responded very quickly. The startled surprise was true at the time, but the exaggeration shown later had a performance component. I saw him with his mouth wide open and his hands on his head to make a pair The stunned expression, body language and expression looked at the audience very exaggeratedly, then looked at the table, then got up and walked to the table that was photographed, looked at the table, and lifted the table again, and found that he could not move alone move.

He immediately invited two strong men like him to come up on the scene and helped him lift it together. Only three strong men lifted the table. It was only lifted, not back to the original position.

They looked at the distance the table moved out.

The host was originally sitting at a distance of at least four or five meters away from the auditorium. That is to say, she just flicked this three- to four-hundred-jin table directly from the seemingly flirty palm. The meter can also allow it to stay exactly three centimeters away from the steps of the auditorium. Just a little closer, the table will fall off the steps and hit the audience.

There are only two steps for the stage and the auditorium.

The frightened audience in the auditorium not only did not feel dangerous, but felt thrilling and exciting because they felt that Su Xingchen was in full control of the force so that the table could stay in that place with such precision.


There was another burst of applause at the scene.

The host standing in front of the audience called the two women to test the weight of the table. Both women said they could not lift: “Too heavy!”

The host’s exaggerated hands laughed: “I swear, I am definitely not trusting, this table has been here for a long time, this is it moved on the first day today, you can testify for me!”

The audience laughed again.

The host did n’t care about the table anymore. He turned back and sat back to the host ’s position. This time, he had completely ignored it and was completely convinced by her. He asked her, “So is this Kung Fu Kung Fu? This is true. Tai Chi? “

He also made a funny Tai Chi action, which caused a burst of laughter from everyone on the scene. This time there was no sense of liveliness in the laughter, just for the host’s funny actions and the face being beaten to laugh.

Su Xingchen spread his hands, smiled and did not speak.

But the host and the audience on the scene regarded her silent smile as the default, and felt that this was Tai Chi.

This is not Tai Chi, what is Tai Chi? !

Su Xingchen: This is really not Tai Chi. ╮ (╯-╰) ╭

But in front of foreign friends, she didn’t need to tell them this, she knew it in her heart.

Although this live-action talk show has forty minutes, but the interview about Su Xingchen is only about ten minutes, and then asked her some questions about Hua Kungfu, and also invited a black man and a white man to play parkour. Come up and let her guide.

Because of the hand she just showed, the two young people who came up were very awesome to her, and Su Xingchen gave a small demonstration.

She raised a hand and asked the other party to do it, saying, “There is a push hand movement in Tai Chi, like this.” She first demonstrated it, and then tried to push the hand with the young tall boy opposite.

In the eyes of many people who have seen the so-called “Tai Chi Kung Fu” in China, it is simply playing!

Can this fight?

But at this time their thinking is completely different from before.

really! I saw this Chinese girl and the tall young man on the opposite side pushing and pushing. Suddenly, a flirty force was stumbling back and forth with the tall man who was pushing her hand. She staggered for five or six steps before she stopped. After stopping, it was already full of wonder.

Knowing that this girl from China would be kung fu, he was ready to resist in the process of pushing hands with her. He stood with his legs apart, one foot in front and one foot in back, squatting the horse slightly Step, who knew she would be pushed out so easily by her, that moment was like a sudden burst of softness that could not resist him at all!

The latter one is a black guy. He has been very fond of Hua Guo Kung Fu since he was a child, and according to some actions in Hua Guo movies, he learned backflips and forward flips and other routines. A special standard Chinese boxing ceremony was also performed.

Su Xingchen didn’t know what to do, so he said, “You attack me head-on.”

The black guy expressed great surprise.

He is about one meter eight or five meters tall and has a good physique, while Su Xingchen’s height is only one meter sixty-nine. In addition, the Chinese people are very small in the eyes of Western people, making her look smaller.

Even if he knew that the person in front of him was a Chinese kung fu, but when he first attacked, he was still afraid of hurting the little girl in front of him.

She looks too young, and, she is still underage!

The audience on the stage was also very worried for her, because the difference between the two’s physique was too great.

Su Xingchen put his hands on his shoulders, “Try to push me.”

Everyone in the audience laughed, and the host also smiled to the audience and said, “This looks easy, doesn’t it?”

Then they saw that the sturdy black guy tried to throw her down with both hands. As a result, she always stood there calmly, and when he tried hard again, he suddenly stretched out his foot and directly put the The black guy stumbled on the stage.

At the moment he fell to the ground, she pulled his clothes in time so that he would not really fall to the ground.

Thunderous applause broke out again.

After the interview program ended, Su Xingchen did not return to China immediately, but played with it in the United States, bought a set of skincare products for his aunt, bought a down jacket of this brand for his uncle, and bought a pair of shoes and a pair of shoes for his grandparents Two cousins ​​bought a pair of basketball shoes, and after thinking about it, they bought a wallet for Cheng Kangyao.

After participating in the “Idol Games” and accepting this interview, she is now a wealthy person! It’s just that there is not much money, and she can only bring something to everyone within her limited ability.

Not a good brand, but a few hundred dollars.

After buying these, the assistant who came with her also asked her, “Don’t you buy something for yourself?”

The main effect of the set of skin care products just now is anti-aging and wrinkle removal. Obviously it was not bought for her. The remaining clothes are also middle-aged and old. The only wallet is men’s.

Su Xingchen smiled and took these things back to the hotel.

When they came to the United States, Cheng Kangyao and Curly also wanted to come with them, but Zhou Qing said that it was work, and after the New Year, they would not stay for a long time, and they would return to China immediately after recording the program. Little partner.

The plane returned to China early the next morning, and it was more than nine o’clock in the evening at home. I didn’t expect to see Cheng Kangyao at the airport exit.

Cheng Kangyao, as usual, combed her hair upright on her head, probably afraid that she could not see him. He actually held a “Su Xingchen” lamp in his hand and stood there like a fool.

But this fool, Su Xingchen, who has always been at home, has a feeling of returning home at that moment.

At the moment when she saw him, she could almost hear the sound of the heart beating in her chest. The sounds around her seemed to be away from her quickly. Only the tall man in the eyes, the loose coat, holding the lamp The teenager standing there.

She smiled unconsciously on her face and walked to him: “How do you know that I am back at this time?”

Cheng Kangyao coolly received the lights, “Don’t you say this morning’s plane?”

“No, I mean, why did you come to pick me up?”

The surprised smile on her face also made his lips with a cool expression unconsciously grin, pretending to be very indifferent and saying: “Surprise to you ~”

He was afraid that she would go back to the country alone, back to the dormitory alone, not knowing where to go.

She always does.

“Thank you, I’m so touched, really.” Su Xingchen was really happy. After receiving the luggage, he almost immediately couldn’t wait to take out the gift he bought: “Send your New Year’s gift.”

He took it: “What?”

I found it to be a wallet. Looking around with the wallet, it looks like the flowers are coming, how to look and how to look good. This is probably the most beautiful and fashionable wallet in the world.

He never brought a wallet after having a mobile phone. The baby put the wallet into the pocket of his jacket, thinking about it, and afraid of being stolen by the thief, he took it out and stuck it in the pocket of the chest position inside the jacket, patted the chest here The hard feeling, this is the smile of satisfaction.

When he went back to sit in the car, he couldn’t help but take out his wallet, took a picture and sent it to the circle of friends to show off: she gave me a New Year’s gift! {/proud}

Su Xingchen’s broken mobile phone, WeChat can’t even see a circle of friends, the version is too low, the memory is too small, he can only send a WeChat, he can safely send a circle of friends.

Curly Mao was the first to see it, but Su Xingchen did n’t expect it. After all, Su Xingchen ’s poor is well known to everyone, thinking which little girl would dig the corner of their star, and immediately came to provoke alienation: “Brother Kang, who is this? It ’s a bad idea! “

Cheng Kangyao returned his disdainful look: “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it obvious to send a wallet? This is to tie your wallet and take control of your financial power!”

Cheng Kangyao, who was sitting in the car and looking at the mobile phone, was smiling with his eyes on his face. Su Xingchen saw him curiously and asked him, “What do you think, smile like this?”

Cheng Kangyao quickly moved his phone to the side like a thief, disguised and said, “No, I saw a funny video.”

Su Xingchen teased him: “So funny? Show me too!”

Cheng Kangyao’s face full of joyful spring breeze was not like watching a video, it was like spring was coming, and it was spring.

She didn’t break through him, just thought which girl he was talking to now.

Think about it, he is also eighteen years old, and it’s normal for a boy of this age to have an open heart.

Somehow, this thought actually caused her heart to feel a little sad.

But she regarded him as a friend. For this matter, she was also blessed and happy, but the high emotions that had risen because of his appearance before could not be so high.

Back in the bedroom, the things were put down, and the two went to eat something nearby, and it came out more than ten o’clock, so let him go back.

Cheng Kangyao was very reluctant, and kept sending her downstairs to the dormitory before leaving in three steps.

He hoped she could tell him to stay, even if two people played one night’s game and played one night’s poker.

But now he already knows that this is inappropriate.

He kept looking at the lights in her dormitory, standing in her downstairs for a long time before leaving in the night breeze.

Su Xingchen sat alone in an empty dormitory, leaning against the bedside. At the end of this noisy, there was actually a feeling of coldness and loneliness in the room.

It took a long time to cross his legs and meditate until dawn.

The train ticket back to my hometown was already bought online before I went abroad. I took my luggage directly to the train station and returned to my hometown.

Her hometown is in a small town in the northern part of the Soviet province, which is more than 300 kilometers away from H city. The train can only go to the county town, and then transfer the car back to the ready-made.

In addition to her thirty years in the world of immortality, she has not returned for more than thirty years

In fact, when she just left here to go to the Su’s house, she wanted to return here day and night, wanted to go home, and wanted to hide in the bed and cry at night.

She called her aunt and said she wanted to go home, and the aunt said that it was her home.

But she knew clearly that the Su family was not hers.

The Su family is not her home, and her uncle’s is not hers anymore. She seems to have no home overnight. The world is so big that she feels nowhere to be home.

At first she always wanted to come back, then … she didn’t want to come back.

At that time she felt that you do n’t want me, then I do n’t want you anymore!

The car bumped all the way and finally reached the town.

She was standing at the intersection with the big box in her hand, and there was a sense of trance in her dream that she was not a guest.

She followed the road in her memory, dragged the box, and walked upwards, climbed a slope, and not far from their town junior high school, she finally saw her childhood home.

Uncle ’s mother ’s home is not big. A bicycle and motorcycle repair shop is open on a facade outside. In recent years, as the number of people buying cars in the town has increased, it has been changed to a car wash shop. I usually do bicycle and motorcycle repairs. At that time, it is used to wash the car.

At this time, two cars were parked at the door of the uncle’s house. The grandfather and the aunt were wearing leather gloves, one was flushing the car with a high-pressure water gun, and the other was wiping the water on the body with a towel.

She was standing on the steep **** of the asphalt road, slowly walking down carrying the suitcase.

Until the door was approached, the aunt who was collecting money suddenly saw her, and a smile of surprise broke out on her face, “San’er is back?” He shouted again with joy: “San’er is back!”

The grandpa who was washing the car heard the aunt’s surprise cry, and stopped the car washing, and looked over at Su Xingchen.

Compared with what I remembered, my aunt’s face was darker and her eyes had deep wrinkles.

I used to think that my aunt was so tall, but now I realized that she was so thin.

She was about one meter tall or five meters tall, and she was very thin. Because she was too thin, there was no flesh on her face. When she laughed, the smile lines on the corners of her lips and the smile lines on the corners of her eyes wrinkled deeply.

She was small and thin, but her movements were very neat. She stepped forward and took the big box in Su Xingchen’s hand, took her hand to the house, and shouted loudly in her mouth: “Saner is back! Mom, Saner is back La!”

Su Xingchen also said: “Your girl will be a city man when you leave. My grandma and I have dried up thinking about what you want, and you won’t come back.”

She smiled the moment before, smiled and went in to put down the box, and the tears had already flowed out. She smiled and wiped away the tears on her face, “Look at me, the new year is still …” He looked up at Su Xingchen again, filled with gratification and satisfaction. He seemed to want to reach out and touch her head, but he was afraid that his hand would be dirty. He only took her hand and stared at her constantly. The children are all so tall, you are like your dad, they are all tall, this must be one and seven meters? “

She looked at Su Xingchen, and her eyes were filled with satisfaction: “We have all grown up to be big girls, which are getting better and better.” After she was satisfied, she noticed her short hair and neutrally dressed clothes. “How to dress like a young man?” Touching her slender wrist again: “My mother, are you not eating? Why are you so thin? Don’t learn to lose weight, you are tall, or a little fatter. ! “

But she didn’t see herself, she was thin and had no flesh.

The grandmother who washes vegetables in the backyard heard the sound, the water in her hands was too late to dry, and she ran out quickly. Su Xingchen, who was watching them, was worried and quickly came forward to help her.

Grandma started crying when she saw her, and patted her arm with her hand: “You ruthless girl, don’t come back to see us for two years, your grandfather’s eyes will be blind if you think you want!”

I kept talking to my grandfather who was looking at Su Xingchen behind them but didn’t speak at this time, and said violently: “Obviously, the eyes you want are blind, and say me!”

The grandmother scolded him with a smile: “Yes, yes, I am me, all right?”

Like her aunt, she stared up at Su Xingchen’s face with her face up, as if looking at the time she hadn’t seen before, it was enough to see it at once, saying the same thing as her aunt: “Our family is like this It ’s getting taller. The clothes that your aunt and I bought for you may be too small to be put on. You ’ll have to come back. Your aunt will have to send it to you in a few days. ”

The aunt had already shouted upstairs under the stairs: “Let’s go, set sail, your sister is back, and don’t hurry down!”

Big cousin He Qihang has already gone to college, and second cousin He Qicheng has also taken the third year of high school. He will take the college entrance examination in June this year. Down.

Second cousin He Qicheng couldn’t help but see Su Xingchen, and joked: “It’s different now? It looks like a star!”

The “National Idol Games” that Su Xingchen participated in was broadcast only during the winter vacation, and now only half of the winter vacation has been broadcast, and only four episodes have been broadcast. It is only relatively popular in the city. In rural areas like them, few people know.

The second cousin has no access to mobile phones because of the college entrance examination, and he does n’t know that Su Xingchen is on the Internet.

Big cousin is also a person who does not pay attention to these things. When he comes back, he will help his younger brother to tutor high school exercises or help his aunt to wash the car.

They can’t make any money here all year round, and they can make some business by the month of the New Year, so most of the time, the big cousin is helping below, not watching TV.

Big cousin He Qihang is tall, but the height of her second cousin is about inherited from her aunt. She is 19 years old and has a height of only one meter seven. Both brothers have the same double eyelids as her aunt.

Compared to the lively cousin of the second cousin, the big cousin had to be more restrained, but she was also very happy to see her come back. not coming back.”

Speaking of the year, my aunt and grandmother thought of it, and asked Su Xingchen: “Why did you come back at this time? Did the old thing make you angry? Did you feel wronged?”

Speaking of Mrs. Su’s aunt, the aunt became very angry. This is why the aunt didn’t want to go to the Su’s house.

When Su Xingchen just returned to Su’s house, Grandpa went to Su’s house for two days to see Su Xingchen. As a result, the whole family of Su’s family treated her as a servant and gave her grandfather a puff.

My grandfather didn’t speak well, and he told Su mother that instead he was half angry with himself. He no longer wanted to go to the Su’s house and sighed all day at home.

The aunt said to the two cousins: “Don’t go up, help me wash the car below, I’ll buy some food and come back!”

She’s doing a lot of work, and she quickly went to the town’s vegetable market to sell fish and meat.

Dinner in the evening, looking at the table full of dishes, the second cousin He Qicheng also teased Su Xingchen, said: “Today we are accounted for your light, we are going to die, we will eat the same dishes every day for the Chinese New Year, you take a look I still had meat at school, but I lost the meat when I returned home. “

The aunt laughed and scolded him: “I’m going to die all day long, where can I cook for you? You have everything ready to eat, you can do it yourself!”

There are a lot of cars going home during the New Year, and there is a lot of rain at the end of the year. The road going home is dirty. Before going home, I have to go to the car wash shop to drive the car to shine home, so my aunts these days It is busy from morning till night, basically when there is no rest.

Because the weather is cold in winter and the car is washed with cold water, even if you wear leather gloves, your fingers are still frozen like carrots, and some are still cracked. She does not care. She uses a few dollars to protect her. She wiped the hand cream casually, and turned to wash the car again. After she wiped and wiped, she simply did not bother to wipe.

Uncle ’s house is not big. The entire living room below is used to make two facades. Although there are only enough three parking spaces at the door, her home is located on the farthest side of the intersection, and the slopes beside it are all uncles. The shovel was leveled and cement was used to put the car.

There are a total of three rooms upstairs. Previously it was an uncle and aunt, two cousins ​​and one, and her grandfather and grandmother lived in the bungalow in the courtyard.

After she left, the two cousins ​​were older, so they let her two cousins ​​live in her room.

This is why she did not want to come back later.

Now she understands. At that time, she was wronged in the Su family, and finally returned home for the New Year, but found that her room was occupied by the second cousin, there is a kind, here is no longer the feeling of being home, and During the rebellious period, after two years of New Year, they were reluctant to come back.

In fact, it was more than two years. In the first life, until she was in her third year of high school, she suddenly woke up and couldn’t mix up like this again.

In the evening she came back, and the second cousin went back to the room with the big cousin. The aunt changed all the quilts in her room and made the bed.

Su Xingchen also took out all the gifts he bought for him, his cousin’s basketball shoes, his grandparents’ clothes, and his aunt’s skincare products.

The aunt was surprised when she saw these things she bought, and said with a lip: “Your dad gave you the money? He has been generous this time.”

My aunt has always been resentful to Su and Su. I have raised children for so many years, and I do n’t want to ask you to pay for it. After returning, do you always treat her better? Hearing that the father-in-law came back to say that the Su family treated her as a servant and gave her gas, she had to come over to the Su family to quarrel at the time. She wanted to take Su Xingchen back and was still pulled by her uncle.

Uncle asked her: “Take it back and then? Do you tell her not to go back all her life?”

They all understood that returning her to the city was the best way for her.

At least in the city, she was able to go to high school with a tuition of 100,000 years and stayed with her parents. The relationship was cultivated and it was good for her.

What can she get by following them?

There was such a broken house at home, and there were two big students to study. She followed them in the country and had nothing.

Su Xingchen took out the down jacket he bought for her and tried it out. She smiled and shook her head: “No, this is all I bought for the money I earned.”

The aunt’s focus was not on the clothes, but his face changed suddenly after hearing the words: “You make money yourself? Why do you make money yourself?”

The eyes of several people in the family gathered on Su Xingchen all at once.

The author has something to say: It’s early in the morning, are the friends sleeping? Good night ~

Wow, I have received so many mines, grenades, rockets, and nutrients, so happy ≧ ε ≦

Miaoyou threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2101: 32: 24

Mo Xun threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-01-2104: 20: 07

Yaya threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2105: 52: 04

24401745 Throwing a mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2106: 50: 24

Tossed 1 mine in the rainThrowing time: 2019-01-2107: 06: 43

Rockwan threw 1 mine tossing time: 2019-01-2108: 28: 16

Qingming threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2109: 55: 39

Qingming threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2109: 55: 54

Qingming threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2109: 56: 03

Too late to throw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-2112: 18: 45

Throwing 1 mine in the dust before the night: 2019-01-2113: 29: 19

Tu Feiyuan threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2115: 12: 13

Qingyi threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2118: 02: 17

Jin Du threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2119: 28: 13

The obedient Mi Li threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2121: 00: 04

Ming Miao threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2122: 36: 49

Guo Ma threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2206: 43: 19

31002340 Threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2207: 11: 52

Meowed a microphone and threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2208: 24: 53

Xihe Qinyin threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2209: 19: 40

Looking to the left? Threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2209: 36: 37

Rockwan threw 1 mine tossing time: 2019-01-2210: 28: 42

Yibei threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2212: 51: 14

Quinn threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2213: 15: 09

Quinn threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2213: 15: 23

White sunrise did not. 1 mine thrown Throwing time: 2019-01-2215: 54: 08

Qingming threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2217: 21: 14

Xu Xuzhi threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-2220: 37: 04

Long day threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2300: 47: 34

Long day threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2302: 13: 30

オ オ ク ラ サ ツ キ threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2306: 52: 44

Yueran threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2307: 39: 49

Nerd threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2308: 22: 11

Yibei threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2308: 37: 43

Throw 1 grenade throwing time: 2019-01-2309: 11: 54

Soymilk threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2309: 36: 56

Old fish threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-01-2310: 08: 43

Throw a grenade at 9: 30Throwing time: 2019-01-2311: 18: 58

Pro threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-01-2311: 35: 57

Rockwan threw 1 mine tossing time: 2019-01-2312: 19: 31

YE threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2317: 43: 22

Good Throw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-2318: 06: 54

25167842 thrown 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-2318: 36: 47

Ah Che threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-01-2318: 42: 25

Jojo 8129 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-2319: 04: 59

Qingming threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2319: 05: 49

Yu’er went home and threw 1 mine.Throwing time: 2019-01-2319: 40: 35

Lighthand throwing 1 grenade throwing time: 2019-01-2320: 11: 36

30737683 threw a mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2320: 12: 21

Quinn threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-01-2320: 15: 55

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