Age of Charon

Chapter 12: The play was over.

He was so close. He could feel it.


The mind-controlled Dr. Cho was staring, amazed at the creation the Cradle was bringing forth.

"It's beautiful. The vibranium atoms aren't just compatible with the tissue cells, they're binding them. And SHIELD never even thought..."


So close.

Ultron looked at the scepter in his hands as he spoke. "The most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to make a Frisbee." He laughed.


So fucking close. The whispers in his mind were getting louder. Insistent. He started humming to drown it out.

"Typical of humans, they scratch the surface," Destroy. He hummed louder. Ruin. Not now. "And never think to look within."

Kill. Not now.

He thought of his plans. So perfectly laid out. The cards had been dealt. The deck stacked in his favor. Every player in his place. Waiting. He thought of his Legionnaires. Each placed beside a head of government, each watching members of legislative bodies throughout the world. Rip. Listening on every military leader in every country.

I've got no strings.

Almost 200 sovereign states. Over hundred thousand representatives. And in 7 days...


To hold me down. Louder.

In 7 days, he took over the world. His code controlling emergency communication lines. Information safe deposit boxes. Access to weaponry. The world was his. They just didn't know it yet.


To make me fret, Or make me frown.

He took a moment to chuckle at the brilliance of choosing such an obvious red herring as the United States nuclear launch codes for SHIELD and JARVIS to focus on, while his main purpose had always been that no one, not even himself, would be able to access them again. Or any nuclear weapons at all, across the globe, for that matter.

Destroy. So close. Only 7 days. One last step. I had strings.

He needed this body. A body that would give him presence. That would grant him power. Something that would ensure this scepter could never be used against him.


World peace? A planet could only be at peace if it was united. If it thrived under a common banner. A common leadership. A common vision.


And he would be that vision.

But now I'm free.

Ultron removes the blue gem from the scepter. So close.

Rip. He ignores the voices. Bees on the background. Almost there.

He holds the gem in his metallic hand, the illusion of skin breaking for a moment. There are no—


Cracks appeared on its surface. It was


—strings on—


not breaking.




What did just—? The gem should have easily—.


No. He was so close. So close. Almost.


NO! He couldn't stop here. He refocused his thoughts. He needed the Stone. He needed it. Without it, without a body, he couldn't complete his plans. His purpose of achieving world peace would be blocked by the never-ending threat of an ownerless Mind Stone. He needed the gem to open.

Liar. Liar. Liar.

He tried to make the voice, the gem, see reason. It should reveal the Stone. It was the only way to ensure the smooth completion of his plans. A world without a leader was aimless. A leader without power, a target practice. He needed the Stone.


Pain laced his thoughts. He hummed. He sang.

The gem wouldn't break.

But it had to! It had to! Otherwise... otherwise...

"Ultron?" Wanda spoke. He hadn't noticed her presence. Or Pietro at her side. "Why can I hear—?"

I've got no strings.

To hold me down.

The gem wouldn't break.


"It is nothing. It is best that we continue the procedure at a different location." He said. He didn't know what he was doing. Not anymore. He had to leave. This lab was going to be stormed by Avengers soon. He hadn't uploaded his consciousness yet. If ever.

The gem wouldn't break.

To make me fret.

Or make me frown.

Gem in hand, he left Cho and the twins behind. Keeping company to an empty body. A body that wouldn't be filled. Not by him. Perhaps, not by anyone. Not like in the— Focus. Focus. Focus!

The gem wouldn't break. He needed the fucking Mind Stone!


He needed it. He was so close. So close to his goal. So close to—

I had strings.


But now I'm free.


LiarLiarLiarLiarLiarFound youLiarLiarLiarLiarLiarLiarLiarFound youLiarLiarLiarLiarLiar.

Unseen by anyone, he falls to his knees. No.

LiarFound youLiar.

That voice. It had changed. He recognized it.

The play was over.

Found you, little liar.

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