Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 184 Golden Apple

Spider-Man's strong spiritual will has been recognized by countless people.

After all, not just anyone can persist in being a superhero after encountering various blows, catastrophes, incomprehension of relatives, and various difficulties in life.

Moreover, with Spiderman's quality of doing everything he can to help his neighbors, no matter how small the trouble is, he is willing to take action, which perfectly fits the code of conduct of the priests in the Church of the Holy Light.

This also means that the spiritual rewards obtained from Peter Parker are incomparably compatible with the Holy Light, and the increase of the Holy Light is even more powerful.

So when the reward was received, David noticed the change of the holy light in his body: not only the quantity increased, but also the quality seemed to have improved.

Good guy, full of benefits!

He patted Peter on the back hard, and said with a smile that he was just doing a small favor, so don't take it too seriously.

No, no, this is a very important thing, and I will always keep it in my heart. Although Peter didn't say that he would definitely repay, his demeanor perfectly expressed this meaning.

Now is not the time to talk about these things, maybe you should go take a shower and change your clothes.

you're right.

Peter looked at himself, he was indeed in a mess right now, but he couldn't return to his own world for the time being, and it was easy to bump into investigators, so he could only deal with it here.

Fortunately, he has been in Cold Winter Town for so long, and it’s not like he didn’t do anything here. Peter has a temporary “base” here in Cold Winter Town, storing some of his personal belongings, which is convenient when necessary He came over to 'change clothes' and supplement 'equipment'.

Moreover, with the rapid development of Cold Winter Town, he has also chosen a location as his new home and base.

There are not only your own items and equipment, but also a small laboratory, which is convenient for you to make commonly used tools. The main thing is the spider silk that needs to be constantly replenished.

I'm going to change clothes first. Peter finally shook hands with David, and then greeted Gwen and the ambulance not far away. As for the last one...

My name is Helen.

Hi, my name is Peter Parker, I'm sorry I'm a bit embarrassed now, I need to leave first.

Helen nodded with a smile. She only took a few glances at this handsome Peter before looking away, and then continued to stare at David: David is better.

Following David around Cold Winter Town, Helen also had a general impression of this place: there are hundreds of hardworking and strong civilians; there are several magical metal giants; there are also some beings from the so-called 'various worlds' , including the girl named Gwen Stacy who has been following.

David is the ruler here, and this city called Cold Winter Town belongs to a huge country called the Kingdom of Tilan.

In addition, besides humans, there is also a race called elves in this city.

Helen was dazzled by the many miraculous things, and when she learned that many buildings in Cold Winter Town had been built in the past six months, Helen wanted to become the queen here more and more—what about Cold Winter Town, Baron Glamorgan? She didn't care too much, in her opinion, David was the real King of Winter.

After David finished introducing the general situation of Cold Winter Town, Helen made it clear that she wanted to settle in Cold Winter Town, but she had to go back first to say hello to her parents. If possible, she plans to bring her parents to visit this magical country.

After telling Helen how to bring people here, David watched the famous Greek beauty leave, and only Gwen was left beside him.

Looking up at the sky, it was completely dark. Normally, Gwen would leave and go home at this time, but at this time she had no intention of leaving at all.

Aren't you in a hurry to go back today?

I don't have anything to do tomorrow, I plan to go shopping more...Speaking of which, Rinwinter Town looks different every day, and I feel strange in many places.

Yes, the work efficiency of the Diggers is astonishing.

The high wall of Cold Winter Fortress has been repaired. It was built incidentally when building residential houses. If the diggers are allowed to focus on building one building, then a large building can be completed in a few days.

Even for a power plant, it took them less than ten days, because a lot of equipment had to be built from scratch.

If you prepare all kinds of equipment, just build a framework, and the diggers can finish it in one day.

Ever since he got the Digger team, David has the feeling of playing a construction game: Just take it easy, if you want to build something, the Digger will build it for you immediately.

At present, the winter fortress has been completely built, and the craftsmen are doing interior decoration.

The town center building has not yet been officially opened, not because the renovation has not yet completed, but because it is not currently available.

The current ruling class in Cold Winter Town, including David, is only a handful of people. The building will not be put into use until the various departments are gradually established and recruited.

Now everyone is working in Fort Glamorgan.

The military camp was officially opened, and all 30 soldiers were stationed in the Winter Fortress military camp.

According to the original plan, the winter fortress barracks is just a garrison barracks, and a larger barracks with more complete functions will be built in another location in the future.

The daily training of the main military force of Cold Winter Town, as well as the training of the reserve force, will be carried out in that more complete military base.

New military bases may be built in the northeast.

While introducing Gwen to the Cold Winter Barracks not far away, he walked into Fort Glamorgan, which was already lit up, and then walked through the hall on the first floor, and walked out from the gate on the other side.

Why not build it in the southeast? Gwen looked at the vast garden in front of her, and asked a question casually, but from her expression, it can be seen that she didn't care about the answer to the question, and it was better than the back garden in front of her Great attraction to her: It feels like placing it over there can better take care of enemies from all directions.

The new military base is mainly for training recruits, and defense against foreign enemies depends on military facilities such as sentries or fortresses... Speaking of this, David thought of the city wall that he had previously rejected: It seems that this city wall still needs to be built. Build it.

If you don't build a city wall, you have to build a fortress and sentry. Otherwise, would the soldiers defending the border sleep in the wild every day?

Even if the city expands, the soldiers stationed at the border still need a place to rest and store various equipment.

Just think about the wall, and ignore these.

But it doesn't matter anymore. I didn't want to build a city wall before because I thought it was a waste of time and materials. Now that I have Digger, building a city wall is no longer a troublesome thing.

I walked a few steps forward and stepped on the wide driveway in the back garden.

In order to facilitate entry and exit, there is a stone pavement that allows two cars to pass in parallel and there is still room to surround the entire back garden, and the garage is on David's left.

Except for this wide road, no more furnishings were built in the back garden, only trees were planted inside the high wall, and the entire back garden is now a large lawn.

Why is there a single fruit tree planted here?

What fruit tree?

Looking in the direction Gwen was pointing at, David realized that there was a lonely fruit tree standing beside the wall of Fort Glamorgan, which was just below his bedroom.


No need to ask, this thing must have appeared because of Helen's arrival; judging from the situation, Helen has a high degree of affection for him, so he directly offered the reward.

It's a magical sight. Although Gwen has seen crystal mines, Gwen has never seen the strange sight of rapid growth at a speed visible to the naked eye when the crystal mines were first born.

This time I made up for the regret. The growth rate of the fruit tree in front of me is amazing. I just saw it was a small tree. After I said a few words, it has become a mature tree and started to bear fruit.

Is that...a golden apple?

Gwen glanced at David in surprise, she wondered if she had guessed wrong? But no matter how you look at it, this thing is a golden apple!


What's the use of this golden apple?

I don't know either.

There are many things that can be connected through Helen, but many things don't seem to be suitable as rewards, and golden apples should be the most suitable one among them.

But David has never seen the effect of the golden apple in any information, and now he is also very curious, wondering what is the use of this golden fruit?

Just as the two of them watched the fruit gradually ripen and finally emit a faint golden light, Gwen reached out and 'picked' the apple off.

To be exact, she just touched it, and the golden apple fell from the tree. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and grabbed it directly, preventing the golden apple from falling to the ground.

Sniffing it lightly, Gwen smiled and handed the golden apple to David: It smells great!

Hmm. David smelled it, and there was a nice fragrance, which stimulated his saliva to secrete continuously, giving him the urge to take a bite: It should be delicious.

Glancing at Gwen, the girl also looked at the golden apple handed to her at this time, and also swallowed her saliva, and it was obvious that she wanted to taste it too.

I'll try it first and see if there are any strange effects. With the confidence of Shengguang, David felt that he didn't have to worry about being poisoned, not to mention that he hadn't seen a reward with side effects for so long.


Seeing Gwen nodding her head expectantly, David was a little confused. Did she want to know the effect of this golden apple? Still want to know the taste?

After taking a bite, the crisp and sweet flesh became soft after a few bites, and then flowed into my stomach like juice.

I felt it carefully for a moment, and even mobilized the holy light that had just become stronger, but nothing happened.

Are you going to eat the whole thing?

Click click click!

After eating all of this golden apple with no core but full of flesh, David still didn't feel anything special.

This...isn't it simply a delicious apple?

Just when David suspected that this was an ordinary apple with a special length, a mysterious warm current spread from his stomach to his whole body, and then... nothing more.


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