After Waking up I Found Love

Chapter 22 - Start reading

Ji Pinchuan is a good speaker.

He said that Lin Jingdi had to move out the next morning, so Lin Jingdi was packed and delivered to the downstairs of their company’s staff apartment the next morning.

Said to be a staff dormitory, in fact, it is not a single dormitory in the factory in general, but a high-rise apartment not far from the company, and the conditions are quite superior. Therefore, this is not a place for ordinary employees, but a treatment that can only be maintained by senior management.

To be honest, Lin Jingying’s ability to live in this level is really envious, and I don’t know how much to criticize. Of course, Lin Jinglian doesn’t understand-she knows nothing and she is not afraid. She now wants to get out of the fence and move towards a beautiful new life.

Ji Pinchuan took her to the 23rd floor and gave her a key.

After entering the door, Lin Jingxi put down her luggage and looked at it at a glance. The house is not particularly large, and the visual inspection is 40-50 pings, but the decoration and equipment are readily available. You can see that it is a hotel-style apartment. Property service fees are also considerable. (I don’t know if the company can reimburse me.) When I walked in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the sunlight came in from here, and the whole room was bright. Looking down, the Central Botanical Garden is not far away. It is indeed a big company, and the treatment of employees is different. She remembered that although her life was small, she didn’t have much spare money. After her father died, she was even stretched, and even her employees’ wages were in arrears. It was a tragic past.

In any case, Lin Jingzheng is still in a good mood at the moment, as Ji Fuchuan as a **** of wealth.

However, Ji Pinchuan was still cold. “I only let you live here because your previous injury company also has a certain responsibility, but this is only a workaround. I hope you can stand on your own.”

Lin Jingyi agreed with a mouthful, saying repeatedly: “Thank you President Ji, I will work hard.”

Ji Pinchuan looked at the woman with a slightly charming face, and was even more convinced that the previous anxiety was definitely an illusion. The reason why Lin Jingzhen aroused his interest was because she was just funny.

It must be like this! It’s just that … he carried on his mind with expression on his face.

However, Lin Jingyi only felt that his boss’s knife was as severe as his own eyes. “It really hurts me to live in this apartment for nothing, right?” She thought to herself, “On the surface, it is generous, but actually regret it? Thinking about it that way, she was a little trembling.

“Inner and inner, President Ji, although I moved here, but if you need someone to make dinner for you or something, I must do it!”

Ji Pinchuan’s glorious Chu Tianshu, “It’s not necessary!”

Lin Jingmin thought, better, who is going to serve you weird person!

This is how Lin Jinglian started a new era of living alone since his rebirth!

Living alone is good. No one is ridiculous if they want to do whatever they want, if they want to watch TV or TV, if they want to go online, if they want snacks, they hold potato chips as a couchpotato. And she now has more private time, and does not need to synchronize with Ji Pinchuan time. After work, she completely belongs to her life. She devoted most of her extra time to body shaping.

As a large company, of course, it also advertises the so-called corporate culture and has done superficial work on employee benefits and infrastructure. Lin Jinglian now has more time to use the company’s gym.

Especially after work, she spent almost half an evening soaking there.

However, whenever she walked in and greeted the people she met with enthusiasm, many people behaved very unfriendly, and some even hurried away as if avoiding the plague god.

Lin Jingmao couldn’t figure out this.

Since her rebirth, she has been slightly distressed about her interpersonal relationships in the company. She first blamed this on others’ enthusiasm for her position. After all, she knew that Lin Jingying was the most beautiful woman in the world, she couldn’t say how outstanding she was now, and she had previously had an incredible scandal. To this end, she pays more attention to her words and deeds, and strives to enter the social circle of company employees.

However, previous working conditions were limited, and she did not have a lot of freedom to manage her interpersonal relationships. Now she is willing to invest time and energy and a part of money.

However, she found sadly that Lin Jinglian had no friends in the workplace.

Not only the workplace, but also no close friends in contact with her for so long in life. Basically, only her parents ask for money every month, and then ask her about her life.

Really bad!

Jingxing could not help but sympathize with the woman’s encounter.

It turns out that there is such a life, which is also called a lifetime.

In fact, Jingxing was a hedonist before, thinking that the purpose of life is to go where you want to go, eat the food you want to eat, associate with happy people, and be a happy person yourself. This is enough.

After his rebirth, he changed a little bit, and realized that all the unsatisfactory things in life, the first thing he must consider is the root of his life. But after all, working hard and bowing to the boss like Ji Pinchuan is also a curve to save the country, in order to live a better life or something. His essence has not changed, and he still yearns for and attempts to live.

And the most basic fun of being a person is the fun of communicating with others. When I was thinking of going to school outside, Lin Jingying had to go to the bar with friends almost every night. (Except for the test month.) Sometimes there are no special shows, just talking together and chatting, it’s so happy.

However, Lin Jinglian has absolutely no capital in this regard. Jingxing felt it was time to change her barren social life!

First, she set her sights on the workplace.

Although there is a saying that there is no real friendship in the workplace, even the false friendship that plays in the field is friendship. You can’t even have this basic configuration.

However, the more she tried to make good relationships with other people, the more she felt unsatisfactory, and this unseen trend worsened. Everywhere she went, she would be stunned and pointed, and she would also be embarrassed. She would be neglected when she talked with her, and she would go away with a bad temper. She asked herself that she was not rotten in her last life and had no social barriers. She would be considered very (female) to speak of! How can a dog be ignored in this life?

She squeezed her head and didn’t figure out what the problem was … barely saying there was only one–

Is it really because of being in a big company with beautiful women like clouds, so you have lost your looks?

So she stepped up her diet and participated in sports to strengthen the people’s physique.

As soon as Lin Jingyi changed his clothes and entered the gym, two people walked out coldly.

What? Hell?

She stepped on the treadmill unevenly, set a high pace, and ran up in relief.

So the people who came in later saw an acquainted woman running angrily on the treadmill, as if to break the treadmill.

No one dared to approach her anymore.

But some people still do not believe in evil.

A fairly familiar person approached Jinglin Lin, sneered, got on the machine next to her, and ran smartly.

The contrast between the two was immediately sharp and shocking.

This person is Judy, who used to be one of the assistants with Lin Jingying, and now she is said to be in the business department.

Lin Jinglian knew that she always looked down on herself most, and it was impossible to send charcoal in the snow, so she did not touch the mold with interest.

However, Judy is the type of the mountain who does not come to me. I take the initiative to say, “Assistant Lin, how do you have time to vent your distress here? Is it out of favor?”

Lin Jingying pointed to his earphones and said aloud, “What are you talking about? I can’t hear you.” I ran hard and concentrated.

Judy punched soft cotton, irritated and sneered, “I want to pretend I can’t hear you, okay! Then I’ll speak louder. I heard that you had lived with an executive before, but then you fell out of favor and you got into trouble again. One pass, the other party had no choice but to find a way to arrange you to the company’s executive apartment. Did you hear this time? “

Lin Jingying lost a horse and nearly fell on the treadmill and was thrown away.

She patted the “Emergency” button in a hurry, staring at Judy pantingly, and then looked at all the colleagues who pointed around and showed good shows, and couldn’t help feeling sad. “Who is so lacking in morals to spread such rumors! There is absolutely nothing ! “

Judy still stopped, and the visitors sneered badly. “Is it a rumor? So good, may I ask Assistant Lin, do you live in an executive apartment?”

Lin Jing was stunned, then raised her chest and said, “What’s the matter ?!”

Judy said, “What qualifications do you have to live there?”

Lin Jingquan quacked again, but quickly said, “That was because Ji Ji’s overall injury to my work injury. You also know that I was smashed when I worked overtime to accompany Ji to join the party. The company is also people-oriented.”

Judy sneered, “Who believes?” He just said, “Xiao Wang twisted his waist last year and only returned to the company after a three-day break at home. Did he get a little bit more bonus for this at the end of the year?” Xiao Wang Tears flashed in his eyes.

“Xiao Zhang, in the first half of the year, he broke up with her boyfriend because he was too busy with work. Did the company send a boyfriend to her for this?” Xiao Zhang’s eyes were seriously red.

Judy continued: “Don’t take your injury and talk about it, and see that you don’t have a piece of meat, and say that you have amnesia. Amnesia is something in your mind, do you have it? Even if you have amnesia, Is it possible to live in Ji’s executive apartment is too silverless here? Do you know that the monthly management fee there is equivalent to the general rent, and all this is reimbursed by the company. May I ask you How can companies take care of this? “

Judy’s analysis sounded sound and justified, and she wanted to win a lot of praise, saying the voices of other onlookers. If Lin Jingyi was not Lin Jingyi, he would almost doubt his innocence.

But there is no, she can’t admit it.

So she continued to raise her chest and said, “You don’t want to measure the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! You are not the leadership of the company, how do you know the foresight of the leader? How are you not the general manager of Ji? If you have any disagreement with President Ji’s decision, go to President Ji, don’t make strange rumors. “

Judy said, “Don’t dare, how dare I have any objection to President Ji’s company? I just show a little admiration to Assistant Lin. It looks like a human being.”

Lin Jingying countered, “That’s true. It’s as if you are good, but you are not so good at heart.”

Judy didn’t expect Lin Jingzheng to be able and able for a long time, and then she quit, “Who do you say ?! You are also qualified to say me ?! You are such a good man …”

Lin Jingyi looked at her fiercely and was not war-loving. She hurriedly packed up and retreated, but she still reluctantly returned to her mouth, “I’m not a man! I’m not you, do you want to be a corporate soldier?”

Judy rushed in disregard of the image, and scratched her paw.

Lin Jingyin’s exercise has been effective at the beginning of these days. His reflex nerves are slightly better, and his flashes have escaped slightly. He also punched like a boxer.

In fact, she regretted it as soon as she waved it out. I thought that men would not fight with women. How could I fall into a fight with women and then fight women?

But it was late.

Judy was punched out with a punch in her chest, stopped by the crowd in time and not hit the ground.

She was completely furious, and shouted, “Beating! Lin Jingtao beating !!!!”

Lin Jingxi ran in a panic, holding her hands, and said, “Don’t be impulsive! Don’t be impulsive !!!” However, her weak defensive posture was vulnerable to Judy’s imposing presence, let alone her There is no actual combat experience as a woman.

Soon she was caught up with Judy, grabbing her hair and tearing it up.

Lin Jing scratched his scalp, and complained in his mouth, “Don’t be stingy!”

What she doesn’t know is that in women’s wars, hair is the highest point in the strategy of the soldiers. Whoever controls the opponent ’s hair is equal to placing the other party within their own range of force, so two can often be seen The fierce scene of women fighting each other and dragging each other’s opponents bending over and getting close to each other.

And all these women novices Lin Jinglian don’t understand.

She was scratching her hair by Judy, scratching her head, twisting her neck, and the expression on her exposed face was frightened and tangled.

The crowd said in their mouths not to fight, but there was no real pull, and a few quickly pulled out their phones and started taking pictures.

So one minute later, Lin Jing’s various weird and weird expressions began to spread on the Internet …

The next day, Ji Pinchuan saw Lin Jinglian’s face bluish and purple, and frowned, “How did you do that?”

Lin Jingying pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying and said, “It was scratched by a cat.”

Ji Pinchuan then reprimanded her, scolded her as a fool who could even bully a cat, and then walked into her office.

Turn on the computer and find an anonymous company-wide e-mail. Open it and see a news link. Click on it and a face close-up will appear. The title is-

“Workplace Records-Female employees inside big companies fight, animals are fierce! 》

But he saw that face rolling his eyes, sticking his tongue out, half of his hair dangled and half of his hair dazzled like a ghost.

On the next picture, I changed the angle, and I was still there.

In the next chapter, there is no distortion.

This face, even if transformed into a ghost season, Shinagawa recognizes it, who is not Lin Jinglian? !!

He took a sigh of relief and thought that it was true that his company had suffered such a shame, but the next second–


Alas, why did I laugh? He laughed wryly and thought.

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