After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

In the county jail, there weren't many prisoners.

It was the young and inexperienced jailer Baozhu lounging idly by the door.

He didn't like this job.

Criminals would stay for a while before being moved, either to a different cell or to be executed.

Only he had to stay permanently.

He was even more miserable than the prisoners.

Fortunately, the head jailer was his uncle, so he could occasionally slack off, even leaving the door open to let in some fresh air.

He envied the carefree life of Jiang Feng, roaming the streets, basking in the sun and boasting.

But his neighbor Aunt Wang said his job was good, sparing him from wind and rain, with a lifetime of food and shelter secured.

Aunt Wang's daughter Xiao Huan was very pretty.

Inside the jail, the Peddler and his wife were on the verge of death.

They were badly injured.

The Peddler had even been bitten by some unknown poisonous insect, leaving him in agony all over, groaning from time to time.

Since they were sentenced to death anyway, no one cared about them.

Suddenly, the cell door opened.

Baozhu hurriedly stood up.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

"How many times have I told you, don't call me uncle in the yamen, call me Chief Constable Liu."

Liu the Chief Constable brought in a man who looked like a physician, and Baozhu curiously followed them.

"Ah, Chief Constable Liu, these two kidnappers are supposed to be sentenced, why are you calling a physician for them?" Baozhu asked curiously.

Liu the Chief Constable sneered, "They're lucky, someone important pleaded for leniency, they won't be executed now. You keep an eye on them, don't let them die."

The Peddler and his wife thought they were doomed, but unexpectedly they were being spared.

"Husband, husband, we're saved, we don't have to die," the woman excitedly shook her husband. The physician disdainfully examined the dwarves.

After taking their pulse, he said, "Looks like they were bitten by ants, some herbal ointment will do. For the other wounds, as long as the bleeding stops, it'll be fine."

The woman didn't quite believe it, how could it be ant bites, how could ants inflict so many venomous bites like they were swarmed by a colony?

The Peddler grabbed his wife's hand to stop her from complaining.

Instead, he turned to the yamen runners and said, "We want to press charges against those who attacked us. They weren't rescuing anyone, they were highway robbers who assaulted us and falsely accused us. We're a disabled man and a helpless woman, we couldn't fight back."

The young and impulsive Baozhu wanted to spit out a curse then and there.

The physician left behind some herbal medicine and departed, leaving an ominous feeling.

Liu the Chief Constable said, "Our magistrate will get to the bottom of this case, you just wait here."

As the Chief Constable left, the Peddler couple saw the yamen runners bringing in a youth who was the one who had assaulted them yesterday. They were thrilled, this was retribution, this was justice served.

They were saved.

The Peddler regretted not smothering that infant to death earlier, then he wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

Juan Er helped apply the herbal ointment on her husband, murmuring, "Thank you benefactor for saving our lives, may you and your family enjoy longevity, longevity."

After applying the medicine, the couple huddled together, leaning on each other for support.

As long as they didn't die, they had no fear. They would definitely return to take care of Kuang Er.


Outside the jail, the sun was shining brightly.

After leaving, the physician went to the Dispensary Officer Xiao Jiang to prepare more medicine.

He was well acquainted with Xiao Jiang. The medicines needed for official use were accounted for, and any surplus could be sold at a discount to pharmacies. Although the money didn't go to Xiao Jiang, Xiao Jiang facilitated convenience for them to make some profit on the side.

"I could tell right away it was ant bites. That Peddler must have stumbled into an ant nest somewhere. That ignorant fool of a wife actually doubted my medical expertise. Both of them are vile and venomous. I don't know what the county magistrate was thinking, sparing such scum."

After chatting for a while, the physician took two packets of herbal tea with him.

Jiang Changtian slowly drank the remaining half cup of tea from the bamboo tube. It had gone cold and become more bitter, but his mind was clearer.


Jiang Rong was drinking tea in the master's room.

It was a rough celadon cup containing ordinary tea. He took a sip and didn't touch it again.

Normally, he wouldn't come to the yamen himself just because a guard went missing.

But when he heard they had captured Jiang Feng, he wanted to see for himself.

He couldn't help it, he was born disliking Jiang Feng, detesting him, couldn't stand the sight of him.

While drinking tea, a yamen runner rushed in and whispered something to the master.

The master hurriedly stood up, glanced at Jiang Rong, and said, "Please make yourself at home, Young Master Jiang."

Then he rushed off to see the county magistrate.

This was bad. He had thought it was a small matter, but didn't expect it to cause such big trouble.

The ambitious county magistrate would surely punish him severely upon learning about this mess.

Indeed, when the county magistrate heard the master's words, he immediately smashed a teacup on his head.

"You imbecile, go door-to-door and find that missing Jiang family guard. This county town is tiny, how could he just vanish? Find him immediately!"

The county magistrate then hurriedly adjusted his official robes and rushed out to greet his guests.

This wasn't the first time Jiang Feng had seen the county magistrate.

Previously, he had only glimpsed him from afar.

He had always seen the magistrate as a formidable figure shrouded in authority and mystery.

But today, he saw the magistrate smiling broadly as he walked out, affably greeting Brothers Meng and He.

Like an ignorant village woman fawning over a successful relative.

Speaking with exaggerated importance.

"I am a graduate of the imperial examination twenty-four years ago, three years after your uncle, but we had the same teacher."


He suddenly felt like laughing.

So this was how the world worked.

The awe-inspiring county magistrate would also bend over backwards.

Smiling warmly like a gentle spring breeze, not intimidating at all.

Cultured and refined, kind and courteous.

Jiang Feng, like an ignorant child, responded earnestly when the county magistrate self-deprecatingly called himself "Uncle."

The county magistrate was briefly flustered, stroking his beard, unsure how to respond.

He Zhen and Meng Shaoxia found it quite amusing.

On their journey, they had encountered many minor local officials acting similarly.

But they hadn't expected Jiang Feng to be so guileless, believing whatever others said.

Being too naive made one susceptible to being deceived.

Meng Shaoxia thought to himself, his own younger sister was like that too, so naive that she had been deceived.

The group chatted amicably.

Jiang Rong grew impatient waiting. Weren't they supposed to make an arrest? Where was the person?

The county magistrate had talked about hosting a dinner reception, but never inquired about the case details at all.

It was as if Jiang Feng had simply come to visit a friend.

Until a yamen runner rushed in to report, "Your Honor, the body of the missing Wu Liu has been found at 46 West Street. He was murdered by poisoning. The culprit has been apprehended - Wu Liu's mistress's husband."

According to the culprit's confession, Wu Liu and his wife had conspired to poison him, but he discovered their plot and poisoned Wu Liu instead. He spared his wife's life as she was the mother of his child, but she was badly beaten and lying at home.

Meng Shaoxia and He Zhen hadn't expected to witness an actual murder case.

When Jiang Rong received the news, he was also stunned, especially when he saw Wu Liu's corpse displayed at the yamen gates. He stumbled back several steps.

Wu Liu had died a horrible death from poisoning, his face mutilated beyond recognition, his entire body rotten and reeking of putrid odor.

Jiang Rong recalled Wu Liu telling him that Jiang Feng would surely die. But Jiang Feng didn't die, Wu Liu did instead.

Due to the murder case, a crowd had gathered outside the yamen gates to gawk at the spectacle.

Everyone was astonished.

A meat bun vendor who had come to watch remarked, "Just thinking about it is terrifying. Our shop is nearby, but we didn't even smell the stench."

"Old Niu seems like a decent guy. Killing his wife's lover, that shouldn't be considered a crime, right?"

"Old Niu was cruel too. I heard he broke his wife's legs and left her lying on the bed with her lover, even after the lover's body started to rot."

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to stand it either. They say that vile woman would even lock her child in the woodshed when she was being unfaithful."


With the culprit apprehended, Jiang Feng was naturally released without charge.

He needed to hurry home and share the good news with his family.

That evil Wu Liu met his retribution, being killed by someone.

Night fell.

Jiang Feng waited for his father, and they walked home together.

In front of his father, he was no longer the pretentious, mature Jiang Feng from outside. He revealed his youthful nature, walking with a light and bouncy step.

Jiang Changtian didn't buy any meat buns today, because the seller went to watch the commotion.

Along the way, he listened to his son animatedly recounting the story of the two young gentlemen from the capital, the courteousness of the county magistrate, full of youthful spirit.

He was better off than himself when he was young. He had dreams, he dared to dream.

"Father, do you think I can become an official one day?"

"Father, do you think evil people will be punished?"

"Father, will I become formidable one day?"

"You can."

"They will."

"You will."

Jiang Changtian responded.

But in truth, he thought, my child, you cannot become an official. You have scars on your face, and your father was unfilial and disrespectful, thus ineligible for the imperial examinations. Unless you join the army, start from the very bottom, and be at the vanguard in battle, facing swords and traps. It won't matter for you, you'll die quickly. The battlefield is littered with countless bones, but there is only one triumphant general.

Evil people are not punished. If you don't kill them, they will continue to live above the law. They harm you, and receive rewards. Next time, they will harm you again. They bear no grudge against you, but they harm you, and profit from it. Because they harmed you, they deserve to die.

I don't know if you'll become formidable, but I hope you live, safe and sound.

The mountain road is long.

The night breeze is warm.

Jiang Changtian thought, at the very least, he would be a good father.

He would walk behind his child, propelling him forward, clearing all thorns from his path.

For his child, he was willing to stain his hands with fresh blood, commit all evils without regret.

Jiang Feng, having spoken animatedly, suddenly realized his father was falling behind. He turned back and called out, "Father, hurry up, Mother and sisters are waiting for us at home."

Jiang Changtian nodded, "Coming."

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