Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 113 The First Day in Winter Town

After tidying up his things, taking a simple wash, he got into bed and had a good night's rest.

It was obviously a very rough hut, and the bed was just a simple wooden bed made by myself who had never learned carpentry, but it made David sleep very peacefully.

Opening his eyes again, it was already the morning of the second day. The energetic David didn't stay in bed, but simply got up, stretched his waist, and simply moved his shoulders and neck.

After getting dressed, he fetched water to wash up. When he changed his clothes and stood in front of his wooden house, there was only a little light on the horizon in the distance, and the whole Winter Town was still immersed in the darkness before dawn.

Even so, Lindong Town has become lively, and the villagers living here have been getting up one after another: countless people are fetching water at the public water intake point, and many people are washing in front of the newly built drainage faucet on the other side of the water intake point .

David noticed that there were two street lights on the side of the water point and the faucet, and he didn't know who made it.

The chimney of the cafeteria began to emit smoke, and the women who worked in the cafeteria were picking vegetables from the cellar.

It's so lively!

Yeah! Peggy, who was walking around the village, saw David and said hello to him: Get up so early? I thought you would take a good rest after traveling so long. Down.

I went to bed early yesterday, and I slept soundly. David was in good spirits, and he definitely relaxed and rested for a night, which was much more effective than running around outside, thinking about this and that all day long. .

In addition, after finally figuring out the upgrade requirements of Goldfinger and determining the next goal, there are many distracting thoughts in my mind, and I feel that my holy light has become stronger in a trance.

Good morning, Lord Baron. Not long after standing in front of the wooden house, Elias, his ceremonial officer, also got up, but judging from his state, the ceremonial officer did not have a good rest.

After a long journey, in a new environment and with an uncertain future, Elias may not have slept much at all.

The fact is the same, in addition to the question that David thought of, Elias also worried about when Lord Glamorgan will get up? As the ceremonial officer in charge of instructing Baron Glamorgan in various aristocratic etiquettes, it is impossible that Baron Glamorgan has already woken up, and he is still sleeping soundly in his room.

So every once in a while, he would get up to check the situation. This time he saw that David had gotten up, put on his clothes immediately, and tidied up his appearance before appearing in front of Lord Baron Glamorgan.

Actually, you don't need to get up in such a hurry.

No, this is my duty. Standing outside, stimulated by the somewhat cold air, Elias became much more energetic: My lord baron, if possible, I would like to confirm your daily routine. journey.

I don't have any fixed itinerary for the time being. If you're talking about those etiquette courses, they can be arranged after lunch. It's not suitable for strenuous exercise after eating. He usually practices bows and firearms at that time, and now he can bring them Take these lessons.

Okay, Lord Baron. After Elias understood, he quietly stood aside, because David usually would not notice him, but when he thought of him, he could catch a glimpse of him from the corner of his eye. that state.

At this time, the two guard knights also got up, preparing to arrange the soldiers for basic drills.

However, after seeing the baron get up, Gareth Stanton exchanged a few words with Floyd, and Floyd walked straight towards David.

grown ups.

David nodded to Floyd and asked how was the rest? Is there anything wrong with it?

No, my lord, everyone is resting well.

To be honest, when Floyd first saw the situation in Cold Winter, he felt that he would inevitably suffer some hardships before the construction site became a real town.

The temperature here in Cold Winter Town is very low, living in such an empty big wooden house, I'm afraid it won't be a good night.

What I didn't expect was that after they moved in, they lit up the fire in the way Eva introduced before, and after the so-called heating was turned on, not only did everyone not feel the cold, they even wondered if summer had come early?

Moreover, the quilts distributed to everyone in Cold Winter Town are very comfortable (Laura ordered them in batches), which are actually more comfortable and warm than the quilts that King Tilan can buy. This makes Freud seriously suspect that he used to Is it all rubbish bedding? Really good quilts can only be used by high-ranking nobles?

If that was the case, why would Cold Winter Town distribute such good bedding to ordinary soldiers?

Although there were many doubts in his mind, Freud slept soundly.

Unlike Elias, he doesn't need to think about so many things, and his future has already been decided. The better Winter Town is, the happier he is.

When he woke up, although Cold Winter Town was still in pitch darkness, he had made an agreement with Gareth Stanton yesterday that he needed to get up early and start working.

Train soldiers, survey the surrounding environment, think about how to arrange sentries, etc.

Considering that they only have ten soldiers in their hands, it is not easy to arrange shifts. Maybe they have to properly recruit recruits in the territory to form the armed forces of Cold Winter Town as soon as possible, which is also to show their abilities to their new lord.

Surprisingly, Baron Glamorgan, a newly promoted nobleman, got up so early. The two of them had to discuss briefly, and Gareth Stanton would continue to be in charge of the training. After all, these soldiers were all recruited by him, and he was more willing to obey. his orders;

Floyd is reporting to the baron, and is in charge of today's guard work - the personal guard knight, who already has the duty of guarding the lord.

By the way, he also wanted to figure out the daily habits of the new lord.

I glanced at Elias, who was standing almost in the same position as myself, but he was standing behind David on the left, while Floyd was behind on the right. The two nodded to each other as greetings, and then they closed their mouths and pretended to be themselves. is a mute.

After David greeted Floyd, he knew that the personal guard knight was serving as a guard, so he didn't say anything, 'go about your own business! '.

In the future, he will have to get used to this kind of daily life where there are always people around him.

After chatting with Peggy for a few words, he noticed that Floyd behind him was very concerned about what Peggy said, and there was a bit of surprise on his face.

This is not surprising. From Peggy's report, we can know that the defense of Cold Winter Town is currently in charge of this young woman named Peggy Carter - it is not that there are no female warriors in the Kingdom of Tilan, but the number is very large. It's very rare. I didn't expect that there was a female warrior here in Lindong Town.

When Floyd was surprised, Elias thought the same thing, and at the same time remembered Miss Eva McKenna who showed them around the whole town yesterday.

At this time, the young woman named Eva also walked out of her hut and came to David: Good morning! David.


The etiquette officer Elias wanted to remind the young Miss McKenna that she should be called Lord Baron Glamorgan, but he felt that this matter should be discussed separately later, and it would be better to pretend to be a dummy now. Because he began to think, what is the relationship between this Eva McKenna and the baron?

He is not the only one thinking about similar issues, Freud next to him is also thinking about this issue.

From Sharon who I met before and accompanied Baron David Glamorgan to the capital; to Peggy Carter who was in charge of the defense of Cold Winter Town; Kenna.

In Winter Town, is the baron the only man who manages affairs?

Fortunately, the appearance of Edwin Van Cleef brought Floyd and Elias back to the right track. After seeing this strong craftsman leader, the two secretly breathed a sigh of relief: They were a little worried just now, if they are not women, will they not be taken seriously?


Floyd seriously looked at Van Cleef who was standing in front of him. He just arrived yesterday and saw many people at once, but he didn't observe everyone carefully at all.

After a full rest today, he was full of energy and started guarding work. When he professionally looked at anyone who appeared in front of him, he found that this so-called craftsman leader gave him a very dangerous feeling.

But when he took a closer look, he found that this man named Edwin Van Cleef was ordinary and unobtrusive. Not something wrong?

When he wanted to take another look, Van Cleef had already left.

Through the conversation just now, the people here know that Van Cleef is going to have breakfast, and then start a day's work: checking the progress of the projects in various places and the construction quality in various areas.

Let's go have breakfast too!

David looked around, and everyone who should get up has already got up, and the rest looks like a pharmacist, Cordell, who belongs to the person who can go to him if there is any need, and don't worry about it when there is nothing to do.

When everyone arrived at the cafeteria, it was full of people, and they were all strong and strong men.

This time is the time for the craftsmen to eat breakfast. Generally, other people will wait for the craftsmen to finish eating before coming. Peggy wanted to remind David before, but when Van Cleef interrupted, she forgot to mention this again. thing.

That's it! Then let's go to the farmland first and have breakfast when we come back.

Whether it is Floyd or Elias, the baron's decision will only be obeyed unconditionally, and naturally he will not raise objections.

But before walking out of the cafeteria, Freud deliberately looked at the guys in the cafeteria again, and secretly sighed in his heart: These are all good seedlings who can be cultivated into elites! Where did your lord invite these craftsmen? ?”

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