After wearing a book, I became a dog licking villain

Chapter 45: The world is delusional

Concerns lead to chaos, Liu Zhennan felt that it was a complete mistake for him to come here!
If you met Chu Xiong.

Then he bowed his head and pretended that his grandson also recognized it!

But Chu Xuan is just a young man under 30 years old.

There is a difference in seniority between the two.

If he admits to being cowardly, how will his Liu family look up to others in the future? ?
Yang Chen, who hadn’t spoken at this time, said: “Well, since it’s all a misunderstanding, why don’t I borrow flowers to present Buddha, Uncle Liu, Young Master Chu, you two sit down and have a drink of wine, on the occasion of Wenlong’s birthday, this matter That's it, what do you two think?"

Liu Zhennan glanced at Yang Chen gratefully, and when he was about to speak, he saw Chu Xuan said unhappily: "No need, I can't afford the wine of your Fourth Young Master in the capital, I believe you will never have the chance to sit with me in the future." Let's eat at the table! Qi Xuanzhen, let's go!!"

Liu Zhennan immediately froze in place.

Not only him, but even Yang Chen and Zheng Wenlong were quite angry. The brothers were beaten, and they all wanted to take a step back to make peace and show sincerity.

But why is this guy still ungrateful?
until this time.

Zheng Wenlong gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

His father Zheng Zhilong once said that when you meet the children of the seven great families, don't conflict with them, and if you have the opportunity to make friends, you must make friends.

Even if it is weak, it is like the Sanjin Group.

Zheng Wenlong also had to put down his dignity and call his peers a brother and sister, let alone the richest Chu family?
As for Wang Sicong, he dared not speak out.

His family was the poorest among the four young masters in the capital, and even the Patriarch of the Liu family could be scolded by the other party, so if he confronted Chu Xuan hard, he would be humiliating himself!


Outside Longjiang Hotel.


Qi Xuanzhen comforted with a worried face: "Chu Xuan, you are too impulsive to do the facts today, even if you have the support of the Xichu Group behind you, but as the saying goes, the king of hell is good at making little ghosts difficult to deal with, so you are not afraid of them stumbling you behind your back." ?”

"So, do you think I'm wrong? Or, I shouldn't talk too much, I should stand obediently and let those blind guys humiliate me!"

Chu Xuan said with a dark face.

"No, that's not what I meant. It's just that you are different now. As a public figure, you have to pay attention to your words and deeds at all times. The more you are in a high position, the more cautious you are in your words and deeds. Grandpa said... "

"Fuck you public figures! Fame and fortune are nothing more than vanity, and they are the shackles that bind people's hearts! I was scolded for three years as a dog, and now you think I care about these reputations?"

"But I care! I don't want my future husband to be a cruel man who everyone criticizes. You are a hero, why are you so slovenly?"

She, after all, loves an unrealistic phantom...

Chu Xuan immediately understood.

But there is nothing to be sad about.

Anyway, when Chu Xuan dated her, he just wanted to cut her leeks.

"If you think I'm a hero, then you've really misunderstood me, just like those guys who call me Chu Xuan behind my back...

Wealth, glory, fame, status... These things are extremely precious in the eyes of ordinary people, but they have always been worthless in my eyes!
What I want is that there will be vigorous and vigorous laws in this world, and there will be no more troubles caused by the seven martial arts!

Let the strong rule the world to protect the faith of the weak
From now on, there will be nothing in this world that cannot be judged,
Because I am strong.

I am justice! "

Chu Xuan's words were like waves hitting the shore.

Such rebellious words included sensitive topics that politicians in the Yanhuang Empire were most reluctant to talk about.

The Seven Martial Troubled Times refers to the Seven Great Aristocratic Families.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and families from all over the world follow suit.

Yanjing is at the foot of the emperor, and there are still four families of Zheng, Liu, and Yang who bully others.

As for those places that Chu Xuan can't see, how many tragedies will be staged every day?
If Xiao Tianheng meets Chu Xuan.

Then the two will definitely become friends.

Because both of them are extreme perverts.

One thinks about nuclear annihilation.

One thinks of a dictatorship...

"You...why do you think so? How could the Seven Great Aristocratic Families be the source of the disaster? Also, these are outrageous words! If people listen to it, you will be arrested as a witness!"

Qi Xuanzhen held Chu Xuan's hand and said in a trembling tone.

"So what if you are a witness?! Qi Xuanzhen, why did you become a soldier?!"

Chu Xuan narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Defend the country..."

"Then please take a look, what have you protected? The rich are superior and enjoy privileges, the poor are mediocre, just to feed themselves... the word law has become the shackles of the poor, and the weapon of the rich. Have you ever heard of it? The Poison Scorpion Arena? Have you ever seen those rich men who don’t get rid of their hair when the country is in crisis, but kill and spend a lot of money for their compatriots? Qi Xuanzhen, is such a country worthy of your protection?!”


"I want you to answer me!!"


Under the blessing of [Jian Lai], Chu Xuan instantly collapsed the faith in Qi Xuanzhen's heart.

Although she doesn't want to admit it.

But that's what happened.

She took a deep breath and said, "But what can we change? Even if the truth is gimmicked by you, no matter whether it is the current Yanhuang Kingdom or the former Great Xia Kingdom, isn't that how people came here?"

"It is precisely because people have come here like this that a bloody revolution is needed! Come, join me, and return the world to a mighty Qingming!"

It seemed that Qi Xuanzhen was persuaded.

But she still worried and said: "But can you be the head of the Chu family? Even if you can, you are only alone! To make an enemy of the world with one person is undoubtedly to hit a stone with an egg!"

"So, this is the real purpose of my coming to Yanjing! Xuanzhen, I want you to help me to meet someone!"


"Yan Nantian!"

Chu Xuan's eyes were gloomy and cold, like an emperor.

This Yan Nantian is the Dharma protector codenamed Santai in the Temple of Heavenly Soul, and a high-ranking official of the Yanhuang Kingdom. This person is ambitious, somewhat similar to Chu Xuan.

All he yearns for is the power of the world.

If only there was another way in front of him.

Chu Xuan believed that the other party would definitely conspire with him without hesitation!
However, just when the two were about to leave.

There was a rustling sound not far from the parking lot.

That was the sound of mineral water bottles being stepped on!
Qi Xuanzhen was frightened into a cold sweat immediately: "It's over, if the words just now were recorded by someone with a heart, then everything will be over!"

"Then catch up, kill, nothing, pardon!"

Chu Xuan opened the trunk, pulled out two baseball bats, and threw one to the other party. Like a cheetah, he quickly chased after the other party where he disappeared.


Parking lot - 2nd floor.

The corner of the stairs.

Chu Xuan swung the club and hit the opponent's back non-stop.

At this moment, Qi Xuanzhen had already driven the car nearby.

Chu Xuan picked up the man and threw him into the trunk.

"Someone needs to clean it, there's blood splattered on the wall, and my fingerprints on the doorknob..."

Chu Xuan wiped his hands with wet wipes like a normal person.

"You, really killed him?!"

Qi Xuanzhen looked at him with a look of fear gradually.

"Not completely dead, but soon!"

Chu Xuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, smiled slightly, as if talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Judging from the camera he's wearing, he should be a paparazzi. Lu Yaqi will come over today, so the other party should be guarding here for the sake of taking pictures..."

Chu Xuan took the snatched camera, opened a few photos, and handed them to Qi Xuanzhen.

It was found that there were many private photos of celebrities.

Some know it, and some don't.

But when she saw the photo of herself and Chu Xuan walking side by side and arguing in front of the car, she couldn't calm down instantly!

"He, does he have a recorder?!"

"I've seen it. You can rest assured that at least he doesn't have any... But don't take it lightly. After all, people like them can do anything for a piece of eye-catching news! It's like swallowing a memory card , it is not uncommon to hide a pinhole camera in a bag..."

Chu Xuan said calmly.

"Then he..."

"He must die!"

Seeing him speaking in an unquestionable tone, Qi Xuanzhen sighed.

A big family can go to today.

It does not rely on any solid background.

It is more cautious behind the scenes.

She is not a child anymore, so she understands this!

"You must not get blood on your hands! How about it, you hand him over to me, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

"I believe you!"

Chu Xuan said lightly.

So that afternoon.

Xianglanshan Psychiatric Hospital has one more patient.

Because it seriously endangers public safety, and refuses to cooperate with treatment.

Died from an overdose of sedatives...


Jinhua City.

On the surface, the seven great families are connected with each other.

In addition, Qi Xuanzhen is a member of the system.

So it is not difficult to make an appointment with Yan Nantian.

After the two met the Patriarch Yan Nanxun.

He was led to the tea room.

"You two are visiting late at night, what's the matter?"

Yan Nantian, who came late, said with a smile.

And warmly serve tea to the two.

"I'm here for Minister Yan's future!"

Chu Xuan said lightly.


Yan Nantian said puzzledly: "Yan has already been an extremely human minister, so what's the future? Little friend, you have to be careful with your words, you will lose your head if you speak so rebelliously!"

"Minister Yan, you and I are almost a few years old, why rely on the old to sell the old?"

He is also a child of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families, and Chu Xuan is the future heir of the Chu family, there is no need to be shorter than him!
"Heh, it's interesting. It's been a long time since no one dared to talk to me like this! As expected of Chu Xuan who caused trouble at the Longjiang Hotel!"

Yan Nantian straightened his sleeves, looking forward to his next words.

"Last night, Minister Yan has clues about the explosion in the Tai Chi Hall?"

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, just remind Brother Yan that there is no impenetrable wall in this world, and Cong Longwei is not so easy to fool!"


A trace of killing intent flashed in Yan Nantian's eyes.

He had a feeling that the guy in front of him must know something!
"You don't have to look at me like that. I am your ally, not your enemy. The protector from the Temple of Heavenly Soul, Mr. Santai."

Chu Xuan simply said straight to the point.

According to the completion of destiny so far.

He can view the original plot.

When he was in the epidemic area, he would brush up a few chapters of the original work every night before going to bed.

Basically, the plot of a thousand chapters from the beginning to the urban chapter has been brushed over.

So it is not surprising to know the organization of Tianhun Temple.

"I can not understand what you say!"

Yan Nantian is a person who is used to controlling the overall situation.

Now the secret has been punctured by a person who has nothing to do with his life.

He was angry at first, then nervous...

Because such people will feel uneasy once the things they face are out of their control.

It's just that Qi Xuanzhen on the side said in surprise: "Tianhun Palace? Chu Xuan, why do you know about Tianhun Palace?"

"I not only know Tianhun Temple, I also know who Zero, Baihu, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Gouchen, Yuheng, Beidou, and Nandou are! Can a deceitful organization bring you a bright future?"

Chu Xuan said nonsense.

Yan Nantian: "..."

Chu Xuan: "Let me just tell you this. In your organization, there are people from Longwei, and that so-called plan to steal the sky and change the sky is completely nonsense!"

Yan Nantian sneered and said, "Chu Xuan, I don't know where you heard the gossip, but please don't insult my personality!"

As an official for his sake, he would never confess because of other people's few words.

Chu Xuan knew this very well, so he continued: "I came here with sincerity, and at the same time, I also admire you Yan Nantian as a hero. If you don't believe me, I can write you a list of important members of the Tianhun Palace. Know the truth!"

Yan Nantian was silent.

It's the default.

Chu Xuan smiled slightly, rolled up his sleeves, dipped his finger in the water in the teacup, and began to write stroke by stroke on the table beside him.

"Code Zero - Xiao Tianheng"

"Codename White Tiger—Elusha"


Chu Xuan wrote vigorously and wrote until Nandou——Cao Potian, and then he stopped with a sense of satisfaction.

Qi Xuanzhen who was at the side couldn't help but gasped when she saw the list above.

Some of these people are experts in a certain field.

Some are even more expensive.

It even reminds me of what Chu Xuan said earlier, that the Guardian of the Heavenly Soul Palace, code-named 'Santai', is exactly the gentleman in front of me.

She couldn't help but struggle in her heart.

If the list is true, if you tell grandpa, the Qi family will definitely become the number one family that has contributed to the country!

But in that case, Chu Xuan would...

"No, it's impossible! Everyone in the organization is tight-lipped, you can't get this list!!"

Yan Nantian immediately lost his composure.

Seeing his demeanor, Qi Xuanzhen might have already acquiesced.

At this time, Chu Xuan took the justice cup on the tea tray instead of the guest, poured a cup of tea on his own, put it on the tip of his nose to taste carefully, and said leisurely: "There is no impenetrable wall in this world. Are you sure Cao Is Potian sincerely joining you?"

"Why not? I am in the ruling and opposition parties, and Ji Haoxuan has long been a little jealous of such a powerful and powerful general as Cao Potian, let alone now that you have ruined his reputation, why doesn't he join us with all his heart?"

He paused, and added: "I trust Baihu's judgment!"

Some people are like that.

The more he pretended to be steadfast.

The more he doubted certain things in his heart.

This is a common problem of scheming people.

Especially after hearing the system's notification tone, Chu Xuan was even more sure of this!
[The host's natal skill key will take effect, Yan Nantian's intelligence will be reduced by 50%, and the duration will be 30 minutes...]

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