After traversing to the apocalypse, I am extremely delighted as a Demon Cultivator

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: It’s just blood flowing in the vermilion Sects, with the whole city draped in white mourning clothes.

Originally, King Wu arrived, and in the presence of the dragon and the tiger, everyone knelt down. He took his seat and bellowed in a low voice, “Who instructed someone to murder Wu Ping’s parents?”

The woman, still kneeling, trembled, bowing her head as she replied, “Master, Kongsheng is your biological son, but he is also my flesh and blood. He died tragically in the rain of blood. How can I not seek revenge for this hatred?”

“Seek revenge if you must, but against Wu Ping, not his family. Xiao Jiu was sent to the Blood Rain Sect a disciple of the Sect. In the Demon Sect, life and death have their own destiny. Wu Ping is now going, having been invited by the Third Prince and taken by the stationed guardian of the Blood Rain Sect.”

“In this situation, we have two advantages. How would you have me handle it?”

“The main line aligns with the eldest prince, and the branch line aligns with the second emperor and daughter. Even though the third emperor is young, he is still a prince. Wu Ping has allied with him. Regardless of the emergencies, my King Wu Palace will remain invincible. No matter which prince or empress ascends to the throne in the future, my King Wu Palace will prosper!”

“Now, because of you, where is my Martial Prince’s Mansion and Wu Ping!?”

King Wu, despite losing one son, had many more. Though he felt the pain, he was more concerned about the development of the Martial Prince’s Mansion. The current situation put the Martial Prince’s Mansion in a precarious position.

In the Demon Sect, fighting and killing were common occurrences, and King Wu was mentally prepared when he sent his son to the Blood Rain Sect. But this woman’s actions added another layer of complexity.

“Master! If you don’t care for Kongsheng, he is still your son!”

“He is dead. Isn’t your heart saddened at all?” There might be sadness, but King Wu had to consider how to handle the situation, leaving the woman in a difficult position.


“Regarding Xiao Jiu’s matter, I have my own plans. Reflect on your actions at home during this time. As for Wu Ping, I will make my own decision.”

King Wu stood up and walked away, uncertain of Wu Ping’s sentiments towards the Martial King’s House. Back in the courtyard, two figures resembling a golden boy and a jade girl waited in the backyard. They saluted upon King Wu’s arrival.



Wu Jue questioned, “Father, how should the Martial King’s House respond to Wu Ping’s actions?”

“I don’t know, my child. Wu Ping is oppressive and cruel. He might have decided to kill Xiao Jiu’s biological mother. I can only let her reflect at home, hoping to spare her life,” sighed King Wu, recognising her as his own concubine.

The girl couldn’t help but recall the quiet figure from school and asked, “Is Wu Ping really so tyrannical now? To dare to kill the princess?”

“He was originally a victim of the family’s dealings with the Blood Rain Sect. Born from a branch, he lacks allegiance to the Wu King Palace. With these recent events, it’s unlikely he’ll return to his roots. Given his achievements, a young man gaining power is bound to be arrogant. He won’t tolerate humiliation.”

“I knew Wu Ping had such terrifying talent, so why let him go.”

A valuable jade was sent away, initially mistaken for a mere stone. Little did they know, the Blood Rain Sect uncovered its potential. King Wu felt a tinge of regret.

“As long as Aunt Jiu stays confined within the Wu King Palace, she shouldn’t dare harm the supreme door if she wants to come for Wu Ping,” remarked Wu Jue.

“In the Wu King Palace, I can still save his life. Forget about Wu Ping. How about the Great Prince Jue’er?”

“Father, I am now deeply favoured by the prince. He promised my martial palace would remain powerful if I sat on the throne.”

Satisfied with the answer, King Wu pondered whether his son, not as talented as Wu Ping but wise, might become the next King of Martial Arts. However, uncertainties lingered.

After King Wu departed, the girl queried, “Brother Jue, is this Wu Ping truly as terrifying as the rumours suggest?”

Wu Jue shook his head, “I know he is comparable to Wu Qi, very murderous and cannot be judged by common standards. His personality is likely solitary and ruthless. Although I only met Wu Ping in childhood, I sense a significant gap between him and Wu Qi, even though they are friends.”

“I heard that Wu Ping’s physical prowess rivals the 9th level of Soul Rising. Only one Elder is at that level in our Martial King’s Mansion, but Uncle is at the Soul Sea Realm. He shouldn’t be able to breach the King’s Mansion, right? And there’s talk that he is friends with the third prince, aiming to make a mark in the Spirit Garden Club.”

“If his combat power is truly monstrous, will it affect our plans once he enters?”

Wu Jue considered the potential impact. Whether aligning with the eldest prince or the seat of the second emperor, both seemed advantageous. However, the three emperors posed a threat as Wu Wangfu had not invested in them.

Wu Jue decided, “Let’s go, Yu’er. Before I meet the Prince, we must thoroughly understand Wu Ping’s situation. Otherwise, it could pose a significant threat to our martial family.”

The family gathered Outside Wu Ping’s hospital, and Wu Qi was present. The atmosphere was somewhat sad. Unable to bear it longer, Wu Ping pulled a few silver bills from his storage ring.

“Father, mother, Wu Ping sincerely asks for your understanding. I will return home in a few days. Take care of the money. I’ll also handle the affairs of the Martial King’s Mansion. The second elder must enjoy wealth and fill the house with children.”

Rather than concealing his intentions, Wu Ping opted for transparency. The couple exchanged glances, and Wu Mu added, “My son, King Wu’s palace is formidable. Don’t do anything foolish. We can’t contend with them.”

Wu Qi smiled dismissively. The Martial King’s Palace? King Wu, rumoured to be at the soul sea cultivation base, might attempt to stop Wu Ping. It was a joke! Horizontal and vertical splits were mere expressions of Wu Ping’s mood. If in a bad mood, the entire house might be slaughtered, blood flowing in the vermilion Sects, the city draped in white mourning clothes.

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