After traversing to the apocalypse, I am extremely delighted as a Demon Cultivator

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Kill everyone in the Spirit Garden and you’ll get 3,000 spirit stones.

The two sang in harmony. Hearing the last, Li Yuan laughed out loud: “Plus!”

“The price is clearly marked up!”

“On August 20th, my father will hold a spiritual garden meeting. At that time, all forces will be invited to watch the ceremony. My eldest brother and second sister’s gatekeepers will enter and snatch the flag. Many will have a great chance to be seen by my father and be determined to be the monarch.”

“There are many spiritual plants and materials in that spiritual garden. Those doorkeepers are attached to my eldest brother and second sister because of the spiritual garden. This is an opportunity to wrong Brother Wu and Brother Wu for temporarily leaving our doorkeepers. After entering the spiritual garden, let go and fight.”

“Based on the remaining number of visitors from the two in the end, one less person will have one more spirit stone.”

“What if it’s all destroyed?” Wu Qi was amazed.

“If it is all destroyed, my eldest brother and my second sister will not be able to compete for the position of the monarch. I, Li Yuan, will empty my family, and each will offer three thousand spirit stones with both hands. I will not receive a cent of the elixir and spiritual materials collected in the garden!”

Li Yuan’s eyes were hot. This is the greatest sincerity he can give! In fact, he didn’t want to play so big. But he saw it today when Wu Ping and Wu Qi killed the steward. One person and one move. Ascend to the fifth level of the soul. No stump or broken arm was left, and it drifted away with the wind. He dared to make such a heavy bet. The so-called hearing was better than seeing, these two people were really fierce! And very vicious!

“Three thousand spirit stones…” Not to mention Wu Ping, even Wu Qi, who didn’t love money, was heartbroken. The aura in the spirit stone was purer, thicker, better, and more suitable for cultivation than that of the free world, and there were no side effects. He deserved to be the prince of a country, he was really rich.

“Destroy all of them. Is Wu Ping confident? Don’t say he really has it. There is still some time before the Spirit Garden meeting if you feed all the spirit stones in your hand to the magic tree. At ten times the flow rate of the two worlds, his cultivation level can skyrocket a lot. In addition to the terrifying physical power of this body, there is also the true body of the fire demon. All extinguished…” Wu Qi looked at Wu Ping: “Will you pick it up?”

“Pick it up. Why don’t you pick it up.” Even if he can’t beat it, Wu Ping can run away. The doomsday world will always be his safest refuge. Who can find him?

“Your Highness, Third Prince, remember to prepare the spirit stones.” Wu Ping agreed, and he was confident. The three emperors were excited: “Then I am here to wish you two a triumphant return!”

“Dry!” The three of them raised a glass and drank freely. At this time, in the princess’s mansion, listening to the subordinate’s report, the ancient fragrant beauty holding the scroll closed the book pages in her hand. The momentum of being in a high position gradually leaked out.

“Have you collected the body?” Li Qingyi asked with a frosty face.

The subordinate bowed his head: “The steward is dead without a whole body, floating in the wind. Collect… can’t collect the corpse.”

“Huh, the Demon and Evil Double Star, the nickname is loud. This matter is sealed, and we will discuss it after the Spirit Garden meeting. I remember that Wu Ping should be a member of the Wuwang Palace branch, right?”

Who would have thought that the second empress, who loved the people like a son, was standing behind the ghost city? She also sent the people who had previously invited Wu Ping and Wu Qi.

The subordinate replied, “Back to the master, Wu Ping is a common member of the branch of the Wu family.”

“That being the case, send someone to tell the head of the branch of the Martial King Palace that their worship quota for the past three months is less than half. As for the reason, let them think for themselves and inform other doorkeepers who have received tokens that they will not be able to come to Royal Capital before the 15th, so don’t come in the future!”

“Yes, sir!” The grovelling minion went down.

A figure slowly emerged in the darkness: “I heard the three emperors took Wu Ping and Wu Qi away. Isn’t the princess afraid that the three emperors will win them over? Demon and Evil Double Stars, this name is loud and tight.”

The woman stood with her hands on her back, and the moonlight added to her body. She said faintly, “My younger brother is just a young trash, and his personality is mostly perverse. No one is available under him. He is just two visitors. Even if he recruits him, can he still be a threat to me?”

“My opponent is the eldest brother.”

“He has several subordinates and the same status in the army. He is my real opponent. This matter between Wu Ping and Wu Qi is just an episode. If they don’t enter the spiritual garden, it’s okay. They will suffer from the enemy when they enter.”

“The princess really understood what she was thinking, but it was just a young tiger with two minions who were not sharp enough. Fourteen or fifteen, the demon and evil twin stars, heh…” The line of sight gradually narrowed.

The top floor of Fenglai Pavilion. The three emperors went back. Wu Ping was sitting on a recliner, blowing a cool breeze. Wu Qi leaned against the fence with his sword in his arms.

“I’m taking this on for the Spirit Stones. Even if there’s an accident, I have a way to escape, so why are you following and getting involved?”

“I think… maybe they will be very strong and deserve to be killed by me? Instead of looking for them individually, it’s better to kill them one by one. I’m not weak, either. In times of crisis, I can use epee. I’m invincible under the Soul Sea, and I can change one by one above the Soul Sea,” Wu Qi said flatly.

Wu Ping’s expression was a little confused next to him. He added another sentence: “You don’t count.” This sentence almost made Wu Ping break the gong without holding back a smile. He seemed to have seen the jokes of his previous life.

Wu Qi: Wu Ping, get up.

Wu Qi: Everyone here is rubbish.

Wu Ping: It’s so fun. Come to Wu Qi and sit down. I want to play too.

“I didn’t expect you to be so strong. No, you should be so strong with epee, but why don’t you like it?”

Wu Qi shook his head: “As you said, it’s too ugly.” Wu Ping really didn’t expect it.

That’s really the reason. It’s simply wonderful! But his epee is really ugly. It’s like a coffin board and a door board. People who don’t know in advance may not be able to recognise that it is a sword.

“Then let’s go together, three thousand spirit stones, tsk tsk tsk, huge money, go back and rest, see you tomorrow.”

Wu Ping waved his hand and turned around. Follow Wu Ping.

“What are you doing? I go back to sleep!”

“What if you go to kill someone behind my back by yourself?”

“You’re crazy, roll and roll.”

Wu Ping closed the door of the room. He lay on the bed with a bang. Looking at the ceiling, Wu Ping’s heart was a little confused.

I want to return to King Wu’s mansion tomorrow to see my parents. No matter what, the memory is real, but I feel very awkward when I call two familiar and unfamiliar people his parents.

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