After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 92 - 92

Unless Su Xingchen wants to go to specialty life.

Previously, when Chen knew that her sports performance was good, she had moved this idea, but after Su Xingchen entered the first sixty grades this time, Teacher Chen dispelled this idea, she felt that Su Xingchen’s potential has not been Dig out completely.

As long as Su Xingchen is given time, maybe Su Xingchen will surprise everyone!

And high school has just finished a semester, this semester is less than one third of the past, she still has more than two years.

She thought that Su Xingchen would be eager to go to the experimental class. After all, high school students did not want to enter the key class. Su Xingchen said calmly, “I stay in class 16.”

Teacher Chen was surprised.

She naturally hopes that she will stay in Class 16. However, the more she hopes, the more sensible she will advise Su Xingchen: “Actually, you can go to Teacher Liu’s class, and Teacher Liu himself took our class, Teacher Sun also took three classes, and there are two teachers who are familiar with you … “

It was rejected by Su Xingchen again.

Teacher Chen was helpless. Seeing her being so stubborn, she wanted Su Xingchen to go to the regular class more and more. She really considered it for her.

When Su Xingchen was in the first life, he stayed in Class 16 for three years. The head teacher has always been Teacher Chen. Later, when he looked back to this world in Xiuxianjie, he felt that most of his life was lucky, although in the parents Fortunately, it is a little thin, but God always seems to compensate her, let her meet many mentors and friends, family, grandfather and grandmother and uncle, never treat her thinly.

Even in the years when she rebelled, she just got into the tip of the horn.

This is also why she was in Xiuxian Realm, even if her physical qualifications were poor, but her mind was as transparent as possible. Although her cultivation speed was not as good as the geniuses in Xiuxian Realm, she was definitely not slow.

In the evening, Mr. Chen and Mr. Ke talked about Su Xingchen and sighed: “You said this little girl, why are you so stupid, you have to stay in Class 16.”

She was both happy and distressed.

Teacher Ke thought of Teacher Chen completely from the perspective of Teacher Chen. Wen Yan said: “If she is willing to stay in Class 16, she will just stay in Class 16. Math in Class 16 has me, and Chinese in you, There is old Liu in English, and old horse is also an old teacher with many years of experience. What are you worried about? She has reached the top 60 in her grades. “

Teacher Ke is a person who is very confident in his teaching level. Such confidence is also laid by the results obtained by the students he has taught all the year round.

“I’m afraid of delaying her.”

“You are thinking too much.” Teacher Ke walked over and rubbed Chen’s waist. “Has the waist been better recently? Don’t take this class teacher with you, usually take the language of the class.”

“Left, a little on the left.” Teacher Chen lay on the bed.

Mr. Ke is big, hot and very hard. He helps Mrs. Chen press his waist all the year round. He has already learned a good massage technique from old Chinese medicine.

“It’s weird to say that since I got this amulet from Su Xingchen, I really feel that my body looks like a day, and I didn’t feel it at first. Now I obviously feel that my body is lighter and not as heavy as before. Waist is also much better. “She said, she couldn’t help but laughed out of her own, probably thought she was not reliable.

Teacher Ke attributed Mr. Chen to Su Xingchen’s reason for the improvement of back pain. “You believe in these superstitions, or listen to the doctor!”

As the saying goes, there is no bet on Mr. Chen’s wearing amulets. As long as it is good for Mr. Chen, even if it is really superstitious, he would rather believe it.

Otherwise, I won’t go to the temple to burn incense with Teacher Chen every New Year’s Day.

“I know!” Mr. Chen said with a smile: “If you haven’t massaged my waist all these years, I may not be able to straighten my waist. Whatever is the doctor’s effect, I have lost you!”

Teacher Ke smiled on his face, and the massage became more and more detailed.

Su Xingchen’s rapid progress has given Cheng Kangyao great pressure. Originally, he thought that he would work hard for a winter vacation. Not to mention catching up with Su Xingchen completely, and completing Su Xingchen’s first achievement. Xingchen first in his second head office?

As a result, he and Zhao Zhurun, both in science, have made rapid progress in grades, and the Chinese political and historical creatures are annoying when they see it.

During the routine conversation after the exam, the first sentence Mr. Chen told him was: “Today, I talked to Su Xingchen about the transfer.”

Cheng Kangyao was taken aback and straightened up: “So fast?”

Teacher Chen laughed.

It was the first time I saw this killing Emperor Matt so nervous, “But Su Xingchen said that he does not intend to change shifts for the time being.”

Cheng Kangyao was relieved.

After I went back, I was annoyed by the history of politics. Although I disliked it, I still took it out and read aloud when I read it early.

It’s really very loud, the kind that can be heard in the whole class, so that all the students in the class looked back at Cheng Kangyao. Cheng Kangyao was unmoved, not squinting, and was particularly attentive in reading.

Curly felt that their killing of the Emperor Matt was one step closer to good students. In this exam, Cheng Kangyao directly entered the top five of the class.

Top five brothers! Except for Su Xingchen, when did you ever see Matt kill into the top five in the class?

Have you tried so hard to kill Matt this year? It made him a little embarrassed to kill Matt in the muddy water, otherwise it seemed that he could not keep up with the rhythm of killing Matt.

So he also took out the language and read it with relish.

Later, the other killing Matts saw that they were reading aloud at both heads of the Killing Legion, and they all felt it was fun. They followed the trend and took up the books all the time. They read aloud. The loud reading of the killing Matts sounded.

The good students in front of Class 16 all felt that they had gone to the wrong class. How did their class kill Matt, the style of painting was so different.

In the next period of time, the teaching teachers of Class 16 all liked to teach Su Xingchen. Often they were wearing it. Looking at Su Xingchen ’s bright eyes, they could n’t help but go deeper and face it. Su Xingchen said by himself that Su Xingchen could fully understand it. The key is that after the lecture was deep, Zhao Zhurun ​​was okay, and He Ya they had a hard time listening.

The teachers always talked, and suddenly the reaction came, the others in the class were still there, and they brought the topic back, and asked them, “Did you understand?”

Su Xingchen understood, He Ya frowned, bowed her head tangled.

She didn’t understand a bit, but her character was the kind she didn’t want to say. When she felt uncomfortable, she lowered her head and felt uncomfortable.

The teacher didn’t know, and when no one spoke, they thought they all understood.

Zhao Zhurun ​​has a more stable character, and asks if he doesn’t understand, and his acceptance ability is better than He Ya. Sometimes the teachers will get deeper, and he also benefits a lot.

Almost all teachers have this problem in Class 16.

He Ya is very stressed.

Zheng Yan was originally a smart person, but he didn’t make much effort. During this time, the class atmosphere also worked hard, and his performance actually improved somewhat.

After several weekly exams, that is, quizzes, the teachers paid special attention to Su Xingchen’s achievements and wanted to see if she could maintain steady growth all the time, or she would regress.

The results surprised them.

There are also teachers who are very ghost animals during the quiz. The test papers for Su Xingchen and others are not the same. Well, for the quizzes, the teachers in the class supervise the exams themselves. Yes, the test paper for Su Xingchen is the same as the ordinary class.

The test papers for each class of the quiz are randomly given by the instructor, and are not uniform.

As a result of the test, Su Xingchen’s results are still very stable.

At this time, there were several ordinary class teachers who took Class 16 at the same time, and I already wanted Su Xingchen to go to their class very much. After the mid-term exam came out, if the grades were still stable, they would mention it with Teacher Chen.

There are more than one person who has this idea, and they are all ghost animals. They are afraid that other class teachers will rob others of him. People come to them to ask Su Xingchen for their achievements. Tea, don’t talk.

Others are even more curious.

Some thought that Su Xingchen hadn’t taken the exam well, and they didn’t pay much attention.

Originally, Mr. Chen was most concerned about Su Xingchen. As a result, after several quizzes, Zhao Zhurun ​​and Zheng Yan had different grades. Even Cheng Kangyao passed the top five grades, and He Ya ’s quiz scores It’s not as good as once.

In fact, Teacher Chen has been calming He Ya’s emotions. From the first time her grades fell, she has noticed that she was afraid to ask her too much, afraid of putting pressure on her, but encouraged her as usual.

The score of the second quiz dropped again. When she talked to He Ya, her tone was softer and she calmed her down. Finally, she asked her softly, but He Ya just cried, saying nothing, asking more, I cried and shook my head: “I miss home, I miss mom.”

By the end of the third quiz, and before the mid-term exam, Teacher Chen found that He Ya’s grades were still declining, and immediately called He Ya’s parents, hoping that they could communicate with He Ya and ask her why her grades fell.

He Ya ’s parents did n’t know what happened, so they called He Ya, and He Ya said the reason: “The teachers did n’t know what happened lately. The pace is so fast that I ca n’t keep up.” She could n’t help it. Crying self-doubt, “Am I particularly stupid …”

He Ya ’s parents immediately called and asked Mr. Chen: “We He Ya said that the teacher ’s pace is too fast. What ’s going on with you teachers? Do you not consider the progress of the students during the class? Affordable? You are an extra-long class, and the pace of the class is so fast, why not teach the key class? “

Let the teachers be sure to lower their progress and start the class at a rhythm that He Ya can adapt to.

Teacher Chen has a good temper and said in a good voice: “The teachers in the class should have lessons. They know what they have in their minds. They have been teaching old teachers for more than ten years. I ca n’t interfere with their teaching, but this problem I will also react to them, so that they can pay more attention and take care of He Ya’s rhythm. “

He Ya ’s parents are about to say, ‘you are the class teacher, whoever you care about? When I heard Teacher Chen’s last words, I finally pressed my temper.

The most important thing for parents to make trouble is to hope that teachers can pay more attention to and care for their children.

However, they were not completely relieved. They called He Ya: “I have called to speak with your class teacher. Your class teacher said that you will talk to other teachers. If the rhythm of the class is still too fast, you will call me and say, Do n’t cry, what ’s the use of crying? ”

He Ya nodded crying.

The midterm exam soon arrived.

The mid-term exam should be regarded as the most important big exam in addition to the final exam, and the arrangement of the exam is the same as that of the final exam. The exam is arranged according to the previous score and is divided into which test room each score is in.

This time Su Xingchen directly entered the second examination room.

Candidates in the No. 2 examination room all looked at Su Xingchen like a gorilla.

Although they already knew that Su Xingchen had passed the first sixty grades in the last month’s examination, but in his own examination room, when he saw a former killing of Matt, that feeling was still very fantasy.

All along, the candidates in their examination room are acquaintances, either in one class or two classes, or very few ordinary class students with less than ten, anyway, they are all familiar faces.

When Su Xingchen walked in, it felt like an egg was suddenly put in a row of kiwis in the refrigerator, which was a special violation.

They watched her sit down, not sitting in the back row, but sitting in the middle.

The students whose exam seats were behind Su Xingchen looked at Su Xingchen who was in front of them.

The discipline of the key class is much better than that of the ordinary class. Everyone is very quiet. Even if they meet each other, they use mutual eyes to communicate with each other, but they do not speak.

There is also curiosity.

This is a legendary character.

Although they are not prejudiced against Su Xingchen, after all, Su Xingchen has proved herself with results, but they are still curious about the legendary characters.

For example, what caused her to have such a deformed aesthetic, dressing such a beautiful face as killing Matt?

Also, is her grade really good? Hey 16th class, Hey’s specialty class, he got 60th grade!

After the test, Su Xingchen’s egg that strayed into the kiwi fruit group was finally gone, and the kiwis suddenly exploded: “The middle one doesn’t seem to be a kiwi, it’s an egg!”

Originally, she came to the examination room No. 2 and it was shocking enough. As a result, when she took the mathematics test, she directly entered the examination room No. 1.

Su Xingyang’s deskmate pushed Su Xingyang directly: “Xingyang, is that your sister?”

Su Xingyang was sixth in the grade of the last month’s exam, and the seat was ranked at the sixth position of the first group. This position is just against the wall. On the test paper, unlike the candidates of the second and third groups, as long as you turn your face a little, Can directly see the people coming in the door.

Originally, he was sitting on the seat, chatting with his classmates in the second group, talking about the questions of a round of Chinese exams. As a result, he saw the classmates chatting with him chatting, his eyes accidentally glanced in the direction of the door, and then glanced ,stunned.

Su Xingyang didn’t know what happened, and the classmates who chatted with him suddenly pushed Su Xingyang, giving him a look at the door.

Su Xingyang turned back conditionedly and saw Su Xingchen who was standing at the door of their class and walked in with his light behind him.

The author has something to say: A lot of mines, grenades, rocket launchers, nutrient solutions directly pushed my overlord ticket ranking by two hundred! You are so powerful that I was shocked!

Thank you little angels! Today’s New Year’s Day, I wish the little angels a happy new year, rich and rich!

Rafting dream threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 26: 32

flora189 threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 26: 43

The doll threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 29: 39

Aoi threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 30: 56

An orange threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 30: 59

beinfuture threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 42: 06

Baby fat threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0502: 17: 59

My name is Hersbit throwing 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0503: 06: 58

Dried squid threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0503: 18: 27

Scallion pancakes don’t have to pancakes! Threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0504: 58: 02

I like to throw 1 mine freelyTime: 2019-02-0506: 09: 51

Wandering spirits threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0507: 31: 42

When the wind blew through the white hair and threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0507: 46: 00

Mulberry threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0508: 08: 51

Hartfilia threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0508: 17: 14

Fish went home and threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2019-02-0508: 31: 18

Ausopy threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0509: 03: 46

Naozi Fan threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0509: 20: 10

Destiny threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0509: 26: 50

Rongrong threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0509: 30: 20

Bay threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0510: 04: 41

The attacking flying fish threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0511: 00: 32

Qi Shuang threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0511: 31: 45

Liu Cao threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0511: 53: 41

It didn’t appear at all and threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-02-0512: 21: 47

Wei Ran threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0512: 44: 21

Yan threw 1 grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0513: 20: 08

Quinn threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0513: 27: 46

Mu Muliang threw 1 mine tossing time: 2019-02-0513: 31: 54

Slots spit and threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0514: 03: 06

Shangguan Bingyi threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0514: 36: 59

Xuan Mochen threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0518: 10: 52

Indus frozen silver threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0518: 19: 42

Tossed 1 mine without tossing fish tossing time: 2019-02-0518: 20: 08

Du yeah threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0518: 29: 09

Du yeah threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0518: 29: 51

And sugar said bye bye threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0518: 49: 39

Yi Yun threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0521: 30: 13

The music team threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0521: 33: 10

Cqy Chen 77 threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0521: 48: 50

Cqy Chen 77 threw a rocket launching time: 2019-02-0521: 49: 18

Baby threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0521: 51: 37

Obediently threw a mine at the east. Throwing time: 2019-02-0521: 59: 31

The small and powerful tiger mother threw 1 mine tossing time: 2019-02-0522: 00: 55

Soymilk threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0522: 01: 53

Yunyun threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0522: 21: 11

Glaze threw 1 grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0522: 21: 51

Zongsan, my husband, thank you for throwing a mine. Throwing time: 2019-02-0522: 41: 01

Ausopy threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0522: 42: 46

Slots spit and threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0523: 25: 07

Jessie threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 04: 09

Iq threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 05: 32

The sun is very shallow. Throw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 11: 37

Throw 1 mine with Yuyu Yu Throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 11: 44

In September, Shanshan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 27: 19

Short high threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 34: 20

30385660 threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 46: 28

Pro threw a grenade throwing time: 2019-02-0500: 53: 01

If I missed 1 mine and threw it, throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 00: 47

www, my name (^_^) threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 07: 13

Hahaha threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 09: 27

Great San Xiyin threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 20: 23

Rafting dream threw 1 mine throwing time: 2019-02-0501: 26: 32

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