After Transmigrating, the Bosses Begged Me to Plant the Land

Chapter 17


Shen Tingshuang can grow a lot of fruits, but her spiritual vein recovery is limited. If she asks someone to help pick the fruits, her spiritual veins will be exposed sooner or later.

In the past few days, Lu Minghui and the others can also go up the mountain to pick fruits. After that, Shen Tingshuang planned to transport the fruits down the mountain by himself, and wait for the super ll to come over and take it away directly after counting.

Shen Tingshuang: “Should you not be restricted?” After all, her task today requires 1024 people to taste fruit, and tomorrow it will be 2048. One day will cost two thousand catties of fruit, and one person can barely complete the task by buying one catty.

But the day after tomorrow, 4,096 people taste their own fruits, the task is very difficult.

In the past few days, she is also planting new vegetables and fruits. Except for the rest time at night, as long as the spirit is full during the day, she will water it.

Some melons and fruits are different from cabbage, cucumbers and peppers. They can be fully ripened after one watering, and some need to be watered several times.

“Limited purchases?” Lu Minghui was a little puzzled. After cooperating with Chao ll, shouldn’t he consider how to increase production and sell more?

Shen Tingshuang: “Well, the fruits are limited, apricots and peaches, these will be gone if they are picked up and sold.” With her current spiritual vein recovery, these fruits cannot grow indefinitely.

“Didn’t you consider hiring some people?” There must be many people in Murakami who know how to farm. Lu Minghui thinks that as long as he listens carefully and asks, some people will come.

Shen Tingshuang: “I haven’t thought about it for the time being.”

Lu Minghui also felt that he could understand this. He listened carefully to the delicious fruits produced by the two plants. He must have his own unique experience. This will invite people and the taste of the plant will be different, which will definitely affect the signboard.

After thinking about it, the method of restricting purchases is feasible. Lu Minghui: “Okay, then I will respond to the group’s people when I go back.”

After Lu Minghui went back, he told the company manager about it, and the manager went directly to Pei Wenshu to report.

When Pei Wenshu heard what Shen Tingshuang said, if there were no apricots and peaches after picking, he felt uncomfortable. Recently, the fruits of Pei’s family are only apricots and peaches.

After all, eating these apricots and peaches and eating other fruits will not smell good.

He originally took a lot of Pei’s home, but there are many Pei family, especially his **** Pei Rui can’t wait to eat fruit for three meals a day.

This will listen to Shen Ting Shuang saying that it is almost gone, and then put forward the purchase restriction, Pei Wenshu immediately agreed: “Limited purchase! Each person is restricted to purchase one catty.”

After thinking about it, Pei Wenshu felt that one person would cost more than a catty, and said: “One person is limited to one purchase!”

manager:? ? ?

Did he get it wrong, Kyoko can only buy one? Then buy a loneliness?

The manager confirmed repeatedly, and finally ran out of the office when Pei Wenshu was about to lose his temper.

The manager found Lu Minghui: “The director said, both apricots and peaches are restricted.”

Lu Minghui nodded, the purchase restriction was right, otherwise the two thousand catties of fruit would definitely not be enough to sell.

The manager glanced at Lu Minghui: “Dong Pei also said that one person can only buy one.”

Lu Minghui was stunned. The manager was very satisfied when he saw Lu Minghui’s reaction. He thought he had never seen the world, and the purchase of one fruit was restricted.

Who knows Lu Minghui said: “Dong Pei is Dong Pei, these apricots and peaches will be gone after eating this year.” When listening to Shen Ting Shuang said that the apricots and peaches are gone after they are picked, he can’t wait to have all the apricots and peaches in the mountain. It was a pity that he didn’t have the ability to buy it.

The manager began to doubt himself. Lu Minghui agreed with Pei Dong so quickly. Is this fruit really delicious?

He also knows that it is very common for Super All recently, and there is nothing bad about the goods that Super All puts on the shelves.

So the manager has never bought it, and he has never tasted any delicious fruit, let alone apricots and peaches, but he thought of Pei Dong’s reaction.

The manager still picked up the mobile phone to call the person in charge of the supermarket and asked him to send some fruits to the company.

Who knows the person in charge said: “Manager, it’s not that I don’t give it to you. It’s because the supermarket doesn’t have enough points. These two kinds of fruits will be sold out in less than an hour.”

manager:? ? ?

Shen Tingshuang originally bought bamboo online, but later discovered that most of the bamboo was grown in the village, so he found Shao Feng’s house and planned to spend money to buy some.

When Shao Feng’s mother heard that Shen Tingshuang wanted to buy it, she only said that she didn’t need money.

Shen Tingshuang insisted on giving.

Shao Feng’s mother said: “You want to give money, it is better to give some fruits you grow.”

“That’s OK.” Shen Tingshuang went to pick two big bags of fruit, and also brought a ripe watermelon.

Shao Feng’s mother originally thought that Shen Tingshuang could bring a maximum of ten kilograms, but when she saw a watermelon that big, her eyes were all smiled: “I’ll come, I’ll come!”

She almost didn’t pick up this watermelon, and then looked at the apricots and peaches next to her: “Shuangshuang, you can dig whatever you want. We have a lot of bamboo in our house, and we want as many as we want.”

“Okay thank you!”

Shen Tingshuang didn’t dig casually, only filling up the places where Qin Yueze hit.

When Shen Ting Shuang is busy, there is no need to greet the fruit on the table below the mountain.

Now people in Murakami, who come to Xinyuan Mountain to buy fruit, choose directly on the table, and then weigh and pay for it by themselves. They can also complete the transaction without having to listen to them.

But what Shen Tingshuang missed the most was Qin Yueze, one person worth 100 people. When Qin Yueze left, Shen Tingshuang did not ask him for contact information.

I’m fine now. I want to send fruit to someone, but I can’t find a place to send it.

Shen Tingshuang transplanted the last bamboo and saw a car coming over. The car was black. She remembered Qin Yueze’s car was black.

Happily ran to the foot of the mountain.

The car really stopped beside Shen Tingshuang, but it was not Qin Yueze who came down from above.

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