Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 161 Super firearms talent

The new immigrants are dissatisfied. There are only a few solutions for these villages: buy enough food from Iron Tree Fort, and there are at least a dozen new villages on the entire northern plain. If everyone buys food together, the value of Iron Tree Fort will increase food prices.

At that time, nobles with insufficient family background may not be able to afford it if they want to buy it.

There are also these new immigrants who have traveled a long way to the north. They are not peaceful and honest civilians. These people just left their homes and came here because they were not satisfied with their original poverty-stricken life.

The life in the northern plains is not as good as it used to be. How can these not so honest farmers bear it? At that time, various conflicts will definitely erupt in these villages.

In order to divert conflicts, conflicts between villages are also likely to occur. Big fish eating small fish has always been the most common phenomenon in nature. The powerful nobles are likely to ensure the stability of their villages by robbing the resources of the weak nobles.

In other words, if we didn't do anything, the surrounding villages might fight themselves?

After listening to David's words, both Eva and Laura were a little surprised. After listening to David's analysis, the two of them knew that the situation of the villages on the northern plain would be very difficult, but would it really develop to that extent?

If you don't do that, you have to choose to give up, pack your bags and leave the northern plains immediately. As for the farmers, let them go wherever they like... In David's opinion, this is the most correct choice, but there are a few people Will you simply choose to give up when faced with a choice?

Numerous examples, including David himself, have proved that even if the parties know that giving up is the right thing to do, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they are unwilling to make such a choice.

Because giving up means that all the previous investment is in vain, and they are unwilling to bear this kind of loss.

So, you hope that before autumn, Cold Winter Town will complete the army reorganization, equipment manufacturing, and ammunition storage, and hope that everyone can deal with all the things at hand before autumn?

When several people were talking, someone passed by from time to time, for example, Cirvanas and Liadrin stopped beside them, listening to the conversation between David, Laura, and Eva.

The two high elves were just listening before, and then they interrupted: Let me also help teach Addis and Klausar, to ensure that both of them learn the skills of hunters as much as possible, and become a qualified ranger.

The guard knights have also learned the Holy Light. If all goes well, the combat effectiveness of Cold Winter Town will be greatly improved in autumn.

Are you worried that the surrounding villages will launch an attack on Cold Winter Town in a critical situation?


What Sylvanas said was correct, David was indeed preparing for the possible outbreak of war in the autumn, including his own desire to go to the world of Transformers to obtain a flying form, and there were also reasons for this.

Isn't Winter Town the king's territory? Attacking Winter Town will cause a lot of trouble, right?

When you are in a hurry, you won't worry so much.

At the very beginning, these villages would not put their minds on Cold Winter Town, especially when there were other soft persimmons around them to pinch.

But with the arrival of winter, food shortages, and no suitable looting targets nearby, some people will definitely choose to take risks.

Also, those nobles who came out to plunder are not necessarily those nobles. It is not impossible for some refugees who can't survive to turn into robbers.

A few people suddenly realized that they had indeed ignored these desperate peasants.

Of course, it is impossible for these vagrant bandits to pose a threat to Cold Winter Town, and David just hopes to reduce the damage as much as possible.

Powerful military force can not only protect Cold Winter Town to survive this winter safely, but also become a strong deterrent to refugees and bandits, forcing the other party to give up the option of force, and obediently accept David's suggestions: such as becoming a civilian in Cold Winter Town .

This involves another of David's plans for autumn: to absorb the fleeing villagers from the surrounding villages and towns.

With strong force, enough food and clothing, and housing that can allow ordinary people to survive the cold winter, with the combination of various factors, this winter will become a critical period for the development of the town of Winter.


Everyone nodded in unison, fully understanding David's plan.

It's not complicated, it's just waiting for civil strife and conflicts in the surrounding villages and towns, and then Lindong Town takes advantage of it.

It seems that the construction speed of Cold Winter Town is a bit slow.

After understanding David's thoughts, and looking at the various items recorded in the notebook, Laura knew which of them were the key points.

So, I want to see if I can bring the Digger team to Cold Winter Town. As the infrastructure madman among the Cybertronians, the Digger has greatly improved the construction and development of the city, so David did this miss.

So, you must go to that world.


Then wish you a good time. Laura is not going to go with David, she has already set her own plan and goal, that is the Caribbean world where Will Turner lives.

She doesn't have to worry about David's safety either. With David's current strength, there shouldn't be any danger in that world.

Would you like to go on an adventure with Will with me? In comparison, Laura has gotten along well with Cirvanas recently, and this time she plans to team up with the high elf ranger.

Cirvanas didn't refuse, she was also curious about another world, so she quickly agreed.

Liadrin didn't have the idea of ​​running around. She asked David one thing: When Winter Town is officially built, can I build a Holy Light Church here?


David was stunned for a moment. Liadrin meant that she was planning to stay on the continent of Brennia and develop believers of the Holy Light in this world? After thinking about it, it seems that there is no need to reject it. The teachings of the Holy Light Church are still very correct, and there are no extreme ideas.

This, of course.

After chatting for a few words and putting away the notebook, David was ready to practice guns.

Along with Laura and Sylvanas, Eva learned the knowledge of the Holy Light from Liadrin.

Unexpectedly, he met Steve and Peggy on the shooting range. Seeing the smiles on their faces, David suddenly realized that the relationship between these two could no longer be described as familiar strangers.

Ha! Steve, I caught you! While Laura, Sylvanas and Peggy greeted each other, David started communicating with Steve in a low voice. He wondered why Steve suddenly wanted to Opened: Don't worry about the fact that Peggy in the parallel world is not your Peggy?

Because I find that this entanglement is meaningless and will only waste precious opportunities. Steve glanced at David, and then at Peggy who was not far away. Without looking back, he continued to look at the other person firmly: Especially after learning magic knowledge from Master Gu Yi, I understand a lot.

David understood when he heard this sentence: Ancient One told you about the future?

Yes, I even let me see it with my own eyes. After Steve became the default heir to the Supreme Mage, the Eye of Agamotto, which is the magic weapon of the Time Stone, naturally would not keep it a secret from him.

What's more, jumping around the timeline and observing are things that the Supreme Sorcerer is good at. If you want to become the Supreme Sorcerer, this artifact must be mastered.

And Steve, who knows his future, naturally won't worry about whether this Peggy is not that Peggy. Originally, his future will also find another Peggy.

For the person concerned, as long as the two of you don't mind if you like me or not, it doesn't matter. After all, if the shoes fit or not, you just know it well.

Now it seems that Captain Carter in Cold Winter Town doesn't care about that kind of thing in his heart, so the relationship between the two has developed by leaps and bounds and developed quite rapidly.

In comparison, I'm more worried about Sharon...

What happened to Sharon?

Maybe she has a weird feeling about me and Peggy being together.

David suddenly realized that for Sharon, seeing Steve and Peggy in front of her would make her feel like: ‘Is this my mother cheating on me? Or is my father cheating? ’ weird feeling.

Although in fact these two are not even counted as her parents, they can only be regarded as parallel universe peers.

She'll figure it out, it just takes time.

Steve nodded, and didn't bother with the matter anymore, he just complained to David a few words, You all know my future, so don't tell me! '

It was dismissed by David with who told you not to ask.

A few people continued to practice shooting, perhaps because of the abnormal smoothness of the mind recently, Peggy also came to point out David's shooting, and helped correct some of David's bad shooting habits.

Although he often wanders around with a gun, David's gun shooting is mainly practiced by himself, and he has not received 'formal' teaching.

In addition, Peggy himself is a master shooter, and can even use a small pistol to accurately shoot long-distance and hit moving targets.

David believes that with Peggy's guidance, his shooting level will be further improved.

Then, he felt what it means to have a significant improvement in shooting level. He felt a little strange watching the bullseye in the distance being continuously ravaged by himself with a piano pistol.

Peggy's pointers are so effective?

In the next second, he realized what was going on. It wasn't that Peggy's pointing effect was good, but that Peggy's shooting talent was good!

After coming to Cold Winter Town for a long time, he finally got a reward from Peggy.

What he got this time should be the talent in gun shooting.


Another ordinary magazine was emptied, a piano pistol of .

After withdrawing the empty magazine, David did not continue to practice shooting, but thought about the issue of talent rewards.

It's not surprising that Peggy only offered rewards. After all, Peggy and I are relatively unfamiliar. However, my relationship with Laura is already so good, but I haven't triggered more rewards. Or I have already got it, but I still have it. Didn't understand what it was?

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