Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 156 Draft Planning for Winter City

Although Sean Forest's Frost Cold Town was established last year, due to lack of time, it did not reclaim too much farmland, and naturally it did not grow a lot of food.

It was only determined that the new crop of potatoes could grow successfully in this barren land, and then ushered in a long and harsh winter.

The first winter in Frost Chill Town was spent by family blood transfusions. Forrester still had no accurate understanding of the harsh environment of the northern plains.

With the advent of the new year, more wasteland has been reclaimed into farmland, Sean Forester will soon learn that this barren land can only grow potatoes, and the crops they brought from Iron Tree Fort It is difficult for other crop seeds to survive and germinate on this land.

Moreover, potatoes that have not been optimized by the mysterious power cannot be planted continuously. After two rounds of harvest, Sean Forrest will find that the crops produced in the field are constantly decreasing, and it is impossible to ensure the continuous growth of Frost Town. Increased population consumes a winter.

If the Forrester family doesn't transport enough supplies in the fall, Frosttown will have a hard time this winter.

As for the villages around Cold Winter Town? David is curious how many will be left after one winter?

It turns out that before we arrived, the environment in this place was so bad!

Listening to David's description, Laura had an intuitive understanding of the barrenness and desolation of this place for the first time. Before that, her impression of this plain mainly came from Cold Winter Town.

The town under David's governance did not give her the slightest sense of barren land.

The farmland in Cold Winter Town is very productive. As Mark planted more and more crops, the types of agricultural products became more and more abundant. It is said that the newly planted strawberries have successfully germinated. This year they can eat the cold winter Strawberries, grapes and other fruits produced in the town.

Speaking of produce...

David wondered if he should grow cotton in Cold Winter? Otherwise the clothes of the whole town can only be brought in through trade?

There are also silk fabrics. The environment of Cold Winter Town may not be able to raise silkworms, but he can ask Squirtle to help solve this problem. He remembers that the Pokémon Silk Spider, which has a spider appearance, can spin a lot of silk, and The quality of the spider silk is very good, and that world itself uses that kind of spider silk to make silk products.

After talking about these ideas with Laura, Laura agreed with David's ideas, but the topic was suddenly changed to another direction: Then you can make those things you like in Winter Town, right?

Huh? What are you talking about?

Man! Laura said with an expression that I had seen through everything: I didn't choose those pairs of stockings, are you disappointed?

How come? David shook his head: Anyway, that kind of thing is easy to buy.

Ha! Laura laughed dryly, feeling rather speechless to David's reply: I thought you weren't disappointed because of Eva!

David felt the alarm bells ringing in his heart, thinking whether to start today's game immediately?

Your little secretary has been wiped out by you in the past two days!

Huh? David opened his mouth, his face full of surprise, Why do you say that? Eva and I are very innocent.

Really? Laura stared at David's face carefully. Based on her understanding of David, this person is very bad at hiding his true thoughts. The surprised expression on his face seems to be a real reaction: Nothing really happened?


Hearing David's categorical answer, Laura was puzzled instead: I see that Eva has always been happy and content these two days, and I thought she finally succeeded!

... David was speechless, and Laura's words gave him a strange feeling.

Speaking of which, I ran out for several days this time, and you didn't do anything to Eva. You wasted such a good opportunity!

Seeing Laura's funny look, David wondered if this woman deliberately set a trick to trick him? Should I try my best to show my sincerity?

However, David, who tried hard to express his sincerity, only got Laura's hoarse sentence in the end: How about I hold Eva's hand down for you?


After making a cup of honey for Laura and feeding her a large cup, the two hugged each other and fell asleep: Stop thinking about it, have a good rest!

Laura muttered a few words, but she couldn't understand what she said because she was vague. When she wanted to ask, Laura had already fallen into a deep sleep.

After a night of rest with Laura in his arms, David got up on time the next day in good spirits, leaving Laura to catch up on sleep. After walking out of the cabin, David went directly to find Squirtle.

Since helping David recruit a large group of Squirrels and a few Eevee, in order to distinguish the original Squirrel, Laura prepared some equipment for this Squirrel.

Sunglasses and cuffs have become the unique costume of this Squirrel. David also made five stripes on the cuffs in a wicked way, which means the captain of all Pokémon in Winter Town.

However, the Pokémon captain has been a little slack since then. David hasn't seen more Pokémon come to Cold Winter Town, and the Squirtle will be there every day except for showing up on time at mealtimes. Sunbathe, swim by the river, and occasionally catch some aquatic products for myself.

Therefore, in the morning, the Jenny Turtle might be near the Winter River, and David walked directly to the Winter River after getting up.

Huh? Mark? Woke up so early today?

It's not that I got up early, it's that I didn't sleep last night. Mark looked in good spirits, not at all like someone who hadn't slept all night.

Isn't your usual work and rest normal? What problems have you encountered?

It's not a problem. It's that I finally became a real shaman. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Mark was so excited in the room yesterday that he couldn't fall asleep even if he had nothing to do. . are actually waiting for me by staying here?


Mark would appear in front of David because he wanted to share his joy with others. To put it bluntly, he wanted to show off.



After becoming a true shaman, Mark has the qualifications to use the power of the elements.

At the same time, the power of the elements will strengthen Mark, and Mark has been exercising for a while with the holy light injected by David, so his physical fitness is already very strong now.

Coupled with the various spells released by urging the power of the elements, Mark will soon be able to cross the limits of ordinary people and become an extraordinary existence.

Are you going to the Winter River?

Well, I want to talk to the Squirrel about something. Without emphasizing it, the Squirrel in everyone's mouth actually refers to the original one.

He told Mark that he wanted Squirrel to help find some orb silk spiders to come to Lindong Town, and he also mentioned the plan to grow cotton.

I don't think planting cotton is an important thing. Mark felt that there was nothing wrong with David's thoughts. Compared with David, he should consider another thing: Have you considered the future of Winter Town or even Winter City? layout?

Of course I've considered it.

Ever since he discovered that Goldfinger was related to the territory, David had considered this issue more than once.

It's just that Cold Winter Town hasn't really been built yet, so he didn't rush to let everyone know about the follow-up plan.

Anyway, there's nothing to do now, tell me, I'm very curious.

Mark looked around. The sky had just brightened slightly, and the residents of Cold Winter Town had already woken up one after another.

Watching the residents line up to wash, fetch water, and then prepare to have breakfast and start a day's work has become the daily routine of the residents of Cold Winter Town.

Mark watched this scene and began to wonder what the future of Winter Town, or Winter City, would look like.

At least, this kind of scene of queuing up to wash and fetch water should not be seen anymore.

I only have a rough plan in my mind, and the specific details have to be gradually improved.


With Winter Fortress as the center, I plan that the southwest location will be an agricultural area.

In David's current thinking, the farmland area will develop to the south next, so that it will be located in the southwest of Winter Fortress. This side is close to the water source, the terrain is flat and wide enough, and the development of agriculture is the most suitable.

As for the residence of farmers, houses can be built around the farmland area, not far from the town center, and within the radiation area of ​​various hydropower lines originally planned.

The southeast is the main residential area, the northwest is the commercial area, and the northeast is various institutions and military camps.

David's plan is just a rough division. In actual construction, even in the southeast area designated as a residential area, there will definitely be various shops in it.

Sounds good.

David then talked about more ideas, such as building various factories in the currently forested area to the north.

Among them, important factories such as waterworks need to be built as upstream as possible.

As for the northern border military industry whose scale is undecided, whose products are undecided, and whose name has only been determined, it is also planned to be arranged in the north to ensure that it can be protected by Winter City.

Build docks, shipyards, etc. on the banks of the Winter River in the west.

If all the things you expected are built, this place will definitely not be able to continue to be called Cold Winter Town. Mark imagined a little in his mind according to David's description, and he couldn't wait to see the real thing sooner.

Of course it was Winter City at that time.

I really want to achieve the scale that David envisioned. At present, all the population on the northern plains are gathered in the town of Winter, which is far from enough.

I have a question.

what is the problem?

Although your plan for the future is very clear, and the current development of Cold Winter Town is also very stable and rapid. Mark paused, and then asked the question he wanted to ask: But before that, don't you consider building a city wall? ?”

David was stunned when he heard that it was actually this question. He really hadn't thought about it.

City wall... If you don't mention it, I'll forget about it.

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