After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Night time.

Inside the house.

Jiang Mianmian was in the house watching her mother Qin Luoxia secretly feeding something to her father Jiang Changtian.

It was the size of a fist, golden yellow, a bit sticky, a very big thing.

"Dear, eat this." Qin Luoxia had a serious look on her face.

There was also a bowl of water placed next to it, prepared for her husband to wash it down with.

Jiang Mianmian felt a little sympathy for her father.

She had witnessed the whole process of her mother preparing this, so she already knew what it was.

Snake gallbladder.

Normally a snake gallbladder would be the size of a pigeon egg, but this one was as big as a large chicken egg...or possibly even a goose egg.

Jiang Changtian also had a confused look on his face as he stared at the thing in front of him.

He was quite knowledgeable in medicine.

Judging by the look and smell, he roughly knew what this was.

The fishy smell was very strong, definitely from a snake.

But it was so big, it looked fake, like a sheep's gallbladder that had been coated with the smell of a snake...

"Xia, dear, this...this is snake gallbladder? Isn't this gallbladder a bit too big?"

Qin Luoxia held her child while pretending to be busy feeding milk, and urged: "Of course it's a big gallbladder. I caught this snake wandering on the road and decided to feed it to you. Eat it all in one go."

Jiang Mianmian, who had just finished drinking milk, was suddenly fed more milk.


Because of the way her mother was holding her, her arm happened to be stretched out and she could reach the bowl of clear water.

Jiang Mianmian thought, anyone who ate such a terrifying thing would probably have diarrhea for a day or two, which was normal.

She casually stretched out her hand to pour the Magic Spring Water in.

Mimicking her older brother, she poured all of it out before letting go.

Then she realized her whole body was wet...

She had peed.

She did her best.

So Qin Luoxia busied herself changing her daughter's diaper, while urging her husband to hurry up and eat.

Jiang Changtian looked at the ugly, smelly thing in front of him, feeling like it would poison him to death.

But still he picked it up and slowly chewed and swallowed mouthful by mouthful.

Snake gallbladder, bitter then sweet, dispels wind and dampness, brightens eyes and mind, clears lungs and stops coughing, prolongs life.

There was no sweetness, only bitterness piercing through to his crown.

It was so bitter that tears were coming out of his eyes.

But still he swallowed mouthful by mouthful, because he noticed there were scars and wounds on his wife's wrists that she was trying to hide from him.

When Qin Luoxia lied, she didn't dare to look him in the eye.

After swallowing the fishy snake gallbladder, Jiang Changtian picked up the water next to him and downed everything in one breath.

The snake gallbladder was probably too bitter, it made the cool water taste exceptionally sweet.

After drinking the water, Jiang Changtian took his daughter from his wife and held her in his arms.

He rested her head on his shoulder, and gently patted her back until Mianmian let out a small burp from the milk, then he stopped.

Jiang Mianmian liked being held by her father. He was very gentle and measured.

When father held her he was always extremely careful, trying his best to make her feel comfortable and even respected.

Jiang Mianmian was actually quite curious what effects the Magic Spring Water would have.

When mother drank it, she had diarrhea, but it seemed her body became stronger and more powerful. The things she hunted were becoming more ferocious.

When older brother drank it, he vomited, and was recovering. His resistance probably increased and his fever went away. No other body changes were noticeable, he just stuck to her even more and loved touching her head.

As for herself drinking the Magic Spring Water, her strength didn't seem to increase much, but her five senses became enhanced.

She could sense even the slightest wind blowing through the grass.

And her perception of other people's good or ill intent became more keen.

As for father, she looked forward to seeing!

Qin Luoxia was also very much looking forward to seeing if her husband's health would improve after eating the snake gallbladder.

The result was that Jiang Changtian was running to the toilet over and over again by midnight, his face pale white.

Jiang Mianmian woke once in the middle of the night while drinking milk, and saw her dear father running to the bathroom. Still dazed with sleepiness she thought, even a father as handsome as him has to go to the toilet himself, then she fell back asleep.

Qin Luoxia was very worried her husband had an upset stomach from the snake gallbladder.

But at the same time, she felt like that experienced doctor did seem to know a thing or two, saying that the mother was depleted, and only the gallbladder of a vicious python could save her life. At that time she had even asked, isn't the vicious python poisonous? The doctor said to fight poison with poison was the only cure.

Her husband must be expelling the poison.

Jiang Feng also heard his father's movements, but he knew his father would be fine so he didn't worry too much.

At night while listening to the restless movements of Little Jiang Yu sleeping next door, he slowly fell asleep.

Jiang Changtian ran to the outhouse over and over, but he didn't complain at all.

He just thought it was a problem with his own body.

Ever since he was little he often ate spoiled food, so his digestive system was not very good and his health was weak.

After eating anything a little different he would easily get diarrhea, so he was a bit used to it.

It wasn't until after getting married that he slowly nursed his stomach back to health.

But after eating that snake gallbladder tonight, it looked like his old issues had flared up again.

However Jiang Changtian didn't blame his wife one bit.

He knew that in order for Xia to obtain this snake gallbladder, she must have gone through a lot of hardship.

She didn't let him see, but in the darkness he felt out several wounds by touch.

He also hoped his own health would improve, so he could shelter and protect his family, so he could go further without becoming a burden dragging them down.

But this bout of diarrhea was quite severe.

Jiang Changtian actually had a bit of a cleanliness obsession, and was quite prideful in certain ways. He declined his wife's offer to accompany him, and went to the outhouse himself.

Back and forth over and over.

Worried he would wake up his wife and daughter, instead of going back to the room he simply laid down on the bamboo chair under the tree.

Waiting for daylight.

It was the dog days of summer and still hot even early in the morning without a cold wind.

Jiang Changtian laying on the bamboo chair actually didn't feel discomfort in his body, instead feeling quite awake, as he watched the sky slowly brighten and the round sun slowly peek over the eastern horizon.

At times like this he again felt that life had meaning.

As the morning sun rose, it was as if his body had gained some power.

As he lay there Jiang Changtian let his hair loose without tying it up, possibly looking somewhat disheveled but this was just at home so it didn't really matter.

He quietly observed the sunrise by himself.

Feeling somewhat moved, somewhat relieved of burdens.

Inside the room, Jiang Mianmian woke up, hungry.

By habit she searched around for a milk source.

Upon touching her mother she adeptly started to nurse.

It seemed father was not around, as her mother nursed her and wrapped an old piece of clothing tightly around her before carrying her outside.

The courtyard gate opened.

Qin Luoxia carrying her child walked out yawning, and aond witnessed her husband lying on the bamboo chair.

The first rays of morning light happened to shine on his body.

At this instant Qin Luoxia felt, but did not know how to describe it, her heart skipped a beat.

Back then when she had jumped into the river to fish him out, she thought she was fishing up a beautiful water spirit female ghost, and never expected it to be a man.

Years of hard work and suffering seemed to have blended him into the crowd.

But looking at him now, it suddenly gave her the feeling of that first glimpse.

The rays of dawn shone on him and his whole body seemed to be bathed in a golden glow, like a true heavenly immortal descended to earth.

Jiang Mianmian had been nursing but suddenly felt the rhythm was off, like her mother had stopped patting her.

She glanced to the side, then was so shocked she opened her mouth.

In the early morning on her family's bamboo chair lay an exceptionally beautiful long-haired man...

His entire body seemed to be surrounded by a golden glow, with an imposing noble air.

Jiang Mianmian was so shocked she closed her mouth again, swallowing another huge mouthful of milk. on earth did the beneficial effects of the Magic Spring Water get so confused!

For mother it increased her strength, but for father how did it turn into beautifying his looks? Father was already the most good-looking one in the whole family, being exceptionally outstanding.

Now he was well beyond outstanding.

Jiang Minamian drank a whole mouthful of milk without even daring to let out a soft moo, afraid she might disturb this handsome version of father. Then upon hearing movement Jiang Changtian turned his head around, seeing his wife and daughter also bathed in the light of dawn, he smiled back "Good morning, Xia."

Qin Luoxia's face quickly turned red in the morning light.

She tossed her daughter in her arms to her husband, and dashed back towards the house in just a few steps.

Jiang Mianmian was left lying in her father's arms with a completely dumbfounded look on her face.

Unable to close her mouth as drool poured out...

Shaking her fist!

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