Against Heaven's Will

Chapter 167 Unexpected Turn

When the girls heard the familiar voice, they swiftly turned around. Xuefeng and Nuwa were standing by the entrance.

"Xuefeng! Nuwa" the Four Devils exclaimed as they stormed out, attacking the barrier at the same time which broke it to pieces. It wasn’t a competition of who will get to him first but that’s how it looked like as they beat all records of speed.

Xuefeng only spread his arms before they crushed into him, giving him the tightest hug he ever felt.

"Heh, I think I got the right address. Did you miss me?" Xuefeng muttered as he squeezed his wives as much as he could. They easily surrounded him from all sides.

"Of course we missed you! How did you find us though?" Wuying questioned excitedly.

"Well, someone else helped me but this is not the time to discuss it," Xuefeng replied as he glanced at the men on the floor. "We should throw out the trash first."

"Did you hear what they said?" Xiao Wen asked as they let go of him unwillingly. "We just wanted to help settle our bandit camp into this City and this is how they treat us."

"I, unfortunately, heard everything and I’m not pleased," Xuefeng said unhappily as he walked into the room. "Who was the one who talked earlier? Could it be you perhaps?"

He glanced at the man from the outrageous proposition and lifted him up from the distance. He wondered how can he kill him when Nuwa stopped him.

"Wait! Let me do it instead!"

Nuwa skipped up to Xuefeng’s side and lifted her hand in his direction. Without waiting for his permission, she acted immediately. The man shuddered and a second later his eyes rolled back with his body falling back to the floor, lifeless.

"Done," Nuwa announced happily as she glanced at the young man in a white suit. "Can I kill him too?"

Xuefeng couldn’t help but remain speechless, scared of what she could do if she wasn’t under control.

"Sure Nuwa, go ahead. We planned on killing him anyway. Once we are gone, he would probably scheme against us so we can’t risk it," Wuying suggested, making the City leader exclaim in panic.

"Wait! I didn’t say anything wrong! You can take this place just let me—"

"Too late," Nuwa cut him off before he joined his own subordinate’s fate.


The men on the floor couldn’t help but gasp, holding back their breath.

"Nice, this one was much tougher than usual but he still lost," Nuwa commented and she wiped her bottom lip. Xuefeng clearly saw she bit on her lip till blood slipped from it, but he didn’t point that out, leaving that for later.

"He was supposed to be a Celestial Stage Cultivator but it seems he was nothing much," Xiao Wen informed. "What’s the plan now? Do we kill the rest or let them live?"

"I’m still wondering. They don’t seem like they want to serve someone else," Wuying muttered, causing unrest from all the men.

"Miss! That’s not true! We can serve you!"

"Our ex-boss wasn’t really good to us! Miss, take us in!"

"We are willing!"

Wuying smiled and pulled out a Communication Crystal as she asked, "Babe, can you release them?"

The pressure around the lobby disappeared in a blink, as the men regained their ability to move but none of them dared to. Nuwa already showed her willingness to kill them all and she didn’t seem to hesitate in that regard.

"From today onward, the city will be controlled by Four Devils," Wuying announced to everyone. "Any objections?"

"No Miss," One of the men spoke up as he stood up. "As a Vice-lord of this City, I will cooperate to transition the power as smoothly as possible."

His clothes were proper and much cleaner compared to

"Perfect," Wuying nodded and ordered, "Now, spread the news and bring in the people that wait outside the City. You will cooperate with a man named Maw in settling them in and all logistics. He will be your new person in charge."

"Yes, Miss," the man acknowledged before shouting at his people, "Everyone, you heard the orders! Move, move!"

Xuefeng only stood still as the girls handled the rest, not really knowing what was going on.

"Will you give us some time to settle the matter here?" Wuying questioned as she tugged on Xuefeng’s arm.

"Sure, but what is up with this City? Isn’t it sketchy?" Xuefeng wondered. "Why do you want to control it?"

"Well..." Wuying scratched her head. "It just happens that we became the leaders of a Bandit Groups. We may or may not have robbed a Sect not too long ago and decided to upgrade their Bandit Camp to this City."

"Wow..." Xuefeng wasn’t really expecting that. "I guess you didn’t stay idle. Take your time then, but I’m taking you with me tonight."

Wuying smiled as she gave him a kiss.

"Of course you will."

Xuefeng naturally wouldn’t leave the girls alone, so he decided to stay with them till everything was settled. Too bad, just as he was about to send a message to the Flying Ship, he heard Tianshi’s voice in his mind.

’Get back in the ship! Now!’

Xuefeng and Nuwa exchanged glances and didn’t hesitate. They both grabbed two girls each and swiftly teleported back to the Flying Ship. They didn’t even have time to ask what happened when they heard President Wu’s order.

"Perform Blink now!"

He managed to freeze himself to the floor while holding Wuying and Yi in his arms when the Flying Ship launched forward, blinking through space. They swiftly left the city behind them and didn’t slow down.

"What happened?!" Xuefeng exclaimed confused, seeing everyone’s expressions were grim.

"I just had a vision of the future..." Tianshi explained as she pointed at one of the screens in the cockpit. "Watch the City disappear within the next seconds..."

Xuefeng’s eyes widened, together with the Four Devils. They couldn’t even react properly to the news when a gigantic flaming meteor appeared in the sky, heading straight towards the city.

’That’s a Forbidden Art!’ Ming called out before the final hit.


The screen brightened with light and the Flying Ship shook a second later as the shockwave hit them.

"Damn..." Xuefeng cursed under his breath, seeing the giant mushroom-like cloud of ash and dust mixed with flames burst into the sky. There was no way anyone in the city survived that hit.

"Are you okay...?" Xuefeng whispered to Wuying and Yi in his arms but he didn’t get anything besides a nod. He could imagine the pain they felt as they clutched into his arms unconsciously.

"This is what I was talking about!" Golden Queen suddenly called out, banging her fist against one of the chairs. "If not for Tianshi, we would definitely suffer greatly. I told you it’s not a good time to leave when all the powerful experts are hell bend on killing you. This was the first and definitely won’t be the last time. They probably guessed we will leave the Capital."

"Wait... So we were the targets?" Xiao Wen questioned seriously as she stared at Xuefeng. "What happened? Why is someone this strong trying to kill you?"

Xuefeng sighed as he showed them the Elemental Bracelet.

"Ah!" Xiao Wen exclaimed in shock. "You have three Elemental Stones!"

"Yes, because of that, many experts are currently after me. We thought we can sneak out without them knowing but apparently not..." Xuefeng explained as he felt the guilt. "Because of me, all those people died."

"It’s not your fault. The person targeting you knew what they were doing. They are at fault for their death," Wuying countered as she glanced at everyone. "Anyone has an idea who might it be?"

It was clear she was pissed but Wuying was good at hiding it.

"I have never seen an Art this powerful," Xinyu muttered as she nudged Golden Queen. "Maybe dad will know?"

"I might need to call him but then he will immediately tell us to return back to the Safe Zone. He won’t be worried about Xuefeng but us instead," Golden Queen pointed out.

’Do you have an idea what it was?’ Xuefeng questioned in his mind.

’Yes, it was one of the Forbidden Arts called Burning Star. It requires a large quantity of Earth and Fire Qi but once completed, the destruction it can bring is immense. It’s not really practical since it requires a lot of time to prepare so it’s only good for traps or spreading chaos,’ Ming reported. ’Anyone who learned it is definitely a maniac.’

Xuefeng repeated the same information to everyone.

"Wait, I think I know who it might be..." President Wu said after Xuefeng’s input. "There was this one person that approached me to buy the Fire Stone many years ago. Once I rejected him, he began attacking Trade Union’s properties and killing people but he eventually gave up. It might not be him but he is the only expert I know that specializes in Fire Arts and was crazy enough to do this."


Sudden laughter came out of the speaker and they saw a small dot behind their Flying Ship.

"Run, bitch, run! Haha! We will play again soon!"

President Wu nodded, affirming his guess.

"It’s him. Crazy Zhang."

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