Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 137: Jaina's Teleportation Magic

When writing a reply to Fording, David remembered that he didn't seem to ask about the ambulance. How long have he been on Earth?

Just arrived on Earth? Or have you lived for a while?

Judging from the fact that the ambulance is so idle, the plot of the first Transformers movie should have ended, right?

The ambulance in that movie did not take much time to participate in the war after arriving on the earth, and it was not idle until Megatron was knocked down.

If it is this period, there should already be several Autobots on the earth in that world. If the ambulance calls all the Autobots including Optimus Prime to Azeroth, and helps Fording pull some heavy artillery, then it is true. It's a very simple matter.

But David felt that Fording might be thinking more than that.

The size of the Autobots is there. Now that direct contact is necessary to go to Cold Winter Town, their size has an incomparably huge advantage, that is, they can 'transport' more people to Cold Winter Town at one time.

If a large number of Autobots can come to Hearth Valley to help, it will also make the ordinary residents of Hearth Valley safer.

Quickly finished writing a reply letter, David sealed the letter with wax and handed it to Liadrin, asking her to hand it over to the pilot who will go to Hearthglen later to maintain the connection between Quel'Thalas and Hearthglen— - There are Gryphon Riders and Helicopter Pilots in Hearthglen, and Dragonhawk Riders on Quel'Thalas.

Liadrin didn't dare to neglect what David explained, and almost ran all the way to deliver the letter to the knight who was about to send the letter.

At this time, Dragon Eagle Knight, who was in charge of delivering the letter, was still waiting for the unfinished letter from His Majesty the King!

Because the knight never set off, Liadrin just stood by and stared at the knight, causing the dragon eagle knight to have a strange illusion that time seemed to be slowing down, and there was a holy light every minute and every second. The condensed fine needles pricked his body, making him feel uncomfortable all over his body.

It was only ten minutes, but it seemed as long as a thousand years. After finally waiting for His Majesty's letter, the Dragon Eagle Knight immediately took off and flew towards the direction of Hearth Valley.

Until then, Liadrin was satisfied and ran back to report to David Glamorgan.

When Liadrin was gazing at the Dragonhawk Knight, David realized another thing because of Fording's letter.

Does the emergence of ambulances mean that it will be easier for us to transport things in the future?

Oh? Steve didn't think about this kind of thing, and he realized it when David mentioned it: It seems like this, the ambulance can carry a lot of things.

David didn't just think of ambulances, there was an Optimus Prime among the Autobots, and this brother Zhu Zhu was a heavy truck.

If you can make good friends with the Autobots, and build a good relationship with the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, it means that the materials from various planes can be transported in containers in the future. I don't know how many times more convenient than relying on manpower now.

In the next few days, David had a very relaxing time in Silvermoon City, and took a good tour of the main city of the high elves.

There are not many things that really need his help. He only helped deal with the attack of the Scourge on the third day of his stay.

When David released the huge holy light again, turning the entire battlefield into a field of holy light, the Scourge once again chose to retreat.

In this environment, the undead creatures of the Scourge had no chance of winning at all.

Among them, the ghouls and ordinary undead, which occupy the largest number of Scourge Legion, will be purified by the holy light after a short time in this environment; slightly stronger undead creatures will also continue to bear the damage brought by the holy light. I don't know how much discount the strength is.

The elves of Quel'Thalas, fighting in this environment full of holy light, seem to have cheated.

Ordinary minor injuries don't need to be ignored at all. Even if you suffer a serious injury, as long as you don't die immediately, you only need to slow down for a while, and you will be able to fight the undead alive and kicking again soon.

As for the priests who use holy light, they are more like fish swimming freely in the water. They feel that their holy light seems endless, and they can release holy light spells to greet these undead creatures as much as they want-because the entire area Shrouded by the holy light, the elf rangers of Quel'Thalas didn't need additional healing from the priests at all, so the priests all did the work of the mages.

Because the Holy Light Domain is so powerful, the priests even developed a new style of play: run where there are many undead, rush into the pile of monsters and release holy novas...

With the battle going on like this, there was no chance of the Scourge winning half a point, especially when Alsace found out that the priest, who made him extremely afraid, did not show any signs of fatigue after using such a terrifying holy light spell. He realized that he might not be able to take down Silvermoon City.

The most embarrassing thing for Alsace was that even though he had made an accurate judgment, he did not have the power to change his strategy.

The Lich King ordered him to capture Quel'Thalas, capture the Sunwell, and resurrect Kel'Thuzad, so he must complete this task.

Even if there is such a completely unreasonable and powerful existence as David in front of him, his efforts are doomed to be in vain, and he will continue to attack Silvermoon City in front of him.

Just when Alsace was thinking about whether he should go back and replenish more troops in several human kingdoms, and then attack Quel'Thalas, using the more terrifying sea of ​​undead to exhaust the human, his rear was attacked by the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Army attack.

So... this strange puppet was sent by the Kingdom of Lordaeron? Cirvanas raised her head, her mouth slightly opened, and looked at the huge metal giant in front of her in surprise.

Hello, my name is Ambulance, and I am an Autobot from Cybertron, not a puppet.

The ambulance was specially here to meet David and deliver news. His appearance also meant that Lordaeron's army had arrived at the outskirts of Eversong Forest and was stationed behind the Scourge.

In order to prevent himself from being flanked, Arthas commanded the Scourge to transfer in a small area, and thus opened a passage so that the ambulance could arrive at Silvermoon City smoothly.

The ambulance came to Silvermoon City in the form of a Hummer emergency vehicle. For such a mechanical vehicle, the high elves in Silvermoon City initially thought it was a masterpiece of dwarves.

But when the ambulance transforms into a humanoid pose, the elves get a little confused.

This guy looks like some kind of golem? Maybe some kind of mechanical puppet or magic puppet? So this thing could also be from Dalaran? Or Gnomeregan?

When the ambulance revealed its identity and said that it was a messenger from Hearthglen to deliver a message to David, the high elves of Quel'Thalas immediately put away their habitual arrogance and asked the ambulance very politely. Wait, and at the same time send someone to notify Cirvanas and David.

When Sylvanas and David saw the ambulance, there was a scene where the ambulance introduced itself to Sylvanas.

Cybertron? What's that place?

That's the hometown of all Transformers. Maybe it was Fording's admonition, or maybe the ambulance simply didn't want to talk about it. He didn't reveal the fact that he was an alien from another world.

The ambulance who chatted with Cirvanas for a few words, did not forget his mission, and explained the current situation of the Lordaeron army to David in detail.

In order for David to understand the situation more intuitively, the ambulance directly used the holographic projection.

This is why Fording sent an ambulance. In addition to being able to run back to Winter Town at any time in case of danger, Transformers can use holographic projections to clearly convey various information.

According to the report of the ambulance, not only the reintegrated Knights of the Silver Hand arrived in Eversong Forest, but even the Dwarf Musketeers and the Heavy Artillery Regiment came to this battlefield, and have already set up artillery positions.

The dwarven helicopters and the Griffin Knights are investigating the specific situation of the Scourge, and then they are summarized into various data units, and then handed over to the dwarven gunners to launch precise bombardment.


David looked at the lifelike heavy artillery positions, and he was surprised that Fording was able to pull all these heavy artillery from Hearthglen to Eversong Forest in such a short period of time.

How many Autobots are here?

Actually, only a few Autobots came to help. The ambulance knew why David asked: We didn't help transport those heavy artillery.

Ah? David looked up at the ambulance in surprise, waiting for the ambulance's next explanation.

It's a lady named Jaina Proudmoore who used the teleportation ability to send the artillery unit to Eversong Forest. The ambulance didn't make a fool of it, and quickly told David the truth of the matter: That's really impressive. Amazing ability, I have only heard that a small number of King Kong have similar abilities, but I have never seen it with my own eyes.

Jianna? Didn't she go back to Dalaran? Jaina only stayed in Silvermoon City for one night a while ago, and then went to Dalaran, trying to persuade Dalaran to join the war against the Scourge. .

Why did he suddenly go to Fording again?

In the next second, David realized that Jaina must have persuaded the Kirin Tor Council in the shortest possible time, and then used teleportation to run to Fording.

As for sending the entire artillery unit to Eversong Forest, he was not surprised by such a thing.

In his previous life, he knew that Jaina Proudmoore, the archmage, the most powerful magic she mastered was not a blizzard, nor was it sending battleships into the sky, but teleportation!

It is still possible to carry the number of people at the legion level at one time, the accuracy of the landing point is extremely high, and the group teleportation with zero error rate!

Because of this terrible teleportation ability, even Jaina's reputation in both the Alliance and the Horde is extremely poor, and still no force on any side dares to provoke Theramore that she rules at will.

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