After Wearing the Book, I Was Played By Black Lotus

Chapter 17

Chapter 16 – Logic

?? After helping Bai Xiying to the hospital, he just ran into the same doctor from last time.

“You?” The doctor frowned, “Why are you here again?”

??He looked the two of them up and down, and had to say that the speed of meeting was really a bit fast.

?? “It’s not a good thing to take this medicine frequently.” He muttered.

?? After many years of practice, the doctor knew what was going on with Bai Xiying just by looking there.

??The last time I came here, Bai Xiying was in a coma and had never seen a doctor. In addition, after waking up, she was thinking about other things in her mind, so she didn’t pay attention. So after hearing this, she raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Lin Xingzhu .

?? Lin Xingzhu was slightly embarrassed: “There are too many wicked people.”

??The doctor didn’t say anything, and asked the nurse to push Bai Xiying into the inner room.

?? Lin Xingzhu sat outside and waited. The doctor came out on the way. She quickly grabbed him and asked, “What do you mean by what you just said? What is not a good thing?”

?? The doctor stopped in his tracks and thought about it: “I said before that a small amount of medicine is used to boost the mood and increase the interest between each other. But your friend has already taken a very violent dose of a new type of drug before. Drugs, not long after the recovery period, her body was stimulated again, if this happens a few more times, her body will be stimulated by the drugs to produce a coherent response…”

?? Lin Xingzhu’s eyes widened, his brows were already tightly knit.

?? “…In short, her body is more sensitive than ordinary people, or she will have other irresistible sequelae.” The doctor continued to add, “But at present, I have not been exposed to such Cases, what I’m saying now is based on my years of experience in the industry.”

?? After a while, Lin Xingzhu hesitated: “So if this consequence is caused, is it because of the traditional Chinese medicine half a month ago?”

?? The doctor looked at her and confirmed her statement.

??Lin Xingzhu was stunned for a moment, and slowly let go of the doctor’s sleeve.

?? So this is still the sin of the original body.

“I see.” Lin Xingzhu said, “Go in first.”

?? After the doctor left, Lin Xingzhu sat on the bench in the corridor, resting his forehead and meditating.

??—If this happens a few more times, her body will be stimulated by the medicine to produce a coherent reaction…

??—Is it because of the traditional Chinese medicine half a month ago?


??Lin Xingzhu slowly closed his eyes, so if he wanted to avoid this from happening, it meant he had to put an end to spring. The possibility of the medicine appearing on Bai Xiying’s body again.

??This means that Bai Xiying, or she and Bai Xiying, must be vigilant to prevent future troubles.

??Lin Xingzhu let out a breath slowly, and already made a decision in his heart.

??After Bai Xiying was pushed out, her expression had returned to calm, and nothing unusual could be seen.

?? Bai Xiying lying on the push bed looked a little pale, and the lip balm on her lips was wiped off at some point, revealing her original lip color with a touch of pink.

??She said wearily: “I’m bothering you again.”

??Lin Xingzhu saw her mentally weak, fell silent for a while, and suddenly asked, “Are you hungry?”

?? At the banquet, Bai Xiying only ate a few pieces of dessert to fill her stomach, and didn’t have time to eat at all.

??Bai Xiying’s expression suddenly became very strange again, and her pale face suddenly regained some energy.

?? “…” Lin Xingzhu touched his nose, and added: “If you buy porridge, you will add sugar.”

??Bai Xiying immediately looked away in satisfaction.

Seeing this, Lin Xingzhu twirled on his toes, walked around and left the hospital to buy food.

She only recently discovered that Bai Xiying prefers sweets. Thinking about it this way, Lin Xingzhu followed the stereotyped cognition when she was hospitalized and ordered light meals for Bai Xiying, most of which were mostly umami. It was really hard for her to bear it.

??After telling the boss to add more sugar, Lin Xingzhu carried the bought dinner.

?? This time, Bai Xiying stayed in the same ward as last time. Lin Xingzhu pressed the elevator floor number with ease, went up and walked to the third-to-last room in the corridor, when she suddenly heard the sound of conversation inside.

??The action of opening the door paused, Lin Xingzhu looked up and took a look in, and suddenly saw the wheelchair beside the hospital bed and the back of the wheelchair.

?? I suddenly had an unspeakable premonition in my heart.

??Push the door open, and the people in the room turn around in response.

?? That gentle and graceful face immediately came into view.

“… Lin Xingzhu?” The gentle woman frowned subconsciously.

?? Lin Xingzhu said hello, and when he leaned closer and lowered his head to put something down, he heard Bai Xiying softly say to the woman, “Sister, I’m friends with Lin Xingzhu now.”

??The wrinkles between Xie Yunya’s eyebrows are still not loose, but her expression has indeed improved a lot.

?? She took a look at the ward, and then noticed the environment inside. It is true that Xiying’s situation cannot live in a high-end VIP ward, but if it is Lin Xingzhu… Thinking of this, she took a wrong look at Lin Xingzhu, which is what she said pass.

?? But how did Xiying and Lin Xingzhu get together?

?? People’s inherent impression is really difficult to eliminate. Lin Xingzhu’s reputation in school is not very good, and she was someone Xie Yunya would never meet before, but now that the two have mutual friends, Xie Yunya thought that she should also try to trust Xiying’s vision.

??Maybe Lin Xingzhu is not as bad as rumored??

??So Xie Yunya said softly: “I just happened to meet Xiying in the corridor of the hospital. We haven’t seen each other for a long time, so I came here to catch up.”

?? She thought that since it was Lin Xingzhu’s VIP ward, she should tell Lin Xingzhu.

“I see.” Lin Xingzhu smiled slightly, looked at her wheelchair and asked casually, “What’s wrong with your leg injury? Is it okay?”

?? Xie Yunya was taken aback, but she didn’t expect her to turn around and ask for concern. She touched her leg and said with a slight smile, “It’s nothing serious, and I’ll be discharged from the hospital after a while. I just happened to meet Xiying and Dr. Zhao in the corridor on the fifth floor, and I found out that Xiying was here too.” , came with them.”

??Fifth floor… Lin Xingzhu looked down, Bai Xiying’s ward was on the ninth floor, and Dr. Zhao’s diagnosis room was on the third floor, so why did they meet again on the fifth floor of the hospital?

??The thought flashed in her eyes. In the original book, Bai Xiying did reunite with Xie Yunya in the hospital after a period of time after graduation.

?? And coincidentally, it is also on the fifth floor.

??The reason why Lin Xingzhu remembers this little detail so clearly is because at that time, a colleague of hers happened to have a problem with the urinary system, and the description of the fifth floor in the original book happened to have this department. At that time, she glanced over the content of this paragraph, but subconsciously remembered it.

??The memory was easily mobilized, so Lin Xingzhu quickly realized something was wrong.

?? At this moment, the sense of disobedience from half a month ago suddenly came online.

??—”Who did you listen to?”

??—”Maybe an acquaintance bumped into him in a bar.”

?? Half a month ago, Shang Zengrou came to the hospital to look for her, and revealed that the news that “Bai Xiying was brought into the hospital by her” had spread, but when she left the bar that day, Bai Xiying’s face was buried in her arms , even Mu Muqing didn’t recognize it.

?? And she also walked quickly, and did not meet anyone on the way. As for the acquaintances Shang Zengrou said happened to see it by chance, it is indeed possible.

?? But Lin Xingzhu always felt that the possibility was too low.

However, this false news spread quickly, and soon reached the ears of Qiao Zijin, who had been thinking about Bai Xiying, and triggered her follow-up actions.

?? After all these signs, it seemed reasonable to follow, but Lin Xingzhu always felt a strange feeling.

??And… Xie Yunya is not just a simple senior, she is also the third character in the original book.

??The collision with Mu Muqing in the elevator late at night in the bar, Qiao Zijin who was irritated by false news, and the strange encounter on the fifth floor of the hospital.

??In the blink of an eye, Lin Xingzhu seemed to understand everything.

?? Xie Yunya looked at the silent Lin Xingzhu strangely: “Is there something wrong?”

??Lin Xingzhu raised his head, with a normal face and said: “No, I was sighing that I met my senior sister in the hospital. It’s quite a coincidence.”

?? Xie Yunya is one level higher than her and Bai Xiying, so there is nothing wrong with Lin Xingzhu calling her senior.

??Lin Xingzhu turned around and asked Bai Xiying again, concerned: “Dr. Zhao took you to the fifth floor, is there anything you need to check?”

??Bai Xiying retracted the eyes that fell on Lin Xingzhu without a trace.

“No.” Bai Xiying shook her head, “Dr. Zhao took me to one of his colleagues to get the keys and equipment.”

??Lin Xingzhu nodded, and the tension and worry on her face gradually faded with her words.

??Bai Xi Ying Yayu moved slightly, looking down at the hot porridge on the table.

??The fifth floor…?

?? At this time, Lin Xingzhu finished dealing with Xie Yunya, and by turning around and lowering his head to tidy up the sundries on the table, a trace of complexity and understanding flashed in his eyes.

??It turned out to be like this…

??Since she entered the world of this book, the plot of the original book has actually changed.

?? But fortunately, this change in the plot will not be like the forced setting novels she knew in her previous life. Once the plot is changed, it will cause irreparable consequences or punishment.

??There is logic in the operation of everything. The world exists in matter, and it is not a fantasy—even if it is a setting of a book, it is imagined by the author. But since this place has become a world, it must follow its operating laws and logic.

??That’s why there is a very low possibility of encountering acquaintances. Dr. Zhao obviously didn’t need to take Bai Xiying with him, but he still took her with him when he went to the fifth floor to find a colleague to get the key.

??Although the probability of these things happening is very low, it is reasonable to think about it.

??Thinking about it this way, it was the simplest and most logical way for her to rush out of the bar and bump into Mu Muqing.

??The world does not need to follow the plot line of the logic bug in the original book, but perhaps because its existence was indeed created because of the original book, so it retains some of the original story line in the operation of things.

?? This story line may be referred to simply as the line of sequence of appearance of the characters.

??—From attacking Yimu Muqing, to attacking Erqiao Zijin, to now attacking Xie Yunya three times.

?? But Lin Xingzhu is not sure, is the only story line that can be affected by the world?

??Her eyes moved slightly, maybe she could just test the waters with Qiao Zijin??

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